Matt and Parker

By Markie

Published on Sep 3, 2011


Matt And Parker -- Chapter 3 By MJ

This story is a work of fiction, and I would advise anyone not to regard it as anything other than that. I made up every character, and any similarities are merely a coincidence.

If it's illegal for you to be reading this (and you will know if it is), then please wait until the law no longer applies to you.

Chase and I quickly sat up and covered ourselves fully with the comforter on my bed, and we were momentary blinded by the lights in the room when they were switched on. When my vision returned, I felt somewhat relaxed. I was afraid that the person who was standing in the doorway, seemingly seething, was Parker who had maybe come over early to surprise me. I was relaxed to find that it wasn't my boyfriend who was furious at me, but instead it was someone I wouldn't have expected at all: my uncle Lex, Chase's Dad.

"I believe I asked you a question," uncle Lex said.

"What Dad?" Chase asked.

"What the fuck is going on here?" uncle Lex asked again.

"Well, up until 47 seconds ago, we were sleeping," Chase replied, rubbing his eyes with the back of the hand, and yawning.

"First I find photos of you fucking some guy in the ass, and then I find a note when I get home telling me that you moved to Matt's place. I come over to try to talk to you, only to find you naked with your cousin in the same bed, spooning. Did you fuck him as well? Are you having an incestual relationship? Is that why you've moved in here?"

"Dad, you're fucking disgusting! Matt and I would never do that. We're just very comfortable together, and that's why we don't mind being naked together, or spooning. There's nothing wrong with it!" Chase shouted in anger.

"How can you say there's nothing wrong with it? It's not right!" he shouted back.

"Why don't you apply those same ethics to yourself before you try to tell me how to act around the only person who has any significant meaning in my life?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't act innocent now, I know about how you and uncle Reggie had sex! I saw you!" Chase said. Reggie wasn't really any blood relative of ours, he was Lex's best friend from high school. I had always suspected that there may have once been something that happened between them, but I was never sure. I guess I finally got confirmation.

Uncle Lex was speechless. A few times he tried to say something, but nothing came out. "I'm sorry," he finally managed to say.

"You should be. You have no right to judge what I do," Chase said, and I saw his father seem to become upset again.

"Of course I do, I'm your father!" he said.

"No, you don't. Not when you did the same thing, and never felt bad about it. And I know it happened more than once, so don't even try to play it down as a once off thing. Besides, I'm 20 years old, and I can do whatever the fuck I want. If Matt and I want to have sex with each other, then we can do it as much as we want, how we want, when we want. We don't do that though, but if I want to have sex with guys, then I'll do it, just like you do."

"Chase, who do you..."

"Just leave, Dad. I'm tired, and I don't feel like fighting anymore," Chase said, interrupting his dad.

After a long staring contest, uncle Lex got up and left, slamming my front door on his way out.

"How did your dad get in?" I asked.

"I must've left my key on the kitchen counter with the note. I'm really sorry," he said.

"Don't worry about it. Let's sleep." We turned over and fell asleep after some time.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of a car door slamming shut. Chase woke up as I got out of bed, and I told him that I thought someone was there when he asked where I was going.

"No need to get up. I'll just check who it is," I said as I walked out of the room. I got to the window and saw Parker's car standing in the driveway, and he was on his way to the front door. I pulled open the door and held my arms open for him to walk into my embrace.

I saw a curious look on his face as he looked me up and down, and when I looked down at myself I realized that I was still naked. We both smiled and Parker came over and squeezed me tightly. We had a quick but intimate kiss before moving into the house and closing the door.

"So did I interrupt something? I see Chase's car in the driveway, and then you greet me at the door naked. Did you get it on with your cousin?" Parker asked, acting mock serious.

"Yeah, we banged all night. I'm sorry to tell you that we have to break up, because he is better at sex than you are," I said, playing along.

"Oh, that's fine. I found someone else anyway. Five someones, actually, and they know exactly what I like," he said, holding up his right hand and wiggling his fingers. We both laughed. "So seriously though, what's the deal?"

"Well, Chase come over yesterday, and we went out and had a talk about some stuff that was bothering him, and long story short, he's moving in with me," I said.


"Yeah. He really needs this, and I love him around. There's no way in hell I was going to say no," I said.

