Matt and Parker

By Markie

Published on Aug 11, 2011


Matt And Parker -- Chapter 2 By MJ

This story is a work of fiction, and I would advise anyone not to regard it as anything other than that. I made up every character, and any similarities are merely a coincidence.

If it's illegal for you to be reading this (and you will know if it is), then please wait until the law no longer applies to you.

I was on my way home when my phone rang. "Answer," I said to the car, and it answered my call for me, allowing me to talk through the car's stereo system. "Hello," I said to the unknown caller.

"Hi honey," said a very familiar voice.

"Oh, hey! What's up?" I asked.

"Oh, you know, same shit different day. And with you?"

"Not very much. Just headed home to unpack the groceries I bought, before coming over."

"Cool, that's actually why I'm calling. I just wanted to make sure that we were still on for today, and what time you would be here?"

"Yeah, obviously we are still on, and it's 11 now, so I think I should be at your place around 11:45. I'll just quickly unpack everything and then get going to your place. Does that sound good?" I asked, making sure.

"Yeah. Are you sure you don't want me to pick you up? I could leave now and help you unpack the stuff before we leave?"

I deliberated for a very brief moment. "Well, if you'd like that, and not mind then I won't say no."

"Awesome, I'll meet you in a few." The music came back on, and I made a quick stop at the gas station for some gum, which I had forgotten to buy.

I was getting the last bag from the boot of the car when saw his car pull up. The car died, and he got out.

"Hey bro," he said.

"What's up?" I asked hugging him.

"Just really excited to be going out for a change," he said back.

"I know, it's been a while."

We walked into the house and I put the bag down with the others.

"You look different, cuz. Did you get a haircut?"

"I did actually. You like?" I asked.

"Yeah, it looks good," he replied, smiling.

I couldn't help feeling happy around my cousin, Chase. He knew me very well, and it was very easy being around him. We grew up together, seeing as we had an extremely close family who were always together. Seeing as how we were born closest together, we naturally hung out mostly with each other.

Chase was 2 months younger than me, stood about 5'2" tall, had light brown hair, a permanent 5 o'clock shadow, the most piercing blue eyes and a subtle tan. He was built the same way I was, because we used to work out together daily until I got busy working over the holidays. This was the first time we had gotten together since I started working for his dad over the holidays.

"Chase, bro, you have absolutely no fucking idea how much I've missed you," I said after a moment of silence. "I mean, it felt good to keep busy and shit, but I didn't see my bro at all, and I really missed the shit we get up to sometimes."

"I missed you too, bro. Nobody gets my jokes, but you."

We smiled at each other as I started unpacking the groceries.

"Can I help?" Chase asked.

"You can make us some coffee, if you'd like some."

"Sounds good," he said as he turned on the kettle.

When we got back from the concert, and the adventures we had before it, we hung around the house and played some video games. I had bought some vodka and Coke, so we were really enjoying the after party. Chase had had a few drinks and was getting into a very relaxed mood, more relaxed than he normally was anyway.

"Bro, I want to tell you something," I said.

"What the fuck, man? Why are you telling me that? You know that we never have any secrets, so don't tell me you want to tell me something, just fucking tell me," he said, and we both laughed. I really loved Chase as my brother, because us we were brothers. It made no difference that we didn't have the same parents.

"Just don't freak out, please."

"You know I won't," he said, starting to show indications of concern.

"I sort of have a boyfriend," I said.

"That's awesome man!" he said, clapping me on the back. "Congrats."

"Thanks man, you have no idea how much I appreciate you saying that."

"What did you expect me to say? That I don't want my only brother to be with a dude? You know I love you no matter what, and I want you to be happy. If the guy turns out to be some cock whore, then you know I'll have to sort him out, but if not then I have no fucking problem."

"Thanks Chase. I think you'd like him, he's a lot like me in many ways."

"You're not dating a clone of yourself, are you?" He asked, and we both laughed at his lame joke.

"Not quite. You'll see when you meet him."

"Great, but right now I'd like to get back to kicking some of your ass in the game," he said, letting me know that he wanted to get back to just us hanging out without the serious stuff. We had promised to have a very fun, non-serious day which he had obviously been longing for.

