Matt and Jamie

By abys

Published on Nov 18, 2011


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt and Jamie Chapter 6 By Abys.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

This story is a work of fiction and although may be based on real characters I have no idea whether they are gay or not. This story is meant for adults above the age of consent in your area, so if you are not then please do not read on. This story depicts sex with consenting adults. If you are offended by this then please do not read on.

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I woke up, having slept soundly all night. I felt the naked skin of the person who was spooned up behind me; I felt the slow breathing motion of a smooth chest against my back. I felt warm breath against my ear and neck. I felt 2 strong arms wrapped around me, holding me safe. I opened my eyes slowly as the sun was peaking through the curtains over the window.

I went to move and all my muscles started to hurt, all of them, I was like I had spent the whole day in a gym yesterday! I groaned as the pain hit me. Which must have woken the person behind me up.

All I heard was a "hmmmmm." from them, I felt the muscles tense, their arms squeezing me tighter, pushing their front into my back and arse.

"Morning baby." the male voice behind me said as he lightly kissed my neck.

I just hummed as I felt his lips on my skin.

I sat up with a start. What had happened?

"Are you ok?" Jamie said concerned, the duvet came up with me, pulling it off him, our chests exposed.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," I said, "just a bit of a shock, only person I have woken up with was my ex, bit surprised that you are a guy! But is ok, I have woken up now!"

I lay back down and he cuddled into me.

"Are you sure you are ok?" Jamie said.

"Yeah, fine, well not fine, but ok being here. Where are your parents?" I asked." they leave for work early on Fridays, so they can finish early. They checked in with me before they went." he said.

"They saw me in bed with you?" I asked."Yeah, well my mum did, it didn't go down so well that you were in bed with me but she said you looked so cute asleep, and that I have good taste." Jamie said.

I blushed, "don't you have college today?"

"Yeah I do, but I have blown it off." he said.

"Oh, ok, why?" I asked.

"Because I woke up next to a beautiful, sexy, gorgeous guy, who I felt needed sleep and a cuddle more than I needed to run around a track," he replied, I blushed. "And who is even sexier when he blushes."

I didn't know what to say. I let him cuddle into me, I relaxed and melted into his strong arms.

I felt so good, so nice to relax and feel protected; Jamie obviously felt a lot for me. I never really got the "gay" thing. How could you feel something for someone the same sex? Well I guess I found out the easy way! By feeling it myself.

"Jamie?" I said.

"Yes babe." he replied.

"I think I am gay." I said, laying naked in a bed with another man cuddling me.

"I know babe, it's ok." he reassured me.

"I just wanted to say it." I said.

"It's ok, does it feel ok?"

"I don't know, my dad is gonna kill me. I don't know what to do about that." I said.

I felt a kiss to my neck and a whisper in my ear, "he won't, and I'll protect you."

I just purred again and felt a feeling in by stomach. Like a lurch, but not, can't describe it.

I felt him kissing all over my neck. "I can't believe I lost my virginity to such a sexy guy." he said, he kept kissing a licking me. I started to moan and my cock hardened, I could feel his hardness pushing against my back and arse. I could feel where this was going to go, and I wanted it to go there and beyond.

I turned to face him, and we kissed, long, passionate, tongues, he rolled on top of me, and we kissed more. He put my hands either side of my head and linked fingers with me, kind of pinning me there. I liked it. He moved his legs between mine and I wrapped mine around his waist. I was rock hard and wanted it now. He kissed down my neck and onto my chest, onto my nipples, he sucked and licked and nibbled on them, I squirmed beneath him. He moved down and licked over by stomach and abs, licking across the join in the muscles, making me gasp and moan.

He went down further, between my legs, he sucked on my balls and licked over my groin. He moved his head up, and the dived down on my cock. Taking it all in at once. I arched my back, and groaned loudly. The feelings of a moist, warm mouth engulfing my majorly horny cock was amazing.

He bobbed his head, licking, sucking all over it. I was bunching the bed covers up in my fists as he brought me closer and closer to orgasming, but he stopped. He came back up my body to my face, I wrapped my legs around him, grabbed his face with both my hands and kissed him passionately.

