Matt Damon and Ben Affleck

By story guy

Published on Aug 23, 2005


This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexual preference of any of the actors involved and is pure fiction. Do not read this story if you are under 18, and all of the material in it is purely fictional.

Please e-mail me if you would like to make any comments. I will take all suggestions and comments under consideration. If you would like to tell me how you would like the story to continue, please let me know.

Matt was looking out the window from the limo observing the architecture of the restaurant and could not believe how the building could stand. It was a work of art. The building began very thin and ended up huge. It definitely defied gravity. Ben said, "So Matt, do you approve?" Matt excitedly said, "Oh Ben, this place is incredible. I can't see how it stays up like that. Watch when we walk in the whole building just falls over." Ben laughed and said, "Shut up you big lug. This building is strong and was built by the best architectures in the world. Los Angeles sought out the best architectures and had them submit their blueprints of what they envisioned this restaurant to be. Obviously, this guy beat out the others. Matt still in awe said "I never saw anything like it and I have been all over the world." Ben said, "Well instead of just looking out the window, do you want to go in?" Matt said, "Ya, let's go. I can't wait to see what the inside looks like." Ben said, "Hold on a minute". Ben got out of the car and ran around to the other side and opened the door for Matt. Ben puts his hand out for Matt and said "Are you ready sir?" Matt put his hand in Ben's and got out of the car. Matt said "Boy you are Mr. romantic tonight." Ben said, "I am happy to be. This is a night I have been waiting for all year." Matt said "Me to bud, believe me." Ben walked up to the door of the restaurant and opened it for Matt and said, "Please go in sir." Matt walked through and practically fainted when he saw how incredible the inside looked like. It had a modern decor that had everything done in marble. The place had that new smell and just looked like a million bucks. Matt asked where the restaurant was and Ben said, "Oh, we have to take the elevator up to the top where the restaurant circles around so you can see the whole city while you eat. Matt said, "Oh Ben this is going to be so beautiful." Ben said, "Oh I hope you enjoy it. I have been waiting to eat here until you came back." Matt said "Thanks Ben. I am surprised that you did not bring Jen here." Ben said "Dude, I take Jen to McDonalds. I only wanted to take my most special friend here." Matt said "Oh Ben that was so beautiful and so full of shit." Both Ben and Matt started cracking up. Ben said "Come on dude, let's just enjoy each other and this fabulous place and let's leave Jen out of it for now." Matt said "Hey no problem." Ben said, "Alright get on the elevator believe it or not we have to go up to the 80th floor so it will take some time getting up there." Matt said "Hey Ben I just thought of something. Are we dressed ok for this place"? Ben said, "You know you are one smart cookie. But not to worry, I rented out the entire place for the evening so we can wear whatever we want." Matt said "Oh man, that must have taken some convincing the owner." Ben said, "Don't worry about it. I have my ways. Remember the main chef is someone I know so I had to give him some favors and probably owe him many more, but it will be so worth it." Matt said, "You are too much Ben. This is just insane. I love it though." Matt leaned in and gave Ben a kiss on the cheek and said "Thank you." Ben said "What? Is that all I get?" Matt said, "Yes. What do you want a blow job?" Ben said "At least." Matt said, "Ok drop you pants." Ben said "Jesus Christ dude. I was just kidding." Matt said, "You little tease." Ben said "You too..." They both just started laughing.

The elevator doors opened up to this beautiful foyer. There were flowers everywhere and a huge chandelier in the ceiling that was gold with crystal flowing throughout. The floors were shined up so that you could see your reflection almost like a mirror. Ben and Matt continued down the hallway to a double door that went into the dining room area. Ben opened the door for Matt and when he opened the door, Matt was breathless. The entire wall was a window. There was one table that was by itself with two servings with beautiful flowers. In the center of the room was a grand piano with a pianist who was playing some soft classical music. The waiter was dressed in a tux that motioned for Matt and Ben to come over towards the table. He pulled out the chairs for both of them and poured each one a glass of Dom Perion Champaign. Ben asked Matt to raise his glass for a toast. Ben looked into Matt's eyes and said "Matt you are a very special person to me. You are a true friend who never ceases to amaze me with your kindness and generosity. You have listened and supported me through many of my crisis. You give to me without any thought of reward. You are a super guy and a role model of a friend. And yes, there is nothing that will ever come between us. That is my promise to you. I love you buddy always." Matt just stood their speechless with tears running down his cheek. Ben just looked at Matt and smiled. Matt just took Ben's hand and said, "That was the most beautiful thing anybody has ever said to me. I love you to and thank god that God gave you to me."

