Matt Damon and Ben Affleck

By story guy

Published on Aug 16, 2005


This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexual preference of any of the actors involved and is pure fiction. Do not read this story if you are under 18, and all of the material in it is purely fictional.

Please e-mail me if you would like to make any comments. I will take all suggestions and comments under consideration. If you would like to tell me how you would like the story to continue, please let me know.

The following story is about Matt Damon and Ben Affleck who are movie stars in Hollywood.

Matt was coming back to California soon after finishing filming in Europe for Born Supremacy 3. He was finally going to see Ben after almost a year. He told Ben that he really wanted to go to the wedding but he could not get there because of the movie production schedule. Ben told Matt not to worry about it because the wedding was going to be real small so it would not be worth Matt trying to beg for time off since the movie was in the final stages of completion and it would have been difficult to hold up filming while Matt came to the wedding. Ben knew that Matt would have been at the wedding if it were important to him or if the wedding was bigger and under different circumstances. He would have quit the movie if they had said no he couldn't go. Matt told Ben that he would give him his wedding gift when he got back to the states. Ben said, "He was looking forward to it. I love you kid and can't wait to see you". Matt said "I love you too Ben and will see you soon".

Ben was happy to hear from his best friend of over 20 years. He was getting married to Jennifer Garner and having a baby, but he will always have a special spot in his heart for Matt. He and Matt have been through hell and back and finally found success. In fact, they never would have thought they could have gotten this far when they were roommates in Boston.

After Matt got off the phone, he felt so happy after talking with Ben. Matt was so enamored with Ben. Matt felt that Ben was the perfect guy who wished he could be like him. He was very good in sports, he was funny, he had many friends, and he secretly loved him more than just a buddy, but never let on that this was the case. Ben would continuously make fun of him for being in that movie The Talented Mr. Ripley with Jude Law and Gweneth Paltrow. Ben would always poke fun at him by saying "Matt, you loved being in that gay film" or "you really did a great job in the film about your obsession with Jude Law because you really love him, huh buddy?" Matt would just laugh it off and hit Ben in the arm saying "fuck you" or something like that. But deep down, he knew that Ben was right.

Ben looked at the calendar and saw that Matt would be home in five weeks. He was looking so forward to it because they always have a great time together. Ben was getting married in two weeks because he got Jennifer pregnant and didn't want her to be the only one to raise their child. They are going on a honeymoon for two weeks and would be back in plenty of time for him to meet Matt at the airport. He already told Jennifer that he and Matt would be hanging out for a while. He even told her that they would be going to Vegas for a long weekend. Jennifer being as cool as she is was supportive with that. When they began dating, Ben told her that Matt was always going to be in his life and that if she wanted to date him than she would have accept that he would hang with Matt at times or we're not even going to start dating. Jennifer said she understood and didn't mind because she knew that they had been buddies for so long and there was no way that she could keep them apart. Plus, Jennifer loved Ben and couldn't imagine life without him.

Ben and Jennifer got married in a nice ceremony and went on their honeymoon. Ben loved the time away from normal life and loved the beach. Jennifer was making sure that Ben was having a great time.

Now it was the day before Matt was coming home. Ben was so psyched about getting to see Matt after a year. He was used to seeing Matt all the time, but this movie kept him away too long. Ben liked Matt because he was so nice and kind. He was always doing things for Ben and always ensured that he was happy. Matt was older than Ben, but sometimes Matt seemed like the little brother. He would do things for Ben like make a scrapbook of positive articles that Ben had been in or when he was in town he would make dinner for the two of them while they bullshit about life and stuff. Nothing too crazy, but it was just a nice thing for Matt to do and Ben appreciated it, but Ben often felt that he did not do enough for Matt.

Ben decided that he was going to do something special for Matt while he was home. Going to Vegas was a nice gesture, but that was something that they did all the time. What Ben wanted to do was something out of the ordinary; something that would shock Matt. Basically he wanted Matt to know that he cared about him almost more than anybody. His Mother and Brother Casey were definitely the most important, but Matt was a close second.

The day Matt was coming home was very busy for Ben. He ordered the limo, got the hotel room they would stay in (they did this often so it was not too surprising), made reservations at the restaurant they would go to, and got a gift from a boutique that made special orders. Ben ordered a watch with an inscription on the back that said "forever". Ben knew that he would be friends with Matt forever and wanted to let him know that he knew that and was proud to be his friend.

