Matt's Agenda

By moc.loa@efasdraW

Published on Jan 11, 2007



I was eighteen years old and thin but muscular with light tan skin and blonde hair cut short. By all accounts a good looking guy and if I do say so a pretty nice guy. The girls were always after me and some quite aggressive about it. I wasn't the school jock but did play on the tennis team and was usually number two or three on the team. Matt, the number one guy was the same age and a bit stronger and just a great player. He was always pleasant and we got on well so there was no problem with my position on the team. Up until this year he kind of stood off and wasn't very social but this year he was always wanting to talk or go get a coke or something.

We would sit by the courts after practice and talk about just about everything. One day he asked about my girl friends and I explained that they seemed a lot more interested in me than I was in them right now. He smiled and said I know what you mean, I have the same problem. I smiled and he said that right now all he wanted to do was play tennis and be friends with me and he was going to be happy. I thought that a strange thing to say but didn't mind because I really had grown to like Matt.

One Thursday after practice we were talking and he said that his parents were going to be out of town for the weekend and wouldn't return until Monday night and his dad said he could invite a friend over for the weekend. He asked if I would like to hang out with him and we could play a little tennis and use their pool to stay cool. WOW, they have their own pool and tennis court. I told him I would have to ask my parents and asked for his number so I could let him know later that night. I don't know why but spending time alone with Matt for the weekend made me feel very excited.

When I got home I told my mom was going to spend the weekend with Matt and she said she didn't know his family so I would have to wait and talk to my dad. When he arrived home I heard them discussing Matt's family in the kitchen and I could hear my dad saying "you don't know who his parents are"? It seems Matt's parents are very wealthy and own and run a chain of department stores that covers several Western states. He said normally he would not agree to this but he happens to have met Matt's dad and he was a great guy and based on my comments about Matt it seems he is as well. They reluctantly agreed for me to stay with Matt on condition that we stay at their place all weekend, no girls, no drinking and if we wanted to leave to go somewhere I had to call and discuss with them. That seemed reasonable to me and I called Matt and told him we were on for the weekend.

Friday I packed my bag and took it to school and was ready and even excited about spending the time with Matt. Even I thought it strange that I was so nervous and excited. We met at last period where we both took the same class and he explained that his parents had insisted that their driver pick us up and take us home and the driver had the weekend off and that we were to not leave the property for the weekend. He also said that because they were gone they had given the house help the weekend off so we would have to cook for ourselves. OH Crap this sounds like a tough weekend.

We met the driver and headed for their place. When the iron gates opened I nearly died this was a huge mansion and was on five acres of land located in near downtown L.A. The grounds were beautiful and as the driver dropped us off he reminded Matt that he was off for the weekend and said his father made it clear that we were to stay on the property. Matt acknowledged the remarks and thanked the driver for the ride which I thought strange. This family is really very nice people in spite of the fact that they own half of the country.

I'm kind of excited and feel some apprehension about being here and Matt sensed it and said hey guy we put our pants on one leg at a time just like you. We both laughed and headed for the entry which was a combination set up with an integrated alarm. Matt hit the keys the door opened and he hit the entry code to disarm and set the alarm system. I'm thinking wow what a way to live.

He said its hot outside and I think we need a swim to cool off. He showed me to my room and said I could change into my suit and he would meet me at the pool. I took a quick shower in my private bath and put my suit on. I was really starting to like this. When I got to the pool Matt was in a lounge chair reading and acknowledged my arrival by jumping up and telling me this was going to be the greatest week end we have ever lived. Again I thought a bit strange but following Matt to the pool we jumped in and started to swim. After about fifteen minutes of horseplay Matt suggested we swim naked and we both tossed our suits out of the pool. We got into a shoving match and tried to dunk each other several times making some very interesting body contact where I could feel his hard cock pressing against my ass and at one time actually touched his cock. At one point he swam under me and reached up pulling me down by my cock which immediately hardened. We finally crawled from the pool exhausted and lay naked on the edge of the pool with half hard cocks. I noticed that Matt had a good looking penis and very little pubic hair but said nothing. I caught him looking at me and got an approval by his smile. We decided to shower in the pool house and found towels and robes to put on for the trip to the house.

In the house we put on sweats and flip flops and headed to the kitchen for something to eat. His mom or maid had prepared dinner that we could just put in the microwave to reheat. After dinner we sat and talked about the usual stuff and he suggested we watch a movie. It seems the movie was tape about two homosexual guys that had just met and were struggling through a relationship. It even included a scene where they were touching each others hard cocks. Matt finally asked if I thought it was OK for guys to be homosexual and I said that I think what people decide to do together is their business and not subject to my approval. He smiled and then asked if I had ever done anything like that. I said no and he asked if I had ever thought about doing anything like that.

It appeared Matt had an agenda and I wanted to know what it was. I told him that I really liked him and was just not sure about what I liked but that he was making me uncomfortable asking all of the questions. He apologized and said maybe he was rushing me. When I asked what the hell that meant he said that he knew I was gay and wanted us to be friends. This really freaked me out and I told him that I didn't know if I was gay or not but that was up to me to decide. He then said that he suspected that I was very confused about sex and that he wanted to help me sort it out and that there is a way we could do it and suggested something that got me very excited.

He said that we could take turns and we would tie the other guy's hands and put on a blindfold so he couldn't see and then he could do what ever he wanted to the other guy until the other guy said stop. Don't ask me why this was so exciting but as I thought about it I became hard as a rock.

