Matt and Jason

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Dec 6, 2023


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to

Matt and Jason — Part 3

It was a looooong time before we caught our breath.

"Shit, man... holy... shit..." I murmured out exhaustedly. We were both sprawled across the floor, slightly propped up against the couch. "God... it's like..." I rubbed my arms, "I can still feel my skin tingle. That's never happened."

Matt had slumped to my side, sweat running off his rugged face. Just breathing, his hairy chest rising and falling sharply. He looked up at me for a second, looked down... and raised his eyes to me again. There was a different kind of intensity to them now. "I... um... went into overdrive there. Kinda out of control. Hope we're... you know, good."

"Fuck man, that was not a problem," I laughed out. "That's what made it so memorable." Matt seemed... relieved. Like he relaxed a bit.

"I didn't want to overstep. I mean, for all that, we never... actually talked about the weekend. I wasn't sure what... you were thinking. About... any of this."

I scooched up a bit and looked at him. "Look, I know we said we were just gonna talk... and I'd have been fine with that, seriously. But I'm not gonna lie: I was kinda... you know, hoping there'd be... more."

Matt gave a low chuckle. "Well... me too. I was a wreck at work today. And I kinda thought we might get up to things again. I wanted to get everything right, you know? Like it felt like I should be treating this like a date or something. I wanted to get home early and... I dunno, like get dinner going, shower up for you in case I got a chance to make a move."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I cut him off. "I just want to be clear, here. I'm a guy. A GUY, right? Dinner is always nice, but my daily is to just graze through the fridge. Don't worry--I'm fine with whatever. More to the point, I don't know what hoops she used to make you jump through before she'd let you touch her, but again--I'm a GUY. You don't ever need to primp or polish first. I'll jump your bones whenever, at the drop of a hat, as-is. No sense of showering just to get all sweaty. Truth is..." I trailed off, somewhat nervous about completing my thought, but decided to go for it. "The truth is... well, I never thought I'd say something like this, but... Shit. I love the way you smell. There, I said it, ok?" Matt opened his mouth, but I plowed ahead, deciding to say everything before he could stop me. "Like, love it. LOVE your smell. I fucking jerked off all weekend with my face in that damn scarf you left behind. Ok? You smell good. It gets me off."

Matt just looked at me blankly for a beat, then started laughing. I huffed up and was about to toss off a smartass comment before he held up his hand and looked at me all sheepishly. "No, I get it. After I left on Saturday... I could... well, I could smell you in my beard. Most of the weekend." We locked eyes. "It was hot as fuck. And... I can smell you again," he remarked, huskily.

We just looked at each other for a long moment, before I started laughing. Really laughing. Matt was somewhat indignant at first, but joined in. Finally, he buried his face in in open hands and blurted out, "Aww, fuuuuuuuuuck. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. What the fuck are we doing, Jason? What the fuck is this?"

"Whadda you mean?" I asked, still chuckling.

Matt was still laughing himself, but somewhat exasperatedly. "I mean... what the fuck are we doing?!? You're a GUY. I'm a GUY. And guys don't do this!"

"Well, clearly some guys..."

"You know what I mean, asshole!" Matt playfully punched my arm. "I mean, seriously. I've been around guys my whole life and I've never done shit like this. I've never thought about doing shit like this, I've never wanted to do shit like this! I like women! I like fucking women! And then you come along and... FUUUUUCK!"

He stood up, naked except for his torn shirt, flapping open as he moved. A silent reminder of hard we had gone after each other. Matt walked towards cupboard, pulled out a bottle and poured himself a drink. Without a pause, he tossed it back. He then considered for a second, then poured us both one, and walked back to me on the couch. He sat down heavily and handed me a glass. I hoisted myself up and sat down on the couch properly like a civilized man. I knew he was gathering up his thoughts, and casually took a sip of my drink.

