Matt and Joshua

By Jay

Published on Apr 4, 2021


HSM: The Series, Matt, Joshua and Zac

This is a fictional story that involves consensual sex between people over the age of 18 and does not imply the sexuality of the people in the stories.

It features the actors Matt Cornett, Joshua Bassett and Zac Efron, all of whom have featured in the High School Musical franchise.

It is a sequel to the story Matt and Joshua

This is my second story so feedback greatly appreciated (nucleaner at gmail dot com)

It was a warm Los Angeles afternoon and Matt Cornett, Joshua Bassett and Zac Efron were being photographed in Zac's home gym, posing for a spread in Men's Health called High School Musical: The Workout. The Disney Channel wanted Zac involved in promoting the new TV series and he'd agreed, on the condition that he got to show off his new fitness set up.

"And three, two, one... perfect" the photographer said, taking a final snap on his camera. "That's great guys, I've got everything I need. Thank you so much, it's gonna look awesome, and Zac, congrats on the sweet gym."

"Thanks man," Zac responded. "Are you OK to let yourself out?"

"Sure thing bro."

As the photographer packed up, Zac went over to his mini fridge and grabbed two bottles of water and handed them to Matt and Joshua.

"You worked up a bit of a sweat there Matt." Zac joked.

Matt's skin was glistening with beads of perspiration. The combination of the summer weather, the heat from the lights and being in the presence of Zac and Joshua in skimpy gym clothes had got his heart racing.

"Look, I'm a method actor man. You ask me to pose for a workout shoot, I commit to the role."

Zac laughed and placed his hand on Matt's shoulder, sending a lightning bolt of electricity through Matt's body. Matt had started sleeping with Joshua recently, staying over at each other's apartments between shoot days, and he was starting to develop serious feelings for him. But Zac was something else. He was a Hollywood icon, a personal hero and Matt had been lusting after him for as long as he could remember.

"Hey, why don't we shower off and then we can hang out for a bit. Play some pool or whatever." Zac suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Joshua responded. "Our car isn't coming for another couple of hours."

"Great. If you head up the stairs the guest bedroom and en suite are straight ahead of you. Then I'll catch you guys in the games room."

As Zac left, Joshua and Matt picked up their bags and headed upstairs.

"Can you believe how awesome this place is?" Joshua said to Matt.

"It is insane. And Zac's such a great guy."

"Yeah, I saw you admiring his greatness during the shoot." Joshua teased.

"Ha, I'm sure you had a couple of glances too Mr Bassett. Don't act all innocent."

"I don't know what you mean, I only have eyes for you." Josh said, closing the door to the bedroom and slapping his co-star firmly on the butt.

"Come here you," Matt said, pulling Joshua in for a long, passionate kiss. Matt grabbed Joshua's tight, firm ass before sliding one hand inside his shorts to explore his smooth, sweaty cheeks. Joshua pulled back from the kiss.

"Hey, behave. We're in someone else's house, we've got to be good."

"But being good is so boring."

Joshua gave Matt a peck on the lips and stepped back. "Let's check out this bathroom."

Joshua opened the door to a giant room of marble and glass with a jacuzzi, a bath, a flat screen TV and an enormous walk in shower.

"This place is half the size of my apartment." Joshua exclaimed.

"Hell, this shower is half the size of my apartment." Matt added. "Come on, let's give it a try."

Matt started to undress, taking off his gym vest and revealing his lean, muscled body, taut pecs and sweat covered abs.

"You go first Matt, I'll get in after." Joshua said, turning to leave the room.

"Are you kidding? This thing's huge - you could get a whole football team in here. We've gotta try this together."

Matt slipped off his shorts and underwear in one go, exposing his impressive cut cock. He was soft, but the blood from the workout meant his dick was thick. As he walked into the shower, Joshua watched his muscular glutes shift from side to side. Matt turned the water on and droplets fell like rain, drenching his smooth, 20 year old body.

"OK fine, but we've gotta be quick and then get straight down to see Zac."

"Yes sir." Matt responded sarcastically.

Joshua lifted his gym shirt over his head, slid off his shorts and then his briefs. Matt turned around in the shower to see his young lover totally naked. One of the things Matt adored about Joshua was that he had no idea how beautiful he was. His gorgeous head of boyish curly hair, his giant brown eyes, his athletic torse, sweet pink nipples and perfectly proportioned cock and balls.

"Get in here handsome," Matt ordered.

Joshua stepped in and, even with the two of them, there was ample space to spread out. The shower head was built into the ceiling and the water fell in a long strip, far more than any one person would need. He gave Matt a quick kiss before closing his eyes and letting the water spill all over his body.

"We are not fooling around Matt, that can wait til we get home," he said sternly.

"Oh I love it when you get all serious" Matt laughed.

Matt went to squirt some body lotion from a dispenser into his hand, but sent it all over the floor when a noise startled him.