I finally agreed and we tossed a coin which of course I lost. He told me go to my bedroom and take off my shirt and lay on the bed. He arrived a few minutes later with a rope and said this was going to be great. He tied my hands together and tied them to the head of the bed. He used a silk scarf to blindfold me and made sure I couldn't see anything. I was near panic as he put the blindfold on and was breathing very hard and fast. The strange thing was the level of excitement I felt with my cock being hard and he hadn't even touched me yet.

I felt him touch my chest and run his fingers over my stomach. He went back up to my chest and I felt him pinch my nipples very lightly making my cock harden completely. I then felt his fingers trace a path down my stomach over my belly button and down to the top of my sweats. His hand slipped under the waist band and he found my hard cock which he gently stroked making me suck air in short gasps. He finally pulled my sweats off and I lie there naked with his hands touching everything. He rolled me over on to my stomach and spread my legs. I felt a cold sensation and he covered my whole butt with something. A couple minutes later I realized that he was shaving my legs and ass. As he shaved around my hole I nearly cum on the bed. When he was done he dried me and rolled me back on my back. I then felt the cold wet feeling on my balls and groaned out loud as he began to shave my balls and shape the hair above my cock.

When he finished shaving me I could feel him run his hands over my skin to make sure he didn't miss anything. I remember thinking that it had taken me fifteen years to grow this hair and he took it all off in five minutes. I could feel him get off the bed and move around the room. He finally spoke and asked if I had ever kissed a guy before. I reminded him that I have never done anything like this before.

I felt him get back on the bed and could feel him straddle me at the hips and realized that he was naked. I could feel his balls resting on my stomach and they felt so hot. He leaned forward and put his lips against mine and started to kiss me. It felt so natural to open my mouth and let his tongue explore my mouth. He slowly worked his body up toward my head until he was sitting on my chest but supporting his weight on his legs so I could breath. He said open your mouth again I have something else I want you to kiss. I felt his cock against my lips and like his tongue it seemed natural to just open my mouth. He tasted clean and a little salty and I realized that his cock was dripping pre cum. He slowly slid in and out a few times and appeared close to cumming in my mouth when he stopped and got off my chest. By now my cock is rock hard and my balls are starting to ache. I felt his mouth on my chest and he started sucking my right nipple while he pinched the left one making me groan out loud. He started to slide down my body kissing and biting along the way. Suddenly I felt a warm wet feeling envelop my cock and realized he had taken me into his mouth. He pulled his mouth off and asked if that felt good to which I just moaned.

He pushed my legs up so they were spread with feet flat on the bed and started running his fingers over the inside of my thighs from my knees to my crotch. At this point I'm sucking air to breathe and know that I'm going to explode if he doesn't make me cum pretty soon. He then started to run his fingers on the backs of my legs between my knees and ass letting his fingers brush against my exposed hole. This feeling was incredible and I knew what I wanted. I felt his finger touch my exposed hole and it was wet and slippery. He rubbed his finger all around making my butt slippery. His finger finally stopped at my hole and he gently pushed slipping inside. I think I had stopped breathing at this point and as his finger explored he touched something in my ass and my cock exploded sending stream after stream of cum over my stomach and chest. He kept pushing with his finger and my cock kept pulsing and shooting cum. He removed his finger and I felt him slide down on the bed and take my still dripping cock in his mouth sucking the last drops from me.

He finally got off the bed and returned with a warm wet towel and cleaned my chest and ass and again took my cock in his mouth making me start to harden. I said stop it's my turn now. He released my hands and removed the blindfold. As I looked around the room I saw that now he was dressed only in white bikini under ware but what really shocked me was that he had set up a video camera and has taped the whole thing.

We sat on the bed for a few minutes and talked about what he had just done. He asked if I was OK with it and my response was hell yes! I said now it is your turn and he just smiled. He lies back on the bed and I tied his hands and blindfolded him. Wow what should I do now? I pinch his nipple and he groans and his cock starts filling his shorts to the breaking point. I rub the outside gently and a wet spot forms on the front of his shorts. I notice next to the bed is a small table with lube, dildos and a vibrator. I decide that I want to spank him and told him to roll over on his stomach. I pull his shorts down over his ass and picked up my belt. After several sharp hits to his ass he is moaning and fucking at the bed. I stop because I don't want him to cum until I decide. I pull his shorts off the rest of the way and roll him over exposing a near perfect smooth cut cock about seven inches long. I raise his legs and spread them wide and applied lube to his hole working my finger all the way in and getting all kinds of strange noises from deep in his throat. I make him roll over to see the perfect bubble butt I had seen in the pool. His ass and balls are already shaved and his pubic hair is closely trimmed. I tell him to pull his knees up to his chest and kneel. The tip of my cock rests against his wet hole and he knows what is about to happen and he is begging me to fuck him. As I lean forward my cock slips slowly out of sight making him shiver and breath very deep. His ass feels hot and tight and my cock is as hard as it gets and I start rocking back and forth slipping easily in and out. After about five minutes I feel his ass tighten around my cock and his balls pull up tight and his cock starts jerking as he shoots stream after stream of cum all over the bed. I start to wonder if he will ever stop but as I watch this amazing sight my cock hardens and my nuts let go up his ass. He starts to relax and fall to the bed forcing my softening cock from his butt and I just roll over next to him to rest.

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