When he didn't say anything, I decided to break the silence. "Matt, bud... if it helps, I know exactly how you feel. Exactly. This has been so fucking wild. You're a guy. In every sense of the word. Yes... you smell. You sweat. You have... all this hair! Everywhere!" Matt chuckled. "It's not like body hair has always been a secret fetish of mine and now I'm living my best life. When I was with a woman, any woman, if she didn't shave her legs, I was out of there. But... when our legs are rubbing together, that's like part of the excitement. Fucking goddammit... even your fucking hairy chest turns me on! What the hell is up with that shit?"

He started snickering at my exasperation. "I know, right? I'm a huge fan of shaved pussy. But burying my face in your hairy balls... my dick grows like another 5 inches. Shit... just the feeling of all that ... friction when we go at it. It fucking sets me off."

I gave him a frank look. "And your fucking beard on my neck? Jesus, I almost came right there."

Matt snort laughed, then looked at me. Almost... indulgently. "Are you ok with this Jason? I mean, really ok? I don't know if I am. For the past few days, I've... been freaking out inside. But at the same time... I dunno. What does this say about us? As guys? Does it feel like... we're... still guys?"

Shit. My fucking he-man heroic stud almost looked... scared. I took a breath, and decided to charge ahead. "Matt? I've been thinking about that. A lot. Like ever since things went down. Can I share some thoughts?" He made no move to stop me, so I continued. "I think the thing was, when I fucked a woman, it was that... contrast... that got me excited. She was all smooth, lovey-dovey and gentle... I was all rough and tumble. It made me feel like a man. Like THE man. King of the World. When I was with you, it was totally different. And it totally fucked with my mind. I always thought gay sex was weak, girly... but what we did was the most fucking masculine, MANLY shit I did in my life. Like it was the first time I really knew what it meant to be a Man. Sharing raw, fucking primal power. We weren't just men, we were fucking GODS. I don't know about you, but I never felt so fucking alive in my life. I don't know what guys are 'supposed' to do, but this feels right. We're not lesser guys; this feels like what being a guy is supposed to be like."

Matt just stood there. Eyes locked on me. Transfixed. "Christ, Jason. Deep down, you're a regular philosopher, you know that?"

I snorted in contempt. We both stared ahead, silent. Finally, he asked the million-dollar question: "So, does this mean we're gay?"

"What do you think?"

A long, drawn-out pause. "I hate labels."

After a few minutes of heavy silence, Matt started to get philosophical himself. "I'm starting to realize how wrong I've been. About of lots of things. I'm with you... I guess I always thought gay sex was like... weak. Soft. Something guys would do as a piss-poor alternative to the real thing, for whatever reason. But that's the biggest bunch of bullshit ever. You're right: this has been, like, next level manliness." There was another very, very long pause. "I guess the bigger question is... are you good with all this? Whatever we're calling it? Like, you're not weirded out or anything?"

I set my drink back, and leaned back. Thinking for a moment. "Yeah, that's the question. I mean... when we're doing it, it's the best thing ever. But am I freaking out on the inside when we're done? Maybe. A little. But... well, that hasn't stopped me from wanting more."

I looked over at Matt, and he nodded in unspoken agreement. It felt like we were coming to that Moment of Truth. An open door in front of us. There are a million reasons why we should walk away. But... I've always been the kind of guy who goes in charging like a bull.

Well, why stand on ceremony. I turned to Matt and gave him a steely-eyed stare. "Look, maybe we're overthinking things. It's not like we're hurting anybody. I mean, no one even knows. They don't have to know. What I can say is that this has been fucking amazing. The best sex of my entire life. Like, you're flipping switches I didn't even know I had. I can't believe how fucking lucky I am. We don't have to be 'gay.' We don't have to be anything but ourselves. We can work it out as we go. But if you're up for keeping on, I'm totally in."

Matt just looked at me. With a sly sparkle in his eye. "Shit, Jason... you're not a philosopher; you're a fucking horndog. You know that?"

I snorted. "Well, if we're gonna be so concerned about guys' behavior... well, ALL guys are all a bunch of no-account horndogs. Right? So, this way we can go back to being `normal.'"

"That, my friend, is what we call a `rationalization.' From self-interest."

