Matt and Joshua

By Jay

Published on Mar 29, 2021


HSM: The Series, Matt and Joshua

This is a fictional story that involves consensual sex between people over the age of 18 and does not imply the sexuality of the people in the stories.

It features the actors Matt Cornett and Joshua Bassett from High School Musical: The Musical: The Series.

This is my first ever story so feedback greatly appreciated (nucleaner at gmail dot com)

Matt Cornett walked confidently down the corridors of the High School Musical: The Musical: The Series set, flashing smiles at the cast and crew members he passed along the way. At six foot tall with an athletic build and matinee idol good looks, he knew that everyone on the show either wanted to be him, or wanted to be with him. He liked the attention, but also found it exhausting, so when he had a bit of down time he liked to spend it with the only other guy on set who he felt was on his level, Joshua Bassett. They could hang out without anyone bugging them for selfies or, more likely, trying to get into their pants. Matt approached his co-star's dressing room and knocked on the door three times.

"Dude, can I come in?"

"Sure thing", Joshua replied.

Matt entered the room to see Joshua hanging his Wildcats jersey on the costume rail. Both actors had wrapped their scenes for the day and were waiting for an all-cast meeting that was happening in a couple of hours. Matt collapsed on a couch at the far end of the dressing room and started to scroll through Instagram.

"So Matty, I kind of have a favour to ask you."

"Sure thing bro, anything. I got your back."

"I'm not sure you'll be saying that in a minute."

Matt glanced up from his phone and looked at Joshua. He was struck by how handsome he was with his curly hair, puppy dog eyes and boyish face. Unlike Matt, Joshua was totally oblivious to the way people acted around him and was wholly unaware of the hold he had over women, and men, working on the show.

"Joshua, despite what it says on those crappy gossip websites, I'm here for you. Need me to beat someone up?"

"Ha, kind of the opposite actually. You know that HBO audition I told you about?"

"Oh my gosh did you get it? That's an Emmy-nominated role right there bro!" Matt stood up to hug Joshua in congratulations.

"Not yet, but I got a call back. I'm down to the last two apparently."

"Joshua, that's incredible. So awesome. Get me a cameo?"

"I'll try. But there's one thing that's stressing me out a bit... my character's gay."

"Oh." Matt paused for a second. "But that's not a problem, that just gets your major acting creds. That's the Emmy in the bag!"

"No, it's not a problem if I get it. But in the next audition I have to make out with a guy and HBO are making a big deal out of it."

Joshua turned away from Matt and started nervously moving items on the clothes rack.

"They're saying it has to be super realistic and intense. There's going to be another actor there to read with, and they want us kissing in our underwear. I'm freaking out."

Matt could see that Joshua was getting flustered; his speech was racing and his hands were starting to shake.

"Joshua, calm down. Look at me."

Joshua turned around to face Matt. His co-star put a hand on his shoulder and stared at him intently.

"You're a pro. You can do this. You're down to the last two so you've just got to go for it 100% and book the gig. Close your eyes and imagine it's a girl. It'll be over in 30 seconds, a minute max."

"Matt, I'm not as experienced as you. I've only been with a couple of girls. I know I should have done more by 18, but I haven't. I just want to be totally ready for this." Joshua paused for a moment. "Which is why I wanted to ask you to practice with me."

Matt took his arm off Joshua's shoulder and pulled back.

"Dude, what?!"

"You're right, I'm sorry, I never should have mentioned it. Forget I said it." Joshua started pacing.

"Hang on Joshua. Just give me a second." Matt rested against the wall and took a deep breath. "You're down to the last two for this huge, life-changing role and you need some help." Matt's eyes locked on Joshua's. "I'm your man. I'll do it. You'd do it for me, right?"

A smile broke out across Joshua's face. "Totally Matt. But only if you're sure"

"For you, I'm sure."

Matt took another deep breath and thought for a moment about what he'd agreed to. It was weird, but Joshua was his buddy, and Matt had loads of gay friends. He'd never fooled around with any of them, but he'd thought about it. He'd even watched gay porn a couple of times to get off.

"First things first." Matt walked across the changing room and locked the door. "If we get caught then the gossip sites would really have something to write about."

Joshua let out a laugh and started to seem more relaxed.

"What do you need Mr HBO serious actor?"

Joshua cleared his throat.

