Matt and Jason

By moc.loa@yugsitnalta

Published on Nov 12, 2023


Note that the following story is a work of semi-fiction, or maybe "inspired by a true story." Part is 100% true, and part is fantasy, and I leave it to the reader to determine which is which. Certain details have been tweaked to protect the "innocent." By all means, send feedback along to

Matt and Jason — Part 1

In a weird way, I guess everything happened the way it did because both our girlfriends were such garbage people. So... I guess we should thank them?

I'm Jason. When it all started, I was 29 and pretty much in the prime of life. While going slack for a bit in college, I got my shit together, got back into shape and had a body I could be proud of. I wasn't a gym rat, but worked out regularly to burn off steam, clear my head, and stay healthy. I had grown into my looks, and with no false modesty can claim that I was pretty good looking—a slightly rougher version of The Guy Next Door. Just rough enough around the edges that I had no trouble with the ladies. I had calmed down from my early horndog days, but still loved the constant female attention.

Through hard work and more than a little bit of luck, I had scored on a great job. I got my foot in the door into a niche field right out of school, and worked my ass off to make a name for myself. Paying my dues had worked well; now a few years later, I was rising through the ranks with plenty of good options ahead. I was making enough money to buy a small house in an older, quirkier part of town. It was one of those areas going through a transition, and as the old buildings got renovated my neighborhood became a hot destination. Relative to my buddies, I was sitting pretty, and with each passing day I was feeling more like a grownup.

My social life had never been better. I was part of a crew of guys, the core of which had met living in the dorms our first year at college. Our floor became, well, infamous... those of us who hadn't been suspended or expelled at the end of freshman year had matching shirts made that read, "Wallace 4 North: You Will Never Find a More Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy." Over the years added more guys into the inner circle. Time and the addition of girlfriends to our gatherings mellowed us out considerably, but we still knew how to cut loose. They were all great guys, and we had each other's' backs 100%, no questions. We still got together regularly, at a dive/neighborhood pub called Town Hall, which was just a few minutes from my house. We were fucking kings.

To most folks, the highpoint of my life was that I had somehow managed to snag one of the hottest girls in town as my girlfriend. Angie was smoking hot, with long flowing hair, a sweet ass, and a gorgeous smile that melted guys' hearts. We had been together for going on nine months, and generally it had been great. She liked sex, had a great sense of humor, and seemed to really be into me. Everyone thought I was the luckiest guy in the world, me included.

The problem? Her fucking friends.

I mean, Angie was sweet... but her friends were the trashiest people you could imagine. Manipulative. Disrespectful. And totally disloyal to their boyfriends. The worst was Alicia—Angie's "best friend." She was the Queen Bee, and real piece of work. Cold. Domineering. Like she believed her own press releases. My Angie was cute, in a natural way. But Alicia was... harder, more artificial in her look. To me, it looked like she was trying too hard. Made worse by a whole lot of over-the-top flirting. But she had charisma, a certain look that made men drool. Guys generally seemed to be dazzled by her, so I guess it was working for her?

Alicia was engaged to a guy named Matt... and that's where the problem was. I couldn't understand why she treated Matt so badly. I barely knew him, as we only talked in passing at large-scale events the girls hosted, but by any objective standard the guy was fucking amazing. I mean, I'm a straight guy who has never paid much attention to how other guys look, but even I was impressed. He had like a movie-star quality to him--so good looking that whenever he walked into a room, all the other guys reflexively held their girls tighter. He could have been a pretty-boy, but he had a... rougher, roguish side to him, with a short, dark beard that gave him a sense of danger. He also had a strong athletic frame that I couldn't help but envy. Plus, he was financially set. I couldn't remember exactly what he did, but remember hearing that he had some sweet urban loft downtown. When Matt proposed to Alicia, he gave her this stunning ring that all the rest of the girls babbled about non-stop for a couple weeks.

Matt seemed to be the catch of a life time. But Alicia treated him like dogshit.

I mean, even with this prince of a guy, she was sleeping around on him All. The. Fucking. Time. I couldn't believe the stories my girl Angie told me, about Alicia cancelling dates with Matt at the last minute to get it on with some other random guy, or getting nasty with someone at a pool party she was hosting. Blowing some guy in the john. Absolutely no respect for her fucking fiancé. Worse, Alicia started using Angie and I as cover, telling Matt that she was with us when she was actually out snorting coke and banging a guy in the parking lot.

I was really, really, REALLY uncomfortable with this. For one, one of my college girlfriends cheated on me with a guy I knew, and it ripped me apart. Totally crushed my confidence. The few months of hell that followed were not something I would wish on my worst enemy. And I was pissed as hell that I was being used as cover against my will.

But it really bothered me that my girlfriend Angie didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that all her best friends were so fucking awful. She treated it as completely normal, and had no problem gabbing away with these women as they talked about how badly they were screwing over the "loves of their lives."

Over the last few months, I realized this was going to be an unsurmountable problem for our relationship. I trusted Angie, and didn't think she was screwing around my back--in part because she knew this was a dealbreaker for me and I'd drop her in a second if I even thought she was getting some side action. But I was losing respect for Angie day by day. And I knew that if she was surrounded by friends who had no problems cheating, she was likely to become desensitized to things, too.

Maybe that was unfair, but it was harder and harder to see this as a relationship that would work in the long-term.

Thing is, there was no way to explain this to Angie. She had grown up with this circle of friends literally since grade school, and they meant everything to her. There was no way I could compete. And Angie knew how I felt--I was venting about it more and more often. Telling her one last time, or giving her an ultimatum wouldn't make a bit of difference.

So, I just... ended it with Angie. Made up some bullshit about how we were too different, and while I cared for her it just wasn't going to work out. She was generally sad, tried to fight to keep us together, but we ultimately agreed to separate and hopefully remain friends. Done and done.

There was one last thing I wanted to set right... the situation with Matt. He knew nothing about what was going on behind his back, and I felt that I owed it to him to at least give him a warning before he tied the knot. Back when my college girlfriend cheated on me, a guy I barely knew had done the same for me... coming forward and letting me know what was happening. It was painful, but I really appreciated the guts it took for him to warn me. That guy and I became friends after that, and now he was a central figure in my crew.

Matt needed to be told. And if no one else would, I sure as hell could buy the guy a beer and set him straight.

I was able to get his contact info from Angie. She asked why I was looking for it, and when I told her my plans she fucking flipped out. I had no right! I couldn't ruin Alicia's life like that! We ended up having the biggest fight of our relationship. She even ended up making some thinly veiled threats at me.

Yeah, fuck that.