"And that, my friend, is a fancy-schamcy way of saying you lost the argument."

"Fuck you, you pissfuck."

"Fucking asswipe."


"Of course."

Matt punched my arm, then got up and wandered into the bathroom. His torn shirt floating open as he moved, and his bare ass there out in the wide open. Fuck. The man had a fucking amazing ass. Hairy like the rest of him, with a darker tangle of hair toward the bottom. I remember the feel of his hairy hole, and damn he got my juices going. Fuck.

Matt reappeared a moment later and tossed me a towel. We cleaned up and he put in an order for delivery--some Thai place nearby. I didn't have much experience with Thai, but I had to say I was pretty impressed. We spread everything out on the island in his kitchen, and just stuffed our faces while standing up. Talking with our mouths full, like the barbarians we were. Matt had had the decency to wrap himself up briefly in a towel when the delivery guy showed up, but other than that we were naked as jaybirds.

I couldn't help it; I kept checking him out while we ate. Man... I had never really had a chance to just... you know, take in a guy's body before. In my world, that was usually an invitation to getting your face bashed in.

I had been proud of my body, with a tight athletic frame, but Matt was... fucking incredible. It wasn't the overdefined musculature that gym rats are constantly trying to get. It wasn't the artificiality you see in male models. It was just honest muscles, from being active. Swimming, mostly, if I remember right. But I thought I remember hearing he was an avid kayaker, too. And I know after the whole breakup he threw himself into taking up bouldering, although I thought that sounded crazy. Funny, for having such a hoity-toity job, he was built like an old-school lumberjack.

And... well, we might have busted each other's balls about the all the fur, but it was fucking hot. How the fuck could his fiancée walk away from that?

Matt was cleaning up, leaning over the sink. And goddamn his ass...! I've always loved a woman's ass, but I was again reminded how different men and women were. Matt's butt was rounded, but... I dunno, like squared off. Completely unlike a woman's pear-shaped ass. With him slightly bent over, Matt's butt opened slightly, showing off his hairy crack. Fuck. He was fucking killing me. My mind was flashing with the memory of sliding inside him. That tightness. The feel of his hole clamping down on my cock. Fuck.

I was hungry again. And not for Thai food.

I slid in behind him. My arm snaked around his chest, my fingers feeling the drag from his hairy pecs. He made a growling sound of appreciation. My dick was ramrod straight from watching his ass; and as I leaned into his body, it nestled in his hairy asscrack. I rested my face in the crook of his neck and breathed him in. Fuck, I loved his scent. Strong, like him. Infused with sweat and sex. I moved my hips slightly, rocking gently in place, as my cock slid up and down his crack. Matt breathed in, and I swear the guy... purred. His right hand slid across my arm. Light friction from our hair. His fingers meeting mine and lacing together. His left hand sliding behind him, running down my hip. My fucking pulse was racing, and I could feel his breaths getting raggedy.

My mind kept thinking about the man's hairy ass. Fuck. But also... something else. God... the feeling of his tongue when he ate me out. Opening a whole new world to me. That wet fucking tongue...

I needed to return the favor.

I broke my hold of his chest, and started sliding down his body. My hands griping him as I went. He growled. I dragged my stubbled chin down his spine, following it immediately by obscene series of slurping licks. All the way down to the small of his back. Matt's spine rippled... arching reflexively from the sensations. I could hear him sharply draw in breath.

I knelt down and dragged my mouth down his crack. No teasing, no seduction, just me consumed with hunger. And... it hit me. His scent. Fuck... his scent! Musky, but... darker. Earthy. Raw. Slightly sour. And fucking masculine as fuck. His butt funk ripped through me, hitting the reptile part of my brain... I went fucking primeval.

Fuck. FUCK. I have no idea what came over me. I fucking rammed my face in his crack. Desperate for him. Scenting myself all over. Fucking losing it. My mouth flew open and I fucking started going ape-shit on him.

Somewhere above me, Matt lost his fucking mind. "OH FUCK! FUCK yeah! FUUUUCK! FUUUUUUUCK!!" I probably was saying the same thing, but with my face so far up his ass my words became incomprehensible snarls.

