Matt and Jason

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Dec 17, 2023


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to

Matt and Jason – Part 4

I can't believe how amazing the feel of Matt was. And I hate to keep harping on this, but how masculine the feel of him was.

I mean, yes... I touched plenty of women in my time, especially after sex. But in those cases, it usually meant that she drew circles on my chest, or I twirled their hair.

But holy shit... Matt and I were fucking all over each other. We weren't just... kissing... we were fucking manhandling each other. It was like we were leaving forever, and he was trying to burn the feel of my body into his memory one last time. Full body touching. Skin on skin. Lips locked together. Our hands everywhere. Gripping with strength. His hands roughly clutched the back of my head, shot down my torso, held my shoulders, ground through the stubble on my chin, kneaded my ass cheeks, twined against my fingers... everywhere. Rapid-fire. Active and with purpose. And my hands did the same, exploring every fucking inch of him. Again and again. Fast and slow. Constantly in motion. Roughly. Purposefully.

And it wasn't just our hands. Holy fuck. It was the drag of his chest, arm and leg hair against mine. The smooth slickness of his sweat. The slime of his spunk. The wetness of his mouth as we made out. And Oh. My. Fucking. God... the scour of his beard against me, setting my skin on fucking fire.

It was raw physicality. Intensity. Aggression, in its own way. An overall... feel to the feel of him that was unmistakably male.

It was like we were having total-body sex, even though we had both just shot our loads.

But at the same time, there was so much more going on. Everything was hitting me at once, in so many ways. The room unmistakably smelled like sex. Male sex. The smell of balls, ass, musk, cum, and whiskey. The taste of salty sweat. Our low, satisfied rumblings as we ground against each other--the sounds of guys in their sexual prime. It was an all-encompassing, overwhelming sexual storm of the senses. Shooting off so many familiar masculine flashpoints in the male brain that even the most stubbornly straightest of straight guys would have thrown wood and started to sweat the minute he walked in the room.

I didn't know I could be so fucking turned on.

I don't know how long we made out, desperately scraping and grating against each other, completely lost in the overwhelming sensation of this low-impact sexual assault. Our cocks had never quite gone soft, and dueled together between us.

Freedom. Completely unfettered sexual freedom with each other. Completely unfazed by expectation, convention, or any kind of propriety. Sex shared. With us giving and taking in equal measure.

It was so bizarre. I know men are sexual animals when it comes down to it... I mean, we're absolute dogs, right? But laying there with Matt? I never realized men could be so... sensual. In ways that would be incomprehensible to a woman.

I never wanted it to end.

But God bless him, Matt decided to up the ante.

His mouth slid away from mine, and bull's-eyed on my neck, right below my ear. Fuck. A weak spot for me. And the sound I made as he did so could have left no misunderstanding about how happy I was. The play of his tongue and beard sent absolute ice shivers down my entire body, even as I was covered in sweat. My hand involuntarily reached up and grabbed the back of his head, my fingers roughly combing through his sweaty hair. I reached up, cupping his head strongly, while my other hand locked onto his arm. Amazed at how hard he was, the tautness of his muscle. So unlike the softness of a girl.

Matt rolled me so I was flat on my back, and then started sliding down between my pecs, lightly scraping me with his teeth. I let out a gurgling moan that vibrated my entire body. His oral assault continued, as his face swept across my chest. Sloooow... then fast. Driving me crazy scouring me with his beard, both softer and scragglier than I could imagine. Fuck, he went after my nipple. Another hot spot. Sucking it in. Hard. Lightly gnawing, and circling it with his tongue. Then, fast as lighting, he dragged his face across me to the other, grinding it down, sucking hard. And again, to the other. Harder. My breath coming out in barked gasps. My hand all fucking over him. My fingers digging into him. He started making sweeping circles with his mouth, spinning around and around. The scratch of his scruff softened by sweat and spit. Reflexively, I threw back my arm, over my head. Exposing myself.

Matt saw. And in that moment, he pinned my wrist down, and fucking buried his face in my hairy pit.

I can't even describe the animal sound I bellowed out.

Fuck, he went after me like a fucking wildcat. Grinding his nose against me, and fucking inhaling my sharp scent. Then he fucking let loose with his tongue, in hard, obscene licks. God only knows what sounds I was making. This was setting the deep, hidden, unused corners of my mind on fucking fire. I was afraid it would tickle, but it was just raw sexual joy. My pit was drenched with my sweat and his spit, as he fucking made a feast of me. Below him, I fucking thrashed like a lion in his death throes, as Matt's nose, lips and tongue slashed against me. My legs kicking wildly. In sexual overdrive.

