Matt and Parker

By Markie

Published on Aug 8, 2011


Standing Next to Perfection By MJ

This story is a work of fiction, and I would advise anyone not to regard it as anything other than that. I made up every character, and any similarities are merely a coincidence. If it's illegal for you to be reading this (and you will know if it is), then please wait until the law no longer applies to you.

Going back to university for my second year after an almost 4 month break gave me mixed emotions. I was excited to get back to class and have that experience again, but I also felt a bit miserable. I had gotten a job working as my uncle's assistant over the break, and working actually made me reconsider my studies.

Despite my mixed emotions I arrived at class that first day and felt great seeing my buddies again. Most of my friends had gone away for the break, or they had gotten jobs of their own, which gave us no time to hang out.

The first lecture dragged on, since nothing new or interesting was said – yay, a reason to love driving almost an hour to get to class that first day. Since I only had the one lecture on Mondays I got into my car after the very brief (37 minute long) lecture, and drove all the way back home for the day.

I awoke around 9am the next morning to my dog wanting to go outside. I got up reluctantly and opened the door a crack and fell back on the bed, knowing full well that I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. After giving it my best effort though, I got up and went into the bathroom to take a leak.

I had become somewhat of a nudist since I started living alone, mainly because I didn't like doing laundry. As I got dressed after my breakfast and morning workout, I thought of how stupid I was for living in this house when I could buy one much closer to the university. I knew that in theory that sounded practical, but I just couldn't bring myself to sell my parents' house. They had passed away over 2 years ago, but I felt that letting go of their house would erase all I had of them.

I had gotten into a dark place as I drove myself absent-mindedly to class. I had a longer day on Tuesdays, though it wasn't a full day. I sat in the lecture hall, waiting for the lecture to start. I was alone in this class, as all my buddies had passed and I had failed. I found myself weighing up the positives of selling my house compared to the depression I might experience if I do, when I noticed someone sitting down next to me. I found this odd, seeing as how the room was much larger than necessary, and almost all seats were still open. I pushed the thoughts from my mind though as I went back to my thoughts without giving any indication of noticing my new neighbour.

"Hi," the person next to me said. I looked up and saw that I actually recognized the face. It was some guy who had almost all of my classes with me last year. Recognizing this person erased all of my irritation at being interrupted.

"Um, hi," I replied.

"My name's Parker," he said, and held out his hand for a handshake.

"Matt," I replied, taking his hand and shaking it firmly.

"I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who failed this subject," Parker said, smiling.

"Yeah, so am I. I felt like a complete ass when I found out," I replied.

Parker laughed and said that he had felt the same, just as the lecturer cleared his throat loudly to start the lecture. After yet another short, boring lecture I had an hour more than initially planned to kill before my next class, which meant that I had to hang around and do nothing for 2 hours.

Parker walked with me out of the lecture theatre, and we chatted about nothing of great importance. I did quickly learn that he was someone I could really become great friends with. I noticed that parker was someone who the girls must love. He seemed to be really fit, though I couldn't really see his body. He had the most beautiful eyes I had seen on a guy, and his smile was so warm and genuine. He had a decent tan, which complimented his dark hair very well. I thought that in most of those aspects we were similar. I had green-grey eyes, with black hair and a decent tan which I find quite simple to keep.

"So what are you up to now? Do you have another class?" He asked.

"No, only in 2 hours. How about you?"

"I'm done for the day, my last class for the day has been cancelled," he replied.

"What class is that?" I asked.

"Um, programming."

"When was it cancelled?"

"I got an email this morning. Is that what you have later?"

"Yeah, I didn't check my email this morning. That's cool then."

"So are you going home then?" Parker asked.

"I guess so, I don't have anything else planned so I might as well go home and chill out."

"That's cool. I forgot to tell my bro that my class was cancelled, so I have to wait for him to get out for lunch," he said.

"I could drop you off man, if you want? And if you want we could go to the mall and grab something to eat. I wanted to go buy something anyway."

"That would be great, thanks bro. I'll just text my brother real quick."

We got into my car and drove to the nearest mall. I found out as we talked that Parker's car had gone in for repairs and he would only be getting it back in about a week. I also learned that his parents had moved to England recently, and that he lived with his brother for the time being.

We got out of the car at the mall and walked around for a bit checking out the food court before deciding on anything. After some deliberation we decided on having cheeseburgers, so we sat down and placed our orders with a really hot waitress. She brought our food over and we started eating. I realized that I had been starving.

After we ate I asked Parker whether he wanted to go somewhere, to which he said: "Nothing specific. How about you?"