I was in absolute blood rage. Ok, so I had always loved eating my girlfriend out, but this was on a-fucking-other level. I drove my tongue down, desperate to find his hole, and when I hit it, I started fucking mouth-raping him. Locking my mouth around his pucker and ramming my tongue as far as it could go. My hands slammed ahold of his cheeks, all but ripping them apart in a frenzied attempt to get in deeper. My stubble shredding his tender skin. Finally, I pulled back, desperate for air, but then I fucking attacked him, again and again. Matt fucking screamed, and pushed back into my face as hard as he could, pushing desperately to get more. My rough scruff and the wet softness of my mouth tag teaming to drive him crazy. Eating him. Slurring him. My dick so hard it felt like it would split at the seams. God, I don't know who was into this more. I fucking NEEDED him. I shook my face wildly from side to side and fucking rammed against his hole all over again. Up and down his hairy crack, slamming him into the counter from the force of it. And doing it all over again.

Finally, with a heavy wet smack, I pulled back. Panting. Shit, I was gushing out cocksnot. Matt looked back at me, eyes filled with desperate need. I snarled out, "Bedroom."

It wasn't a question, and wasn't a suggestion.

Less than a minute later, I had literally thrown Matt on his bed... on his back, his bare ass hanging over the end. And then, I knelt down and really let him have it. I fucking drove my face into his ass, so forcefully I was slamming the whole fucking bed back against the wall. Sucking. Grinding. Lapping like a dog. If I had gone that hard on a woman, I'd she'd have called the police. But Matt was a guy. Matt needed more. He pulled his legs back from behind his knees, desperate to get me in deeper. Roaring his need so loudly the fucking light fixture shook.

After a few minutes of relentless attack, his bellows started to form words, belted out with wild desperation: "Fuck me, you fucker! Fuck me! FUCK ME! FUCKME! FUCKME! FUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKME!!

Oh yeah--I was gonna fuck him.

A big part of me just wanted to fucking RAM IT IN HIS FUCKING ASS. But...having his cock up inside me made me more aware of what to do. What I could do. What I wanted to do.

I stood up, spat viciously into my palm and roughly slicked myself up. Then started grinding my cockhead against his super-slick ass. God, the man was hot for me. His eyes were narrow white slits, and he and was growling like a fucking werewolf in heat. Roughly grabbing his own nipples. I ground my hips against him, running my cockhead through his hairy trench. Finding his pucker. Opening it slightly. Getting him to howl for more. Pushing in, then pulling back. And again. And again. Driving Matt fucking crazy.

Finally, I pushed forward... and fucking ripped him open.

God, we both roared out. He was fucking setting my dick on fire. The heat, the fucking heat. Tighter than anything. Fuck I fucking LOVED IT. Matt pushed back, pushed back against it, but it wasn't easy. His hand shot toward my torso, trying to slow my assault.

Against all my instincts, I just held there. Held there. "I got you, man. He's a thick fucker, isn't he?" Matt's breaths came out in explosive gasps. I locked eyes with him. "I got you, buddy. I got you. Stay with me." And started gently rocking my hips. "Stay with me buddy. Your ass feels incredible. You're doing fucking great."

Matt grit his teeth and spat out, "I'm... good. Just... caught me... off... guard. You're fucking HUGE!"

I looked down at him, my eyes burning. "And that's why you fucking love it." I spat into my hand again, and started jerking his deflated cock. I started moving my hips in circles, again, getting him to loosen. After a second, his hips started moving, too. Matching my rhythm.

It was... so weird. His hips moved, but it was... so different, so fucking different from how a woman moved. Sensual, but like... in a totally different way. Not like swaying like a hula dancer, but moving like... well, a fucking man. Like he was riding something between his legs.

Then something else occurred to me. In my speed to get inside him, I pretty much just knocked his legs away. One fell away down my side, but the other had flexed, braced against me with the sole of his foot resting against my hairy pec. Another idea came to me... a wonderfully nasty idea.

