Matt Cums to School

By moc.toofgib@kurohtua

Published on Mar 2, 2023


Approved: Keywords: xtt xmast

If you have any comments or feedback on this story please feel free to e-mail me at . Any stories I write will only be posted to the ASSGM news group so if you see them anywhere else, apart from the Nifty Archive, please let me know as they will have been posted without my permission. Suggestions for possible story topics also welcome.

Matt Cums To School (Part 1)

When Mathew's father had first got the promotion Matt, as he preferred to be called, was really pleased for him until, that is, he realised that it would mean moving to a new city and making new friends. Maybe that wasn't such a big deal for his parents but when you're 14 it can be a pretty big thing to cope with. Although he pleaded to be allowed to stay with the parents of one of his friends he finally accepted that the move was inevitable but there was more bad news to come!

As the time of the move got nearer Matt's parents went to the city where they were moving to have a look around, find a temporary house to rent and check out the local schools and it was when they returned that Matt found out that his new school was to be slightly different from his previous ones.

"Boarding school!", Matt gasped. "Why boarding school?"

His father looked at him sympathetically. "You see, son, in my new job I'll be travelling abroad quite a lot and I'll be able to take your mother with me on some of the trips. Because of this, although the local schools are O.K., the promotion package includes the fees for a boarding school and, to be honest, it's too good a chance to pass up. There's a prospectus here for the school. Why don't you take it and have a look?"

It didn't take too long for Matt to realise that there was no way he was going to change his father's mind so he finally picked up the glossy prospectus and went, gloomily, to his room.

**************** "Marlbi College is situated in 40 acres of beautiful Devon countryside and offers an all-round education for boys aged between 11 and 18......."

As Matt continued reading the prospectus he got more and more worried. There were no girls at the school for one thing - just boys!. Although Matt had never had a girlfriend, since he had found out about wanking, he had sometimes thought about girls whilst he was 'doing it'. Now it looked as though he wouldn't get much chance to do more than think about them. And he'd have to wear a bloody uniform. He stared in horror at the page which contained a list of required clothing - "three pairs of dark grey trousers, five white shirts, two pairs of black shoes........" - the list went on and on, even specifying his underwear - "five pairs of jockey style briefs (white)".

"Shit", he thought to himself, "I'm going to look just like everyone else there - and plain, white jockeys - that's so boring".

Even reading about the sports and clubs the school offered didn't make him feel much better and it was a totally pissed off boy who went to sleep that night and dreamed of dark grey trousers and white fucking briefs!!


A week or so before the dreaded day arrived when he started at Marlbi College, his mother took him to get the required clothing. They returned home laden with packages, which Matt took up to, his room and threw in a pile in one corner. He sat on the bed and glared at the plastic bags and parcels that contained his uniform and sports gear, wishing they would go away but knowing they wouldn't. He hadn't paid attention whilst they had been shopping, just let himself be measured, prodded and poked so he hadn't really even seen what his mother had bought. After a few moments of staring angrily at the pile his curiosity got the better of him so he reached over, took hold of one of the parcels and opened it.

As the brown paper fell open Matt looked in disgust at the contents, three pairs of dark grey trousers. Idly he took hold of a pair and, standing in front of the mirror, held them up in front of him. Actually they didn't look that bad, he told himself, in fact they might be O.K. to wear after all. He decided to try on the whole uniform so he opened bags and parcels until had found all the required items and laid them out on the bed. He took off his yellow socks and replaced them with the regulation grey ones then took off his T-shirt and slipped on one of the white shirts. The cotton-nylon mix felt smooth on his skin and at least the collar wasn't too tight.

Matt unbuttoned his jeans, let them drop to the floor and stepped out of them. He grabbed the dark grey trousers and was about to put them on when he hesitated. "..jockey style briefs (white).." echoed around his head and he decided he might as well go the whole way so he dropped the trousers, shucked off his patterned boxer shorts, grabbed the pair of white briefs from the bed and stepped into them. He pulled them into position, feeling the material hugging him tightly and causing his balls and dick to press against his body, a totally different feeling from the boxers he had worn for some years now. He picked up the dark grey trousers again and pulled them on, fastening the waist button and then doing up the zip. To complete the ensemble he put on the school tie (a pretty revolting colour combination) and the dark blazer and then, dressed in his new finery, he stepped over to the full length mirror on his wardrobe door.

Staring back at him was a slim looking boy about 5' 4" tall with brown, slightly wavy hair. Matt hardly recognised himself as he stared at his reflection, the buttons on the blazer glinting in the light. Matt smoothed his hands down the blazer and onto the trousers and he felt a slight tingle as his palms touched the material that now covered his legs. He thrust his hands in his pockets and could feel the outline of the white briefs through the inside cloth of the pockets. To his surprise he felt his dick give a little twitch and he pushed his hands deeper into the pockets until the tips of his fingers could feel a noticeable lump in his briefs. He prodded the lump for a moment and then took his hands from the pockets and rubbed one of them across the crotch of his trousers, feeling the lump growing larger as his cock pushed against the briefs and into the zip of the trousers.

"Shit, I'm getting horny", Matt grinned, still looking at himself in the mirror, watching his hand rubbing away at his crotch. For some reason the uniform was causing him to get excited and after watching for a moment he took hold of the zip of the trousers between two fingers and slowly drew it downwards. As he moved his hand away he could see a hint of white brief in the fly of the trousers and his hand went to the clip on the waistband and undid it causing the top of his trousers to pop open allowing the now, nicely filled briefs to appear. Matt could feel his dick pressing against the white cotton and he drew his hand across it feeling the slim, hard shape through the thin material. He put one hand around his shaft and posed to the mirror, pulling the briefs tight so the outline of his cock could clearly be seen. By now he was feeling really hot and he grabbed the waistband of the briefs, slipped it over his dick and released it so the elastic snapped gently underneath his balls. His now freed cock jutted out over his balls which were tight and tingling under the pressure of the elastic and Matt watched as his foreskin slid back until half of his swollen, purplish dick head could be seen. Gently he took hold of it and started sliding it up and down over the head and as he did so his other hand undid the buttons of his shirt which caused the two sides to flap open revealing his almost white chest and stomach, with the school tie still hanging down the centre.

He kept watching himself in the mirror as he continued pulling his foreskin with one hand and squeezing the skin around his balls with the other, now pulling his foreskin as far back as it would go and then forward so the head of his stiff prick appeared and disappeared under the moving skin. It wasn't long before he felt familiar sensations starting and he fell back on the bed, the tie falling to one side as he gripped his cock tightly and started wanking furiously, still pulling at his balls until the nice feelings enveloped him and his body jerked sharply as his, as yet still dry, climax filled his sensitive dick. Matt kept rubbing hard whilst there were any of the great sensations still shooting through his body until, finally, his jerking stilled and he let go of his now softening dick.

