Matt Cums to School

By moc.toofgib@kurohtua

Published on Jul 26, 2023



Matt Cums To School (Part 11) (t/t)

If you have any comments or feedback on this story please feel free to e-mail me at . Any stories I write will only be posted to the ASSGM news group so if you see them anywhere else, apart from the Nifty Archive, please let me know as they will have been posted without my permission. Suggestions for possible story topics also welcome.

Matt Cums To School (Part 11)

[The feel of the ass muscle around his fingers combined with the smell of Steve's pubes and the taste of the cum sliding down his throat was all it needed and he almost bit into the pumping cock in his mouth as his own prick swelled in his hand started jetting cum over his hand. The others were watching in amazed silence, Ricky already fully hard again, as Matt finally slid to the ground and lay there, white streams of cum staining his face, hands and legs.

"Bloody hell", he faintly heard Adrian say. "You haven't taken long to get used to the 'ins and outs' of school life!"]

"When did you first get hair down here?" Matt asked Adrian.

It was the Sunday, the day following the 'picnic' and the two boys were in their special place in the school attic. Both were stark naked and Adrian was on his back on the mattress while Matt was lying next to him idly running his fingers around the sparse, downy growth on his friends crotch. Unsurprisingly both were exhibiting an obvious hard on but today, to their surprise, seeing each others stiff cock hadn't immediately driven them to sex.

Although neither boy really understood, they had entered a new phase in their relationship. The frenetic sexual activity of the last few days had been great, Matt thought, but it was also nice to just be with his friend indulging in gentle touching - just being together was proving satisfying on its own.

"About a year ago I s'pose" came the reply. "How about you?"

"It was a few months ago," Matt answered, continuing his exploration of the other's pubic area. Now he had left the light coloured hairs and was gently exploring Adrian's ball sack, rubbing the soft, smooth skin between his fingers and softly prodding the two hard balls contained within.

Adrian lay on the mattress, eyes closed, in a state of utter contentment. If someone had told him a week ago he would have been this happy he would have told them not to talk bollocks. He still wasn't sure how, but ever since his first meeting with Matt he'd felt different and now, having shared some special moments with him he felt differently again. He thought about him all the time and wanted to be with him. Of course, being in the same class and dormitory meant they did spend a lot of time in each others company but it was moments like now that really brought home to him how special his friend was to him. He wanted to tell him how he felt, how he got a funny feeling in his stomach whenever he saw him - (like he felt when the headmaster summoned him to his study but much, much nicer). He wanted to tell him but, like that first time in the attic with Matt, he was terrified of rejection if his friend didn't feel the same.

Unknown to Adrian, while Matt was exploring his friends 'sex sites' he was thinking very similar things. Both were at an age when their hormones were going wild but were not yet experienced enough in emotions to identify the strange feelings they were getting about each other. It was very different from just having sex, Matt thought, that he could understand. You did things to each others bodies with the aim of cumming which felt great but almost as soon as you'd spunked you felt empty. The weird thing was he didn't feel so empty when he'd spunked with Adrian.

Inevitably these thought of cumming started to temporarily override his more mature thoughts and now, as he stared at Adrian's naked body, running his eyes over the pale skin, blonde, tousled hair and stiff cock, he had an overwhelming urge to lick all of it. He changed his position until his head was over the other boy face and he gently ran his fingers through the soft hair. The movements caused Adrian to open his eyes and he smiled up at his friend. Matt couldn't resist the slightly open mouth and he lowered his head until the two pairs of lips met. He felt arms envelope him, pulling him down and his mouth was invaded by a probing tongue. He responded in a similar manner and the two boys kissed each other longingly, stroking tongues and tasting each others saliva. Gradually Matt drew back a fraction and, after licking Adrian's chin moved slowly down the slim neck until he mouth was clamped over one of the small nipples that protruded slightly from the warm flesh of his chest. He sucked away at it, his tongue flicking across the tiny, brown bud, and could feel it stiffen under his ministrations. He transferred his attentions to the other nipple and obtained a similar reaction.