"But, what about us?" Parker asked.

"What about us?"

"What about when we wanna have some alone time?"

"You mean, what about when we wanna have crazy animal sex?"

"You could say that, yeah."

"Well, he knows we do it, so he won't mind. He might even watch, and I think that could get hot," I said, teasing him.

"Are you sure? I don't want to make him, or us, uncomfortable."

"It won't be a problem, I promise."

"Good. So why are you naked?"

"Oh, we were changing into something comfortable after we got back last night, and stayed in our birthday suits, because there's nothing more comfortable."

"But isn't it weird to be naked around your cousin?"

"Didn't I explain our closeness to you properly? There's nothing either one of us could do to weird the other one out at all. Being naked together is no different from being dressed like an eskimo together."

"Oh. I guess I just never had that with anyone. Please don't mind me, I'm just getting used to it."

"I understand baby. I missed you," I said changing the subject.

"I missed you too. I shouldn't have gone home."

"Why not? What happened?" I asked.

"I told my brother about us and he completely freaked out. He called me a fag, and said that he was disgusted to imagine me with another dude. He was really rude, so I went to my room and locked myself up until morning came, then I left to come here while he still slept."

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I think he was just shocked, but I'm sure he'll get over it."

"I hope so, baby. I'm here if you need anything, though."

He smiled, and came in for a deep, long, passionate make-out session. We broke the kiss when the sound of Chase clearing his throat filled the room.

"Hi Parker," he said, holding out his hand in greeting.

"Hey Chase," Parker replied, shaking his hand, with wide eyes. Chase was also naked, and he obviously couldn't care less. He might even have gotten turned on by having Parker's eyes roam over his naked form.

After some small talk they followed me to my bedroom so I could take a shower. Parker seemed surprised when he saw Chase's clothes scattered around the room, and even more so when Chase laid back on the bed, on the same side he had slept the night before. The spot which was usually Parker's.

"Did you sleep in the same bed?" he asked, trying to sound nonchalant, but not hiding the shock well.

"Yeah, we spooned the entire night," Chase answered, obviously not understanding Parker's concern. He understood why it had upset his father, but Parker had no problem with guys being naked together, or spooning for that matter, so what was the problem?

Parker was lost for words at this statement.

"Look, baby, it's very natural for us. We've been sleeping this way since we were toddlers. It would be odd for us not to sleep like that," I said. Parker seemed to relax a bit, and I smiled.

"Hey Mattie, maybe we should have a threesome, then Parker might feel better about the whole situation?" Chase said, concealing his smile very well. Parker wouldn't notice it was just a joke.

"What? Are you serious?" Parker blurted out.

"Yeah, why not. Matt and I have done almost everything together, except for sex. It would be good for our relationship, and it would make you feel more at ease." Chase's poker face was still as unwavering as ever.

"He's joking," I told Parker, because he seemed to be on the verge of passing out.

"Oh," was all he managed to say.

I laughed as I got into the shower. I felt Parker's eyes on me as I washed myself, so I took especially long washing my uncut cock, teasing him as best as I could. Chase knew what I was doing, and I mentally heard him chuckle to himself. The two of us were so close that sometimes I could tell what he was thinking. It was almost like we shared a mind sometimes.

I got out of the shower, and Chase got in. He was much faster than I was, because he got out of the shower just as I finished putting on my shoes. Parker was already making us some breakfast, so I waited for Chase to get dressed, then we headed to the kitchen for some food.

"So did you guys have plans for today?" Parker asked.

"Yeah, we're going to go shop for furniture and stuff to redo the bedrooms. I'm taking my parents' room, and Chase is taking my room."

"Cool. That sounds fun," Parker said.

We left shortly after breakfast, and we found some really nice things for the rooms. We were very happy with what we got, and I was super excited to get to work.

We all worked together to pack everything into boxes, which we moved to the garage for the time being.

I took us most of the day, but we worked fast, so when evening rolled around we were done. I was happy with how my new room had turned out, and so was Chase about his room. We had made really good choices, so that made up for the small fortune everything had cost.