"I wanted to pop into the Apple store real quick, if you don't mind."

I absolutely love the Apple store. I could spend hours there every day admiring everything. We walked into the store and since I knew what I wanted I went to the sales clerk directly.

"Hi, I'd like an iPad with the largest capacity available, please. In black," I added. I noticed that both the clerk and Parker had shocked expressions, but I suppose it was expected. It can't be often when someone just walks in and asks for that, they usually have to be sold on it by the sales staff.

I paid for the iPad and we left. We went back to the car, and I had a feeling that I didn't quite feel like being in my own company again. I quite liked Parker, and he seemed to like me. I had already learned Parker's schedule earlier, so I made a suggestion.

"Hey, I don't really feel like being alone yet, so don't think I'm creepy or anything, but would you like to come over to my place? Neither of us have class tomorrow, so you could sleep over if you'd like and I'll bring you home when we're done."

"Dude, I know we've only been talking to each other for like 2 hours, but I really like you, so how could I say no?"

"Awesome," I replied.

We went to his house to get some stuff, and he wrote his brother a note before we went to my place. Once inside he complimented the house, which I thanked him for.

"So when do your parents come home?" he asked.

"They don't. I live alone," I almost whispered.

"No shit?"

"No shit."

"How do you afford this place though?"

"My parents had already finished paying for it, so I just got it when they died. It doesn't cost me much."

Parker became quiet for a moment. "Man, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"It's fine dude, don't worry. It's been quite a while."

We spent the rest of the day just hanging out. We played some video games, watched TV, and played pool. We ordered Chinese for dinner.

"Bro, where am I gonna sleep?" Parker asked when it got late.

"You could use my bed, then I'll take the couch," I said.

"Don't you have other beds?" he asked.

"I do, but I don't want them to be used. I know it's stupid, but I can't help it."

"I understand. But I won't take your bed. I'll take the couch," he said.

"No man, I don't mind, honestly."

"I insist," he pressed.

"If you want you could always sleep in the bed with me. It's big enough to fit both of us without it being weird, but only if you want to," I suggested. I thought I saw his face light up.

"That could work," he said.

We went to the bedroom, and I stripped down to my briefs. I stopped before taking them off, remembering that I wasn't alone. I got into bed and soon after Parker did the same, also in his underwear.

I had turned off the lights, so we chatted in the dark for some time before falling asleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling constrained. The first thing I noticed was my underwear. I wasn't used to sleeping in them, so I was about to pull them off when I remembered. That was also when I realized that Parker had put his arm around me, and that body was pressed against mine. I could feel his dickhead pressing against my asscheek, and oddly I wasn't disgusted by that as I would have expected. I started to move in an attempt to get up, but as I moved Parker pulled me back against him, and for some reason I let him. I liked the feeling of his warm palm over my left nipple and my back against his chest, heaving as he breathed.

After a minute or so he started to stir, and I pretended to sleep. He noticed our position and pulled away before leaning over me. I pretended to wake up then, and as I did he quickly lay back down. I turned to find him staring at the ceiling, and I said good morning as I got up to go take a piss.

"Morning," he replied. "Sleep well?"

"I did, thank you. And you?" I asked.

"I slept like a baby. I can't remember the last time I slept that well."

"Then I'm glad," I said from the bathroom. I shook my dick and stuffed it back into my briefs as I turned to leave the bathroom, and found Parker standing quite close.

"I gotta take leak myself," he said. I walked from the bathroom and picked up my clothes from yesterday. I walked into the bathroom to place the dirty clothes into the hamper, since Parker didn't seem to mind people in the bathroom together while urinating. He was just finishing up when I entered, and I couldn't help but catch quite a good look at his penis as he turned toward me. I guess it was quite a nice dick. It was soft, and hung about 5½ inches. It was thick too, but nothing too outrageous. I looked away and stashed the clothes. He didn't notice me seeing his cock as he had looked down to flush the toilet.

"I'm going to jump into the shower quickly, so feel free to do whatever you want until I'm done. I won't be long," I said, and then turned on the spray of water for it to heat up.

"Cool, I could use one as well. When you're done, of course," he added as an afterthought.

I stood there in silence, pretending to check my face for imperfections of something while waiting for him to leave the bathroom, but he made no move to leave. After a moment's deliberation I shrugged internally and just stripped off my briefs and got into the shower. The glass door of the shower was clear, so I could clearly see Parker and he saw me just as well. I saw a misty expression on his face when I took off my briefs, and when I looked at him again from inside the shower I noticed that the expression was lingering as he finally made his way out of the bathroom into my bedroom.