Adrian was already feeling incredible as his nipple received this special attention. It was an area he'd never considered as being a part of his body that could be used during sexual activity - until now. He felt the warm tongue start to slide down his chest, leaving a wet trail, moving down to his navel - where it stopped briefly to explore, and then on down into his small pubic patch. He waiting, expecting the tongue to next attack his prick and bring him to orgasm, but his friend had other ideas, and to Adrian's amazement - and frustration - the wet probe virtually ignored his most important bit, apart from a cursory lick, and moved down to his balls.

Since Matt had played with them earlier in their 'session' he had wanted to give them more attention and so he rested his face on one of Adrian's thighs so he could examine the testicle area closely. A new aroma reached his nostrils, a heady, musty mixture of boy dick, boy sweat and boy sex and he sniffed deeply as he started to lick the loose ballsack in front of him. His tongue explored every inch, from where the sack joined Adrian under his cock to where it ended a couple of inches from his asshole, relishing the slight differences in taste that it found in different areas of the scrotum. Finally he wrapped his mouth around one of the bollocks and took it and the skin covering it into his mouth where he sucked and licked on it. Judging from the twitching of the other boy Matt realised he'd discovered one of the more 'sensitive' areas and this knowledge caused him to manipulate the item in his mouth even more.

Adrian was learning more and more all the time! It had been good to have his nipples played with but this was something else. Matt was taking care not to suck too tightly and cause pain, more by luck than judgement he'd got it just right. Adrian was trying to handle several intense feelings from different areas of his body and it was with regret that he felt the mouth release his ball, immediately followed by hands pushing at him until he turned over onto his stomach. His cock pressed painfully into the mattress but he soon forgot this as his friend started licking the cheeks of his ass.

Matt was remembering how it had felt the other day when Adrian had tongued his asshole and wanted to find out for himself what it was like. He also wanted to examine that particular area more closely as, although he'd fingered the other boys asses recently he still hadn't had a really good look at area he more normally associated with other functions. His tongue lapped at the firm, pale globes separated by the enticing crack and as his licking got nearer to it he got his first whiff from within. He was surprised to find it didn't smell how he'd imagined, but was quite pleasant and, somehow, tempting. Moving back slightly he clasped an ass cheek with each hand and prised them apart until Adrian's asshole was in full view.

Matt stared with interest at the mechanism, noticing how the hole was surrounded by a puckered muscle which seemed to be twitching ever so slightly as he looked. Sticking out his tongue he directed it towards the closed hole until the tip was pressing against it. As it tasted OK he started licking over the surrounding muscle and then the hole, increasing the pressure of his tongue as he did so until he felt a small movement and the end of his tongue slipped into the muscled asshole. He felt his friend wriggle and tighten his ass around the wet invader so he pushed more and felt more tongue penetrate. Now he was able to flick the tip around the inside of the hole which caused more wriggling, this time accompanied by small moans. After some more tongue teasing Matt withdraw and, gazing at the now salivered hole of Adrian's ass, he released one cheek, slipped a hand into the ass crack and pushed a forefinger into the hole. It slipped in easily due to the earlier tonguing and started pushing and pulling, watched as his slimy finger slipped in and out of Adrian's asshole and he wondered if he could get two fingers in the now more relaxed opening.

Adrian had grabbed the mattress tightly when Matt had started the exploration of his ass, not from pain - just the opposite in fact - every time he'd reached a new height of pleasure his friend's actions had caused him to reach another one and the finger sliding in and out of his bum was the greatest. There was more movement now at his rear end and his asshole felt as if it was being stretched too much, so much so that he was about to tell his friend to stop when, his asshole seemed to fill up, the stretching feeling stopped and he reached yet another pleasure height.

Matt had finally succeeded in getting two fingers into Adrian's tight asshole and as he moved them around he could feel the tight muscle relaxing slightly. More movement came from his friend, causing Matt to ask if he was all right.

"God yes", came a groaned reply, "it's fucking incredible, don't stop now, do it harder."

Matt was slightly taken aback but needed no encouragement to increase the movement of his fingers, pushing them as far as he could into Adrian's ass, withdrawing them until only the tips were still inside the muscle, then repeating the whole sequence. The sight of his fingers pumping into his friends ass ring was such that he knew there was a natural progression to their experimentation - if Adrian was willing. The thought of what he was going to propose made his cock, already impossibly hard, get even harder.