Ben motioned for the Waiter to come with some menus. Ben and Matt took the menus and looked over them. Ben asked what Matt was hungry for. Matt said, "Don't ask..." Ben said, "Well I want a big piece of meat". Matt said "Ya, I could use some meat myself. Ben said, "What kind of meat do you have in mind?" Matt said, "I want some Tube Steak." Ben said, "Oh man Matt, you are getting fresh again." Matt said "Hey you asked." Ben said, "Ya, I know. Memo to self, watch what you ask for." Matt said "Ben you are such an ass." Ben said "Ya, but you love me anyway." Matt said, "You think?" Ben said "Oh whatever dude." Ben and Matt continue to look over the menu and finalized what they were going to eat.

Ben and Matt both order the surf and turf. While waiting they had a salad and some hor'dourves. They were really enjoying the meal. They hardly spoke while they scarfed down their food. Ben feeling that it was too quiet wanted to break the ice abit. He put some melted Brie that they had with their crackers and bread and put it on his finger and put it up to Matt. Matt looked at Ben's finger and then looked into Ben's eyes and brought his mouth to Ben's finger and took it into his mouth. He sucked on his finger while Ben slowly and softly pushed his finger in and out of Matt's mouth. Matt took his finger and did the same thing for Ben. Ben being the smart ass took his other hand and took his fingers and whipped off the Brie and ate it from his own fingers. Matt just looked at Ben like the jokester he is. Ben said, "Ok, I was just fucking around." Here feed me you creampuff." Matt laughed and said, "Ben, I may be a creampuff, but you are a big huge asshole." Ben said "Alright, let's get serious. Feed me now Matt." Matt took his finger again and soaked it with Brie and brought his finger up to Ben's mouth. Ben went all the way down to the end of Matt's finger and cleaned Matt's entire finger. Matt was stunned and said, "Damn, you are talented at sucking." Ben said, "Well, I am not quite as good as you, but I am getting there." Ben took his hand and dipped all four fingers into the Brie. He put his hand up to his mouth and put all four of his fingers into his mouth and cleaned his fingers. Matt was looking at Ben's actions and was thinking to himself what Ben would do to his dick. Ben took some Brie on his finger again, but this time put it around his mouth. Matt said "You have brie all over your mouth. Ben said "Ok, so get you little ass over here and help me out you little bitch. Damn, I would hate to know what would happen if I had a heart attach and all you would do is stand there looking confused. Matt got up and walked over to Ben. Matt began to take a napkin, but Ben pulled it out of his hand and said "Oh know, you can only use your mouth." Matt said, "Well OK, here it goes." Matt bent over and started licking the Brie off Ben's mouth. While Matt was licking the Brie from Ben's lips, Ben opened his mouth and started French kissing Matt. Ben pushed his chair back some and had Matt sit on his lap. Matt took his fingers and put it in the Brie again and put it all over each other's mouths. Ben and Matt continued to french kiss until the waiter came over and cleared his throat.

Ben said, "What do you want?" The waiter said that the food was ready and said that normally he would not interrupt his customers, but this is the best time to eat the food. Ben said, "That sounds crazy, but come on Matt let's eat." Ben was kind of pissed because he liked to be in control especially at a restaurant.

The waiter brought out the food and the boys just devoured the food like they were starving orphans who hadn't eaten in months. Matt said, "That was the best meat I have ever had." Ben said, "You are such a slut. You would eat any meat that was put in front of you." Matt said "Ya probably, but what does that have to do with this piece of steak? Ben said "Well you sucked on that piece like it was the last piece of meat you would ever have again in your life." Matt said "Hey, anytime I get a piece I am going to enjoy it." Ben said, "You're a sick fucker." Matt said "Me? I think you have the dirty little mind." Ben said "Ya, your probably right."

Ben got up and put his hand out for Matt to take it. Matt took it and Ben had Matt get up from his chair and go out to the dance floor. Ben walked to the center of the floor near the piano and took Matt in his arms. Ben said, "This is nice. I had no idea that you were such a great dancer." Matt said, "I am just taking your lead. You are the brilliant dancer." Matt put his arms around Ben's neck and just put his head against his shoulder. Ben brought Matt's body against his and they just danced that way for a while.