Since I can remember, Chase had slept in the same bed as me when we had sleepovers, and that night was no different. We did usually end up spooning, but it was a purely brotherly thing, and we never thought anything of it.

We were up by 8am, and we both set to work on making ourselves a king's breakfast, each of us doing something. I was making the bacon and pancakes, while Chase made coffee and handed me whatever I needed.

We ate like it was our final meal, and found it hard to move around for a bit when we were done. I packed the dishes into the dishwasher, and afterward found Chase in the living room, playing Angry Birds on my iPad.

"Bro, Parker is on his way. He texted me to say he wanted to come over, and I couldn't say no. Would you like to meet him? If not, then I'll quickly call and cancel," I said.

"I'd love to meet my bro's bitch," he said, and I knew he meant it jokingly, so I smiled.

"Oh, he's my bitch alright. You don't have to worry about that," I said.

"Oh, you guys have had sex already? I didn't know you were such a slut, bro. Tell me all about it," he said, and we laughed together.

"Do you really wanna know?" I asked.

"Dude, you know I had some experiences of my own, so it won't freak me out or anything. You can tell me anything, like I tell you every disgusting thing that happens in my life."

So I told him everything, starting at how we met a month before, and within 36 hours we had had sex, and had repeated the activity several times since. This weekend was the first time we hadn't been together every day.

"Okay, that's a cute story and all, but tell me the good stuff," he said.

"What do you wanna know?"

"Who's top?"

"I am."

"Does he suck cock?"

"Like a fucking pro."

"Do you suck cock?"

"I try."

"Is he big?"

"Yeah, really big."

"Bigger than you?"

"About half an inch shorter, but a tiny bit thicker. We're more or less the same."

"Then he must be well hung, because I've not seen many cocks like yours."

"How many cocks have you seen?" I asked.

"A few. I always take a look when the opportunity comes along. Who doesn't?"

"Good point," I replied.

I heard a knock on the door then, and got up to open for Parker.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi sexy," he replied, then kissed me quickly before coming inside.

We walked into the living room and I introduced Parker to Chase. They seemed to click, but there were times when it seemed to be going slow. Also, I thought Parker was a bit cautious when I called Chase my `brother', which made it clear how close we were.

By the time Chase said goodbye and went home, the two of them had gotten to know each other quite well, and I was glad to see they got along well.

It was late and I was exhausted after the late night and alcohol the night before, so Parker and I went to bed without much happening, other than making out and exchanging blowjobs.

We woke up the next morning to the sound of rain falling, and we just stayed in bed grateful for public holidays. When both of us were fully awake we made out until the sound of my stomach growling forced us out of bed to get some food. We ate our food naked on the couch, and when we were done Parker took our plates to the kitchen and washed them. While he was busy I sneaked into the bedroom to grab the lube.

"Come over here," I said when he was done with the dishes. I was standing next to the counter in the middle of the kitchen, and he came over to me. We kissed deeply for a bit, then I picked him up and lay him down on the counter before getting up there with him, and lubing up his hole. I slicked up my cock and pushed slowly into him, and he let out sounds of pure happiness. Each time I pushed into him I felt my load coming closer and closer, and the look of pleasure on his face made me happy as I could be.

I knew I was almost at the edge, so I grabbed onto his dick squeezed as I stroked in rhythm to my thrusts, and he came within seconds. Seeing him cum like he did sent me to the point of no return, and I filled him with my juices.

I collapsed on top of him as I came down from my high, and when we had our wits about us again we got up and took a shower together, sensually washing each other very thoroughly.

"I'm glad you and Chase got along so well," I said as we got dressed.

"He's a cool guy. I can see why you love him so much."

"You'll love him too," I said.

"I'm sure I will, though not the way I love you."

"I'd hope not," I said.

We went out to go watch a movie later that day, and got some ice cream after before going back home.

We played some board games, watched a few DVDs, played some video games, and ate some food before getting to bed again. Neither of us were quite in the mood for sex after such a relaxed day, so we settled for cuddling before falling asleep.