"Oh shit Adrian", he almost gasped. "I really want to fuck you."

As he heard the words his friend realised he wanted the same, his stretched asshole was sending unbelievable messages to his brain and he wanted the sensations to continue but also get better.

"I want it to, mate", he heard himself replying. "Hurry up, stick your prick up my ass."

Matt felt light headed at this reply and without pausing, slid his fingers out of the now greased hole, moved on top of his friend, positioned his dick against the now closed muscle - and pushed. He met slight resistance but his fingers had done a good job and with little extra effort he felt the whole of his five inch boy cock slip exquisitely into the hot, tight, slimy asshole of his best friend. The friction against his already sensitive cock head was indescribable and he almost came on the spot so, instinctively, he stopped all movement in order to get his balls to relax.

Adrian had got his better sensation! As the prick had slid into his ass the feeling his ass filling up had been weird, but nice and now, as he lay there knowing he had Matt's cum filled rod inside him, waiting to deposit its creamy contents into his most private area he felt his balls tighten unbearably and he tightened his ass causing the muscle to clamp around the invading cock.

Matt almost cried out loud as his prick was squeezed and knew he couldn't wait any longer so he furiously started moving his shaft in and out of the warm cavern. In no more than three thrusts he knew that this was it and as he felt the cum boiling up into his prick he frantically grabbed his fiend and thrust as hard as he could, burying every millimetre of his throbbing dick up Adrian's asshole. Just as his pubes mashed into the other boy's ass cheeks his prick seemed to explode as it's pent up load of boy cream shot from his piss slit and spattered over the walls of Adrian's now almost red hot asshole. He thrust again - and again, even though the sensation was such he could hardly bare it, and on each inward plunge he felt more cum leave his piss slit.

On the receiving end Adrian was almost unconscious with pleasure. As the cock in his ass had started that first hard plunge he'd felt his orgasm start and, incredibly, as he had felt the first of Matt's hot cum hit his asshole his own had started spurting his boy juice over the mattress. Like his friend, as each new spurt had hit the inside of his ass he had also jetted another gob and the intensity of the experience had caused him to rub his cock head against the mattress as Matt's cock had pounded his ass. As he felt the other boy slow his assault Adrian squeezed his ass tight around the slightly softening dick, trying to tease the last drops of spunk out.

All too soon Matt collapsed on top of his friend, his prick still resting inside the hot hole - and they remained in that position for some considerable time.

Matt Cums To School (Part 12)

A small shaft of sunlight came through the window and fell across Matt's face causing him to awake with a start. He was disorientated for a moment until he heard regular breathing next to him and turning his head saw a naked Adrian beside him still asleep. The events of earlier flooded back into his still drowsy brain and the memory of his first fuck caused his cock to start erecting.

"How long have we been asleep", Matt wondered and thinking it must have been ages he suddenly shook his friend awake.

"What's the matter?" Adrian queried.

"We fell asleep, I think we're late for tea, come on hurry".

A galvanised Adrian leapt up and the boys hurriedly threw on clothes, crept from the attic and hurtled down to their dormitory to get washed before eating. It was as Adrian was reaching for his flannel that he glanced at the clock by his bed. He stared at it and then turned to face his friend across the room.

"You dozy pillock!" he exclaimed.

Matt looked puzzled.

"What d'you mean?"

Adrian laughed. "Missed tea my ass!" he retorted. "We've only been in the attic two hours, you pratt. There's another three hours before tea tonight."

Matt stared at his friend and giggled. "Oh shit I'm sorry, mate. I woke up and hadn't got my watch on and I really thought we'd been asleep for ages after our - exertions."

"So what do we do know then smart ass", Adrian continued, continuing to take the piss out of his friend.

"I dunno".

Adrian grabbed a towel.

"Well now I'm here I'm going to have a bath. For some reason my ass feels all stick. Can't imagine why, can you?"

"No", Matt answered, trying to keep a straight face. Still a bath seemed like a good idea so grabbing his towel he followed his friend to the large bathroom down the corridor.