For some reason I felt turned on knowing that he had looked at me naked, and judging from his expression he had been pleasantly surprised by what he saw. Had he been purposely waiting to see me naked? A day before I would have been upset by this, but for some reason I kind of liked it. I actually felt myself start to stiffen up at the thought of Parker maybe wanting me. Did that mean that I wanted him too?

I finished up my shower, and while I dried myself I decided to see where his interests lay. I had heard him yawn in my room, so I pretended not to know that he was there and walked out of the bathroom completely naked, drying my hair as I walked. My closet door was right next to the bathroom door, so I made my way there without `noticing' Parker. I opened the door and grabbed a pair of dark, tight-fitting jeans, a long-sleeved grey shirt which clung to me like a second skin, showing off every muscle which I worked so hard to keep. I also got myself my best briefs, socks and shoes. I proceeded back to the bedroom, leaving the towel on the closet floor. I walked into the bedroom to find Parker sitting on the bed, staring at my still naked form.

"Oh, hey," I said when I finally `noticed' him. "Shower's free if you wanna go," I said as I casually walked to the bed and put my clothes down next to him.

"Um, cool. Thanks," he said, staring at my body. I laughed to myself, and started getting dressed. I started with my socks, and I saw him lean forward a bit as I bent down to get a look at my ass. Next I pulled on my briefs, and continued pulling on the various clothing items until I was fully dress. When I was done I stood very close to Parker – who was still sitting on the bed – and waited until he finally looked up from my dick to my face.

"So are you going to get into the shower soon?" I asked him, and he blushed.

"Yeah, I guess so," he said. He got up and went into the bathroom quickly, trying unsuccessfully to hide the tent in his briefs. I chuckled quietly as I went into the kitchen to whip up some food. I decided to make pancakes, which I didn't do often, but since I had a guest I decided to put more effort in.

"Matt?" I heard him call.

"In the kitchen," I called back. Parker walked into the kitchen just as I got the last pancakes from the pan and stacked them atop the others on the plate before putting the pan into the sink. "Dig in," I said.

We ate and talked, and I really liked this guy more and more the better I got to know him. He really was someone I could become best of friends with. When we were done I washed dishes, and he insisted on helping, so he dried and I washed.

"Are you ready to go home yet, or do you want to go to the mall with me again?" I asked Parker.

"Mall, please." I had barely finished when he almost shouted his reply.

"Cool. It might not be very exciting today, I want to go buy some clothes. Maybe you'd like to help me pick some cool stuff?" I asked, and he nodded enthusiastically.

We got to the store I wanted to visit, and started looking. We picked out some items which I thought were really nice, so I went to try them on. Parker waited outside the fitting room, but I told him to come with me, because he needed to give his opinion on everything. He seemed happy when he followed me.

Most of the things I tried on fit perfectly, except for one pair of jeans which I had a bit of trouble getting into. I ended up hopping around trying to get them over my hips, but fell over onto Parker who just laughed it off. When I did get the jeans up though, they looked amazing.

"Dude, you have to get that. It looks great. You might just need to get used to putting them on."

"I agree, they look perfect," I said.

We paid and left the store. We decided to put the clothes into the car, then go grab some lunch. We had been in the store for a long time, so hunger had creeped up again.

We finally left the mall, and got back to the house.

"Um, can I ask you something, Matt?" Parker asked.

"Sure thing," I replied.

"Would it be okay if I slept over again, and went to uni with you tomorrow? I mean, we have exactly the same classes, so it's not like you're not going."

"Sounds great, I was thinking of it myself."

We packed my clothes into the closet, and Parker was surprised at all of the nice clothes I already had in my closet. I told him that I hadn't bought new clothes in a long time, and had gotten bored of the old stuff.

We hung around the house for the rest of the day, had pizza delivered for dinner, and went to bed around 23:00.

I woke up in the early hours of the morning needing a drink of water. Luckily I always kept a bottle of water next to me when I slept, so through my haze of sleep I reached over and got the bottle, brought it to my lips and took a few gulps. I put the bottle back and lay my head back down on the pillow.

It took me a few minutes to realize that something was different. My pillow felt wrong. I willed myself to become conscious enough to investigate, and realized that my head was on Parker's arm. When I realized this, more realizations came. I was not only lying on his arm, but his other arm was wrapped quite tightly around my body, and his body was pressed tightly against mine, arching in the same places my body did, making the contact between us as much as possible. I also realized that his dick was settled against my crack. He wasn't erect, but it was quite obvious.