"I brought you guys some towels," Zac said, standing in the doorway.

Matt and Joshua were both facing away but quickly turned their heads to see Zac, fully clothed, towels in his hand. In stunned silence, with no idea what to do, they stood there naked, water flowing over their bodies, their bare asses facing their acting hero.

"You know, awkwardness around nudity is such a bullshit western idea. Go around the world and other cultures are way more relaxed about it. It's so cool that you guys are comfortable with each other." Zac said, filling the silence. "Do you mind if I join you?"

Zac was met with more stunned silence as Matt and Joshua froze in disbelief. Finally Joshua was able to force out the words "Sure... sure thing Zac."

Zac placed the towels on a cabinet and lifted up his t-shirt, revealing his tanned, muscular body. He wasn't as lean as he had been in his Baywatch days, and he now had a thin coating of chest hair, but his bulging biceps, rippling abs and perfectly drawn pecs meant he was the ideal specimen of man. Joshua and Matt both continued to watch as Zac slid down his shorts, and then his lycra underwear, to reveal a six inch soft cock crowned with a crop of hair. Having caught a glimpse of the A list dick, Matt and Joshua quickly turned away to face the wall, both realising they were staring.

Zac sauntered into the shower as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

"You guys have got to try this body scrub I got shipped in from Costa Rica, it's incredible," Zac said casually, as he leaned over to the dispenser and filled his hand with white cream.

Matt was taken by surprise as Zac stepped behind him and started lathering his shoulders. He moved his hands in circles, swirling down the younger actor's back, grazing his hand over his ass cheek as he finished.

"You too Joshua", Zac said, refilling and getting to work on the teenager's shoulders. The thrill of being naked in the presence of Zac Efron, never mind him putting his hands all over their bodies, was too much for Matt and Joshua, who were now both facing the wall to try and hide their erections. When Zac had finished scrubbing Joshua's back, once again just glancing his hand over his pert behind, he rinsed his hands to clean off the last of the cream.

"Now, turn to face me boys." Both Matt and Joshua stayed faced away from their host, breathing deeply in the hope they could get their rock hard dicks to soften.

"Err, Zac, this is kind of weird but..." Matt started, before he was interrupted.

"Nothing to be ashamed of, I promise."

Knowing that they were in the older actors' house and he had complete power over them, Matt and Joshua slowly turned around to face Zac, completely naked, wet, and with rock hard cocks.

"Well, what do we have here?" Zac said, as an enormous grin spread across his face. He reached out his hands, taking Matt's erection in his left and Josh's in his right. He slowly stroked up and down with each, as both Matt and Joshua let out soft moans.

"I saw the way you were looking at me during that shoot," Zac teased. Matt and Joshua both stared at him, completely powerless as he held both their throbbing cocks in his hand. "Now why don't we work on getting me as hard as you."

Zac leaned in to softly kiss Matt on the lips, only for a second, and then Joshua. They both barely responded, still in complete shock, but when Zac came in for a second kiss with Matt, he parted his lips and let Zac slowly and sensually explore his mouth. Zac continued to slide his wet hands up and down their manhoods as he transferred his attention from Matt to Joshua, once again sliding his tongue in, hungrily tasting the young heart throb. Zac pulled back from his kiss with Joshua.

"Now you two."

Not needing any encouragement, Matt and Joshua leaned in to lock lips, their tongues brushing up against each other and going deep into their mouths. When Zac's tongue came in to join them, they repositioned so that all three of them could kiss as Zac continued jerking them off.

Zac pulled back, still smirking. "Well, you've done your job," he said, looking down at his full, hard eight inches. He let go of both dicks and turned off the running water. "Now, remind me, how old are you boys again?"

"I'm twenty", Matt said.

"Eighteen", Joshua added.

"So fresh-faced. And have you been with a lot of guys?" Zac asked.

"Only each other." Matt answered.

"Wow. Well, I'm the other side of thirty, so I've had a fair bit of experience since I was your age, with men and women. I can show you boys a good time, give you some new experiences, but only if you want."

Matt and Joshua looked at each other, both completely unable to believe this was happening. They turned to Zac and nodded in unison.

"Good boys. Now, if there's anything you don't want to do, or that you're not comfortable with, you use the safe word Red. But until I hear that, I'm in charge, ok?"

"Yes Zac", Matt responded, obediently.

"And you?" Zac asked, turning to Joshua.

"Yes Zac."

"Good. That's what I like to hear. Now Joshua, I want you on your knees with that pretty little mouth around my dick. And Matt, I want you round the back with your tongue in my ass. Let's see what we're working with here"

Joshua lowered himself in front of Zac and took his swollen member in his hand. He stuck out his tongue to taste the A-list cock, running it along the tip, and then took the whole head in his mouth, bobbing backwards and forwards and sucking enthusiastically. He moaned as Zac's cock filled his mouth, his own dick twitching in appreciation.