They walked through the area containing the wash basins until they reached the three baths, each in their own cubicle. Adrian looked questioningly at Matt and raised an eyebrow. Somehow Matt immediately knew what his friend meant and he nodded.

"Well it does seem to have two baths and waste water doesn't it?" he answered the unspoken question and the two of them entered one of the bath cubicles and Adrian bolted the door. Her turned on the taps and when the water started heating up put in the plug and turned to face Matt. He kicked off his shoes and Matt laughed.

"D'you realise you're wearing my socks, you dipstick?" he asked the other boy.

Adrian looked down and then back.

"Well that means you're wearing mine then, you . . dipstick".

They removed their T-shirts, casting open glances at each others upper bodies and when their hands went to the fastenings of their trousers their eyes also followed. They were still in a state of semi-disbelief that they'd not only met at all but also felt the same about each other, an initial sexual attraction that had now become something deeper and stronger. Matt unzipped his jeans and slipped them down and realised that Adrian was now staring hard in the direction of his crotch and trying hard not to laugh. Puzzled he looked down and saw nothing unusual, just his white weekend briefs with their blue stripe down each side . .. blue? . . . but surely his stripe was red? Then realisation dawned.

Adrian started to laugh.

"Do you realise that you were in such a rush you've had your smelly, sticky cock rubbing around in my underwear for the past half an hour. I'll never be able wear them again.!"

Matt joined in the laughter as he politely reminded his friend that meant that had must have been rubbing HIS smelly, sticky cock around Matt's underwear so they were quits. Adrian released his jeans and as they slid down his legs Matt saw the distinctive red stripe running down the rather bulging briefs wrapped around his friends crotch.

Adrian walked over and gave Matt a hug which Matt returned and they clasped each other tenderly, still laughing. It was really strange but both felt something special about wearing the others clothing as if it had brought them closer, if that was possible.

The sound of the running water from the bath broke the moment and Adrian, after checking the level and the temperature turned off the taps.

"Right, time for our bath mate", he said, grasping his, (or rather Matt's), jockeys and slipping them off. Matt followed suit and they stood, bollock naked, looking at each other. As was usually the case when they saw each other there was immediate movement in their crotches as their slim dicks started stiffening but despite their arousal they went over to the bath and got in. The warm water enfolded their legs as they knelt down, facing each other. Matt grabbed the soap and after whipping up a lather offered to soap Adrian's chest, an offer the other boy accepted with alacrity. Gently Matt started rubbing the soap into his friends shoulders and down his chest and was well aware that just this simple act had caused both of them to get fully erect. As his soapy hands reached Adrian's stomach which was just above the water lever he felt the soap taken from his hands and Adrian started to return the favour, caressing the other boys chest with soapy palms. His fingers brushed across Matt's nipples causing him to experience a ripple of pleasure at the light, sensuous touch and he wished the hands would stay there but all too soon they started moving down his taut, teenage body, still soaping him softly.

"I'll do your back next, OK?", Adrian offered and Matt twisted around in the bath until his back was towards his best friend. He felt hands starting to soap his back and as they reached the top of his arms he lifted them a bit to allow access to his hairless armpits. Adrian continued, the tip of his tongue poking out of one corner of his mouth as he concentrated on his task. His hands gradually moved down Matt's back, their circular motion feeling really good to the other boy but when they reached the water level, instead of stopping Adrian suggested Matt knelt up so he could carry on cleaning him.

Matt did as Adrian requested, noticing that his friend's voice had sounded a bit strange when he'd made the suggestion but he soon forgot this as the hands started rubbing soap into the cheeks of his ass. He was really starting to enjoy this intimacy now and when he felt Adrian slip a hand into the crack of his ass he pushed back slightly to help. Adrian licked his lips, which had mysteriously become dry, as he rubbed his hands around his friends ass crack and he slowly slid it further in until his fingers made contact with the little puckered hole.

He heard Matt give a sharp intake of breath as his soapy finger started rubbing all around the asshole and he could feel the anal muscle twitching each time he rubbed over it. He continued rubbing over it for a while longer then tentatively pushed a finger against the muscle and was surprised to find that it suddenly disappeared into the hole having encountered no resistance at all. He pushed a bit more and his finger slid smoothly all the way in until the rest of his hand stopped further penetration. Adrian swallowed and started gently sliding his finger in and out of the soap lubricated bum hole, feeling Matt's ass muscle tightening then expanding as he did so. His other hand, which still had a soapy coating on it, slipped around his friends body until it made contact with a very stiff cock and he started to soap it, keeping up the slow movements of his finger in Matt's ass.