Matt lay on the bed breathing heavily and knew that even though he couldn't yet cum he had just had the best jerk off ever and it was all because of that uniform. One hand almost unconsciously stroked the white briefs and he decided that even though there wouldn't be any girls at his new school at least he might occasionally get the chance to have more great jerk offs, as long as he was able to find somewhere private.

In a few days he would be arriving at Marlbi College which might not now be quite as bad as he had first thought!!


Matt Cums To School (Part 2)

[In a few days he would be arriving at Marlbi College which might not now be quite as bad as he had first thought!!]

As his fathers' car stopped, waiting to turn right into the entrance Matt looked at the large sign attached to one of the gate pillars"

"MARLBI COLLEGE Est. 1857 A Gentleman's education for all"

As soon as the road was clear his father turned into the gateway and the car started up the gravel drive. Through some trees Matt could just see the imposing structure of his new school and as his father halted in front of the main entrance Matt looked around, a bit overawed at the size of the place. The front of the building stretched both sides of a large oak double door and seemed to go on for ever and there were other buildings also visible in the distance. His father got out of the car and looked at his son.

"Come on, Matt. Don't want to keep the headmaster waiting".

Feeling a bit nervous Matt got out of the car and walked over to his father who was pressing the doorbell. After a short pause the door opened and a boy was revealed standing there.

"Can I help you, Sir?" he asked Matt's father and when he heard that Matt was a new boy and they needed to see the headmaster he immediately offered to show them the way. As the boy turned and asked them to follow him Matt looked at him curiously. He seemed to be about the same age as Matt, slightly stockier with neatly cut, blond hair and was dressed exactly the same in the regulation uniform. After his experience when he had first tried it on Matt had quite got to like it and now admitted that the other boy looked really nice and smart in his. With a start he suddenly realised that the word "sexy" had crept into his head for some reason but he decided it must be the strange environment he was about enter and put it out of his mind as he and his father followed the boy into the building.

The boy took them down a long, oak panelled corridor until they came to a door which had "Headmaster" on it. He knocked and on hearing a gruff voice call out "Enter", opened the door, walked in and announced the boy and his father. Matt followed his father into a large airy office and looked at the large man standing behind a desk. The man told the boy to wait outside and then offered his hand to Matt's father.

"Good afternoon, I'm Dr. Grimshawe." After shaking hands with his dad Grimshawe turned towards Matt. "I hope you'll be happy here Rawlings".

It took Matt a second to realise he was being called by his surname, then he stammered a reply.

Grimshawe turned back to his father. "We don't need to keep the boy here as you can deal with the administrative matters. I suggest you say goodbye now and then we can get your son settled in.

As Matt and his father said their farewells the headmaster walked over to the door, opened it and beckoned. The boy who had brought them came in and Grimshawe turned to Matt.

"Meredith will show you around and answer any questions you might have. I'll get the porter to take your luggage to your dormitory. Right then, goodbye Rawlings and good luck". As he finished speaking he walked over to Matt's father and started talking to him. Meredith motioned to Matt to follow him and the two boys left the headmasters study, closing the door behind them.

Matt and Meredith walked back along the corridor in silence, neither boy seeming to want to be the first to speak. Finally Matt summoned up enough courage to ask a question.

"Er, have you been here long?", he heard himself saying.

There was a pause whilst the boy looked at him, as if deciding whether to answer, then he spoke. "Since I was eleven."

They continued walking and Matt thought he'd just had the shortest conversation on record when the boy continued. "I felt a bit strange at first, you will too probably, but you'll get used to it. What's your name by the way?".

"Rawlins", replied Matt.

"No, I mean your first name. I know the teachers call us by our surnames but we don't do all that crap. Mine's Adrian."

"Oh, sorry. My name's Mathew but most people call me Matt."

"O.K. Matt. Now let me show you around......."

The two boys had been walking around the school for almost an hour and Matt had been shown room after room. They had only peered through the small glass panes in the classroom doors as there were lessons going on and Matt had seen for the first time some of the boys he would be spending the next few years with. By the time they had finished the lightening tour Matt's mind was in a whirl - he'd never remember where anywhere was.

"Don't worry if you don't remember everything", he heard Adrian saying "It's a bloody great place. Took me ages to get everything right. I haven't even mentioned the traditions of the place yet. Come on, I'll show you where your dormitory is".

As he followed Adrian up the wide staircase Matt asked him what he meant by traditions.

"As you probably know this school has been going a long time and certain customs have become normal here. For instance, the prefects are allowed to make us do errands and things for them. It's meant to build character or something. You'll pick them up as you go along. Now here's where you'll sleep." As he finished the sentence Adrian entered a room on the third floor and Matt followed him in. The room contained 12 beds, 6 down each side of the room, each with it's own cupboard and small table. Adrian walked along one of the rows until he came to a bed which had blankets and sheets neatly folded on it and beside it was Matt's cases. "This is your bed", he told Matt. "Come on, I'll help you make it".

The two of them soon had the bed made up and Matt sat experimentally on it and bounced up and down. It wasn't too bad, although the springs squeaked a bit

"That's a pain but they're all like that", remarked Adrian. "Just means you have to be careful at night if you ever ......, well, you know".

Matt thought he knew what the other boy meant but didn't say anything in case he was mistaken. He asked Adrian if he was in this room as well and the boy nodded and pointed to one of the other beds. He suggested that Matt unpacked and showed him on which shelves in the cupboard he should put his things. Finally everything was away neatly and Adrian, after checking his watch, suggested they have a look around the grounds until tea time. During their conversation when unpacking Matt had learned that Adrian was not in class today as he had been appointed Matt's "Mentor". This meant that he was responsible for the new boy for the first week and had to show him around and help him. Matt had decided that Adrian seemed quite nice and he hoped that they could be friends. Agreeing with the latest suggestion he followed Adrian out into the school grounds.


Matt stood by his bed and looked around at the quiet bustle of activity. The dormitory was now almost full of boys preparing for bed and there was an almost constant stream of them going and returning from the washroom and toilet. It was the end of his first day at Marlbi College and he was feeling pretty knackered. After the tour of the large grounds he'd been taken to the dining room for supper where he had met some of the other boys for the first time. As boys often are on first meeting, most had been fairly abrupt and Matt knew it would take some time to make new friends. He'd had some conversations with a few of the boys after supper when they were allowed to watch television or do other stuff in what was called "free time" and he was beginning to feel a little more comfortable.