I reached out to Matt that same night. I told him who I was, gave him the short and skinny about what was happening behind his back, and sent him a couple screen shots of Alicia begging Angie and I to cover for her while she went out with some other guy. I offered to talk to him over the phone or in person, and to answer any questions and to do what I could to help him through this.

Minutes later, he called me back.

That was probably one of the most uncomfortable calls of my life. I laid out everything I knew. He had a hard time believing me at first, but as I provided dates, times, and even a couple of names I had heard, he got deadly quiet. After a pause, he exploded.

"What the fuck was she doing? How the fuck could she do this? Did everyone else know about this, too??" The questions came fast and furious, barely missing a beat.

"Matt, I'm really sorry. I can give you some details, but at the end of the day you'll need to talk to her. And... bud, I know this hurts, but yeah, people knew. I don't know how much they know, but... they know."

"I fucking loved her! HOW THE FUCK COULD SHE DO THIS!?"

"I don't know bud. What guy can ever know? But look, years ago I was in the same boat. It fucking ripped my heart out. And a guy I didn't know, pretty much a stranger, gave me the news, and helped me through things. I can never repay him, but I can pay it forward. Look, you don't know me from Adam, but if I can help anyway, even just being a sounding board, just let me know. I can talk anytime."

There was a silence on his end. I wasn't sure if I'd said too much, when Matt finally responded. He sounded broken. "Thanks, man. I... I don't even know what to say. Thank you. I may need to take you up on that offer. I mean...." There was an embarrassed silence. Finally, Matt took a big breath and said, "What really sucks is my friend group is essentially her friend group. We met right after I moved here, and... Shit. They're all going to side with her. Especially if they've all known and didn't say anything. She's got everyone in that damn clique wrapped around her finger. Fuck."

Damn. My heart sank for him. All those feelings of anger, vulnerability, of feeling like a Grade-A Chump... and knowing no one would have your back.

"Matt my man, I'm serious. I've been through this, and I'll get you through it, too. I got you bud."

There was a long pause. I'm sure his mind was whirling a million miles an hour. "I gotta go, Jason. So... um, I might... you know, check in with you after I talk to Alicia. I mean, if that's ok. I don't..."

"Dude, you're good. Don't worry about the time. I mean it: I got you."

There was another pause. At last, Matt mumbled out an embarrassed "thank you" and hung up to confront Alicia. I wished him well.

I wasn't surprised when later that evening, pushing midnight, when Matt called me back. The short version is he broke up with her... and it sounds like things got ugly fast. Alicia treated the whole thing as if it was Matt's fault, and railed against everything he had done. She even sent in her winged monkeys to blow up his messages. Hell, I could see the messages starting to pile up from my ex, too... showing a darker side of her than I thought possible.

But my attention was on Matt. And damn, it sucks to see a guy broken down like that. He went through like all the various stages of grief simultaneously, leaping from bewildered, furious, ashamed, vengeful, and finally just... profoundly sad. I talked him through as long as he let me. One thing I was relieved to hear is that he never for one second thought about trying to "make things right" with her. No whiney "We can still work through this, babe!" bullshit as she continued to walk all over him. Nope, my boy Matt was DONE. And just trying how to pick up the pieces.

I was surprised at how much he opened up to me, and how willing he was to essentially cry on my shoulder. I mean, we barely knew each other. But I really felt for the guy. So, I found myself doing something completely out of character for me: I offered to buy him a beer and help him drown out his sorrows in person. I felt it was the least I could do for being the guy who dropped this bombshell into his lap. Matt accepted my offer.

Later that week we connected. As it turns out, I work not too far from his place, and so we ended up meeting at one of his favorite watering holes, just down the street from him. He looked... well, a little rough around the edges, but nothing too bad. He mentioned that he had taken a couple of days off from work to help clear his mind, and handle the ugly details of untangling his life from his now-ex.

Having had a few days to process things, he was more himself, even he was still pretty beaten down. I was impressed with his grit, and the fight that was inside of him. I knew he was hurting, but also knew he was going to be okay.

It was funny. The more we talked, the more we clicked. I mean, we met to give him a chance to vent, but we just sorta fell into talking. I had never given him much thought before, but spending time alone with him, I just felt this... connection. Finishing each other's thoughts. We came from different worlds, but he...he was just... a bud. Throughout our conversation, he showed off a wicked sense of humor, and more than once we were howling on our barstools.

And... it was clear the guy had a heart of gold. More than once, he apologized for not being a better friend for me, knowing that I was going through an ugly breakup, too. All in all, there was none of the... you know, the posturing guys often do. Just an easy-going give and take.

Easy. Yeah, that was it... hanging out with him was just... easy. In a weird way, it was the best "crying on my shoulder" session I ever had.

I was surprised to realize how long we had been jabbering away, and started making my goodbye to start the ride home. I offered to grab a beer with him again, and he eagerly agreed.

As I was leaving, he got a... curious expression on his face. He stood quietly for a second, before opening his mouth. "Jason? I'm... I'm just gonna say it. Thanks, man. Thanks for tonight. I guess I didn't realize how much I needed a friend."

I smiled. Smiled on the inside, too. "Glad I could help, bud. You'll get through this... and I'm happy to help any way I can. Don't forget: you're a great guy... and way too good for her. And no girl is worth blubbering about."

"Yeah. Chicks suck, that's for sure. Fuck `em!" he said with the start of a grin. I laughed. He looked down for a second, then grabbed my shoulder companionably. He turned and started heading home.

I exchanged a few messages over the weekend, just to make sure he was ok, and we agreed to meet up the next week for more "beers and tears" as we called it. We had so much fun, we made plans to do it again. And again after that. He was still pretty raw, but doing better. He said more than once how much he appreciated having someone and something to keep him from moping around at home.

I just liked spending time with him. As I said, I barely knew him, and had always figured he was quiet. Or aloof. But that wasn't the case at all... he was, well, thoughtful. And once he started talking, he was fucking hilarious. It wasn't like class clown craziness, just a wildly understated, dry humor that had me rolling. And Jesus Christ, he was like the smartest fucking guy I'd ever met. But it wasn't like... I dunno, that obnoxious "high and mighty"-style posturing I got from guys at college. He just had this... intense curiosity about, well... everything. And although we were just hanging out, I could tell he really... listened to people. To me. All in all, Matt... engaged with the world. Without ego. And in a relentlessly upbeat way.

I could see why he was so successful.

After our third get together, I said to him, "You know, Matt, it's been a couple weeks. Its probably time to get out there back into the real world. My boys and I meet up a place across town called Town Hall. Want to join us Friday night? I'll be good for you!"