"Get to work Matt, you're not here to watch" Zac ordered, as Matt took his position behind Zac and placed his hands on the plump muscular cheeks. Rimming was one of Matt's favourite pastimes, he'd spent hours worshipping Joshua's ass, and he couldn't believe he was about to taste Zac Efron. Parting Zac's glutes, Matt took a moment to admire the older man's perfect hole, and then got to work licking, flicking and probing his hole.

"Oh, fuck yeah." Zac moaned, as the two young actors got to work on pleasuring him. "You boys might not have much experience but you've got plenty of enthusiasm. That's it Joshua, use your hand on the shaft, and cup my balls too."

Joshua took orders well, wrapping his fingers around the shaft while his mouth focused on the head, then bringing up his other hand to massage Zac's balls.

"And Matt, I want you to get that tongue right in deep. You have to fuck me with that thing."

Matt did what he was told and slipped his tongue into Zac's asshole, deeper than he'd ever done with Joshua. He could barely breathe as his face disappeared into the hunk's ass and his face was smothered by Zac's incredible cheeks.

"Oh fuck yeah, that's it Matt. Like a pro."

Matt and Joshua carried on servicing Zac, losing themselves in his masculine dominance.

"Now come up boys, let's dry off and head to the bedroom." Zac ordered, as both Matt and Joshua reluctantly took their mouths off his body and stood up.

"But first I wanna taste myself."

Zac went in for a deep kiss with Matt, all tongue, taking in the taste of his own ass.

"Mmmm, and now the cock." as Zac buried himself in Joshua's mouth, licking out the taste of his own pre-cum.

"That was a good intro, you both certainly know the basics. Let's move on to something more advanced."

Zac stepped out of the dripping shower and picked up one of the towels he brought in, throwing the other to Matt.

"You two can share. I'm sure you won't mind."

Zac toweled down, drying his hair and wiping the droplets off his body. Matt did the same, and then used the towel to wipe down Joshua. None of the three raging hard cocks showed any sign of softening as the three actors dried off.

"Come through to the bedroom." Zac said, as Matt and Joshua dutifully followed.

"Now, how does this work when you two are together? Do you fuck?"

"We fuck," Matt responded, "and I'm the top. Always."

"OK. You gotta be versatile in this industry if you want to get far, but we can get on to that later. Joshua, get on the bed on all fours. Matt, you can watch."

Joshua dutifully obeyed, apprehensively glancing over at Matt, who had taken a seat and was starting to stroke himself.

Zac got onto the bed behind Joshua, parting his young pale cheeks with his hands and spitting into his hole. Joshua gave a sharp intake of breath as the spittle landed on his sensitive skin.

"Now, are you ready for this Joshua? You ready to take Troy Bolton's big cock?"

"Yes Zac." Joshua responded, his voice quivering slightly with nerves.

"That's a good boy."

Zac then forced his fat eight inches into Joshua's tight teenage hole in one quick thrust, getting all the way down to the balls. Joshua closed his eyes and let out a sharp cry.

"Breathe through it Joshua, I know you can take it."

"Yes Zac," Joshua responded, taking deep breaths.

"You can call me Sir when I'm fucking you."

"Yes Sir," Joshua whimpered, his body still struggling with the size of Zac's cock.

Zac slowly pulled back and started to gently thrust in and out of Joshua's hole, as Joshua began to softly moan.

"See, I told you you could take it."

Matt had stopped stroking himself, knowing that he'd blow his load if he even touched himself while watching the hot scene in front of him. The lead of the original High School Musical dominating the young upstart, twelve years his junior.

Zac grabbed Joshua's hips and started fucking him harder, Joshua's moans getting louder in appreciation. Zac lifted his right hand and brought it swiftly down on Joshua's pale, pert ass, giving a loud smack as the cheek rippled under his hand.

"Ow!" Joshua exclaimed.

"Quiet boy. You're gonna take it and you're gonna like it." Zac barked before spanking him three times in quick succession, each one harder and louder than the last. Joshua clenched his jaw shut trying to muffle his cries. "You like that Joshua?"

"Yes Sir," came the meek response.

"You want me to spank you?"

"Yes Sir. Please spank me Sir". Joshua had now become totally submissive, wanting nothing more than to be dominated by Zac. He had completely forgotten he was being watched by his co-star, as the desire to be a simpering bottom slut took over him.

Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. SMACK. Joshua's right cheek was now bright pink with a vivid handprint where Zac had left his mark.

"Oh god YES." Joshua screamed, overcome by the new experience of pain and pleasure that was driving him wild. Zac slowed down his thrusts and pulled out of Joshua.

"Very good boy Joshua. Now, why don't you take a seat and Matt, you come over here and lie on your back."