The dormitory was the one place where the boys were allowed some leeway in their clothing as there was no set rules on nightwear so Matt could see a variety of pyjamas in many different colours. He had noticed that most of the boys had undressed fairly unselfconsciously and he had caught a few glimpses of balls and cocks - not that he had really been looking - but like most boys he had a innate curiosity about the size of other boys bits, were they bigger than him or not. It was almost impossible to tell by the brief looks he had managed to snatch but he didn't think his dick was any smaller than the ones he had managed to see. He put on his pyjama top and then quickly removed his lower clothing and slipped into the bottoms, the jacket hiding his own crotch from any prying eyes.

The squeaks of bedsprings could be heard as the boys started to get into bed and Matt looked up as Adrian came over wearing bright red PJ's. he asked if everything was O.K. and when Matt said it was he wished him good night and returned to his own bed. Matt folded his clothes and then lifting the covers slipped thankfully into his own bed, the springs giving a few squeaks as he made himself comfortable. He lay there watching the last boys retiring and it wasn't long before he heard the measured tread of what he had been told was the duty prefect. Adrian had told him that the prefects were older boys, usually 16 or 17 who had been made responsible for discipline amongst the pupils, they also checked the dormitories at night to turn off the lights and generally kept order when the boys were not in class.

The duty prefect entered the room, looked around to ensure everyone was in bed and then, with a perfunctory "Good Night", switched off the lights and closed the door. In the darkness Matt could hear the footsteps as they receded down the corridor. He lay there, listening to the strange sounds of other people breathing in his "bedroom" and although he was tired this was all so new he didn't go to sleep immediately, just tried to get accustomed to the new sounds. He could hear the odd bedspring squeak as a boy tried to get more comfortable and he also heard one or two boys get out of their beds and leave the room. He guessed they were going for a piss and didn't really think about the time they seemed to take before they returned. Finally, tiredness overtook him and he fell asleep, his breathing slowing until it joined the regular breathing of the other boys.

The occupant of one of the beds was not, in fact, asleep but lying with his eyes closed, listening intently to the breathing of the other boys. One hand was gently squeezing his pyjama bottoms at the point where his cock was pressing stiffly. He lay there for about 20 minutes, hardly moving, listening and regulating his breathing so it blended in with the other boys until, satisfied that everyone was asleep, he quietly lifted his sheet and silently slipped out of bed. Ever so slowly he crept across the floor, stopping every now and then to listen, then carrying on until he was standing beside the bed which contained the new boy. He'd been watching Matt during the "free time" and thought him really cute, so much so that he wanted to know a little more about him. The boy stood by the bed checking for alterations of breathing in the room then quietly knelt then lay on his side on the floor alongside Matt's bed so he was facing it. His left hand moved upwards until it was touching spot where the bedclothes tucked into the side of the bed. He caught hold of them with his fingers and ever so gently started to pull the tucked side of the bedding away from the bed. Eventually he succeeded and about a two feet length of the bedding was hanging down the side of the bed.

Changing his position slightly the boy slipped his hand under the loosened bedding until he could feel the mattress and undersheet under his palm then he started to slide the hand further into the bed. When the tips of his fingers came into contact with a different kind of material they stopped momentarily and moved gently along an inch or two until the boy had established where on Matt's body they were touching. The hand started moving again, sliding slowly up the outside of the left thigh of Matt's pyjamas until it reached the front of his leg. It explored the leg gently then slipped upwards a little until the fingertips could feel the sleeping boys ball sack under the pyjamas. One finger gently rubbed the material over Matt's balls then the hand slipped a little further up the body. Soon the fingers were resting on the cloth covering the base of Matt's cock and they pressed against it. The owner of the hand could feel Matt's dick starting to get hard and he moved his hand up until it rested over the whole of it. It stayed in that position for a moment or two and then moved on up until the fingers could feel the button on the waist of the PJ's. Two fingers fumbled briefly until they had got the button undone and the elasticated waist of the pyjama bottoms pulled apart so the fingers were finally touching warm skin. The hand started to explore the area moving back and forth and then downwards until it was touching the tip of Matt's now hard cock. The boy stopped then and listened and then, when he realised that Matt's breathing had not changed, gripped the foreskin of his sleeping victim and slowly moved it back and forth.

Suddenly Matt groaned in his sleep and before the hand could withdraw turned onto his left side which made his dick press against the hand even more. When the boy beside the bed realised what had happened and knew that Matt's rod was now only inches away from him and pointing in his direction he felt his own hard cock push its way out of his pyjamas so it was jutting out of the fly. He fondled Matt's erection, fingers brushing against the small patch of pubic hair and then he started to lift the edge of the bedclothes up, inch by inch, until in the dim light from the moon he could see a shadow where the object of his desire was pointing towards him.

Hardly daring to breath the boy moved his head towards it until the slightly musky scent of Matt's cock reached his nostrils. He moved even closer until his lips brushed against the head of the lovely hard flesh and then, unable to stop himself, he opened his mouth and took half the dick into his mouth, tasting the hot, flesh which perhaps had just a hint of piss on it. He sucked hesitantly a few times until he felt Matt moving slightly and reluctantly he moved his head back, releasing the dick and gently lowering the bedclothes.

Matt turned slightly, still asleep, but the boy beside his bed realised he had taken things as far as he dared. He raised himself until he was kneeling beside the bed and with his now free right hand felt around until he came into contact with the small table beside the bed. He moved his hand down until it found the small shelf that was part of the table and when it came into contact with material he realised that his guess had been correct. Many of the boys shoved their underwear on their table shelf so it was easy to find in the morning and Matt had done the same. The hand grasped the thin, cotton briefs, pulled them off the shelf and the boy then pressed them against his face, moving the material around until his nose touched the fly.

Having found the right place he turned the briefs inside out so that the inside front was pressing against his nostrils and mouth, enabling him to sniff the very area where Matt's cock had nestled not long before. Even thought they had been clean on today there was enough of the smell of Matt's crotch caught in the material and the boy sniffed deeply, moving the material around to get the strongest scent. By now his other hand was wrapped tightly around his own shaft and he was jerking it furiously. As he started to reach the point of no return he took the briefs from his mouth, wrapped them around his rigid dick and carried on masturbating, holding his breath as he felt his sperm spurting into the cotton briefs. He continued jerking away, feeling the damp, cum stained material rubbing against his sensitive head until the last drop of spunk had been released and he could stand the sensation no longer. Then he quietly turned the briefs the right way round, placed them back on the shelf and crept back to his own bed.