We had class the next day, so we didn't really have time for full on sex, so we settled for handjobs in the shower. We arrived on campus, and both of us knew to act purely as friends. Neither of us wanted the world to know that we were gay, so we had to keep it hidden for the time being.

The day dragged on, because I just wanted to be home, and hold him. I didn't care what we were doing, I just wanted to hold him. I felt empty if I didn't have him in my arms at least once every 3 hours or so.

Finally the final class came to an end, and we got into the car.

"Baby, I think I need to spend the night at my place tonight," he said as we started leaving the parking lot, shocking me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, I haven't spent any time with my brother the past few days. Seeing you with Chase yesterday made me realize that I missed my bro, and I have been neglecting him big time."

"But you were home since Saturday morning, until Sunday afternoon. Didn't you guys hang out then?"

"No, he had a party to go to on Saturday, and yesterday morning his girlfriend came over, so they were locked in his bedroom until after I left."

"Are you sure he's going to be able to hang out tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, he actually asked me to come home tonight to hang out,"

"Oh. Do you want me to drop you off now, or do you want to pick up your car from my place first?" I asked.

"I'll get my car. I don't have to be home for a few hours, so we can still spend some time together before I go," he said.

"Okay. I understand. You gave up some of our time for me to see Chase, so it's only fair, I guess. I'll miss you though," I said.

"I'll miss you too, baby," he said, taking my hand and squeezing it.

We decided to make some popcorn and watch a movie together before Parker left. I paid very little attention to the movie, because we lay on the couch together, Parker sort of on top of me while I held him. I spent most of the time tracing the lines of his hands, playing with his fingers, feeling the curves of his muscles all over his body, and basically just admiring him and being affectionate.

I was standing in the kitchen, tracing my fingertip over my lips - which still had Parker's lip balm on it where he had kissed me goodbye- when my phone rang. I still tasted his spit in my mouth, so I wasn't keen on swallowing, because I didn't want the taste to go away. The caller ID told me that Chase was calling, so I answered.

"Hey bro, what's shakin'?" he asked.

"Not much, and you?"

"Not much either. I was hoping I could come over and hang out, if that's okay? I don't want to interrupt if you and Parker wanna bang, but I really wanna see you."

"You know I can never say no to you. Parker isn't here anyway, so I could use the company. How long `till you get here?"

"I'm just filling my car up, then I'll come over. Make it about 3 minutes. I'm at the gas station right by my house."

"Awesome. See you in a bit then," I said.

As the routine was before the holidays, Chase just used his key and walked into the house.

"Honey, I'm home," he called.

"Hey," I called back, and a moment later he came into my bedroom where I was standing naked, digging around for something comfortable to wear. I usually changed as soon as I got home, but I didn't want to waste time with that today while Parker was here. For some reason the time away from him felt like days, instead of minutes.

"So, what's up? Where's Parker?" he asked.

"You do realize we're not technically living together? He still lives with his brother, and he went home to spend some time together," I said, turning to Chase still naked.

"That makes sense. So, what are we doing tonight?" he asked.

"I was wondering the same thing. Do you wanna stay here, or should I put something on that's good for going out?" I asked.

"I actually wanted to go see a movie sometime, and who better to go with than my bro. I didn't think I'd be able to get you away from Parker to go with just the two of us, but it seems my prayers have been answered," he said.

"Sounds good," I said, turning and walking into the closet to grab a pair of jeans and my favourite T-shirt. I decided to go commando for a change, so I just pulled my jeans up before pulling on the shirt, some socks and a pair of shoes. "Let's get going," I said. "We don't want to get there when everyone has gotten off work and bought their tickets already."

"Yeah," he said, and we left the house. Chase drove to the cinema where we got our tickets and snacks before getting into our seats and waiting for the movie to start.

After the movie we went to some Thai place and had some dinner. After that we didn't feel like heading home just yet, so we wandered around the streets aimlessly.

I started to notice that Chase was acting strangely, and then I realized that he had sounded like he needed to talk about something when he had called me earlier.

"I feel like a dick,"

"Well, if you're sure Parker won't mind, then I guess you can use mine. But if you don't plan on telling him then that's cool as well, you know I won't tell anyone," he said.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You said you felt like a dick, so I said you could use mine. Just don't let the family find out, because it's called incest," he said seriously.