Matt's overdrive, however, was even worse.

The man pulled out, and roughly dragged his face down my torso... if not for our shared sweat, his beard would have likely have torn my skin apart. Matt was undeterred, driving down, down, and down... and fucking inhaling my swollen dick.

I shot off a viscous scream of raw hunger.

Matt fucking ate me, driving down as far as he could before gagging, his tongue rolling heavily across my cockhead as he did so. My back arched. I reached back and white-knuckled one of his pillows. FUCK. NO ONE could understand the perfection of one man giving another a blowjob. He knew. He fucking KNEW. And, he wanted this as much as I did. He was fucking getting off sucking me. We were locked together in raw, masculine joy.

He sucked, and slurped, and slurred his tongue around and around. Ran his mouth down my shaft, and went back to my cockhead. Ticking my piss slit. Driving me... fucking... crazy...

I was still too sensitive from having fucked him; and with the greatest reluctance, I wrenched him off me, hissing out a sound of frustration, pleasure, and pain all at once.

Without missing a beat, Matt buried his nose in my bush, then went after my balls.

And... holy fuck... somewhere my brain registered that... I was sensitive... from just having fucked him. Hard. In the ass. Fuck. My ex had always demanded I be shower fresh before I could even start to think of making a move on her. Matt didn't care. He didn't fucking care. Nothing was getting in his way. He needed it now and fuck the rest. He completely gave himself over to sexual need. I had never experienced that level of raw animal attraction.

Shit. My heart... kinda... swelled. Because that's exactly the way I felt about him.

God, the sensations ripped through my brain. Setting me on fire. He was juuuuust on the edge of sucking my balls too hard, and that... exquisite line of pain and pleasure fucking flattened me. I was thrashing, belting out encouragement... and my body was fucking singing.

He pulled back and went after my dick again. Oh my fucking God. The connection. The fucking feel of him. I needed to get into that myself.

Matt had essentially been kneeling beside me; locked on my cock with his butt toward my face. I grabbed him, pried his legs apart and roughly pulled him so he was straddling me. And I was going to fucking show him how grateful I was.

I started going after his dick, mirroring the world of pleasure he was heaping on me. It was hot as fuck, and kinda worked, but the reality is our position didn't quite work out, as it was an awkward angle to do anything but suck his cockhead. I let go of his dick, and instead went after his balls--musky and hairy and dangling in my face. I matched his efforts, sucking them down hard, and using my tongue to slide all over them. Matt's growls of encouragement were muffled by the fact that my dick was completely down his throat. It was good. It was very good.

But I realized I was better positioned for something else. And I fucking went for it.

I don't have the words to describe how much I loved eating Matt's ass. Fuck. FUCK. The fucking innermost part of a guy. FUCK. I fucking smashed my face against his hairy hole and fucking lost my mind. His butt funk filled my nose as I savagely attacked him. My big cock had loosened him up, and now my tongue went in easy... and deep. Incredibly deep. Matt's hole twitched wildly. I swear could... taste the remnants of my load. Fuck. I sucked against his pucker, fucking making out with him. I swept my face violently side to side, and sent long dog licks as far down his crack as I could reach.

I guess I was into it... after a few minutes I realized my oral assault on his ass has pushed him forward heavily... off my dick, and further down the bed. I was gripping his beefy asscheeks, while his chest and head were lying flat between my legs. His arms splayed in front of him, grasping the sheets in desperate handfuls. He was fucking begging for more.

"Oh God... GAWD...fuck me! Fuck me you fucker! FUCK ME!"

Oh FUCK yeah.

I lined up behind his splayed ass, fisting my rock-hard dick and lining it up with his pucker. I didn't give a fuck about being gentle--I fucking ramrodded him all the way to my balls. Letting spit, sweat, and my spent cum and ease the way. He barked out his need, and leaned back heavily into my crotch, needing more. FUCK. Even having loosened him up, he was still tight as fuck. Tight. TIGHT. The wet pressure. The feel of his muscles ripple as my cockhead violated him. Taking him. Taking everything. I leaned forward, pressing my chest tightly against his back. My arms locked around him. And I savagely started making out with his neck. Fucking SAVAGELY.

I jerked forward, my body convulsing against his, my dick opening him up. We fucked. Slamming together. His arm wrapping around mine, our fingers laced together. We fucked. Raw primal body slams. Drenched in sweat. Fuck, the heat of him. The feel of his body as we collided. All friction. All rippling muscles. We fucked. Together. No dirty talk, just barked out sounds as we set ourselves on fire. We fucked. We FUCKED.