Matt was having an amazing dream. In it someone was sucking him off and he was starting to feel really good when the sucking had stopped. He groaned and turned onto his front and then the feelings started again and so in his sleep he started pressing himself into the sheet and mattress below him. He woke up just as his dry orgasm shook his body and he pumped against the mattress a few times until the feeling subsided. He suddenly remembered the squeaking bedsprings and hoped no one had woken up and heard him. He held his breath and listened and thought he heard a sound from one of the beds but as no other noise could be heard he rolled on his side and went back to sleep contentedly.

Boarding School (Part 3)

[He suddenly remembered the squeaking bedsprings and hoped no one had woken up and heard him. He held his breath and listened and thought he heard a sound from one of the beds but as no other noise could be heard he rolled on his side and went back to sleep contentedly.]

An insistent, electric bell dragged Matt from sleep and he opened his eyes abruptly. For a few seconds he forgot where he was until the sound of voices and people moving reminded him that he was in a dormitory at Marlbi College. "Sleep well, Matt?" he heard someone call and looking up he saw Adrian looking over at him. He replied in the affirmative and Adrian told him to get dressed as breakfast would be in 30 minutes. Matt suddenly realised he had what he called his "piss boner", the need to urinate had given him an erection but he could see the other boys in the room getting out of bed and processing out of the room carrying towels and sponge bags and so, placing his towel strategically in front of his pyjamas he joined the line. The joint washroom and toilet was a hive of activity as it served three dormitories, there were boys everywhere, some washing, some going into or leaving the toilets and some leaving. Matt walked towards the toilets and noticed with some surprise that several of the boys heading in the same direction were also holding their towels or spongebags over the front of their pyjama bottoms.

Reaching the stainless, steel urinal he found a space, got out his dick and tried to pee but found it difficult as he wasn't used to peeing with so many others near him, and his boner wasn't making it any easier. Matt closed his eyes and concentrated until he felt himself starting to pee and then he opened his eyes in relief. As he stood there, his yellow stream splashing into the trough he couldn't help letting his eyes flick across to the boys standing either side of him. The one on the right was pissing noisily and in the brief glimpse Matt noticed that the boy's cock didn't seem to have a foreskin. The boy on the either side seemed to be having the same trouble Matt had experienced, he was standing there, one hand around a 5 inch boner from which not a drop of pee was escaping but even whilst Matt was watching the boy relaxed and his stream joined the others striking the back of the steel urinal. As he felt his bladder empty, Matt shook his now limp dick a few times to get rid of any lingering drips and then put it back inside his pyjamas. He caught a movement in the corner of his eye which suggested the boy on the right was going the same and he again looked quickly to confirm that the boy didn't have a foreskin. He just caught a glimpse of a naked, pink dick head before it disappeared into the pyjamas and Matt quickly looked up from and then, realising that the boy was looking at him, turned away and left the toilet area. He washed briefly and returned to the dormitory where there were now several of the boys half dressed. He saw Adrian and a couple of others standing in half done up shirts and white briefs and couldn't help noting the protuberances in their crotches but then, worried because he was finding the sight quite exciting, he hurriedly went to his bed and got dressed. When Adrian told him it was time to go he followed him and the others down to the dining hall.

The rest of the day passed quickly, albeit rather confusingly as Matt tried to get his bearings as well as attend a variety of classes. Overall the masters seemed O.K. and the work was within his capabilities. By lunch time he had got to know a couple of the other boys in his dorm and class well enough for them to sit with him and Adrian for lunch. One of them, Ricky Bennett, was about Matt's height with black hair and brown eyes. The school uniform hung awkwardly on his skinny frame, not quite untidy but getting close to it. His other new friend, Ian Darke, was slightly taller and more muscular with green eyes. His jet black hair was parted to the left and his uniform fitted immaculately, almost as if it had been made to measure. Matt noticed that Adrian was very pale in comparison to the others. It was not just his hair that was fair, he also had very pale skin and looked younger than his 14 years. As was looking Adrian looked up and grinned and Matt quickly looked down at his plate and carried out eating. During the meal the other 3 boys started to explain some of the school "rituals and traditions" he would come across. They explained that he might have to go through some "initiation" ceremonies as a new boarder but were reticent about what form these might take, just telling his he would know when they happened and to just accept them without making any fuss. He also learned that the prefects had a surprising amount of power inasmuch as all discipline was left to them unless the matter was extremely serious. He also found out that they could order the younger boys to carry out all sorts of tasks.

"What sort of things do they make you do?" He asked as the boys were finishing their lunches. Ricky looked up, almost sheepishly. "Oh..., it varies", he replied. You might have to get them stuff from the tuck shop, clean their shoes, run their baths, that sort of thing".

Matt almost choked as Ricky mentioned the last item. "Run their baths!", he exclaimed. "You'll be telling me next we have to wash and dry them as well". He'd been trying to be sarcastic but the lack of reaction from the other three made him start to wonder if there was some things they had 'forgotten' to mention.

Adrian looked at his watch in the sudden silence. "Oops, we'd better get a move on, our next class is starting soon". So saying he got up, took his plate to the washing area and left the room quickly followed by Ricky and Ian and then, slightly less quickly by Matt who had been taken by surprise by the sudden exodus.

The rest of the day passed in a flash and Matt suddenly found himself back in the dormitory preparing for his second night at the school. The other boys in his dorm had been more friendly during the "free" time, asking him about himself and telling him about themselves in return and Matt was finally beginning to think that Marlbi College might not be as bad as he'd thought. Certainly not if he had more dreams like the one last night, he thought to himself. Almost in the hope of another dream he got into bed and as soon as the duty prefect had put the lights out, tried to go to sleep but he found himself thinking about the day instead.

His thoughts were interrupted by some noises from the almost dark dormitory. First he heard muffled whispers followed by beds squeaking briefly and then the soft padding of footsteps. Matt was lying on his side and he rolled over onto his back and opened his eyes to see that his bed was surrounded by shadowy figures. Before he could react he felt arms pressing him down through his bedclothes and a hand wrapped around his mouth and a torch was shone on his face causing him to close his eyes. Next he heard a voice, speaking in a whisper so he couldn't tell who it belonged to.