"So, for the audition they want the other guy lying on the couch in his boxers. Then they want me to undress, come over and lie on top of him. Then we kiss, and he..." Joshua trails off.

"What Joshua?"

"He slides his hand down my boxers."

"WOAH Joshua are you for real?!"

"Down the back Matt, not the front. God, why am I having to do this. I wouldn't even consider this if it wasn't for such a huge role."

"Ok, ok Josh. It's cool. Let's do everything up to the hand sliding shall we? I'm your man but that might be my limit"


"OK. Here goes." Matt lifted his t-shirt over his head. He had a slender, toned and slightly tanned body. He'd been hitting the gym intensely for the last six months and the effects were clear to see; his biceps bulged even when he wasn't flexing, his pecs were clearly defined and his tight abs rested above a sharp v down to his groin. As Matt unbuckled his belt and dropped his jeans, he thought he noticed Joshua watching him strip. The idea of his castmate's eyes admiring his body was a huge turn on for Matt. He removed his socks and walked over to the couch where he lay down and faced Joshua, wearing nothing but his underwear and a broad, southern smile.

"Let's go Mr Bassett."

"OK. So the set up is that this has been a long time coming. Like, these kids have been friends forever and finally they're taking it to the next stage."

"Got it." Matt responded.

"And I've got to, like, look at you while I undress."

"Sure thing buddy. But remember, get out of your head. You've got to be in the scene. I'm not Matt, you're not Joshua."

Now it was Joshua's turn to take a deep breath. Staring at his nearly naked friend, Joshua undid the buttons on his shirt and let the garment fall to the floor. Joshua's body wasn't as muscular as Matt's, but he had the clear definition of an athletic teenager, and, like his co-star, was completely smooth. Joshua slid off his trousers to reveal small, tight, black briefs. Matt was surprised at how big Joshua's bulge was and had to stop himself from staring. Joshua slid off his socks and walked slowly over to the couch, never breaking eye contact with Matt.

Joshua slowly lowered himself on top of Matt. Their groins met first and Matt's gave an involuntary twitch. With their eyes still locked, Matt put his hand on Joshua's lower back, and Joshua moved their bodies closer together, with their stomachs and then their chests meeting. Matt took his other hand and gently placed it on the back of Joshua's head.

"It's ok Joshua." Matt whispered reassuringly, as he moved in to kiss him.

They closed their eyes and their lips met. Neither of them had done this before but it felt completely natural as their bodies relaxed into each other. Joshua pulled back from the kiss and opened his eyes.

"See, not so bad" Matt asked.

"Yeah, that was... that was OK." Joshua replied, staring into his friend's eyes.

"I think if you want to impress HBO, you're going to have to commit a bit more."

Matt may have been underneath but he was starting to take charge. He pulled Joshua in for a kiss, this time with his lips parted and his tongue ready to explore. Joshua surrendered, letting Matt take control and guide him. Matt felt his dick start to get hard and was pleased when Joshua's body responded in the same way. Soon they were both hard and kissing each other passionately, their tongues exploring each other's mouths and the taste of another man for the first time.

Matt took the hand that was on Joshua's back and slid it down so his fingers were just underneath the waistband of Joshua's underwear. Joshua broke the kiss, suddenly, and pulled back.

"Sorry, is that not OK? I thought that was part of the scene." Matt asked.

"No it's... it's fine."

"If you wanna stop Joshua, just say so, OK."

Joshua nodded. "I will. But I don't."

Joshua leaned back in for another kiss and Matt's hand slid down to cup his friend's smooth, soft cheek. Matt couldn't help but let out a soft groan as his hand slid across the firm mounds in Joshua's underwear.

Joshua broke off the kiss again and Matt worried that they were done, but then Joshua started to explore his friend's neck and collarbone with his lips. He eagerly kissed and licked Matt's beautiful smooth body, working his way down to his dark nipples which he hungrily sucked on before moving south, gently tracing his tongue over each of Matt's abs on the way down to his belly button.

Matt stared up at the ceiling, unable to believe his friend was making him feel this way. Joshua gently kissed his way down from Matt's belly button to his waist band, which was being forced up by Matt's throbbing seven inches.

Joshua looked up. "Can I?"