Joshua crawled off the bed and wobbled over to a chair, barely able to walk, his legs turned to jelly from the ecstasy that had taken over him.

"I've, I've never been fucked," Matt said, cautiously, as he stood up. "I don't know if I can."

Zac walked over to Matt and stood just inches in front of him.

"Do you trust me Matt?"

"Yes Zac."

"Yes what?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good boy. You know the safe word if you need it. Now get on the bed like I told you."

Matt warily walked over to the bed and lay on his back. Zac went over to a bedside drawer, opened it and pulled out two large metal clamps.

"Now this is all part of your learning experience. Matt, close your eyes."

"What are you going to...?"

"Close them. I won't ask again."

Matt did what he was told. He wasn't used to taking a submissive role, but he didn't want to let Zac down. As the room went dark he felt cold metal on his right nipple followed by a sharp pain, then the same on his left.

"You can open them now."

Matt looked down to see too large, silver, clothes peg-like clamps on his nipples.

"You think your boyfriend looks good Joshua?"

"Yes Sir," Joshua responded enthusiastically, starting to stroke the shaft of his cock.

"Not such a top now, is he?"

Zac positioned himself at Matt's feet, lifting up his ankles onto his shoulders and guiding his cock to Matt's behind.

"You saw the way Joshua took it, and how much he loved it. Can you do the same for me Matt?"

Matt hesitated for a moment.

"Yes Sir," Matt whispered, looking up at Zac as a bead of sweat formed on his forehead.

Zac slid forward and placed his cock at the opening of Matt's virgin hole and slowly but firmly applied pressure. He took it much slower than he did with Joshua, showing some mercy for his first time.

As Zac slid inside Matt the younger actor arched his back and yelped out in pain.

"It's OK Matt", Joshua said from the sideline, "You push into it. Relax."

Zac held position as Matt breathed quickly and sharply, his forehead now covered with perspiration and his cheeks flushed red.

"That's it Matt," Zac said softly, as he slid his hard member into the six foot jock. "Learn to take it."

Matt let out a deep moan of pleasure as his body relaxed and he felt something slam up against his prostate for the first time.

"Oh my god," Matt murmured as his body writhed, Zac starting to slide in and out, picking up rhythm.

"That's a good boy." Zac said encouragingly, as his balls started to slam against Matt's hole.

"You like being dominated Matthew?" Zac asked, never taking a moment's rest from pounding the virgin asshole.

"Yes Sir."

"Tell me you love it."

"I love being dominated Sir."

Zac reached forward and put his large hand around Matt's throat, pinning him down him, the young actor powerless to push back. Matt opened his mouth in shock as Zac leaned over and spat inside, his hand now pressing down harder and Matt's face starting to turn red as he fucked him relentlessly.

"You like it when I spit in your mouth?" Zac asked.

Matt, unable to find words, nodded his head. Zac sent another ball of spit right into the young actor's mouth.

Zac let out a grunt, taken over by animalistic instinct, then pulled out, took his hand from Matt's throat and barked "Get on all fours, slut." Matt, completely consumed by lust for Zac obeyed quickly, presenting his firm muscular ass to his master, who slammed straight back in and continued fucking him powerfully.

"Come over here Joshua and get your dick in his mouth."

Joshua, who had been sat open-mouthed at the scene in front of him, took to his feet and kneeled in front of Matt, who opened his mouth ready to take his second cock.

"Don't hold back Joshua, you've got to teach him who's boss. Fuck his mouth."

Joshua, turned on at the idea of dominating Matt for the first time, thrust his cock inside his lover's mouth, grabbing his thick, dark hair to force it down.

"Time to test out his gag reflex. Get it in his throat."

Joshua, overtaken with passion, firmly grabbed the back of Matt's head and slammed it down onto his cock, pushing through his mouth and past his tonsils. Matt buckled, gagging quickly, but Joshua continued forcing it in, thrusting deep into his neck.

Matt's gagging caused his body to seize up and his asshole to tighten around Zac's pounding cock. This sent the Zac over the edge, as an orgasm took over his whole body, and he dumped his enormous load into Matt's virgin hole.

As Zac let out a primal roar, Joshua came in Matt's mouth, shooting his hot, salty seed down his throat, and Matt came without touching himself, the sensation of being bred at both ends proving too much for him.

As the three stars recovered from shooting their loads, Matt swallowed what was left of Joshua's cum in his mouth, and Zac pulled out of his ass, a dribble of semen making its way onto the sheets. Matt took the clamps from his chest, his small dark nipples now swollen and bruised.

Zac moved to the head of the bed and lay down as Matt and Joshua took their place on either side, their heads rested on his pecs and hands placed on his six pack, all of them breathing heavily and letting their bodies recover from the greatest sexual experience they had ever had.

"I think you boys will go far," Zac chuckled, as he planted a kiss on each of their heads.

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