"Don't struggle and don't worry", it said. "It's time for your first initiation test and as long as you do what we say you won't get hurt. If you promise not to yell and accept the initiation just nod your head". Matt had been about to try to get away but as he listened he realised that he wouldn't get far as it seemed the whole dorm was involved. The promise he wouldn't be hurt had also reassured him, somewhat, so he decided he'd better do what his friends had advised and not make a fuss and so, with some difficulty he nodded and almost immediately the hand was removed from his mouth and ther torch was switched off.

"Right", came the whisper. "First you'll be asked a few questions which you must answer truthfully and then you'll go through the initiation. Are you agreeable to these conditions" Mike whispered his agreement and then lay, waiting, wondering what sort of questions he was going to be asked. "The first question is - Do you ever get a hard on?" This rather staggered Matt as he'd never thought of being asked that. He briefly considered lying but then decided to go along completely and get the initiation over with.

"Yes", he whispered.

"How often?"

"Every day, I suppose".

"Do you ever wank yourself off?"

"Er.. Yes, doesn't everyone?" Matt answered, feeling rather embarrassed. "Can you make sperm yet?". This time it was another voice who asked the question. Matt almost didn't answer, it was such a personal question and or some time he had been worried that he only had dry climaxes. "No, I get nice feelings but that's all".

"Have you ever wanked or been wanked by another boy?" was the next question and Matt felt like shouting the reply.

"Of course not, that's a disgusting thing to ask. I'd never do that to someone".

He felt the hands on his bedclothes press down harder as what sounded like the first boy whispered that the questions had now finished. Matt started to relax, it hadn't been as bad as he thought it would be, but he soon tensed up again as the voice continued.

"For the initiation we will now have to prove whether you have told the truth". As Matt was still accepting what this meant he felt his bedclothes being pulled off so that the hands were now pressing down directly against his pyjamas. "I haven't lied", he told them desperately, "You don't need to do anything else. Please!"

"You promised to submit to the initiation. Are you now going back on your word?"

Mike thought of what might happen if he said 'Yes'. After all, he told himself, all that will happen now is they'll touch my dick and when they realise I'm not interested and won't get stiff they'll let me go and that'll be it. Having made his decision he took a deep breath, looked at the figures in front of him and spoke. "No. Just get on with it"

As if rehearsed, he felt himself being sat up, fingers undoing the buttons of his pyjamas and then his PJ top was removed and he was pushed back on to the bed. He lay waiting for the bottoms to be removed but to his surprise there was no attempt to undo them. Instead he felt hands rubbing the bottom of each of the legs over his ankles. The hands obviously belonged to different boys as they were not moving in sync. Matt lay on his back as the hands almost imperceptibly began to move up the legs of his pyjamas, sliding over the bumps made by his knees and up onto his thighs. As he felt them gently stroking the area just below his crotch he felt a stirring in his pyjamas and to his horror realised that whatever he thought his prick seemed to have other ideas! He tried to think of something, anything, to stop getting hard but all he could concentrate on was the hands sliding over his PJ bottoms. As fingertips pressed the material against the sack of his balls he could feel the head of his dick pressing into his pyjamas as if trying to escape and then as the hands reached the sides of his crotch he knew he had got as hard as he'd ever been.

Finally one of the hands undid the button fastening his PJ bottoms, felt them snap open and his cock appearing through the fly. The torch suddenly came on again, this time pointing at Matt's crotch but he was still unable to make out the faces of any of the boys. He heard a few murmurs of what sounded like appreciation as the torch played over his stiff cock, felt his pyjama bottoms being pulled down and slipped off his legs and then several fingers started touching his skin, brushing over his pubic hair and rubbing his balls and the base of his shaft. Then he felt hands stroking his legs, chest and nipples. Matt lay there feeling rather dazed. He knew he should really be feeling sick as these 'perverts 'touched his private areas but the trouble was it felt fucking incredible and as much as he didn't want to admit it, he was actually enjoying it try as he did not to! He'd never realised how erotic it was to have his skin brushed by so many different fingers. The torch was still lit and pointing at his crotch allowing Matt to watch some of the hands as they touched his body and he could see his cock at its full 5 inches of hardness pointing towards the ceiling. Looking to the side of the bed he could now make out the bottom half of the boys standing there as they were partially illuminated by the torchlight, although their faces were still in shadow and he noticed that they all had bulges in their pyjamas. In fact, one of the boys who was rubbing Matt's chest had leant forward so that his fly had opened allowing his cock to slip out. Matt stared at it curiously, it seemed a bit smaller than his but was certainly as stiff and he could see the foreskin almost completely pulled back from the cock head.

His attention was diverted as the action around his dick changed and he looked down in time to see a two fingers and a thumb gently take hold of the sides of his shaft just below the head and start moving the loose skin up and down. It was almost the same movement as when Matt wanked himself off but for some reason it felt a hell of a lot better. He was fascinated and excited to see someone else jerking off his cock and loved the feeling of the fingers as they brushed the edges of his dick head sending little jolts of pleasure through his body to such an extent that he stopped looking and lowered his head onto the pillow to enjoy the sensation. Next the hand changed position until it was holding Matt's cock tightly around its whole thickness so the feeling was even more intense as the skin of the palm rubbed up and down the stiff shaft.

Matt sensed movement at the side of the bed and turned his head slightly until he saw, in amazement, that several of the boys had dropped their pyjama bottoms and were furiously rubbing at their own cocks. The strange thing was that the sight of other boys wanking away in front of him caused him to get even more excited and make his cock stiffen even more. He tried to put faces to the dicks but the torch was still being held too low to light any of the faces so he looked back down to where the hard rods were being pumped. As he watched one of the wanking boys gave a little gasp and Matt watched in fascination as the boy tensed and a few drops of liquid appeared at the end of the now red cock head. Matt realised he had just seen someone cum properly for the first time but before he could take the fact in properly he heard a similar gasp from the other side of his bed so he quickly turned his head until he was staring at the biggest cock he had ever seen.

In fact it wasn't a monster but to Matt, used to his 5 inches it seemed enormous. It was nearly 6 inches long and the hand rubbing it could only just get round it. Mike gazed in interest and excitement, watching as the long, loose foreskin slipped back and forth over the swollen head and then, as the rubbing hand speeded up the whole cock seemed to shudder and spurts of white liquid started spurting out. Matt felt something warm and sticky hit his chest, just below his nipple, but was unable to take his eyes off the sight of this white stuff coming out of the slit where you pissed from. All too soon it stopped and the hand stopped rubbing and just squeezed the slightly softening cock, causing another drop of cum to ooze from the piss slit.