Matt studied me for a second, then cracked a grin. "Well, that would interfere with my Very Important Plans of hiding under my bed all day with a bottle of tequila... But what the Hell. I'm in! That is, if they don't mind hanging out with a worthless loser who can't keep his girl happy."

"Knock it off, dipshit. You're better than her. And besides, we're always taking on new members, and we have a soft spot for orphans. I warn you, they guys are all a bunch of low-life knuckleheads, but you'll learn to love them!"

Friday came, and me and the guys were in our element... living loud, and grabbing life by the balls. Things were just getting started when I looked over across the room and saw Matt come in. I inwardly paused... I had no idea what Matt was expecting, or if this over-the-top rumble of testosterone-fueled mayhem was going to be too much for him.

I didn't need to worry. As I watched, Matt simply surveyed the room, shifted his posture slightly, and dove right in like he owned the place. The man could read a room.

"Matt! Bud! Over here!" I called out.

Matt looked over at me, gave me an energetic head nod, and flashed a grin. "Jason! Hey man, what's happening?" He made his way over.

And it occurred to me—again—just how good he looked. I mean, again, I'm straight as an arrow, but you couldn't help but be impressed with him. An All-American look, but... rougher. Confident, almost cocky. Moving with a muscular, masculine grace. Heads instinctively turned to follow him, guys and girls alike.

Jesus. He was something.

The night was a huge success. I introduced Matt around, and the guys effortlessly rolled him in to the fun. Matt got along famously. My buddy Paul roped him into some pool... and it was fun to watch. Matt lost the first game, but cleaned everyone's clock thereafter. But he did it in such a way that the guys all ended up best friends. In fact, Matt slowly took over the room. He was... like, the perfect bud. Laughing with everyone. Telling epic bar stories, and listening to everyone else's. Easy with camaraderie. And buying rounds for everyone wherever he went.

It was amazing watching him work the room. Again, I had always thought he was kinda quiet... but I was starting to wonder how much of that was just the fact that his ex-fiancée had kept him wound around her finger and on a very short leash.

And one point he came up to me, holding a pair of drinks.

"What's this?" I asked as he handed me one.

"My thank-you offering for inviting me tonight. It's felt... good... to feel good again."

"Watch out," I laughed. "This is the easy part. Now that we got you to drop your guard, the hazing will begin!"

"It can't be anything worse than what she put me through! To freedom!"

"To freedom!"

Matt was... amazing. He stood there, eyes flashing, the picture of masculine vitality. A guy living life to the fullest. He was...

...I shook my head, clearing the thought.

But I wasn't quite ready to let that feeling go. I couldn't' help it; I found myself blurting out, "Say, Matt. Just a thought. My brother plays in a band, and they're opening at the Lagoon Wednesday night. He gave me a couple comp tickets... care to join me?"

Matt's face lit up. With a shit-eating grin, he asked "Huh. So... like kinda a date?"

I let out a huge guffaw. "Well, it's kinda like a date... but instead of going to a swanky restaurant, you'll be going to dive that smells like sweat and day old beer." Matt laughed with me. "And, instead of some sweet young thing, you'll be going with this bastard," I said jabbing my thumb back at myself, "who swears too much, talks with his mouth full, and doesn't shave his balls!"

At that, Matt grabbed my shoulder and nearly fell to the ground laughing. "Count me in!"

The concert was a blast, and I was again blown away at Matt's ability to match the energy of room. He himself said he was more of a homebody who didn't like going out all the time, but absolutely loved to cut loose when he could.

I was finding I loved spending time with him. It was... again, easy. And he was quickly becoming one of my best friends.

Over the next few weeks, he started showing up at our get togethers at Town Hall, fitting in perfectly. Not every time, but pretty regularly. It's funny; I found myself watching the door until I saw him, and feeling a bit let down if he didn't show.

Things were pretty good for a while. One night, I noticed Matt hadn't shown up, and was missing his energy. While I was at the bar nursing my beer, one of the girls in our group came over and asked, "Hey Jason, a question for you. Do you know if Matt's officially back on the market? I was thinking about setting him up... I know several girls who would be perfect. Jason? ...Jason?"

It was weird... I had frozen up at the question. I shook myself back to reality, mumbled some apology and said I'd check. She nodded and melted back into the crowd.

Why had that caught me so off guard? I mean, that's a fair question. Usually, I'm a firm believer that after a break-up a guy should drown out his sorrows in a sea of pussy to get him back on his feet. But... not for Matt. C'mon, he was too good for the women around us. And... shit. I... was having a blast hanging out with him. We were having fun. And, well, you know a woman just goes and messes everything up.

But it was a fair question.

Strangely enough, Matt walked in the door at that point, and was quickly greeted by the gang. He made his way over to me, and plopped down on the seat next to me. "Hey bud!" he called out enthusiastically, throwing an arm around me.

Maatt usually did that. Grab my shoulder. Punch my arm. Pat me on the back. It felt good.

We got caught up on whatever news of the day, and at a pause I decided to probe a bit. "So, Matt... it's been a while now. You ready to start putting yourself back out there?"

Matt theatrically rolled his eyes. "Jesus. That's the last thing I'm thinking about!"

"Really?" I ribbed him. "A great looking guy like you? C'mon, you're free! You can fuck your way around the world and back! Find yourself a girl who actually knows how to give a blowjob!"

Matt snorted. "Ok, sure... what guy wouldn't want a blowjob? But it's a pipe dream. Girls only give you head when they're trying to reel you in. One they have you... bam! That shit dries up completely. Let me tell you, Alicia sure as shit wasn't giving blowjobs out."

I laughed with him, humorlessly. "I know, right? What is that shit? It's so fucking easy, makes a man eat out of their hands, but they just won't do it! It's like in the Woman's Codebook or something!"

Matt nodded. "No shit. I tried with Alicia... I mean, I really tried." He paused, then went on with more of a bite. "I Begged. Pleaded. Ate her pussy for hours at a time. For a while she would do it only if I bought her something, but then even that went away. Nothing. It was ok at first, I figured I wasn't the only guy not getting blown. But it... kept going. She kept me on a pretty short leash. And it kept getting shorter. Towards the end, I was just so happy for anything that I didn't realize what a problem it was." He fell silent, looking into his beer. "Man. Yeah, makes me wish for one perfect blowjob. Just... not interested in... the work... the fight... to get one."

There was something... haunted in his voice. He was still dealing with some serious shit. I tried to lighten the mood, "Matt my man, no work at all. Give me 3 minutes and I'll get a line of folks, each ready to blow you behind the bar. How long is your recovery time?"