We all fell down on my bed when we were finally done, and it was probably the strangest tangled mess ever. I was lying with my head on Chase's ass, Parker had his legs over my upper body and his upper body over Chase's head. It was both comfortable, and uncomfortable. We were all at ease with each other after spending the day working together, but it wasn't exactly pleasant to have a grown man's weight on top of you.

If Chase's dad had seen us like that, he would have fainted. That reminded me.

"Shouldn't you go see your Dad, bro?" I asked Chase.

His face fell. "No, I have nothing I need to say anymore."

Parker looked between the two of us, clearly confused. "What are you talking about?" he asked.

Chase explained to Parker about his dad's visit the previous night. Chase didn't know what to say, so he kept quiet.

"There are going to be vibes in the family now, because of this," I told Chase.

"I know," he almost whispered. "I don't want that, but my dad made it clear he doesn't accept my lifestyle, or yours for that matter, despite his habits. I don't want any more conflict."

"Okay bro, let's just go grab some grub, and chill for a bit. We've worked really hard, and I just want to relax with my boys for a bit," I said, changing the subject.

"Fuck bro, that sounds so good. Let's do it," Chase said, almost throwing us off of him so he could get up.

It was around 23:00 when I started noticing that Parker wanted to go to bed and have sex before sleeping. He kept looking at me with a longing in his eyes, and I caught him checking out my package multiple times.

"Bro, just get the fuck up and take Parker to bed, then fuck him until his ass bleeds. That's clearly what he wants," Chase said, and I couldn't help but smile. Parker was the deepest shade of red I had ever seen on a person, but he wasn't denying that he wanted it.

"Would you like to record it for us? If you're lucky and up for it, we might even let you join in," I said, and Chase knew I was joking. Parker didn't.

"I don't think I'd be comfortable with that," he said. He paused before asking: "Are you guys joking again?"

"Yeah, we are," Chase replied. Parker laughed with us.

"Let's go to bed," I said to Parker, getting up and pulling him along by his hand. "Night bro," I said to Chase as we left the room.

Parker turned into an animal as soon as the door to the bedroom was closed. He kissed me passionately before ripping off all of my clothes. Then he dragged me to the bed, and pushed me down with quite some force. He had never been so rough before, and I absolutely loved it.

He grabbed the bottle of lube from the bedside table and rubbed it onto my cock as he bent down to make out. Without warning he broke the kiss and aimed my cock right at his entrance. He pushed back, and within the shortest time I was buried all the way inside of him. I had never felt this good before. I didn't know what had come over Parker, but I wanted more of it.

He rode my cock, clenching his ass muscles around my shaft every now and then, and I was lost in ecstasy. I lost all sense of my surroundings, focusing only on the amazing sex Parker was having with my cock. It almost seemed like I was just a tool for him, but I knew that it was just a roleplaying-type thing.

We fucked for hours, with Parker changing positions, speed and thrust strength every time I came close to the edge, not letting me cum until he had cum four times, and he came a fifth time at the same time that I blew my huge load. We were both spent by the time we were done, so we fell asleep just as we were -- with my laying on top of Parker with my cock still in his ass.

We woke up in a similar position the next morning. I got off of Parker and went to take a piss. I got back to find Parker on his back, looking at me walking back to him. I crawled in next to him, and we kissed deeply for a long time.

"Happy one-month-iversary," I said when we broke the kiss finally.

"And the same to you, sexy."

I reached behind me and got his gift from the drawer in the bedside table.

"I hope you like this," I said. He took the box and opened it, to find the chain I had bought him, which had an airplane charm hanging from it. "I thought this would remind you of your granddad. You said he used to take you flying around in his plane before he died, so I thought this might be good."

"I love it, thank you," he said. He kissed me again. "Here's your gift," he said, handing me a small box after retrieving it from his pants, which was across the room, by the door. I opened it, and inside was a silver ring.

"I think it's a bit early to start thinking about marriage. I'm flattered, though," I said.

"No, it's the ring that they used in your favourite movie," he said.

I was dumbstruck. I hadn't even known that Parker had known I loved that movie, let alone that it was my favourite. It meant a lot to me, and I didn't know how to show enough gratitude.

"Thank you, baby. I really love it. It's amazing. You're amazing," I said, kissing him yet again.

We got up finally, and jumped into the shower together. We washed all the dried cum from each other's bodies, and after the shower made our way to the kitchen, where Chase was already making breakfast.