By now the feeling in Matt's crotch was becoming unbearable and he closed his eyes and rubbed his hands over his chest as the hand around his cock started rubbing it even harder. One of his moving hands rubbed into the white patch on his chest and without thinking Matt brought his sticky fingers to his face and sniffed them. An unfamiliar odour filled his nostrils, unlike anything he'd smelt before, but somehow exciting and as the sensations in his crotch got even more intense he felt an irresistible urge to taste it. Opening his mouth he thrust his fingers in and licked the sticky cream off them and as he tasted slightly salty, musty cum for the first time he felt his cock start to jerk and he arched his back in pleasure.

In the torchlight the boy wanking Matt off watched excitedly as the dick in his hand throbbed and a few drops of cum jumped out. At the same time Matt realised that something different was happening to him and as he felt an unfamiliar spurting sensation in his cock he knew that he had cum properly for the first time. As he twisted excitedly he saw glimpses of the boys by his bed, all of whom were in the final stages of what was almost a group jerk off, as one at a time they wanked until they climaxed. With several nothing came out and their dicks just jerked excitedly but Matt saw amounts of cum shoot out from at least three of the stiff rods.

At his crotch the boy who had done the wanking was now frantically stroking himself and the torchlight was wavering as the boy holding it did the same. In a very short time both boys tensed and thrust their hips forward as they started to ejaculate. The torch holder could hardly keep the beam pointing anywhere as he came and the other boy thrust himself forward so much that the tip of his cock touched Matt's thigh as he came, causing his hot, creamy spunk to spray over the naked flesh, one shot even reaching the spent initiate's balls.

As Matt lay on the bed, naked and exhausted, his semi limp dick lying on his stomach a drop of cum still glistening at the slit, the boys silently pulled up their PJ's and moved away. Matt half watched the shadowy figures leaving his bedside but he was still trying to come to terms what had just happened to him. Despite having just had the greatest orgasm of his life he was still feeling excited and he moved a hand down to where he had felt the other boy's cum land on him. His hand brushed his cock on the way and Matt felt another jolt run through his body from his incredibly sensitive cock head. His hand suddenly came into contact with the sticky patches on his leg and he instinctively moved his other hand down as well and then, as he brought one hand to his mouth and excitedly tasted the still warm cum of his 'tormentor' he used his other hand to stroke the remaining pools of cum into his cock rubbing the thick cream over his dick head frantically until he had another, much smaller but still great climax. As his excitement subsided and Matt realised what he had just done he almost threw up. Christ, he'd just licked something that had come out of another boys dick. He could still taste it in his mouth but then, as he thought about it and remembered that all the others had been wanking and watching, he started to accept that there was nothing he could do about it and in any event, it had actually been a very enjoyable initiation!!

Quietly Matt got off the bed, felt for his pyjama bottoms, wiped the remaining cum from his body and pulled them on. After doing the same with the top he retrieved his bedding and got back into bed. He felt exhausted and almost immediately fell asleep but as he nodded off he had a vague memory that at some point during the initiation he had caught a glimpse of some bright red pyjamas!

Boarding School (Part 4)

[He felt exhausted and almost immediately fell asleep but as he nodded off he had a vague memory that at some point during the initiation he had caught a glimpse of some bright red pyjamas!.]

When the rising bell woke Matt up the next morning the events of the previous night came flooding back into his mind but the strange thing was that instead of feeling sick and disgusted at the assault on his body, he remembered it almost pleasurably, even when he remembered tasting the other boys cum. Hesitantly he sniffed his fingers and thought he could still smell a faint hint of the cum that had been on them the night before. He had his usual "piss boner" but this time it felt stiffer than usual and he suddenly remembered that he had actually "spurted" for the first time when the boy had jerked him off. Matt tentatively slid his other hand down inside his covers until it was holding his erect prick and he was tempted to jerk off to see if he could produce more sperm but the other boys were starting to get up and so he didn't dare risk it. He slid his legs from the bed, keeping the covers over his crotch until he managed to grab his towel and spongebag and then he carefully stood up making sure his towel was placed over his jutting cock.

"Morning Matt, sleep well?" came a voice and looking round Matt saw Adrian, still in his bright red pyjamas, smiling at him. For a second Matt felt that the pyjamas should mean something important but he couldn't think what, so he just said he'd slept very well and walked towards the other boys leaving the dorm for the washroom. He was actually feeling very nervous, expecting someone to mention the initiation but everything was the same as the morning before, except, perhaps, that a few more of the boys wished him good morning and asked if he'd slept well. The problem for Matt was he didn't know exactly how many of the boys in the dormitory had been involved in the events of the night so he had to accept that the friendly enquiries were just that - friendly enquiries. He reached the door and, with some of the others, walked along the corridor to the washroom

Matt still had an achingly stiff dick under his towel and was worried that he wouldn't be able to ever manage to piss with other boys at the urinal so he decided to go into one of the cubicles although he'd noticed the morning before that none of the boys had seemed to need a crap. (He found out later that most were embarrassed to have one when the other boys were around and so they'd use one of the other toilets scattered around the school.) because of this he received one or two curious glances when he entered a cubicle and locked the door behind him but he didn't care. As soon as he was separated by the locked door he dropped his towel and sponge bag and undid the button on his pyjama bottoms causing them to slip to his ankles. Curiously he looked down at his dick and was almost disappointed to find it looked the same as it had yesterday. Matt wasn't really sure what he had expected but had thought his first proper cum, however small in quantity, would have had some effect on how his prick looked. Studying it he thought it did look a bit harder than usual and he squeezed it experimentally with two fingers - yes it was definitely a bit stiffer today.

Pointing it towards the white, china toilet he tried to empty his full bladder but flashes of the initiation kept coming back to him making a piss impossible. Still trying he found himself playing with his foreskin, pulling it over the head of his dick and then letting it slide back down the shaft. The problem was that the more he did this the nicer it felt which made him do it even more. Finally Matt decided there was only one way he was going to be able to piss and that was to make his cock soft and there was only one way he would be able to do that the way he was feeling at the moment so he speeded up the up and down movement of his foreskin. He started feeling the familiar sensations starting in his groin and changed his grip so his fist was wrapped right around his swollen shaft and he started masturbating in earnest. He watched his cock head sliding in and out of his foreskin and knew that the end was in sight and virtually all his senses were concentrated on the five inches of his swollen member.

There was a knock on the cubicle door and he heard Adrian telling him to hurry up or he'd be late for breakfast.