I knew another way to get him to relax.

I grabbed his foot, and dragged it up to my face. And then I let loose an obscene lick, starting from his heel and going north.

Matt's eyes flew open... and the sound he made was completely inhuman.

My tongue swirled around the underside of his foot, my lips opening, leaving a trail of spit. I circled my face around and around, nuzzling him, a dance of my wet mouth and my bristly scruff tangoing across his skin. He looked at me, his face frozen in a wild stare of stunned sexual need. I dragged my mouth across his skin to his toes, then ran my tongue underneath them, squishing between them. Matt let out a gurgling moan. I slid my mouth up around his big toe, suckling it like it was his dick. Teasing him. Blasting out any thought of anything else going on. Matt's eyes rolled back and he groaned out a deep rattling sound of raw pleasure...

...and leaning forward, I fucking SANK inside his ass.

Matt's arched back nearly lifted him right off the bed and his moan became a guttural, throaty cry of absolute hunger. I bottomed out, so deep my balls were in his hairy trench. I pulled back and fucking DROVE back inside him.

Matt howled, a loud undulating sound that made my chest vibrate. His arms flew open, spread-eagle, and gripped the sheets in twisted handfuls. I drove in again and again, hard enough that the whole bed shuddered as I hit bottom. My head snapped back and I let loose a cry that would have terrified a horde of Viking berserkers. Matts leg flew over my shoulder, and I started to FUCK him. HARD.

FUCK. I slammed against him. Blood rage and fury. Hard hammer blows again and again, and again and again. Loving the way Matt's body torqued and twisted. But after a minute I slowed. I wanted to feel this. Feel that connection with Matt. My buddy. My best friend. Fuck I LOVED BEING WITH HIM.

I slowed my pile drives, rolling my hips as I went to feel every inch of him. His man-chute was tighter than fuck, and the twisting pressure on my dick was fucking incredible. White hot fire. I leaned in, and ran my hands all over him, feeling the hard muscles, the drag of his fur, the sweat now freely running across him. Fuck. I never felt more like a man. Raw. Primal. Mating or dying... just as God made us. And it was so... fucking sensual. Not like with a woman, whose similar motions are teasing, playful, teasing. This was skin-on-skin pressure. The fucking feel of a man. Pressure. Going hard. Fucking physical.

It was a perfect moment of manliness.

And that drove me into an animalistic rage. I started slamming into him again. Hard. Knowing he wanted it hard. Knowing he could take it hard. Men. Not playing around anymore. Slamming into him. Again and again. Matt fucking grabbing ahold of me, fingers twisted white from the force. Again and again. The headboard sounding like it was going to fucking break off. Again and again. My dick on fire. Again and again. Matt barking off wild cries with each blow. Again and again. A fucking race to see who could cum first. AGAIN AND AGAIN.

Matt lost the race. I could feel his tight ass begin to spasm and grip me harder. His muscles clenched. Roaring his fucking lungs out. His eyes flew open, and I swear there was a look across his face of surprise veering on raw panic. He blew. Rope after rope of white-hot cum, splashing all over us. Smacking his chin, splattering on the sheets. He fucking howled like nothing I ever heard before. Holy fuck.

As he shot, his ass slammed around my cock, so hard I thought he was going to snap it off. That did it. I screamed even louder than Matt had, and fucking exploded like 10 gallons of cum into my buddy's ass. I fucking saw stars, like someone had clocked me.

I fell onto Matt, us both heaving, trying to breathe. We were drenched in sweat, running together with Matt's cum. Oh God. Oh God. OhGodohGodohGodohGod. I ran my sweaty face to Matt's and we started making out. Hard. Pouring more emotion into that kiss than I would have thought possible. Oh God. I felt so fucking GOOD.

Matt pushed me back slightly, his hands on my face. Looking me dead in the eye. His breathing ragged. Desperate. "Please...stay. Stay tonight...please. Please..."

"Oh God yes."

And I kissed him harder than I'd ever kissed another person in my life.

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Next: Chapter 4

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