"Morning," he said. I knew from his expression that some comments were coming, so I prepared myself. "I saw on the news that the two of you had quite a good time. It was apparently so good that you even stopped the war in Iraq. Nobody could fight with sounds of such pleasure filling their ears," he said, finally finishing.

"Well, at least we did some good while we enjoyed ourselves," I said, and Parker laughed.

"Seriously though guys, listen to this," Chase said. He played a recording on his phone, and we were clearly audible. "This was recorded in my room, which is on the other side of the house," Chase added, stopping the playback.

"What's wrong with it? We obviously enjoyed ourselves, and that's a good thing," Parker said.

"I know, I'm just playing with you guys. I'm glad you two had fun," Chase said, putting our plates of food in front of us.

The food was really good. There was nothing left when we were done eating. After breakfast we just hung around for a bit enjoying each other's company. I was very happy to see that Parker seemed to like Chase, and that the feeling was mutual. These were the two most important people in my life, and it would have been very difficult if they didn't get along.

The weeks that followed were quite uneventful most of the time. Chase and I really enjoyed living together, and Parker was also getting used to the idea. I knew that he didn't exactly like the idea at first -- no matter how he denied it -- but he quickly got over it and it seemed that he actually enjoyed spending time with Chase whenever he came over to the house.

About a week or so after Chase's dad had showed up at the house, he called Chase. It was about 7pm, and Chase and I were busy watching The Big Bang Theory. Chase didn't want to answer, but after some convincing I managed to get him to speak to his dad.

It was obviously a very awkward conversation, and it didn't last very long. They didn't seem to discuss any of the events of the other night, but instead it seemed that Chase's parents just wanted to know how he was. I wondered whether uncle Lex was phoning because he wanted to, or because his wife was making him, to try and patch things up with Chase.

I didn't ask Chase about the conversation afterward, and he didn't talk about it. We just carried on as if nothing had happened.

It was holidays again, and Chase and I were laying on the couch when we heard Parker's car door slam outside. As if we shared a mind we both quickly moved into a cuddling position with Chase behind me. His body was curved exactly to mine, his cock even pressing between my ass cheeks. He reached his hand around and firmly held my cock and balls, and with his other hand -- the arm of which my head was resting on -- he played with my nipples.

The front door opened and Parker stood in the doorway for a moment taking the scene in. After a short pause a smile crept across his face and he came closer.

"Hey guys," he said, leaning down and kissing me.

"Hey," we replied. I was a bit surprised that after he kissed me he leaned over and kissed Chase as well, and with just as much tongue as he had just kissed me. It was obvious that Chase was surprised, but he was playing along.

"What was that?" I asked Parker.

"Well, if you are gonna be fooling around with Chase without me, then I'm gonna do the same with him, but without you," he said back to me. We all laughed together.

"Seriously though, I missed you baby," I said to Parker. He leaned down again and kissed me deeply.

"I missed you to babe," he replied after breaking the kiss. "What the fuck?!" he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Chase, why are you still holding Matt's dick and balls?" Parker asked.

"I dunno," Chase replied, a cheeky grin on his face.

"Well, you can let go now," Parker said.

"Naw, I'm good thanks," Chase said. Parker shook his head, but let it go. He went to the kitchen for drink.

"Dude, that was so funny," I said to Chase.

"I know bro, but he isn't falling for our jokes like we want anymore."

"Yeah, but he's playing along, which is just as funny."

We laughed quietly again, and I felt Chase's dick start to grow hard against my ass, and I also felt him squeeze my cock slightly, which almost made me moan. Before I could react Parker was back with his drink, and he sat down on the couch right up against my hips. As he took a sip of his Coke I asked him for a sip, and without missing a beat he leaned down and kissed me, transferring his mouthful of Coke to my mouth, and I swallowed when he broke the kiss.

"That's fucking gross," Chase said loudly when we were done with the swop.

"Are you just jealous that you don't have someone to do that with?" Parker said as I took the can from him for another sip.

"Maybe," Chase said. I hadn't swallowed yet so I leaned over and kissed my cousin, tongue wrestling as I transferred my mouthful of Coke to him. I heard Parker chuckle, and I joined him when I broke the kiss. Chase just smacked his lips, saying "Aahhhh" after he swallowed.