I needed more friction. I pulled back, gripping his hips and fucking smashing my hips against him like a rabid dog. My balls slapped his ass each time, a dull ache from the force of the collision. I speeded up, relentless. Each blow shook the bed. One of the pillows fell onto the floor. Again and again. I hammered him. Hammered him. Sweat was pouring of me. Running into my eyes.

Matt's growls started to change, twisting into a tortured cry. I could feel his muscles twist underneath the skin. Oh God. He was gonna...


Cum splashed out, thick and wet. Dousing his sheets. His ass muscles slammed against my dick like a pneumatic press, scrunching me almost to the point of pain, but I kept going. Harder. Fucking HARDER. Our bodies slapping together, like in some kind of obscene round of applause.

No way was I done. No fucking way. "Fuck you, you fucker, I'm gonna fuck your fucking ass off!" My bellowed words barely audible over Matt screams and the slap of our bodies. Faster. Fucking FASTER. RAW. Nothing left on the table. My need blasting out any other thought in the universe. FASTER. Minute after raw minute.

I felt it. That fuse in my balls. My body raring to strike. I fucking slammed against him. Desperate. My timing thrown all to pieces as my body started spinning out of control. "AAANNNNAGHHHAAAAAAA!" My whole body shuddering as I power-blasted my spunk deep inside him. And to my astonishment, I realized Matt was re-screaming, even louder than before. His ass caught me in another death grip, and holy fuck... he was cumming all over again. Every muscle in his body tightening at once, even if no cum shot out of his still-hard dick.

I went down. Hard. Desperately gasping for breath. Weaker than a newborn kitten. My body... fucking glowed. From the inside. My muscles trying to come to terms with what just happened.

Mat rolled on top of me. More wiped out than I was. Spent. His hand almost... tenderly... tenderly?... reached over and cradled my face. His palm against my stubbled jaw. "... you're... fucking... amazing. Amazing man. Fucking... amazing..."

I nestled my face against him. Too tired to kiss him.

Later, much later, Matt got up with a playful swat on my ass. He returned in a jiffy, throwing down a massive tray of sandwich fixing. "Need to refuel!" We ate right there on his bed, few words between us. We didn't need many. We just kept... looking at each other. Not looking away when we caught the other staring into our eyes. Just... looking. And laughing. Low and easy, nearly under our breath. Feeding a different kind of hunger. Together. Only as our strength returned did conversation flow again. Easy. Assured.

I can't tell you how amazing my man Matt looked. Fucking King of the World. Fucking alive. He just... sparked something inside me. Something deep. It's kinda hard to explain, but I felt as good on the inside, as he looked on the outside. Given how hot the guy was, that's saying something.

He set the dishes on the low chest of drawers near the bed, and climbed back into the bed with me. His lips found mine, and in a flash we were all over each other. I think we both wanted another round, but the making out with him was slow. Hypnotic. Like I was swimming in lead. It was all too much. I realized at one point I must have started to drift off, and Matt had repositioned to spoon against me. The feel of his cock in my asscrack still sent off sparks inside me, but too weakly to fight against the tide. I slid into sleep, aware of his muscled arms wrapped around me, holding me desperately close.

I slept hard, as my body finally caught up with everything I had put it through. Deep. Dreamless. I woke up once, disoriented and barely aware of my surroundings. I felt him. Matt. Against me. Holding onto me tightly, almost like he was a little kid and I was his teddy bear. I half-wondered if he was holding on to me to give me comfort, or if by holding me he was being comforted.

And strangely enough, I realized my arm was wrapped around his as he embraced me. Strange, because I usually slept "hot" and hated having a person pressed up against me in bed. If I had to snuggle, I'd usually wait for them to fall asleep, delicately untangle myself and roll over to the far side of the bed for sleeping.

But not, apparently, with Matt.

I smiled, enjoying the light brush of his beard against the back of my neck, and contentedly drifted back to sleep. This was something I could puzzle out later.

Morning. My eyes fluttered open, and I was again thrown off by my surroundings. I realized Matt and I were still entangled, with my face nuzzled against his chest. His scent was strong... familiar, comfortable, dusky. Wholly masculine. The lower part of his body was lightly draped with the sheet, and I could readily see the tent of his morning wood.

I was pretty hard myself... and horny as fuck.

By his breathing, it was clear Matt was still out cold. So I decided to... well, wake him up. The best way I could. For him, but also for me.


I gently slid the sheet off his body, drinking in the incredible sight of him. Jesus. He was an incredible mass of muscle and fur, with one helluva dick. Matt was no Greek god or Renaissance nude... with his hairy body, he had too much of a caveman vibe going on. Primitive and untamed. A Renaissance painter would have genuflected in horror at the beast-man in front of him. Matt was raw. A barbarian at the gates. And ready for action.