Ben brought his hands down to Matt's ass and started kneading his ass with his hands. Matt looked at Ben and asked if he like his ass. Ben said, "Oh ya, you have a tight little ass that feels really nice." Matt enjoyed being in Ben's arms. He felt so safe and secure. He never wanted to leave Ben's arms. Matt could feel Ben's dick against his and started to slowly hump Ben. Ben took Matt's head and brought it to his and started kissing Matt. They just stay dancing crotch-to-crotch French kissing for what seemed like forever. Finally Ben pulled away and asked Matt if he wanted dessert? Matt said, "I sure do. Shall we leave?" Ben started laughing. Dude I meant like creme Brule or something like that. Matt said, "Well damn dude that is what I was thinking also."

Ben escorted Matt back to the table. Ben said "Damn that was some hot dancing. I don't think that I have ever had a more romantic dance." Matt said "Ben you are a hot fucker. Have I told you that before?" Ben said, "No you haven't, but it sounded good to me." Ben said, "Let's have some dessert. Matt said "sure. Let's get the waiter." Ben called the waiter over and ordered to creme Brule. Matt said, "I love that shit. It is so good." Ben said, "I love it too."

The desserts came out and they ate. Ben said, "Hey Matt I have something for you." Matt said "What? I didn't bring my gift for you." Ben said, "I don't care. This is your night and I want to give it to you." Matt said "That is nice, but I will get yours later." Ben said fine. Ben brings out a perfectly wrapped gift and gave it to Matt. Matt said, "You did a great wrap job." Ben said "Thanks. It only cost me five bucks." Matt laughed and started to rip open the package. He opened the box and there in front of Matt was a beautiful watch. Matt looked up to Ben and said, "I love it!" Ben said, "I am glad. Take it out and try it on." Matt took it out of the box and tried it on. It fit perfectly. Ben said, "Real quick take it off and look at the back." Matt took off the watch and looked at the back of the watch and saw the word forever. Matt looked up at Ben and smiled. Ben said "No not the smile!" Ben thought to himself fuck, now I am getting a hard on. I am always a sucker for Matt's smile. I don't think I will ever get over it. Ben said, "So what do you think?" I love it. Forever. That is perfect. So you think that we will be forever. Ben said "Without a doubt. You are my best friend forever and always in my heart." Matt started tearing and said, "You fucker, you are such a fucking great friend. You are the only person who can turn me into a big sap." Ben said "Well who else could do that but for your best friend." Matt got up and hugged Ben and kissed his lips. Matt opened his mouth and went into a French kiss with Ben. Ben and Matt were so hot that they just went on and on. Finally Ben stopped the kiss and asked Matt if he was ready to go. Matt said "Sure I am ready."

Ben and Matt left the restaurant. When they got outside there was a horse and buggy waiting for them. The weather could not have been better. It actually was a little chilly for California, which made the gesture even more romantic. Ben helped Matt up into the carriage and then got in. He poured each other a drink and toasted to their next adventure. Ben brought out a blanket and put it around each other and they got closer and cuddled while they watched everything go by. Ben put his hand around Matt's waist to bring him closer so they were touching. Matt put his hands around Ben. They just enjoyed each other on their ride. Matt said, "This is so amazing. Do you want another drink?" Ben gave his glass to Matt who poured another one for each of them. Matt said "Ben you have made my night so special. This is the best night of my life." Ben said "Ya me too. I have been thinking about this for a while. It was hard not seeing you everyday while you were gone. I hated it sometimes. I mean many times we have been apart for movie roles, but normally we at least see each other regularly. You taking this role in Europe made it real difficult to see each other. Ben said "Yes, I didn't think it would be so hard without seeing you and hanging out, but it was damn hard for me too." Matt said "Well, I hope that my movies will keep me in the U.S. or at least Canada from now on." Ben said "No more Europe Matt." Matt said, "Alright, I will try to talk producers and directors from taking movies over to Europe and Asia." Ben said, "Yes, I will do the same if possible."

Ben said that we are getting closer to the next stop. Matt said, "Where are we going to next?" Ben said "I got a place for us at the Marriott for the evening. You know that we normally bunk out so we could stay up talking and drinking." Matt said "That is true normally we talk about how it was during filming, sports, and our crazy times in the past." Ben said, "That sounds like fun and we certainly will talk, but I want to give you my final gift for the evening later on once we get settled in the hotel." Matt said, "Cool I can't wait to find out what it is." Ben said, "Don't worry buddy you won't have much longer to wait."

The carriage pulls up to the Hilton Hotel and Ben said "Are you ready to go in?" Matt said "Absolutely. Let's go in." Ben tipped the driver and put his arm around Matt and said come on let's get in there.

This is the end of part one of my story about Ben and Matt. I hope you like it, but either way, I would like to hear from you at Thank you for your support.

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