It was strange when I suddenly realized that Chase had seemed to really enjoy the kiss I just gave him -- even though we both knew it was just jokingly. Then I wondered whether he would really be against having sex with me, thinking about the way he had squeezed my cock, and how he had gotten hard against my ass. Thinking about that made me wonder whether I would be against sex with him, and wasn't as sure anymore. Obviously I didn't intend to cheat on Parker, but if something should happen and we were to have that threesome we were always joking about, would I let him fuck me, or would I fuck him if things were to work out that way? I couldn't definitely say no, and I couldn't positively say that he would say no either.

I shook the thoughts off as we started making plans for the rest of the day. I wanted to go to the iStore for a new screen protector for my iPad, because the one I had was scratched. We decided to also do some shopping for clothes for Chase and myself while we were there, because we needed some new things. Parker had bought new clothes the week before, so he didn't need anything else.

Shopping for clothes with Chase and Parker was a lot of fun. They each kept making me laugh, but they did help me find some amazing things, and Parker and I in turn helped Chase. We ended up walking out of the store with almost an entirely new wardrobe.

We stopped for dinner on our way home at an awesome Italian restaurant. The food, as well as the music, the atmosphere and the decorations were amazing. It was a very romantic atmosphere, and it did make me very horny.

The three of us got home, and Chase went straight to the bathroom.

"Baby, I'm really horny," Parker said.

"So am I baby, I want your ass so fucking much right now," I replied.

"But I want to ask you something," he said.

"Anything, baby."

"Can we ask Chase to join us?"

I was shocked. I didn't want to do that, because I wasn't sure whether I would be able to keep from fucking him, or whether he would be able to keep from fucking me. I didn't want something like that to ruin our relationship, but the fact that Parker had asked meant that he really wanted it. He never asked for anything, so this must have meant that he had been thinking about it for a long time. I guess I should have seen it coming, because that's how life works. Whenever you think about something, and can't decide whether you would be able to handle it or not, that exact thing comes along and forces you to handle it.

"Sure," I replied, after some time.

A few minutes later Chase came from the bathroom and joined us in the living room.

"So what do you guys wanna do now?" He asked.

"Well, we were actually going to bed," Parker said.

"Oh. Well, goodnight then guys," Chase said.

"Do you want to join us, bro?" I asked, my palms sweating. Chase seemed surprised by the question.

"Haha, very funny guys," he said after a minute.

"Chase, I'm serious," I said.

He was silent, obviously unable to find words. After a minute of silence, I reached over and took Chase's hand and led him to the bedroom. I noticed that his palm was sweating as much as mine, and that made me feel calmer. Parker closed the door as I took Chase to the bed. Parker came over and started taking off Chase's clothes. I slowly took off Parker's clothes, and Chase -- obviously not wanting to seem useless or something -- started taking off mine.

Once we were all naked we got onto the bed. I reached over and kissed Parker deeply. Parker broke the kiss, and then kissed Chase passionately. It turned me on knowing that my boyfriend's tongue -- which was covered with my spit -- was down my cousin's throat, right in front of me. Parker broke the kiss again, and nodded to Chase and myself, letting us know that we should kiss too.

We slowly closed the gap between us, and we kissed softly at first, but getting more heated as time went on. I finally broke the kiss to get some air. Parker reached over and took my head in his hand, and pushed it down toward Chase's cock, obviously telling me to take it into my mouth. I looked into Chase's eyes, and he nodded, letting me know that it was okay. I went down further and took my cousin's cock into my mouth. I felt Chase move, and looked up to see him being bent down to suck Parker's cock, and Parker bent down and took my cock into his mouth.

Chase's cock was delicious. It tasted so sweet, but it had the most amazing masculine taste I had ever experienced before. It was intoxicating. I knew that I could easily become hooked on that taste. Chase's cock was about the same as mine. It was another thing that made us feel like brothers. We had compared many times over the years, and our measurements were the same. I realized that in a way I was sucking my own dick, seeing as the one in my mouth was basically exactly the same one which was currently in Parker's mouth. I decided to see how far I could go, so I did my best to open my throat, and I felt myself sinking further down slowly, going inch by inch until I felt his pubes tickle my face. Going slowly had helped me prevent gagging, and at the same time I savoured the journey, and I heard from Chase's moans that he loved it.