Matt snorted, turned his head, and gave a plucky smile.

Shit. He's such a handsome motherfucker. That half-smile, so suggestive, could get any woman in here to wet her panties. I mean, just looking at him you could feel...

Fuck... sorry. God...for a minute there, it almost sounded like I was creeping on my buddy or something.


I guess he wasn't the only one who was in desperate need of some action.

The next Friday Matt joined us at Town Hall again, saying that he'd have to make it an early night because he was heading back to his hometown for the weekend--it sounded like his sister was bringing her boyfriend home to meet the family. Matt wasn't really looking forward and wanted to cut loose a little before heading out in the morning.

Things were going great until... they showed up.

Matt and I were laughing about something, when I saw him freeze and look over my shoulder. I turned and saw Alicia's older brother come in, flanked with a couple of other guys. They were casting around the place checking it out, but then locked eyes on Matt. And I knew we were in for trouble.

The brother's face twisted into a snarl and he plowed his way over to where Matt and I were standing. "Oh look, boys. If it isn't my sister's fiancé. The one who's been spreading lies about her all over town. What's up, bitch?" His two sidekicks came up beside him, pissing for a fight.

"Tony," Matt said levelly. "I don't wanna get into it with you. That's between me and her. And I didn't say anything untrue."

"You fucking LIED about her, bitch. Fucking called her a whore. That make you feel big, you little shit? Make you feel like a real man, talking trash about a lady behind her back?"

"Tony, I don't know what she told you. But she was sleeping around on me."

"YOU FUCKING HUMILIATED HER!" he shouted out. People were casually listening in before, but now the bar got deathly quiet. Tony was almost spitting with rage. "Whatever the problem was, she was trying to work it out with you, and you fucking threw everything in her face."

You could see Matt's hackles raising. His voice was still level, which made it all the more terrifying. "I'm not gonna argue with you, Tony. I had the receipts. Let it lie!"

Tony took a step forward, rearing back to throw a punch... but at that moment literally everyone in the bar stood up and took a step forward, even the girls. Our eyes flashing murder. Big man Tony looked around and saw just how badly things were about to go down. His buddies went from smug to scared shitless in less than a heartbeat.

The look on Tony's face twisted into a mask of helpless fury. He glared around, then turned towards Matt and snarled, "Fuck you, you pansy ass. Just like you, you fucking bitch--can't even fight your own fights. Hell, you weren't even man enough to satisfy her. No wonder she had to step out!"

There was a thundering crack, and we all jumped. Marty the bartender had slammed a baseball bat on the bar. He glowered at Tony and his boys, then turned to look me dead in the eye. "I don't like trouble in my bar. These guys giving you trouble, Jason?"

I turned back to Tony, who--by his expression--was starting to realize the world of trouble looking him in the eye. I nodded back to Marty, saying, "No trouble, Marty. My buds are just going to escort these fuckerheads out."

Long story short, Tony was roughly shown the door, and my boys, um, suggested he was not welcome to show up here ever again.

I looked over at Matt. He had a really dark look on his face. Those nearest to Matt clapped him on the back supportively, telling him that fucker didn't know shit. Matt tried to smile at us, thanking everyone for standing up for him, but I could tell Tony's words cut deep. From behind the bar, Marty wordlessly slid a glass of bourbon over to Matt. Matt looked at it blankly, and Marty said gently, "It's on the house."

Matt gritted his teeth and bit back a huge swig. I nodded the other guys away, to give Matt some space. I could see the wheels in his head spinning, replaying Tony's jab about his masculinity again and again. "That fucking prick," Matt spat out. "He was a fucking pain in my ass when Alicia were together; he's a worse one now that we broke up." He essentially tossed back the rest of his drink and looked down.

"Matt. Dude. Forget him. The whole family is trash. That fucker probably gets his rocks off to kiddie porn." Matt continued to look down, but I saw the start of a half-smile across his face. Matt grabbed the remains of my drink, and tossed that back, too.

I shook my head. I looked at him and... shit. I felt bad for the guy. Felt... something. Having him get called out like that... it hurt. Looking at him, I had... like a... knot in my stomach. He was such a great guy. He deserved better.

And then, without thinking, I heard myself saying something to him. Completely reflexively, without thought. It was like I was hearing someone else talking: "It's ok, bud. Tell you what. You're not driving home tonight. In a few minutes you'll have no business being on the roads, and you don't need to be by yourself tonight. I'm just a few minutes away, and you're crashing with me. I'll drop you off here tomorrow to pick up your car."

Matt looked up at me, with... a look. A look I can't... really describe. Just looking at me. Even in the dim light of the bar, his eyes had a... glow to them. A vitality. They... made me... feel... I dunno.

Finally, he gave kinda a laugh-sigh, and said "Thanks man, but I can't do that to you... I can..."

I reached out and grabbed his shoulder. The kind of bro-gesture we had shared often. This time, I swear it was not just to comfort him, but to... I... don't know. "No man, not gonna hear it. You're not going home to stew about this." And Then, Matt smiled... a small, personal smile. He looked down, then looked back at me. And nodded.

"C'mon, let's get you going. You can get drunk as you want once I get you home!"

I leaned in, grabbing Matt and started hauling him to his feet. It was... strange. We had spent a fair amount of time together, but this was the first time I was really in his personal space. That I was close enough I could smell him. And... huh. The guy smelled good. Familiar. Good.


I loaded Matt into my car and headed home. I wasn't bullshitting him, my house really was just a few minutes away. Matt wasn't pissed-pants drunk, or even all that wobbly, but just kinda... passive. I was walking close with my arm around him and... realizing I was highly aware of his body. Of him. We were evenly matched, body-wise. He was... solid. With maybe a bit more bulk to his athletic frame than I had. I wasn't used to guiding guys around, and the... weight... of him registered in my mind.

As did his scent.

Away from the bar, his smell dug deeper into my mind. Playing with my mind. It was weird... fucking weird. I had spent my whole life around guys, and knew what they smelled like. Usually to their detriment. Anyone who's done team sports, lived in the dorms, or had a roommate knew basically what guys smelled like. But Matt's scent was more... present. Dusky. Masculine. Making me feel... comfortable.

I got us inside, and Matt sloughed off his coat and things before crashing heavily onto my couch. Still distant. There was a tension in the room. And I was... strangely nervous. To snap us out of it, I cheerfully called out, "Well. I'm getting dry. Can I pour you something?"

Matt looked up sharply, looked at me and smiled. "Sorry, I'm just... sorry. Yeah. I need something strong."