"I'm coming", Matt managed to reply and as he said the words he did. As the intense feelings went through his body he stared at his dick in delight as he saw a few bubbly drops of liquid pop from his piss slit. They didn't actually do much more than slide down the head of his shaft but Matt didn't care. He'd actually seen himself produce sperm for the first time and he squeezed hard to see if he could get any more out and was rewarded by one final drop that oozed out and hung from the slit. Hesitantly Matt touched it with his finger and then, even more hesitantly brought the finger to his mouth and licked it. He was delighted to find it tasted similar to what he had tasted the night before - final proof that he had really cum properly.

He heard Adrian call him again so he quickly stood over the bowl of the toilet and let the pent up stream of urine leave his softening cock and stream into the water below. He seemed to be pissing for ages but it was only a matter of seconds before the stream slowed and finally halted and, after shaking the last drips from his piss slit he pulled up his PJ bottoms, did them up, remembered to flush the toilet, unlocked the door and left the cubicle. Adrian was waiting outside and after telling Matt to hurry up the two boys ran back to the dormitory where Matt quickly dressed, not even looking at Adrian as he also dressed, and within a few minutes they were ready for breakfast.

"You boy, what's your name?"

It was the end of afternoon school and Matt was just leaving his classroom when he heard the voice. He looked around to see who was being addressed and realised it was him. The owner of the voice seemed about 17 and Matt saw he was wearing a prefects badge on his left lapel. He was about 4" taller than Matt, well built without being fat with brown hair that just covered his collar. As the prefect started to repeat the question Matt replied. The prefect looked at him and asked if he was new and when Matt said he was the prefect seemed to pause for a moment before speaking again.

"Right Rawlings, my name's Bishop and you can see I'm a prefect. I expect your friends have told you about the duties we can ask you to do".

"Yes Sir", stammered Matt.

Bishop laughed. "No you idiot, you don't call me Sir, I'm not a master, just Bishop will do".

Matt nodded agreement and Bishop gave him a slight smile.

"Good. Now Rawlings, I've got rugger practice now and I'll be finished at 5.30 so I want you to have a bath ready for me then. Meredith will show you where to go and what to do. Right? Good. See you at 5.30 sharp."

Without waiting for a reply Bishop strode off down the corridor leaving a rather flabbergasted Matt standing with his mouth open. Adrian tapped him of the shoulder and Matt snapped his mouth shut and looked around at his friend who grinned.

"We did tell you this might happen", he reminded Matt.

"Yes I know you did, but I'm not a bloody servant", Matt retorted. "I've a good mind not to do it."

His friend grasped him by the shoulders and stared at him solemnly. "Look Matt, don't be a pratt. Bishop's a prefect and you're not so you have to do what he asks. You're lucky in a way, he's pretty decent for a prefect and you won't have any trouble. Now if it had been Lipple..."

"Who's Lipple?", asked a curious Matt, noticing the look on his friends face.

"Lipple is another prefect but he's a total bastard. I've known him make someone clean up a pile of vomit with a face flannel. You don't ever want to get on his bad side."

"He can't do things like that", an aghast Matt responded. Adrian just laughed.

"Look, Matt, as we told you prefects can do whatever they want. They've been appointed by the headmaster as reliable and trustworthy pupils who can guide us others in the right way. One thing about the head is that he really believes he is never wrong about a prefect and so no master would ever take the word of an ordinary pupil against the word of one of Grimshawes' 'chosen' ones".

Matt listened to what Adrian was saying and realised he didn't have much choice so he nodded reluctantly and followed Adrian as he led him up to the prefects area of the school. On the way Adrian told him that the prefects had their own bedrooms and other facilities and that their quarters were on the top floor of the school.

When they finally reached their destination Adrian opened the door of one of the bathrooms and they both entered. Matt saw at once that the prefects had it pretty good as the room was quite spacious and there were towels and soap already in place. Adrian told Matt what he would be expected to do and told him what time he should start running the bath so it would be ready when Bishop arrived. After he had finished the explanation he suggested they went to their "free room" until it was time for Matt to start preparing the bath and so both boys left the prefects area.

At 5.15 Matt left the "free room" and made his way back to the prefects area, entered the bathroom Adrian had shown him and started to run the bath. He checked his watch as the water ran into the ceramic tub and was relieved to find that the water reached the right level at precisely 5.28 and as he turned off the taps he heard the door open behind him. He turned around only to realise that the person by the door was not Bishop but another boy of about Bishop's age. He was also of similar height but had lanky, black hair which fell over his forehead and he was dressed in the schools rugby kit and Matt saw it and the wearer were rather muddy.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?", the boy demanded glaring at Matt.

"I'm Rawlins and Bishop asked me to run a bath for him", Matt replied.

As the words left his lips he saw with some relief that Bishop had also arrived at the door.

"Well I need a bath running too so when you've finished here you can prepare the one next door. Knock on the door of my room when it's ready."

Without waiting for an acknowledgement the other prefect nodded at Bishop and left, closing the door behind him.

Matt looked at Bishop who was also dressed in rather muddy rugby kit. The prefect walked over to the bath and nodded.

"Thank you Rawlins", he said to Matt. "That's all for now so you'd better go and get the other bath ready".

Thank you Bishop", replied Matt. "Er.. please could you tell me who the other person was as he didn't tell me his name?"

"Oh that's Lipple", he heard Bishop reply. "His rooms just up the corridor when you're ready with his bath. Now off you go."

With that Bishop turned his back on the boy and started to undress as Matt, his head reeling with the bombshell Bishop had just dropped, left the room and closed the door.

"Shit, Shit, Shit", he thought as he opened the door of the next bathroom. He saw it had the same layout as the other one so he went to the bath and started to fill it. As he waited he remembered what Adrian had said about Lipple and hoped he had been exaggerating as he had no desire to clean up sick with his face flannel. All too quickly the bath was ready and, after turning off the taps, Matt slowly opened the door and walked along the corridor until he reached a door that had a card with "G. Lipple" pinned to it. Taking a deep breath he knocked and when he heard a voice from inside he opened the door. Lipple was standing in the middle of the room. He was still in the muddy rugby kit but had taken off his shoes. When Matt told him the bath was ready he just nodded and told the boy to return to the bathroom and wait for him.

As he waited by the steaming bath Matt tried to convince himself that everything would be alright, as soon as Lipple had checked the bath was correct he'd let him go. He'd just finished this happy thought when the door opened and Lipple entered, shutting the door behind him. He stood, staring at Matt and gave a small grin.

"Well done Rawlins, that was very fast".

Matt thanked him and was walking towards the door when Lipple called him back. The boy slowly turned to face the prefect who was now standing by the bath.