Ben only had an hour until he had to leave for the airport. He jumped in the shower and cleaned up paying close attention to his pits and balls. He didn't know why he was so excited, but he could not wait to see Matt. He finished washing and took a towel and put it around him. He went into his bedroom and looked for something nice to wear. He decided casual, but clothes that made him look good. He put on his deodorant, some lotion and powder. He decided on a cool tee shirt with an oxford shirt over it. He threw on some jeans he just bought that definitely showed off his ass and some shoes. He tucked in the shirts in the front only and let the back hang out. This was the current fashion look. It made his crotch look big which was exactly what Ben wanted to show off. He looked in the mirror and could not believe how hot he looked. God his crotch looked awesome. He grabbed his dick and squeezed it through his jeans. He wondered if Matt would notice. He looked at his watch and saw he only had fifteen minutes until he left. He decided to grab a quick beer and a cigarette out on the balcony. The weather was beautiful. It was about two o'clock and the sky was clear. He took a swig of beer and just savored the taste. He thought about how his next drink would be with Matt. That made him happy. He smoked his cigarette and continued drinking. He was thinking about what Matt would look like. He figured that he would be casual because Matt dressed like that and they spoke about going out when he got back. He can be quite a looker. Ben started to think about Matt's cute smile. Ben loved that damn smile on him. He could just eat him up when he smiled. Ben started to think about his body and how built he was. Yes, sometimes when he got crazy for a movie he was in that had the character skinny, he would lose way too much weight, but when he was at his normal weight, he looked good. Ben started getting hard. He could not understand what was happening to him. He just fucked Jennifer last night so he could not be horny. He started wondering if Matt was doing this to him or was it just excitement about him coming home and his hormones were out of control. Either way Ben did not have time to ponder anymore, as he needed to get out to the limo and be driven to the airport.

Ben arrived without incident and went to the gate where Matt said his plane would be landing and just waited. However, when he got to the gate it said that the plane was delayed for forty minutes. Ben was pissed, but thought what the hell. I will go to the bar have another drink. He ordered a Bud Light and lit up a cigarette. He was doing well, but then his thoughts went back to Matt and his body. He could not believe that he was having thought about this. He was not mad or anything, but he never had thoughts about Matt before. Ben was now sitting there with a raging hard on, but decided it must just be the fact that he was excited about Matt coming home and not that he wanted to fuck Matt.

Finally the forty minutes went by and Ben got up to go back to the gate. Damn, his dick was on fire. Ben said to himself that he needed to get a hold of himself or everyone is going to be staring at his crotch. He arrived at the gate and just waited. Finally people were coming through the doors. Ben waited about five minutes when finally Matt came through the door.

Ben yelled out Matt's name and Matt looked up and just smiled. Ben said "Damn, that fucking smile." Matt came running up and jumped into Ben's arms. Ben just hugged Matt while Matt hugged back. Matt finally got off Ben and asked what the hell was up. Ben said "Damn dude you look great. You have gotten some sun and are at your normal weight. Europe has been good to you." Matt said "Ya, I have been getting some great sun and working and eating right. Ben you look good too. I think you have never looked better. I hope that is not because marriage agrees with you Matt joked. Ben said "Ya right, maybe I am just happy that you brought your little ass back to the states after being gone a year." Matt said "Damn, I am honored to be the reason you look like such a stud." Ben said "Well dude, you are my best friend and I am ecstatic that you are here and ready to have a good time." Matt said "Hell yes dude, I am ready to have a great time tonight." Ben said "Are you going to be ok with the time change?" Matt said "He was fine, the last two weeks we have been working with the west coast time so we could get back into the routine so it would not have to be so hard when we got back." Ben said, "That was smart. Why doesn't my producer ever think like that when I am in Europe? Matt said, "I don't know, but lets get out of here. I want to spend some time with you and not in the damn airport." Ben said, "Let's go. We have to get your luggage. I have the driver down in the luggage area waiting for it." Matt said "Ben that was great thinking. Hopefully the driver will have it ready when we get down there." Ben said, "You know Matt, just to be sure why don't we have a quick drink. I hate going down there and having to wait for luggage to go through the turnstile. Everyone just sort of stands there playing with themselves waiting. What a waste of time. I would much rather enjoy a beer with you shooting the shit. Matt said "That is a great idea, let's go."

They get a table and order two bud lights. They light up their cigarettes and just begin bullshitting about their lives. Matt said "You know you really surprised me when you called me saying that you were going to ask Jennifer to marry you." Ben said "Dude I got her pregnant. What did you want me to do? I did not want her to get rid of it and I could not live with myself if she gave it up for adoption. Matt said "Ya, Ben but marriage? Ben said, "Ya, I know. What can I say just support me." Matt said "Of course no doubt about it. No matter what you do, I will always support you one hundred percent. Never question that. You could kill someone and be convicted and I would still come to jail to visit you everyday." Ben said "Oh ya sure, just for the conjugal visits. Ben laughing said, "Just kidding bud, I appreciate that for real." Matt said "Well after a couple weeks in jail, I might just be looking pretty damn good." Ben said laughing "Dude, really you look hot now, but let's not talk about jail for Christ sakes. I know what you meant that you would support me no matter what and I love you for that. I hope you know that I would do anything for you as well. Matt said, "Ben, I know you would and that is why I love you too." Matt asked Ben if he had any movies coming up.