By now Matt was feeling pretty horny and as the other boy continued his combined teasing of his cock and ass he shivered with pleasure and excitement. These feelings were soon heightened as Adrian decided to try and introduce another finger into his now well lubricated asshole at the same time rubbing his other hand over the head of Matt's dick. As if by instinct Adrian was gently stretching his friend's asshole by intermittently widening the gap between the two fingers sliding rhythmically in and out and because of his position, with one hand stretched around to 'wash' his friends prick, his own was now in regular contact with a wet thigh and ass cheek.

Matt had already realised what Adrian had in mind and after wallowing, for a few minutes, in the wonderful sensations caused by the hand around his dick and the fingers in his asshole he decided to put his friend out of his misery.

"I want you to fuck me please", he muttered and as he spoke he felt both the other boys hands momentarily stop their activities.

"Are you sure, I mean really sure", came a small, hopeful voice.

"Of course I am. I want you to feel what I did when I fucked you in the attic. And I want to know what it's like to have your cock in my ass."

There was a silence but he felt the hands starting up again only this time the fingers in his asshole were moving slightly faster and the stretching movements more frequent. Then the hand left his prick and the fingers were slipped from his loosened asshole.

Adrian gently prised his friend's ass cheeks apart until he could see the object of his current desire and was sure that the muscled hole was twitching involuntarily. Hesitantly he took hold of his stiff dick and pushed it between the cheeks of Adrian's ass, guiding it until the head made contact with the little brown bud. He pushed against it, gently at first and then with more pressure and was surprised to find it was starting to enter his friends ass with little trouble.

As his anus was invaded Matt was glad to find that not only was it not hurting but was also causing a strange feeling of fullness, like when he wanted a dump but nicer. He pressed backwards and was rewarded by more cock slipping into his hot passage. Behind him Adrian was experiencing something more intense than anything he'd felt before in any of his previous sexual activities, and they were mainly centred on the head of his cock as it rubbed against the walls of Matt's ass. He suddenly felt his shaft meet an obstruction and as it did his friend jumped and let out a gasp. Although neither knew the name Adrian's dick had just made contact with Adrian's prostate which explained Matt's reaction.

Now he'd almost got the whole of his prick into the others ass Adrian started to move backwards and forewords and grabbed Matts hips hurriedly as the sensations caused by his cock sliding in and out of the slippery asshole started to travel through his body. Wanting to increase them he started to speed up his thrusting, pulling Matt towards him each time his cock pushed into his ass. His friend responded in a similar way, pushing backwards to get as much dick into his ass as he could, trying to make it press into his prostate on every full penetration. He could feel the pumping motion in his ass increasing in speed and force and he hurriedly grabbed his soap slippery cock and started wanking furiously as Adrian's hands gripped his hips even tighter.

The sensations in his cock warned Adrian that he wasn't going to last much longer and he heightened his efforts until his prick was ramming into Matt's ass like a small jack hammer. All too soon his balls contracted and he groaned as he started to spunk into the hot cavern of his friends bum hole.

The feeling of hot cum spattering the inside of his fuck hole was the last straw for Matt and he continued to rub his dick furiously as his cum started spurting from his piss slit and land on the surface of the now tepid bath water. Adrian was still fucking his ass although he'd virtually stopped cumming as he wanted to maintain the incredible sensations as long as possible and the vibrations caused by Matt's hand still wanking away certainly helped.

It wasn't long enough, by any means, before both boys started to slow down, their cocks softening gradually. Finally Adrian shuffled backwards causing his cock to pull out of Matt's ass and he noticed a few threads of creamy cum also slid from the well used ass and stuck to the pale cheeks. Matt turned around, droplets of spunk still adorning his cock head and, as one, the two boys clasped each other tightly as their mouths met in a long, damp, satisfied kiss.