"I don't remember dismissing you", the prefect said. "I should tell you that I expect rather more help from my bath boys than Bishop does. Do you have a problem with that?"

Matt told him he hadn't and Lipple gave another crooked grin.

"I'm glad to hear it", he said. "Right, help me take my kit off."

As he spoke he bent forward slightly and extended his arms. Not wishing to upset the prefect any further Matt walked over to him and tentatively caught hold of the two sleeves of the rugby shirt.

"No, you idiot, pull it from the waist." he heard Lipple snap.

Releasing his grip on the sleeves Matt stretched across the prefect until he could get hold of the bottom of the shirt and started to pull it up. As the shirt slid up the prefect's back Matt's fingers brushed against the skin and even though he tried to avoid contact it was impossible. He got the shirt to Lipple's neck and after he pulled it over his head the sleeves slid smoothly from the outstretched arms.

He put the shirt on a nearby chair and stood waiting until Lipple stood up and stared at him.

"What are you waiting for?", he asked the boy. "Carry on". Lipple just stood their and waited for Matt to approach, then he lifted one foot to allow the boy to remove his sock. Then he did the same with the other foot. Matt put the socks on top of the shirt and went back to the prefect who was still standing upright. Matt guessed what was required and so, gritting his teeth he put out his hands until they touched the waistband of Lipple's shorts. He undid the top button and saw a drawstring which kept the shorts tight and this he undid as well. Being sports kit there was no zip so Mat felt down the fly of the shorts until he found the next button, then the next. As the front of the shorts started to open Matt could see that the prefect was wearing an off white jock strap and it was impossible not to brush against it as he continued undoing the buttons of the shorts. The final button proved to be more awkward than the rest and Matt had to get his fingers right in behind it to undo it. This meant he was placing some pressure on the jock strap and as his fingers struggled with the button he could feel the jock strap pushing against them and as it did so he thought he heard the prefect give a small sigh.

"Oh Fuck, he's getting a hard on", Matt thought to himself, hoping the prefect would not be as embarrassed as he was about it. Lipple made no comment, just stood silently as Matt slipped the shorts down the muddy, muscular legs and placed them on the chair.

"Nearly there", he heard the almost naked prefect say and knew that the jockstrap was next.

As he walked back to the waiting youth he could see an obvious bulge in the jock strap which seemed to be growing even more as Matt got closer. As there were no obvious fastenings Matt took hold of each side of the garment and started to pull it slowly downwards. As the tight material moved Matt could see a thick bush of black hair gradually appearing. Suddenly the jock strap stopped moving and Matt realised that it was caught on Lipple's cock which was now forcing the material outwards. He tried pulling the top of the garment out enough to clear the obstruction, realised he couldn't get it out far enough and knew he was going to have to manipulate the trapped boner to get the jock strap off. He half hoped the prefect would take over but as there was no movement he kept hold of the top of the jock strap and gingerly started to put his other hand inside it. Almost immediately he came into contact with the stiff dick that was causing the problem and knowing he had to complete the operation opened his hand and placed it around the shaft. As he moved it gently towards Lipple's stomach he felt it twitch but he kept going until the jock strap started slipping down past the obstruction. As if it was red hot Matt let go of the stiff flesh causing it to bounce forward until it was pointing directly at him.

As he slid the jock strap off he couldn't help glancing at the first man cock he had seen. It was quite a bit longer and thicker than even the largest one he had seen last night and he saw there was no foreskin. Lipple lifted his feet one at a time so Matt could get the jock strap off and then stood there while he dropped the garment with the others. Matt turned back to see the prefect slowly scratching the large ball sack that hung below the large dick and he felt his own cock stiffen a little. With some relief he watched as Lipple got into the bath and sank into the water but then he heard the prefect tell to help him wash.

Matt knew he was trapped and so he looked for something to wash the youth with but there was no flannel anywhere.

"Just use your hands and the soap" he was told.

Matt knelt beside the bath and, wetting his hand and rubbing some soap on it started to soap the prefects chest. He heard the gurgle of water and realised that the water was emptying from the bath but when he told Lipple that the plug had become dislodged he was told that the bath was too full. By the time the plug was put back the water just reached top of the prefects legs, leaving his chest and groin totally exposed. Matt was told to continue and so he rubbed more soap on the damp chest and carried on rubbing it around. Finally he was told to carry on washing further down and hesitantly he moved his soapy hand down until it was resting on Lipple's pubic bush. He rubbed his hand over it and realised he quite like the feel of the rough, damp hair under his palm. He kept rubbing until he felt his hand grasped by the prefect who moved it down until it was resting on the cock jutting up from the pubic patch.

"Once you've given that a really good clean you may go", he heard the prefect say quietly and spurred on by the words he soaped up his hand and started rubbing it all over the prefects' dick. In fact Matt was quite enjoying himself in a perverse sort of way as he had become aware of the power he had at this moment. He had already guessed that he was expected to jack the prefect off and so he soaped the shaft slowly up and down. When he placed his palm over the top of the prefects prick and started rubbing it against the fleshy head he could see Lipple close his eyes and knew that he had him. He placed his thump on the youth's piss slit and rubbed it, feeling the edges of the slit move under the movement.

Lipple was starting to tense his whole body now and Matt knew it wouldn't be long before he climaxed so he stopped stroking the head, wrapped his hand around the thick cock just below the head and started rubbing faster, his hand brushing the edge of the head with each stroke. Now he could feel the dick in his hand starting to throb and jerk and he increased the pressure of his hand. Lipple started thrashing around the bath and groaning and as the naked body suddenly lifted nearly an inch off the floor of the bath Matt watched the white juices starting to spurt from the cock in his hand. He was amazed how high the first spurt went and how many there seemed to be. By now the soap had gone and so Matt moved his hand up the shaft until he lubricated his palm with some of the hot cream covering the prefect's cock head. He rubbed the cum into it furiously causing Lipple to tense even more as yet another jet of cum left his dick. Realising the prefect was past noticing and now feeling extremely horny, Matt quickly moved his other hand into the bath, wiped it over the slippery, cum soaked cock and then pressed it to his mouth whilst his other hand still rubbed away on the spent prefects rod. As he sniffed Lipple's cum and then stuck his tongue into the hot cream Matt felt as if his guts were exploding and he felt something wet in his briefs as his own cock jerked about.

He slowed down the movement on the prefects now soft dick and then took his hand away, still slippery with the prefects cum. He asked if that was all and the prefect weakly lifted a hand and waved him away. Walking to the door he could feel the dampness in his jockey's and knew he'd managed another first - cumming without even touching his dick!

To be continued...

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