Ben said "He had two that he might star in but hadn't decided yet. Ben asked Matt the same question. Matt said "I am taking a couple months off and then I will look at doing another movie. I want to just do nothing for awhile." Ben said "That is great. You know you can stay with me and Jenn at our house while you look around." Matt said "That's quite an offer, but I am going to get an apartment so when you need to get away, you can come over to my place." Ben said "Good thinking. I can just see it now, her not letting me watch Patriot Games or Red Socks games. I think I would run to the lawyer right away for divorce papers and then make it over to your house before the game started." Matt said "Your welcome anytime you feel like it." Ben said "Thanks dude. I am sure that I will be over there quite a bit." Matt said, "Promise me that when you do come over that you will wear those fucking hot clothes you have on." Ben said "Oh, so you notice what I was wearing. huh? Matt said "Hello!!! You look hot. I mean god damn do you think you can stuff much more in that crotch." Ben said, "Well dude not all of us have only three inch dicks." Matt said, "Yo asshole, mine is three and a half" Both Ben and Matt start cracking up. Ben said "God Matt, I missed you so much and am having a great time with you right now." Matt said "Ya, me too. It sucked over in Europe.

I mean I saw all the sites and stuff, but you know there is nothing better than having your best friend to talk with and hang with. Ben said, "Yes, I know what you mean. I have been lost without you. I mean Casey and I hang out, but he is busy with his life." Matt said "Well, let's toast to present time and having a great time." Ben said, "You got it". Ben looked at his watch and could not believe what time it was. They had been bullshitting for over 30 minutes and needed to get out of here or the traffic was going to suck!

Come on Matt let's go. I don't want to hit traffic getting back. We have a full night ahead of us and I don't want to stay in the airport all night. Matt said, "Yes, your right let's go."

They found the limo and got in. Ben had two beers ready for he and Matt to drink. They talked about what other stuff happened in the past year. Matt put his arm around Ben and said, "I know that you have heard this a million times, but I want you to know that I missed you so much while I was gone. I thought about you all the time. Ben said, "Yes sure, only when you jacked off." Matt said, "Yes then too." Ben said, "Dude, I was just kidding." Matt said "Well I wasn't. I thought about you twenty four seven." Ben said "Wow, so how was I when you were jacking off?" Matt said, "You were awesome. I used to think about us being together and just enjoy each other. Ben said, "Well I am honored to be your fantasy." Matt said "Me too, you are such a stud. I often wonder what I did in my life to be lucky enough to have you part of my life. Ben said "That is such a nice thing to say. I think the same way. You are a very important part of my life. I would walk through fire for you. Matt said "Thanks man, that means a lot." Ben said, "I mean it. I am not just saying that." Ben said look at me. Matt turned towards Ben. Ben put his hands on the side of Matt's head and brought his face towards his. He looked into Matt's eyes and said, "I love you man. I really do." He brought his lips to Matt's and for the first time Ben and Matt kissed more than just pecks on the cheeks. Ben pushed his tongue against Matt's mouth for entry. Matt opened his mouth and let Ben into his mouth. They French kissed and both guys were really into it. After a few minutes, Matt gently pushed Ben away and looked at him. Matt said, "Ben that was the most beautiful experience I ever had." Ben said, "I enjoyed it too. Thank you for going with me on this." Matt said "I never would reject you for anything." Ben said "Well, I want to show you my appreciation on our friendship with you. I am going to show you tonight how much you mean to me." Matt said, "I know that you appreciate our friendship. Please don't ever think I doubted that." Ben said, "Yes, but you are always doing nice things for me and I feel that I don't return it so much." Matt said, "You don't have to. I love you for you. I never need anything from you except your friendship and of course anytime you want to give me another kiss would be appreciated." Ben said, "I am glad that you are satisfied with our friendship. I will give you a kiss anytime and at all times. Don't worry yourself over that one." Matt said, "I am in heaven." Ben said, "I am too." They both look at each other and go for another French kiss. After ten minutes, Matt said "How about another drink. My mind is going crazy. I love this so much, but I need to relax." Ben gave each one a drink and both smoked a cigarette. Ben said, "So what are you thinking about? Matt said, "I am shocked!" Ben said, "Good, I wanted to surprise you. It looks like I succeeded." Matt said, "Yes, you did." Ben said, "Oh, were almost to the restaurant". Matt said, "Wow, we are going to dinner". Ben said, "Yes, this is the continuation of our evening. Matt said, "Cool, this is great."

This is the end of part one of my story about Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. I just wanted to get this started. I hope you like it, but either way, I would like to hear from you at Thank you for your support.

Next: Chapter 2

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