"Yes, please, don't stop," Matt responded

Joshua placed his hands on both hips and slowly slid down Matt's underwear, revealing his thick, circumcised cock topped with trimmed, dark pubes. After taking a second to admire his friend's flawless manhood, Josh lowered his mouth around his dick, gently sucking and massaging it with his tongue.

"Joshua... don't stop" Matt said breathlessly.

Joshua began bobbing up and down, eagerly tasting every part of Matt's cock. His hands came up to cup Matt's sizeable balls and gently massage them. Matt started to leak precum and Joshua let out a soft moan as the salty liquid entered his mouth.

Worried he might cum, Matt whispered "Kiss me" and guided Josh's mouth up to his own. The two friends locked lips, with Matt tasting his own precum for the first time and savouring the experience.

"I want to make you feel good Joshua," Matt said. "Do you trust me?"

Joshua answered by placing his hand firmly behind Matt's head and kissing him firmly. Matt slid out from underneath his friend, completely naked and hard. "Lie down on your front."

Joshua obliged and Matt lay on top of him, kissing his neck and working his way down between his shoulder blades. As Matt reached his lower back, he slid down Joshua's briefs, past his ankles, and exposed Joshua's perfect behind. Now Matt took a moment to admire his friend's flawless smooth body. He then lowered his lips down to gently kiss Joshua's ass cheeks. Joshua let out a small moan of pleasure and, encouraged by this, Matt dug his tongue deep into his friend's hole. Joshua let out a groan so loud that anyone nearby would have heard. As Matt lapped up the musky smell of Joshua's ass, Joshua bit down on the couch, trying to stop himself from passing out from the ecstasy of this new sensation. Matt kept licking and exploring, tasting every part of Joshua's pert behind before coming up for air and kissing his way up Joshua's back to the base of his neck.

"Matt," Joshua whispered, breathlessly. "I want you inside me. I need you inside me."

Matt didn't think it would go that far, but as Joshua begged to be fucked, Matt couldn't have stopped himself even if he wanted to.

"Turn over onto your back" Matt instructed, as Joshua did what he was told and wrapped his legs around his co-star. Matt looked down at his beautiful co-star, naked with a rock hard six inch cock and flushed cheeks. He kissed him more passionately than he'd ever kissed anyone in his life, the taste of Joshua's hole mixing with the pre-cum that was still lingering in Joshua's mouth.

Matt guided his hard cock to the entrance of Joshua's behind and slowly began to apply pressure. Joshua closed his eyes and Matt went as gently as possible, knowing that Joshua's first time would hurt. Matt's cock head entered Joshua's ass and Joshua let out a loud moan before opening his eyes and saying "Keep going." Matt applied more pressure and felt his cock slide all the way into Joshua's warm body until he was fully inside and his balls rested against his best buddy's ass. "Fuck me Matt Cornett" Joshua whispered into his ear.

Needing no further encouragement, Matt started to slide in and out of Joshua, kissing his neck and ear while wrapping his arms around his young lover's body. Matt lifted his head up and deeply kissed Joshua, their bodies rocking back and forth as their tongues swirled around one another.

"Can I cum inside you?" Matt asked Joshua, as Joshua nodded in agreement before pulling Matt in for another kiss. Feeling an orgasm start to build, Matt pounded Joshua more roughly now, his body slamming against his teenage co-star as he passed the point of no return. The feeling of Joshua's hand sliding down his back and grabbing his muscular ass sent Matt over the edge as he filled Joshua with his cum, moaning loud enough to be heard on the other side of the building.

Matt slowly pulled out of Joshua, leaving a white trail of cum dripping out of his hole, breathless and sweaty, and lay down next to him on the couch. His finger drew a trail from Joshua's chest, down his stomach, and to his rock hard cock.

"I want to make you cum" Matt said, and wrapped his hand around his friend's dick, the first time he'd ever touched Joshua's, or anybody else's manhood. Matt stroked vigorously as Joshua closed his eyes and arched his back, pushing his chest into the air. Seeing an opportunity, Matt leant over and took Joshua's small pink nipple in his mouth, flicking his tongue across the tip and sucking hard on the erect flesh. Matt felt Joshua's cock grow in his hand as spurts of cum covered his chest, and then both of their faces.

As Joshua's cock subsided, he turned to Matt and asked "Did I get the part?"

Matt leant in for a long, passionate, cum-filled kiss.

"You might need a few more auditions before I can say for sure."

Next: Chapter 2

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