It wasn't very long before the three of us pulled off, knowing that the time had come to go further. Parker reached into the bedside table and got the lube. We all looked at each other, not exactly knowing what to do. Parker lubed up my cock after some deliberation. He got onto all fours, and had me push into him doggy style. He had Chase sit on his knees in front of him, and took Chase's cock into his mouth, effectively skewering himself from both sides. Chase and I built up a good rhythm, and it was again as if we shared a brain. We both moved together to ensure as much pleasure for each other, with the least amount of effort. I grabbed hold of Parker's cock when I felt myself get close to cumming, and I knew that Chase was approaching the edge as well, and miraculously all of us came at the same time. The timing couldn't have been more perfect.

We lay down in a tangled mess as we came from our highs, and caught our breaths. We all knew that we were far from done, but we needed a short time to recover.

"Okay guys, I know this is weird, but I want you two to fuck each other. I think it'll be so fucking hot!" Parker said, and I worried again. I looked into Chase's eyes, and I saw my expression reflected in his face.

"Chase, it'll be okay. We won't let it get weird. It'll just be something else we do together."

"You're right bro, like you always are. Let's do it," he said. He paused before adding: "Do you wanna top, or bottom?" he asked.

"I'll do both bro, if you want," I replied. Chase beamed at the prospect, and I knew that our relationship would only get better, never worse.

Chase moved so that he was laying on his side, with his head at the edge of the bed, and his leg on my shoulder, which opened his ass nicely. I lubed up his hole before lining my cock up to his hole. I pushed lightly, and I felt him relax, letting me in. I pushed a bit harder, and before I knew it I was fully buried inside his ass. He squeezed at the right times when I started thrusting, and it was as if we were meant to have sex with each other. Only when I saw Parker's cock slide into Chase's mouth did I remember that my boyfriend was not the one accepting my cock. It was easier to shake off the feeling of guilt knowing that this was my boyfriend's suggestion.

After going slowly for some time to allow Chase to get used to me I pick up the pace, starting to fuck him hard, and at quite a decent pace. He took my cock like a champ, and he started pushing back to my thrusts, letting me in deeper. Suddenly Parker shot his load into Chase's mouth, and Chase was unable to swallow it all, so some flowed from the corners of his mouth. Seeing that sent me over the edge, and I blew a huge load into my cousin's ass. I lay down next to Chase while I finished cumming. When I pulled myself together again, Parker bent over to kiss me. "Have fun with him, I'm going to the bathroom, and I'll see you when you're done," he said, before leaving the room.

I looked into Chase's eyes, and he pulled me into a deep make-out session. I turned so I was on my back, and he lubed up his cock and my ass. He got between my legs and slowly pushed into me. It felt strange to have a cock in my ass again, but it felt good when he bottomed out. He held still for me to adjust to him, and I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him again. We kissed for a long time before I felt him start to move his cock outwards. He withdrew until only the head was left, then thrust back into me with all of his might, and I was shocked to my core. I hadn't expected that. After that thrust, he became like a man possessed. He fucked me with an immense speed. Every now and then he would slow down and fuck me hard, and then change it up again. All the while our mouths stayed glued together. We weren't making out all the time, but our lips were connected.

At the pace Chase was going, it didn't take long for him to shoot a huge load which filled me up, and I loved it. We made out again, and then just lay there. A short time later Parker came into the bedroom, and we all lay in one another's arms, savouring the moment. I was the last to fall asleep, and I found myself wondering what I had done. How had I been able to have sex with my cousin? And I had loved it. If I were being truthful to myself, I had enjoyed it more than I did with Parker. What did that mean? Maybe it was just because it was new. I would still love sex with Parker, wouldn't I?

I wasn't sure, about anything...


Please send any feedback to

I would like to remind everyone that this story is pure fiction, including all characters and their names.

If you want to send me disgusting photos of yourself jerking off and spraying your load, feel free to do so.

I'm sorry that this chapter took so long, but I'm really busy with assignments and such at the moment, and unfortunately that has to be my priority for the time being.

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