Very much ready for action.

I leaned in, and dragged my face through his hairy crotch, taking in his raw musk. GOD he smelled good. Like sex. Wild fucking sex. I gently mouthed his balls. Matt's breathing shifted, and his dick twitched a couple of times in encouragement. I tickled them again with my tongue, watching his eyes for signs of change. He made a barely audible, low purr. I think his dreams were getting decidedly better.

I couldn't wait. I moved up, licking a long trail up the underside of his shaft, gently flicked his piss slit with my tongue. He breathed in heavily. I lined myself up, then swallowed his cockhead whole. Sucking in deeply. Teasing him with my tongue as I went down. There was a low rumble from Matt's chest, as his body slowly responded to me, his hips slowly undulating. I pulled back up, and went down on him again. More forcefully. Up, and down. My spit running down his shaft. Again. This time, wrapping my fingers around his now-slick cock and jacking him as sucked him.

Matt fully responded.

"UNNGHHHHHHHHnnnnnnnnng!" he growled out, as his whole body contorted. His eyes flew open and his back arched. "Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Fuck, Jason. Fuck, that's good!" His voice was raspy.

"Good morning sunshine! I'm hungry." I went down hard, as far as I could go. Matt almost lifted off the bed.

"Oh FUCK dude, don't stop. God don't ever fucking stop!" His big, beefy hands reached out and grasped me. Not to guide me, but just to feel me. Feel our connection.

God I loved sucking him. God I loved his dick.

I fucking went to town on him. Always changing. Keeping him on his toes. Slurping him down, then pulling off and running my puckered lips vertically up and down his shaft. Jacking him while my tongue made rough circles around the rim of his cockhead. Attacking his balls, Swallowing him down completely. Face fucking him. With one hand tickling him behind his balls, the other reaching up and grinding against his hairy pecs. Tweaking his nipples. At one point, Matt's hand found mine, and he dragged it roughly across his chest. Using me to massage his own chest. Matt writhed and thrashed underneath me. At one point I pulled his hand down to my face and suckled his fingers. Suckled them hard, like they were his cock. He roughly ran his spit-slick fingers across my face. The feel of him. Rough. Desperate. He fucking moaned, like I was electric to his touch. It was all so fucking intense.

But it was only step one of my plan. From the minute I had woken up, I needed--fucking needed--his cock up inside me. God, I needed it. Fuck, if it didn't sound like a bad romance novel, my ass was fucking aching for him. The butterflies in my stomach had turned into a flock of fucking raptors. I was hornier than a fucking bitch in heat. I needed his cock, and was not afraid to admit it.

I coughed up some natural lube and reached back to smear it on my butthole. Then I crawled up on top of him, straddling his hips, and lined myself up. I pushed out like I was taking the world's biggest dump...

...and then I fucking slammed my body down his rock-hard cock. Hard.

We both bellowed. I was grateful the man didn't have neighbors.

FUCK he was so fucking BIG. Thank God I was somewhat used to him or I couldn't have pulled it off, but I wanted--I fucking needed--that raw power of his cock ripping me open. Filling me to the hilt. Feeling his cockhead as it dug inside me, not stopping for anything. GOD. That feeling of penetration. Fucking DEEP. My body exploded into light. Fire. Wild electricity arcing across me. Filling me. My head dizzy. I threw back my head back, alternating explosive gasps and explosive groans. FIRE. LIGHT. FIREANDLIGHT. My hands grabbed ahold of him like a fucking dinosaur. I bottomed out and let the feelings wash over me. FUCK. THIS IS WHAT I NEEDED. I was FUCKING ALIVE.

And so was Matt. The feelings of that first rush of penetration had blasted through him, too. Through my own haze, I realized Matt was roaring himself. He had grabbed onto me as hard as I had to him, gripping my pecs like he was trying to rip me apart with his bare hands. His eyes were wild, fucking violent. It fueled me. I slammed my body forward, rocking, wanting his dick in every part of me. Needing to be filled. Needing him triggering things inside me only another man could reach. I was riding him rough, like a fucking rodeo bull. Forward and back. Forward and back. The force of our motion rocking the entire bed, which groaned itself in encouragement, adding its sound to ours. "FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK MAN! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!! FUCK!!" Our bodies slammed together in unison. Desperate in our shared need. The fire built inside me. GOD I NEEDED THIS. My rocking became circles. Big fat circles, needing his cock. Lightning. I fucking needed his cock. NEEDED.