I poured out some whiskey for both of us, then plopped down on the couch next to him. I handed him a drink, and we clinked glasses.

"Nice place, man," Matt offered up. "Thanks for... well, thanks. And sorry for ruining the evening. I don't know why I let that prick get under my skin."

"No worries, bud," I responded. "I've said before, this shit is hard. And don't let him get you down. You're a great guy, and every guy at that bar was ready to drop him for you."

Matt smiled, a grin that actually reached his eyes this time. "Yeah, and thank you for that, too."

"Me? What do you mean? That's all you. You're probably a bigger man around there now than I am, and that's because you're a great guy. They all love you."

At this, Matt looked at me seriously... deeply. With an expression that I can't... I felt kinda warm. "Jason, no... it's you. Your vote of approval that opened doors. Without it, I'm just some guy." I started to protest, but he cut me off. "I've watched you all these past few weeks. They all love you. Because you're fucking amazing. A real friend, to everyone. You... you're a natural-born leader, you know that? The guys love you because you... you've got them. You know them. You take care of them. You are always there to pump them up, lift them up. You'd take a bullet for any and all of them... and they know it. And I know it. You're... well, you're 10 times the man I could ever be."

I was stunned. Speechless.

He continued. "And you've been a better friend to me the last couple months than I deserve. I was in a really dark place, and you almost single-handedly pulled me out. So... thank you."

There was a thunderous silence between us. Like all young guys, Matt and I usually traded on snark and ball busting. The honest, raw... feeling in his words completely threw me. And it wasn't just that I didn't know what to say... I didn't know what... to feel. But as he finished, I realized that the "knot" I had been feeling in my stomach was something else entirely. God damn, but it felt like... butterflies.

Shit. What the fuck was that?

I realized my heart was... pounding. And my palms were getting sweaty. My mind was doing cartwheels inside my head. What the fuck was happening? How long were we sitting there... a minute? An hour?

Matt reached over and... like... patted my leg. A simple gesture. Casual. A gesture that guys palling around wouldn't even notice. But... shit. It made my heart pound faster. What the fuck? I mean, it was just a guy being a guy. Thanking me without words. Right? Because... he was a guy. A fucking guy. And guys... don't...

We're guys, right? Fuck!


My mind finally raced too far ahead of the rest of me. I instinctively pulled back, rising to my feet. "I need a refill," I said declaratively, in an up-beat tone. Too up-beat. Shit. "You ready for more?" My mind whirled, trying to make out clues to what was going on.

For a second, Matt was unreadable. He smoothly stretched, and said... "Yeah, I'm still too damn sober. Hey, where's the bathroom? I'm about ready to piss myself."

"Through the arch, first door on the left," I said with a nod. I watched him wander off.

And... fuck. What the hell was going on? I was... this was all... What am I doing? I was feeling like I was a fucking teenager on a first date. Completely out of my element. When we were sitting together, it felt like... something was happening, about to happen. Something. What the fuck was that. He had his hand on my leg and I... goddammit, it felt good. But that was wrong! I mean, we're... guys! We have... well, had... girlfriends.

It's just that... these past few weeks, there's been like a... connection. As I look back, I'd felt a closeness to him. We didn't say anything. I'd never say anything. But he... Matt... he made me feel... I can't even describe it. But it felt good. Really fucking good. And the way he looked at me now just ripped right through me. Did that mean anything?

Shit. Shitshitshit. Did he feel that same way? Was he hinting at... something? Fuck.


But, the longer thought about it, the more something inside me felt clearer. Felt important. I set down the drinks, and walked to the archway. Leaning there. My stomach turning over in fucking somersaults.

I heard Matt finish up. The door opened. Matt started to walk out, his eyes vaguely looking down. He saw me. Standing there. And stopped. He looked at me.

He fucking looked at me.

And Jesus fucking Christ, I felt something. Something I never felt, certainly not toward a guy. Something that was raging. And boiling. Inside me. My pulse was pounding so hard he had to have heard it.

He looked at me. An intensity I'd never felt before. I took a step forward. A flood of emotions screaming inside me, louder than I thought possible. I stopped. His expression... shifted. There was... a clarity. Certainty. Like something was coming into focus. I closed the distance between us, reached up and gripped his shoulder. My hand was shaking.

Fuck it.

I leaned in and kissed him. Hard.

It was an rush of emotions. Of feelings. Fear. Need. Heat. Everything. All at once. Tingling all over. Shit. It felt good.

I pulled back slightly, almost afraid of what would happen next. And then...


...and then Matt's face slammed against mine. And it was fucking on.

Holy fuck.

Look, I've kissed lots of women in my time. I know the drill... or at least thought I did. But this one turned me upside down and inside out. With a woman, you were... I dunno, inviting her along. Teasing her. Getting her ready. Matt was already there, fucking hungry as I was. This wasn't a teaser, it was like full on sex. The most aggressive sex of my life.

Holy fuck.

The force of Matt's kiss drove me hard against the wall behind me. I went after him even harder. Anyone watching us would have assumed we were trying to kill each other. We were like hyenas ripping apart a dead wildebeest, going at it with a violence that took my breath away.

But it wasn't just the aggression that surprised me. I mean, at 6'2" I'm a big guy. I've never had someone my equal make out with me. My height. My weight. And there was his beard. Wiry but soft. It set my skin on fire. I'd never felt anything like it. I couldn't help but run my fingers through it.

Oh hell YEAH... I was clearly making out with a GUY.

We wrenched apart from each other, breathing in explosive gasps. And then we slammed into each other again, harder than before. God. The heat of him. The fire of his mouth, the strength of his tongue as it rammed down my throat, forcing me to fight back. His hands were everywhere, grabbing me as hard as he was kissing me. I fucking pushed back and slammed him against the wall, worked up so much that it was like I was gnawing his face off. No woman could fucking EVER kiss like that.

Matt broke the kiss, but slid down and went after my neck with that same fucking intensity. And that about did me in. The scour of his beard against my neck had me bellow out an inhuman sound of raw, desperate need. I slammed my face against him, my mouth pressed against his skin, and got a blast of his scent again. Strong. Raw, unfiltered. Masculine. I would never be able to breathe that smell without going rock hard.

Shit. I was hornier than I had ever been in my life. Harder than steel. Harder than I'd ever been in my life. Straining in my pants. Straining in my own skin.

And then it hit me... something momentous. From our positions, I realized Matt was as hard as I was. I could feel his cock, trapped in his jeans as he slowly rubbed it against me. I started grinding against him, pushing back with everything I had. We were fucking dry humping each other through our clothes.