Matt's ass was still throbbing pleasantly as his explored his friends mouth with his tongue and in the water around him small white droplets of cum eddied and flowed. He knew know that he really loved the other boy and hoped that they would always be together.

At that age optimism is a wonderful, believable thing!

Matt Cums To School 13

Matt had now been at Marlbi College for just over a week and still found it hard to believe how much he had learnt in such a short time. (And the lessons had been quite good too, he thought to himself wryly!) It was that wonderful time each morning between waking up gently and the rising bell shattering the quiet, a few moments where you could just lie in the comfortable warmth of your bed and relax. Although it was only the Monday Matt was already looking forward to the next weekend which was going to be an exeat, a special long weekend that occurred twice a term and that was one of the 'treats' many boarding schools offered. It might seem strange that Matt was due a long weekend so soon after starting but because he had come to the school after the term had started he just happened to be lucky an exeat weekend was happening so soon. When he'd first found out about it he'd been a bit miserable as that was the weekend his parents were actually moving house and there would have been no way he could have gone to them, but now things were looking up. Once Adrian had heard about Matt's problem he'd invited him to come and stay with him instead of staying on his own at the school.

"Will that be OK with your parents?" Mat had asked him and then grinned as his friend told him he'd already fixed it with them. They'd also phoned the school to inform them and get official approval so it was all arranged. But there was a week of school to get through first, Matt reminded himself, just as the strident ringing of the rising bell permeated the dormitory. He got out of bed, grabbed his washing gear and prepared to go to the bathroom, stopping by Adrian's bed on the way. His friend was still lying there and Matt thought he looked even paler than usual.

"Are you OK mate?" he asked.

Adrian coughed. "Actually I feel like shit", he informed the other boy. "I'm going to skip breakfast and go and see Matron"

Matt felt immediately concerned and asked if he should go to Matron with him but Adrian told him there was no point both of them missing breakfast and to go without him. He wasn't really happy about it but he did as Adrian suggested, washed, dressed and went to the dining room leaving Adrian to start dressing.

Adrian wasn't in the room when Matt entered his first classroom of the day and when the master arrived he informed the class that Meredith had caught some virus and would be staying in the sick room until tomorrow where Matron could keep an eye on him.

Now whilst Matt was relieved it was nothing serious he was already missing not having Adrian near him but he realised there wasn't a lot he could do except make the best of it. It wasn't so bad during the day as he had lessons to occupy him and also the other friends he had made were around to talk to. It was during the evening that he felt Adrian's absence the most as that was the time when they usually chatted about all sorts of stuff or, fairly regularly, popped up to the attic to have another sort of fun. Eventually the day drew to a close and Matt found himself lying in his bed staring at the ceiling. He found himself thinking about the initiation ceremony and then the night when an unknown boy had sucked him off and as he remembered that incident his dick started hardening. He hadn't cum since yesterday in the bath with Adrian and whilst that might not seem a long time, after a week of sexual initiations his hormones were permanently at boiling point and he knew he'd have to at least wank off before he went to sleep. He also knew he'd have to wait until the others were asleep as he didn't want them to hear him. This might seem a strange attitude, considering only two days before he'd not only been bollock naked with some of the others who shared the dormitory but had also indulged in some pretty intense sexual play but the minds and logic of teenage boys work in strange and mysterious ways!

Once the duty prefect had been in to check them and switched the lights out Matt lay in the semi-darkness waiting for the other boys to fall asleep. His cock was still totally rigid, pressing into the bedclothes and he gave it a squeeze in anticipation of things to come. He could tell from the breathing of the other boys that a lot were now asleep and he didn't think it would be long before he could get relief and while he waited for the moment to come he found he was again thinking of the 'night of the phantom sucker'. As he remembered the events he wondered how the other boy had felt as he'd sucked him off thinking he was asleep - had the fear of being caught made everything more exciting or not. What would it be like to do something like that?

"Why not find out?" he heard a voice speak.