Need burned too brightly. More. MORE. I started picking myself up and slamming back down on him. Bouncing. MORE. Fucking hammering him. Needing him deeper. DEEPER. DEEPER YOU MOTHERFUCKER! And at that, Matt began slamming into me from below. Needing it even more than I did. Motherfucker. I swear I was fucking jumping up and down on him I was fucking him so hard.

The fire, that liquid fire boiling inside of me turned into fucking fireworks. My body jerking from the stimulation. My mind exploding in light... and deep in my balls I could feel my load ready to explode. Somehow, I hit another gear, savagely slamming into him. Only my fucking need. My fucking need. FUCK ME. My ears starting roaring and I started seeing stars. Every muscle in my body started shaking... and with a scream to shatter windows, I fucking CAME. Blasting cum everywhere. The violent motion from our fucking was splattering it in every fucking direction.

Matt grabbed my torso, locking his dick inside me as my ass spasmed wildly. I started slowing.

Not fucking yet. That motherfucker lifted me like I was nothing and threw me back onto the bed, still inside me. I bounced from the impact, and in a flash he was lying flat against me. Pressed hard. And he started slamming his whole body against me as he fucked me. So hard, I thought his dick was going to come shooting out my mouth. We fucking collided, again and again, wildly tossing us around, and lurching the bed forward and back. He leaned in and tried to make out with me, but it was all over the place as he wildly tossed me around from the sheer savagery of his assault. The fire inside me hadn't gone down at all... it was like I was continually cumming, again and again. My mind screamed inside me. I loved it. I fucking LOVED IT. ALL OF IT.

It was at this moment I realize how precariously we were positioned on the bed.

Two more titanic thrusts inside me, and he literally fucked me right off the side of the bed, sending us crashing toward the floor. It was... the most surreal feeling... still feeling like you're cumming, your head exploding, but suddenly in a weightless free-fall with a gigantic dick up your ass. We rolled as we fell, and I think he got the worse part of our landing. The force kept us rolling as hit the floor. Hard. We spun. Over and again. I sprawled, slamming my shoulder awkwardly against a low dresser against the wall. My hand kept spinning out and smashed against it from the force of our impact. He kept after me. Positioning himself, his face to mine as we wildly made out. Pulled up my hips, found my hole and drove himself in deep. Like it was the first time inside me. Filling me. Feeding that fire inside me. FIRE. We slammed together as we fucked, Matt slamming me into the dresser at the same time. Whatever stuff was on top of it was knocked over as he continually slammed into me... clattering and crashing down on us. Deodorant, picture frame, his signed baseball, everything--everything crashing on top of us.

He was fucking relentless. I desperately clutched Matt as he fucking FUCKED me, driving in hard. Again and again. Like a fucking avalanche. Our roars mixed together.

I could feel the fire exploding inside me again. Exploding. FUCKING EXPLODING. And with a soul-shattering cry I fucking came again. This time Matt was with me, and I could feel his whole body shudder as he blasted deep inside me. My throat was raw. My body shaking.

God, I kissed him. GOD I fucking kissed him. His hands all over me. Not wanting to lose any of the moment. Connected. In a way only two men could be connected.

I don't know how to adequately describe how tight we were connected. I was on top of the fucking world. Feeling things no guy had a right to feel. Oh my fucking God.

It was long, long moments afterward--when were just laying against each other, feeling each other--before something occurred to me: what the hell time was it?

I looked over Matt's sprawled body to see the clock on the nightstand. Shit. SHIT.

Matt felt the change in me. "What's up bud?" he asked worriedly. He slid forward. "Oh God, did I hurt you? Shit. I was...."

"No, no... nothing like that. It's just it's just way late. WAY late. Shit. I wasn't expecting to spend the night. Work is just a couple of blocks over. There's no way I can get home, clean up, change, and get all the way back here before I'm in trouble. And there's no way I can wear the same outfit as yesterday... especially wrinkled. Shitshitshit."

Matt relaxed. "Dude. Look, we're pretty much the same size. I'll have something you can wear."

"Aw, geez man. Yeah. Thanks. Wait... oh shit. So, would you be ok with me... um... wearing your undies?"

Matt let out a big, booming laugh. He looked at me with a sparkle in his eye. "Hey man, that's fine with me if it's fine with you. Just... realize that you'll need to bring them back. And when you do, I get to keep them. Could you make sure you walk around a lot? You know, keep active? I wanna breathe in your scent for the rest of the week."

"Jesus, man," I laughed. "You're a fucking perv, you know that?"

"Oh yeah!" He landed a sloppy kiss on me.

How the hell could a no-account bastard like me get so fucking lucky?

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Next: Chapter 5

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