God it was fucking amazing. What struck me was a sense of... freedom. Cut free of restraints. Of being myself. Being a fucking MAN. Not having to hide my fire, water myself down. Knowing where things were going without asking... or asking for permission. And being met head-on by a guy as horned up as I was, with no interest in taking prisoners.

I let out a gasp as I felt his hand slide roughly down my body, to grab my dick. He started to roughly--and I mean roughly--massage me. FUUUUCK. Oh God, his hand! Even through my pants! He was a guy, and knew what he was doing. Knew the pressure, the grip. Fuck. Every part of my body started screaming in need. Needing more.

I slammed my hands down his body, knocking his hands out of the way, and violently tried to pull his belt open. Shit. My mind scrambled as I realized I was doing it in reverse, my fingers barely able to function given my hormonal rage. After a few bumbling mishaps, I got his pants open and dove inside. His bush swirling around my fingers. Fuck... a man's fucking hair! Finally closing around his massive, hard cock.

Matt growled ferociously into my neck. And I was right there with him.

Oh fucking YES! It was jarring, just like everything else. I was so used to the feel of my dick that I was taken aback finally feeling another guy's. He wasn't as thick as me, but he was fucking LONG. And he was fucking gushing precum; my hand was slick with it as I started jacking him.

"OhGodohGodohGod," he panted into my ear. He let the sensations overwhelm him for a minute, then went in to return the favor. Matt was far more skilled at ripping my pants open, and he pulled me out, stoking me firmly. FUUUUUUUCK. We jacked each other like that for a few minutes, panting desperately for air. Then I shifted positions slightly, lining us up so that I could jack our cocks together, skin on skin. Letting the wild sensations set us on fire.

Our lips found each other's again and our kissing took on a desperate urgency, as we moaned loudly into each other's mouths. God, I was in fucking HEAVEN.

Suddenly, Matt ripped himself away from me, leaving me panting and uncertain. To my utter surprise, he dropped to his knees and buried his face in my crotch.

Oh my fucking God.

Matt ground his face against me, his beard twining with my bush. Sweeping around me. Massaging my dick with his mouth. Working everything. Hungry.

Then without further ado, he lined his mouth up over my dick and fucking swallowed me down.

I howled. "Fucking YES! Fuck man! Suck me! Fucking YEEEEEEEEESS!"

Oh my fucking God.

He had just gotten started. Just taken my cockhead in his mouth... and it was already the best fucking blowjob I'd ever had in my life! He fucking understood! He fucking SUCKED me, didn't just meekly bob around like some fucking woman. He fucking SUCKED me. And his tongue! Holy shit, he was fucking swirling it around the rim, lapping at my piss slit, ticking the underside. And it was the best fucking feeling in the fucking world. He started moving back and forth, sliding deeper with each thrust. I couldn't believe it. I'm pretty thick, and women were forever bitching about it when sucking me off. Matt dove right in. Yes, the sexiest, manliest guy I knew had in a few minutes put every girl I knew to shame.

I desperately grabbed onto him for balance, totally overwhelmed by what he was doing. My shouts of encouragement mutated into inhuman roars, louder with each thrust he took. He gabbed my ass, and with his mouth started fucking working me over like he was a steam piston. As only a fellow guy could. And I was fucking losing it...!

Suddenly he sopped, and my dick slipped out of his mouth with an audible, wet pop. I almost fell forward from the shock of it. He stood up, pulling me back up with him. He landed a kiss on me like a right hook, and I could smell my musk on him. He looked into my eyes, and growled out: "Bedroom."

It wasn't a question, nor a suggestion.

I grabbed him and nearly wrenched his arm off dragging him in. In the dim light, I started stripping off my clothes wildly, and he followed suit. His shirt flew over his head, giving me a chance to see his powerful, hairy chest. Oh, man. His hair ran down in a treasure trail. And as he dropped his pants, I about had a heart attack. He had a massive missile between his legs, more than 7", standing straight and tall as the fucking Washington Monument. With a tight mushroom head that continued to gush cock snot. He had two massive, egg-sized ball, hairy as fuck, and everything was wrapped in a tangle of dark, wiry crotch hair. He looked like a fucking MAN.

As I was still taking it in, Matt slammed my naked ass onto the edge of the bed, and went back to me. And holy FUCK... if it was good before, now it was fucking incredible! He was beyond excited, going after my junk with animal ferocity. GOD HIS MOUTH! He was everywhere, totally throwing me off balance. He ran his face through my bush, aggressively mouthing my cock and balls. He then took me down and fucking swallowed me as far as he could, repeatedly fucking me with his lips. Saliva ran down my shaft, getting my balls wet and dripping onto the floor.

He'd face fuck me for a few strokes, then fucking go after my balls. I howled in response... no girl I had ever been with really went after them like that. He sucked them down one at a time, nearly to the point of pain, rolling them in his mouth, then nuzzling them, sliding his face behind and around them. And then went back to power sucking me.

Jesus fucking Christ.

All I could do was run my hands through his increasingly sweaty hair, grabbing onto his shoulders, as my body writhed and bucked from the sensations. And all the time howling louder than a werewolf in heat.

It was Matt's... enthusiasm that was blowing my mind. None of that exasperated, dutiful bullshit women give you if they ever give you head. Matt was fucking living for this... he wanted it as much as I did. And I was out of my mind.

And getting waaaaay too close.

The sensations were totally overwhelming, and since I had been in drought since the breakup, I could tell I was about ready to blow. But I desperately wanted to keep things going, and--well, shit, I can't believe I'm saying it, but I was fucking horny as fuck for Matt's dick.

With HUGE reluctance, I wrenched Matt off to me. Surprisingly, the dude fought me hard, desperately trying to lean back down and suck me off again. "Dude! Dudedudedudedudedude!" I panted. "Wait. I'm like two strokes from blast off."

He looked up with me questioningly, and I met his gaze with a degenerate leer. "I need my turn," I snarled.

The smile he gave me in reply was utterly, wonderfully nasty.

As he started to stand, I grabbed his torso, now slightly slick with sweat, and threw him onto the bed, flat on his back. I sprawled on top of him, meeting his lips with mine and giving him a pile drive of a kiss to leave him no question of how grateful I was.

After making out for a few minutes, I started moving down, giving myself the chance to take in his body. God, he felt so wonderfully, gloriously different than a woman. My mind defaulted to expecting tits, but instead he was giving me hard, taut muscle. And his hair... the fucking hair on his chest! I fucking loved the roughness as I slid my lips across him, the roughness softened a bit by his sweat. I had loved the feel of his beard, but I offered him something different... the sharp scour of stubble. I could feel Matt react as I dragged my mouth across him, from one hairy nipple to the next, as he felt the bite of my scruff. By the sound of his growls, I knew he was into it.