Matt was startled for a moment until he realised that the voice was only in his head. "Well why don't I find out?" he thought to himself. The idea was exciting, why not at least feel up one of the sleeping boys - it would surely be better than a solitary wank. And he needn't get caught, not if he was really careful. His chest tightened as he decided he was going to do it and he could hardly restrain his impatience as he waited until the regular, shallow breathing from around him told him everyone was asleep. 'Time to make a move', he told himself, then realised he hadn't decided whose bed he was going to visit. He decided he didn't want to try it with any of the boys he'd gone to the woods with as he already knew what they 'looked' like and had seen them cum, tonight he wanted someone different. It wasn't long before he thought of Nigel, a slim, rather weedy looking boy who occupied a bed three away from Matt. He was a quiet boy and apart from staying hello when first introduced Matt hadn't really had any contact with him. Yes, Nigel was a good choice.

Matt slid back the covers of his bed as quietly as possible until they were bundled alongside him and then, inch by inch, he slid his ass across the bed until his feet touched the floor. Standing up he took a moment to orientated himself then, step by step, he slowly moved across the floor of the room to where Nigel was sleeping. As he reached his destination he felt a momentary flare of panic at the thought of what he was planning to do but his lust soon got the better of it and he gingerly knelt at the side of the bed. He could hear Nigel's regular breathing and he could just make out the shape of his body under the covers. Leaning back on one hand he moved the other one up until his fingers made contact with the bedclothes and he realised that they were tucked in under the matters. Sliding his hand between the base of the bed and the mattress he caught hold of a section of the covers and pulled gently, feeling the covers start to slip out from where they were imprisoned under the mattress. He moved his hand along slightly and repeated the movement until there was about a foot of loose cover hanging down the side of the bed.

Now he'd completed the first phase, Matt slowly changed his position until he was resting on one elbow and he started to slide his other hand under the loose covers and into the bed. His palm brushed against the rough bottom sheet as his hand moved further in until his fingertips came into contact with Nigel's pyjamas. By moving the fingers around in small circular motions he found out that he was touching the other boys leg so he moved his hand to the right until he knew he had reached the top of the leg and the side of Nigel's torso. By now he had worked out that the sleeping boy was on his back and his fingers gently tip toed up the cotton of the pyjamas until they rested lightly on the edge of Nigel's pelvis.

Matt paused for a moment, listening intently to see if there was any change in the other boys breathing and as he did so he felt his already rigid cock slide across the material of his pyjamas and pop out of the open fly so that it was pointing almost directly towards the bed. However he was loathe to bring his hand back to adjust it and left it bobbing slightly as he continued with his under the cover manipulations.

He reached the elasticated waistband of Nigel's pyjama trousers and let his fingers slip along it until he came into contact with the button that fastened them. He took a deep but quiet breath and started moving his hand down the pyjama fly until his palm felt a lump inside the material and paused. Almost as soon as his hand had made contact the lump had started to harden and Matt could feel Nigel's erection growing, forcing the cotton pyjamas hard against his hand. He squeezed the hardening cock gently feeling his own twitch as he did so and he knew he had to go further, he had to actually feel Nigel's cock flesh in his hand and not just through the pyjamas. He moved his hand back to the button and edged it through the fastening until the elastic waistband loosened and slipped to each side and Matt's hand was resting on warm, boy flesh. He stroked it experimentally, feeling it give slightly under his fingers, moving down the crotch, over the virtually hairless pubic area until he reached the current object of his desire - Nigel's dick. He started exploring it with his hand, moving up the slim shaft until he reached the tip and realised the boy was uncircumcised, his little foreskin still half over the cock head. Taking the loose skin between two fingers he slid it down so he could feel the whole of Nigel's prick head in his hand and he rubbed his thumb over the tiny piss slit.

Nigel suddenly mumbled and Matt whipped his hand back as if he'd received an electric shock. His heart was pounding, had the boy woken up, had he been caught out? No, it was OK, he'd just been talking in his sleep. Matt realised he was sweating from the build up of tension and knew he ought to stop but by now he was too horny to care. He had to get closer to this slim hidden dick but how. He considered the problem briefly until an idea struck him. He didn't know if it'd work but it was worth a try.