I felt content, and this realization should have unsettled me, but it didn't. Instead of trying to change anything I used my right hand and took his left hand which was under my head and intertwined our fingers, and using my left hand did the same with his right hand which was just over my left nipple, similar to the way I had woken up the previous morning.

I had barely closed my eyes to go back to sleep when I felt his lips against the back of my neck. Thinking that he was still asleep I ignored it, but then I felt a kiss. He softly kissed my neck over and over again, and at the same time he used his thumbs to trace the lines of my palms.

After doing this for some time I felt him shift, and felt his kisses move from the back of my neck to the front, and then upward, toward my chin. Finally he reached my mouth, and he kissed my lips softly at first, until I kissed back. We took it slow, but soon his tongue was in my mouth, and mine in his, both fighting in lust.

I felt his dick getting harder against my ass, and pushed back against him with lust. I reached behind me and took hold of his rod through the thin material of his briefs and was surprised at the size. About 3 inches of his cock was sticking out the top of his briefs already, and he wasn't even fully hard yet.

Parker started tugging at my briefs then, and I lifted my hips for him to pull them off, and then I pulled his off as well. When both of us were naked he got onto me and straddled my hips, then bent down and we made out again in fiery passion.

I had never even thought of doing this before, but I pulled his hips to my face and took as much of his cock into my mouth as I could, not even getting halfway without grazing it with my teeth. I bobbed my head up and down on his cock, and he threw back his head and moaned in ecstasy. I was happy to be making him feel good.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum soon," he said. I pulled off and he looked upset.

"I don't want you to be done yet," I said before pulling him down for another kiss.

"Your turn," he said when he broke the kiss, and went down and took my cock into his mouth. He managed about half before he gagged, and pulled back a bit.

He pulled of as well when I was close, and then kissed me again.

"I want you to fuck me," he said. I was surprised, but wasn't about to deny him that.

Luckily I had lube in my bedside table that I used for jerking off, so I grabbed that and handed it to him to do the greasing up. He squirted some into his palm and rubbed it between his two hands to warm it before thickly coating my cock, and then doing his ass. Before I could react he had sat on my cock and gotten the head and most of the shaft into him. He held still for a bit to adjust, and then pushed back and buried the rest of my cock inside him.

He waited a few seconds before riding my cock for all that he was worth. He would go slow and deep for some time, and then go fast and shallow for some time. After some time he wanted to change positions, so I held onto him as I turned him over with my cock still inside him, until I was on top with his legs over my shoulders. I pulled out slowly until just the head was still inside, then I pushed back into him with all my might, and repeated this a few times.

"Go fast, please," he begged.

I gave him a quick kiss, and then gave him everything I had. I had never thought that I would be able to reach those speeds, but somehow I did and it was amazing. I wasn't able to hold it much longer, and when I asked Parker where I should cum he said that he wanted my seed inside him. I thrust into him a few more times before letting loose into him the biggest load I had ever produced. He came at the same time that I did, and his clenching ass only made my orgasm better.

When we came down from the high of our orgasms, we made out for some time before exhaustion took over and I fell asleep on top of him, with my cock still buried inside his ass.

I woke up a few hours later in an awkward position. My lower body was still on top of Parker's, but my upper body was lying on my pillow, which I must have brought closer sometime during the night. I lifted myself up so I could see Parker's face, and I saw him stir. I had heard that the best way to wake up was with a kiss, so I kissed him tenderly until I felt his arms wrap around me.

"Morning sunshine," I said when I pulled away.

"Hi," he said. "So, that was fun."

I smiled, "Yeah, it was. I don't understand how it happened exactly, but it was good."

"I'm really glad you did it with me," he said, smiling and stroking my cheek.

"I never thought I would do it with a guy, but somehow you're different," I said.

"That's good. But will this affect our friendship?" he asked, looking scared.

"Definitely. We're not friends anymore," I said, and enjoyed his look of horror. "What, don't you want to be together? It was just a suggestion, but if it bothers you that much then we can forget it," I said, pretending to be sad and starting to get out of the bed. He pulled me back down before I got very far, and we made out passionately.

"There's nothing I'd like more," he said.

"Good. So, we don't have class until this afternoon, what would you like to do until then?" I asked. I saw a mischievous grin creep onto his face, and a twinkle in his eye.

"Oh, I think we'll be able to find something..."


Please send any feedback to If you want to send me disgusting photos of yourself jerking off and spraying your load, feel free to do so.

Next: Chapter 2

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