I slurred my way down him, leading with my mouth, down his torso. Tasting the salt of his sweat. Feeling the growing roughness of his fur... which got denser and thicker the lower I got.

Then, my nose picked up something. Something that was starting to fucking set me off. As I got lower, I could take in the scent of his musk. The smell of his sweaty balls. Fuck. I dropped my face to his hairy crotch, and it fucking hit me full force: the scent of raw masculinity. Raw sex. Fuuuuuck. I had always associated the smell of sex with a woman's snatch, but this was on another level. I think my own mind reacted to his scent, recognizing its familiarity. And I fucking went into overdrive.

I turned into a fucking animal. I fucking attacked his cock, locking my mouth around him and sucking for all I was worth. I tongued him wildly, desperate to feel him. His precum had a sweetness to it. I slicked up his dick with my spit, then dove down as far as I could go. Matt bellowed encouragement somewhere above me. God it was fucking hot. I couldn't take him all in, so I started mouth fucking him, swallowing down further and further with each thrust. I hit something in the back of my throat and gagged myself, and had to wrench myself off him while coughing. Damn.

Frustrated, I tried a different approach and went after his balls. Fuck... his scent was stronger here. I sucked each one in turn, pulling it into my mouth and rolling my tongue around it, while Matt roared out a string of profanities. I nuzzled them again and again, slowly jacking his spit-slicked cock as I did so. I went back to his cock, and again worked on swallowing it down as far as I could go. I could work him pretty far, but again inexperience got the better of me and I ended up gagging myself again. I went back to working his cockhead with my mouth, but jacking his shaft to complete the sensation. Matt fucking loved it.

I had an idea. While still blowing him, I started using my free hand to... like, tickle him behind the balls. A spot that always did it for me. Matt fucking loved it, lurching his body and making snorting roars as I went. My spit had made his skin slick, even with the hair, and as I was working my fingers, one of them actually slid further down his taint. Matt's whole body fucking convulsed in response... barking like a a dog, his back arching off the bed.

Curious. Most curious.

I tried again, somewhat more aggressively. And deeper. Deeper. Starting to slide into his crack.

"Ohhhh FUCK YEAH!" Matt bellowed. "FUCK YEAH."

I let his dick slide out of my mouth. "You fucking like that? You fucking like that?" I growled at him. He was far too gone to reply but his body said everything I needed to know.

Well. I guess I was gonna have to give my buddy a something to remember.

I stuck my finger in my mouth the slick it up... and fucking rammed it in Matt's hairy bunghole.

The response was immediate, and just this side of violent. Matt roared like a fucking dinosaur. He thrashed wildly at the sensation; and as I continued to finger him, he fucking started fucking slamming his ass back against the intruder, desperate to intensify the sensation. One of his hands slammed against me while the other gripped my sheets hard enough to rip them apart. I started finger fucking his ass harder, and he fucking got louder.

I slammed my mouth down his cock again, taking him in as far as I could go and sucking for all I was worth, up and down and up and down, while raping my buddy's butt with my finger. It was too much for him. I could feel his balls rise up, and his body tense... and with a titanic scream, Matt unloaded what felt like 10 gallons of cum in my mouth. I tried to swallow it all down, but it was no use; I was choking on it, and ended up coughing much of it out onto his crotch.

After an explosive blast like that, Matt was fucking spent. He collapsed back onto the bed, desperately trying to get his breath. Drenched in a sheen of sweat.

I, however, wasn't done by a mile yet. I was still hard as a rock, hungry as hell and ready for action.

And I suddenly I had a very good idea about what to do about it.

I slowly started sliding up his sweaty body, our hairy chests grinding together. His freshly-shot cum still slurring down my chin. He was blissed out from having shot his load, with a look of pure, masculine, sexual satisfaction dancing in his eyes. Our mouths met, and I kissed him. Hard. I'm sure he could taste his own spunk as I rammed my tongue down his throat. His hands gripped my arms, savoring the feel of me. Savoring the moment.

But I kept up the forward pressure. Slowly, but relentlessly, sliding my hips under him as we made out, his legs splayed to either side of me. My body forcing his slightly upwards. My rock-hard cock pushing below his balls. My hips started gyrating ever so much, as I slid my rock-hard dick around his nether regions, pushing further... further... until I found his ass crack. And my hip circles turned into forward thrusts.

Matt, still coming down from his post-orgasmic high, was fucking loving the body contact... but then it hit him what was going on. There was an imperceptible gasp, and I broke the kiss to look at him. His eyes widened for a second. As I looked into them, I saw a fucking kaleidoscope of emotions ripple through them. Shifting, and shifting again. Excitement, fear, uncertainty... and hunger.

Hunger won out.

Matt nodded at me. Slowly. Definitively.


My thrusts became more insistent. His sweat, and my residual spit let my dick slide through the tangle of fur in his asscrack to meet his pucker. His hole kissing my cockhead. I pushed against him, and Matt's head fell back. He moaned. Like fucking moaned. Like a bad actor in a cheap porno. But Matt meant it.

I spat wildly into my palm, again and again, and roughly slicked up my cock. I was leaking so much precum, I probably didn't need it. And then I lined myself up against him again and pushed.


Pushed again. Nothing.

I hacked up some more, and tried one last time. Holding my cock, I pushed... and...


Oh my God. Oh my fucking God. OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD.

Matt and I both howled, both threw our heads back in unison... him in obvious pain, me in the fucking GLORY OF THE BEST FEELING EVER. His ass was tighter than any pussy I'd ever known. Tighter than fucking anything. Tight enough to turn coal into a fucking diamond. And with a fucking HEAT. I WAS IN FUCKING HEAVEN.

But clearly, my thick, hairy cock was more than Matt bargained for. I held steady, trying to give him a chance to adjust, fighting the desperate urge to FUCKING DRIVE MY DICK ALL THE WAY IN UP TO MY HAIRY BALLS. I went after Matt's neck with my mouth, trying to fire off a different pressure point, while massaging his deflating dick. It helped, and after a few minutes, Matt bit off the words, "Do it." Hunger had won out again.

I started slow, slooooow little thrusts, then started a series of circles. His body shuddered and convulsed, and I could see him grinding his teeth. His breathing was a series of breathy grunts... but the more I rocked back and forth, the easier they became. His eyes were tightly shut, but his hands lost some of the vice grip on my arms, and began moving around me.