Taking hold of the edge of the loosened bedclothes he started to pull gently, but firmly, until he felt more of the material releasing from under the weight of the mattress. When virtually all of it from Nigel's waist downwards was hanging loose Matt slid his hand into the warm bed again, only this time his hand lower down, below the other boys knees. He came into contact with one pajama'd leg, then the other and taking hold of this second one at the calf he slowly lifted it off the bed and pulled it across until it was lying over the first leg. Next he began pulling it, ever so slowly, towards him until, without warning, the sleeping boy sighed and turned over onto his left side in order to make himself more comfortable. As soon as he'd started to move Matt had again whipped out his hand but when the movement stopped he knew he'd achieved his objective as now Nigel was facing him which meant, just behind the bedclothes was his cock!

However he knew he would no longer be satisfied with just a feel so he started to slide the edge of the bedclothes across Nigel's body until they were pushed away from his front and resting on the side of his legs and torso. Putting his hand out he almost immediately came into contact with Nigel's cock, now only a few inches away and he leant forwards until he felt the stiff flesh brush his nose and he could smell the intoxicating aroma of boy cock. It was different to Adrian's and the others he'd smelt the other day, hard to describe, more boyish perhaps or maybe it was the smell of inexperience, if there was such a thing. He didn't really care by now as whatever it was about it, the smell had aroused him to fever pitch and he could feel his prick throbbing with the excitement. Matt knew what he had to do next and he pushed out his tongue until it was touching the hot, fleshy cock head before him. It tasted great and without really realising what he was doing he opened his mouth and enveloped Nigel's slim, hard dick. He gave it an exploratory suck and was rewarded by a slight swelling of the shaft. Matt realised that Nigel's prick was small enough to enable him to get all of it into his warm, wet, willing mouth and he bore down on it until the head banged against his throat. Now he started to suck rhythmically, tasting the freshness and smelling the boy cock aroma. He knew he ought to stop before the other boy woke up but he couldn't, now he wanted to make the boy cum if he could and taste his discharge.

Nigel was starting to make little movements in his sleep now, little jerking motions in sync with Matt's cock sucking Matt was oblivious to them as he sucked away, clamping his lips over the tip to force pre-cum from the piss slit. His hand was now at his own dick and he was wanking off excitedly as he sucked. His tongue laved around Nigel's perfect cock which was now throbbing alarmingly in his mouth and his hand was rubbing furiously over the head of his own prick as he continued bringing himself to a climax.

When the hand suddenly enveloped the back of his neck Matt nearly had a heart attack, realising that Nigel had woken up, but instead of pulling his off it was pushing his head into the hot crotch and forcing his mouth down even more onto the jerking cum pole. Now the other boy was moving his hips silently and fucking Matt's mouth as hard as he could. Matt's hand was now a blur as he jerked off as fast as he could but he was still bringing himself to orgasm when Nigel's cock started spitting hot cum into Matt's mouth, the salty, creamy liquid splashing against his throat and dripping into his mouth. He swallowed madly and tried to suck the jerking cock dry and was surprised and a little disappointed when his head was pulled away from the almost empty cum pole but before he could react he heard a low voice.

"Cum on me, please, over my cock and balls, please..just do it now"

There was a mixture of pleading and lust in the tone and Matt knelt up and aimed his cock in the direction of the other boys crotch, pumping it as hard as he could and as he felt his cum rising he pushed forward to get his cock head as close to the area as possible. He gritted his teeth as his hot spunk flew from his slit and spattered over the warm flesh in front of it. He felt a hand fondling his balls as more creamy cum jerked out, spraying Nigel's torso indiscriminately and in the darkness he could just make out a hand which seemed to be rubbing the sticky fluid into the skin of the crotch. As the last few drops dribbled from his dick Matt sank to his knees and the hand grabbed him again and pulled him forward until his mouth pressed against Nigel's the other boy forcing his tongue into the wet cavern, licking at the mixture of cum and saliva in it.

When he was finally released Matt looked at the shadowy figure in amazement as when he'd started his little adventure he hadn't anticipated an ending like this. He heard a faint "Thank you" and saw the other boy settling back into his bed so he silently stood up and carefully made his way back to his bed, not even realising his softened cock was still hanging down outside his pyjamas, a small drop of cum still precariously hanging from the tip.

"Shit, Adrian's never going to believe this", was his final thought as he went sleep, exhausted but content.

To be continued . . . . .

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