"That's not what I meant. I meant I feel really bad," I said.

"Oh, that makes sense now. What about?" he asked.

"Well, you obviously have something on your mind, but I was so caught up in Parker leaving me alone today that I didn't pay attention. I'm sorry bro,"

"Why are you so hung up about Parker going to see his brother? He left you alone to see me, so now you're being a selfish bitch by being upset."

"I'm sorry, you're right. I'll stop now. So what's the problem with you?" I asked.

"It's sort of embarrassing, actually,"

"Then it must be good," I said, and we both smiled.

"I wanted to ask you whether it would be okay for me to move in with you?"

"What's embarrassing about that?" I asked.

"Well, my dad found some pictures of my sexual escapades, with girls and dudes, so he completely blew a fucking gasket. I just don't want to be in that atmosphere anymore," he said.

"Of course you can live with me, you already have most of your stuff there anyway, so just bring over whatever else you need to, and we'll make a place for you," I said.

"You're the best, bro."

"I know," I said. "I told you those photos were going to bring you trouble sometime."

"And I wouldn't listen," he replied, seeming to feel much better.

On the way home we stopped at his place to get the few things he wanted to bring over before his parents got home, left them a note, and then we left.

We went through the house trying to decide which room we would convert for him, and I realized that there weren't any rooms other than the rooms of my family that I was preserving that we could use.

"It's okay bro, I'll sleep on the couch when Parker's here, and when he isn't I can sleep in the bed with you like we always do," he suggested.

"No, that won't be right. It's time I do something about all the stuff anyway, it's been long enough. I'll convert my parents' room for me, and then you can take a pick of any of the others. You can either use mine, or you can take Jason's room," I said.

"Is there no way of him coming back?" Chase asked.

"I doubt it. We haven't spoken for a really long time, and when we last spoke he seemed happy where he was, and said he was `living a new life, trying to forget everything that happened'. I think he's still angry with me, and I think that it's getting worse with time," I said.

Jason was my brother. My real brother. He was my identical twin, but we had grown apart very quickly after our parents' death. He was not happy that my parents had changed their will. He had decided to run away with some girl who was much older than he was, even older than Mom was, to get married. Our parent's disapproved, and when he was gone without contacting them for over a year they had changed their wills to include only me. He came back home when I phoned him to tell him of their death. I realized with a shock that the only reason he had come back was to get his inheritance. Saying he was furious when he didn't inherit anything is a HUGE understatement. He called me all sorts of disgusting names, saying that I had convinced our parents to disown him so I could have everything, and he left saying that he hoped I would burn in hell, and that it was fine because he was able to fend for himself without my stolen money when I offered to give him half of everything.

A few months later he had called me to apologise for his accusations, and we started talking more, though after a few weeks that suddenly stopped altogether.

"But I thought he apologised for the accusations?" Chase asked.

"He did, but I think it was just him trying to convince himself."

"Oh. Well, I think I'll take your room, since it's bigger. We can convert his room into something else," he said.

"Good. We'll go and look for furniture tomorrow, then we'll get to work," I said.

"You're the man, bro," he said, hugging me tightly.

We went into my bedroom to get into something more comfortable. Somehow, both of us ended up playing video games for a few hours, completely naked, before going to bed without putting anything on. There was absolutely no weirdness between us, which was the only reason we did it. We had seen each other naked so many times that it was a natural thing for us. We hardly even noticed when the other one was naked anymore.

Even though we were naked, and not asleep yet, we got close to each other and spooned as we talked about nothing of much use, Chase being behind me and his cock laying against my crack. I must have seemed odd if someone else had walked in on us like this, but it was all very natural to us. We had experienced almost everything in life together, and this was just our way of showing our closeness to one another.

It was the fright of my life when I woke in the early hours of the morning to the words: "What the fuck is going on here?!" being shouted by a silhouette in the doorway of someone who obviously didn't understand how natural Chase and my position was to us.


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I would like to remind everyone that this story is pure fiction, including all characters and their names.

If you want to send me disgusting photos of yourself jerking off and spraying your load, feel free to do so.

Next: Chapter 3

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