My dick was screaming for more. I started to rock harder, and harder. His hole kept squeezing mine in a spasming death grip, but started bearing down more rhythmically as I thrust. Matt was... starting to feel it. I pushed more, my mind blown by the sensations... then I felt my dick press against something.

Matt's eyes snapped open and he drew a wild breath. Whatever that was, it got him. I pulled back and hit the spot again. And Matt's raspy breath turned into an absolutely obscene, deep body moan. And his body... rippled. I hit the spot again and again, and the transformation was incredible. Matt's face went from one of grim determination to... absolute wonder. His voice became a mindless undulation. Desperate with need.

I had enough. I need to fuck. Slowly, relentlessly, I pushed my dick all the way in. Matt's face froze in astonishment, opening in shock as if he were soundlessly snarling out the word, "fuck." I was in to the hilt, my hairy bush flush against his hairy hole. It was the best feeling in the fucking world. The best fuck of my entire life.

I usually thought of myself as a master lover, a guy who expertly pushed buttons to make things happen. Not then. Not with a guy. Not with Matt. My cock was being pressed on like I couldn't believe. I lost control, my hips starting a series of primal body slams, pounding into Matt just nothing but naked need. Matt was right there with me, bucking against me as hard as he could, making animal sounds. We were sweating. Hard. Rivers of sweat running down my face and falling onto his. Again and again, I roughly slammed inside him. Each thrust making my dick fucking SING.

He reached up and grabbed my neck, and pulled me against his face with more force than I thought possible. Matt and I kissed with animal ferocity, like fucking predators. I tasted that metallic taste of blood in my mouth... his, mine, I didn't know or care. Our hairy bodies rubbed wildly together, unbearable friction, with only our shared sweat keeping us from bursting into flame. I could feel Matt grab against me, hard enough to leave bruises.

I started pounding him harder. Needing more. Our whole bodies slamming together, again and again. Slamming against the bed from the force of our collisions. Matt's hands wildly swept down my back, and I could feel the sharp pain of his fingernails in the small of my back as he grabbed me.

I needed more. I needed fucking POWER. I pushed back from him, raising myself slightly on my arms and with the extra leverage I fucking let loose, slamming into him as hard as I could. His arms around my neck in a death grip. We both howled.

It was too much. I could feel my balls starting to roar. I could feel that familiar rushing feeling inside me, and my ears started ringing. Probably due to my screaming. All at once I let loose with the biggest load I've ever shot, blasting wave after wave of white-hot cum deep into my buddy's ass. Again and again. Like my dick was being ripped off.

And when it was over, I slumped against Matt's body... fucking done.

Matt, however, was just getting started.

I have no real memory of what exactly happened next, other than to know that somehow Matt had thrown me off him and rolled me over so I was lying on my belly. And then, to my absolute astonishment, he pulled my hips up so I was splayed and vulnerable before him.

And then... oh my fucking God.


The sensation that washed over me was unlike anything I had experienced in my entire life. Through the fog of absolute bliss, I realized... MY BUDDY WAS EATING MY ASS!

What the everlasting fuck? Was that even allowed? You could fucking do that??!?

I was completely thunderstruck. I mean, guy's butts were... like, nasty, right? Especially a hairy ass like mine! The worst of the worst. A gross, one-way garbage chute. A part of my body that no one had ever touched. That I barely touched.

But oh my god this was the FUCKING BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD.

I flailed my arm around, in like a frantic attempt to drive his face in further. Desperate for more. Oh my god. OH MY GOD. The wet feeling of his tongue as he made out with my pucker, with the rough scour of his beard against my sensitive skin. His strong hands grabbed at my butt cheeks, roughly massaging them, then sliding up to grip my back... all the more leverage for him as he worked me over. His tongue lapped me, then slid fucking INSIDE me... then went up and down my crack... HOLY SHIT. I was absolutely delirious, overwhelmed with sensations I didn't think were possible.

Then Matt pulled back. I let out a baying moan of frustration. Of naked animal need. But Matt had a different idea. I heard him spit, then felt something big and wet against my chute.

Oh shit. He was gonna...

I had no time to react. He pushed in, and my greedy hole sucked in his cockhead. Like Matt had before me, I howled at the intrusion, as a blinding pain ripped through me like lightning. Fortunately, I had an easier time with Matt's dick. Which was good because Matt was far too far gone to give a fuck about anything. My hole opened up, and Matt leaned forward to go balls deep inside me.

I was a screaming mess of emotions. I was still reeling in pain as he started to slam against me, so hard that I fell flat onto the bed, with him on top of me. His hairy chest locked against my back, our sweat running together. He hooked his arms around me, gripping my chest with one hand, then reaching up to grab my forehead as he drove deep inside me. BAM. BAM BAM BAM. My head rolled to the side, and he began to savagely kiss me, his tongue working my neck... down the side of my face... my mouth.

And... it was fucking wild. I could... I could fucking feel his cockhead inside me. Feel it re-arranging my guts. And as he ground his dick in... there was... a change. The pain was still there, but it was... like, blotted out. It was so fucking weird. It felt like... my guts were starting on fire. Like I was seeing stars, but the stars got brighter, and brighter... and bigger, and hotter. BAM BAM BAM. It was like my whole body was on fire. And lighting was rippling across my skin. BAM BAM BAM. Holy shit, it was almost like I was cumming... but it kept on building. Each thrust set off new waves of fireworks, but the previous ones hadn't even faded yet.

And suddenly I could not get enough. My mind fucking exploded. I found myself slamming against Matt, my whole body screaming in like 12 different kinds of pleasure, but needing more. Needing much more. Needing all of it. BAM BAM BAM. I felt absolute fucking euphoria as the light filled me up, blinding in intensity. I realized I was screaming my fucking lungs out. And still Matt slammed into me. BAM BAM BAM. Awakening things inside me I never knew were there. BAM BAM BAM.

Holy shit. Fucking Matt's ass was like the best sex I ever had. But him fucking me? I had fucking BECOME sex.

I could tell Matt was getting close, his thrusts becoming harder, but wilder. His bellows ringing along with mine. BAM BAM BAM. BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM.

And then it started. Holy shit, it already felt like I was close to cumming, but this new feeling was even stronger. More intense. My ears were roaring, and I could feel my heartbeat pounding in my head. Raw fire... blinding light...

And I fucking CAME. I had just shot a massive load just minutes ago, but I came harder than I'd ever cum in my life. I lost any control over my body... everything was just... white.

And I crashed hard into utter oblivion.

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Next: Chapter 2

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