"Get my wallet," I said between kisses, "get a condom out, I want you inside me."

Jamie grinned, reached for my wallet and took out the small package. He tore it in his teeth, pulled out the inner pre-lubed latex sheath, and slid it over his cock. He reached again to the bedside drawer, and pulled out a small bottle. He pushed my legs back, so my ass was facing up, and dove in with his tongue. He swirled all around my hole. Causing no end of sensations to course through my body. I felt his Tongue dart at my hole, pushing it's way into me. Then a finger at my hole, then it slipping into me. I started moaning louder as he penetrated me with another finger stretching my hole more and more as he fucked his fingers in and out of me.

He was grinning down at me as he tortured my body with good feelings; he pushed me back down, moved back up to my face kissed me again, long passionate kisses.

"You really like that don't you?" he said.

I was panting away, "I like you doing it."

He grinned, "Do you like this as well?" I felt the head of his cock press against my hole, I relaxed and it popped into me. I groaned as I felt myself open up to his invasion, and god it felt good. He slid up inside me, opening me up, pushing all the way inside. I felt his body up against my ass as I felt all of his six inches in me.

He looked me in the eyes as he pulled out, I looked him in the eyes and all I saw staring back at me was passion pouring out his eyes. He pushed back in, causing me to moan, my eyes closed and my mouth opened as he hit my sweet spot over and over, the sensation of him making love to me was amazing. Never did I think sex could feel like this, well never with a girl.

He pumped away at me, "harder." I started whispering. And harder he went, the slapping of his skin against mine, hitting my prostate over and over, harder and harder, I was screaming by this point, he had worked me up so far. He was sweating but still looking down into my eyes, when I could open them that is, he kept fucking me. I could feel myself starting to boil over, I could feel my self loosing control, every time he stabbed into me, he hit my sweet spot I moaned, or shouted as it was now, and it brought me closer to orgasm. Jamie was going faster and faster, harder and harder, I wasn't going last any longer, with one last big shove inside me I exploded. I came and came, and so did Jamie, at the same time. He filled the condom in my ass as I sprayed my chest and stomach with my teen juice.

His arms gave way and he collapsed on top of me, squashing my cum between us. He whispered how amazing it was, and I had to agree! We just merged into one person, kissing, licking each other. He got of me, flipped me onto my front, pulled my hips up, he lined himself up and pushed his already hard again cock into me.

"Ahhhhh," was all I said as he took me.

He lay across my back and whispered in my ear. "I can't get enough of you, you're like a drug, and I'm addicted. I need to cum again."

Looks like I didn't have a choice, but a few thrusts into me and I was as hard as a rock again.

He picked up where he left off, hard and fast, the urgency of needing to cum again coupled with the staying power from cumming only five minutes earlier was obviously frustrating so he was trying to get there fast! All I could do was relax and enjoy as this fit, muscled, sexy, guy went into overdrive to satisfy his lust. I was moaning and swearing and egging him on as he fucked me. This was carnal sex, and it felt great.

Although he was fucking me hard, it wasn't rough; I could feel the love and passion as he pumped me full of cock. All I could think about was getting him off, so I squeezed my ass muscles. He groaned as he felt me contract around his cock. He rammed me, pumped me and eventually he thrusted home and stayed lodged deep inside me, I felt he cock spasm and knew he was cumming again. He leaned into my back and started kissing and licking my neck as he pumped into me for the final spurts of his orgasm.

He slipped out of me, turned me over and we kissed, and snuggled up together, he just had a stupid grin on his face as we cuddled and kissed. Nothing was said between us, there was no need. Eventually he got up and disposed of the condom, and went to the bathroom. I couldn't believe what had happened to me in the last 24 hours. It was like a whirlwind.

I decided to check my phone. I picked of up out of my jeans. Switched the screen on. 5 missed calls, 1 from my ex and 4 from Marc, my best friend. I dialed his number.

He answered quickly. "Dude, what the fuck is going on?" he nearly screamed down the phone at me.

"Whoooah, what you mean?" I asked.

"You mean you haven't checked your email?" he said.

"No mate, haven't checked it for days. Why? What's going on?" I asked.

Marc continued, "Well, I should be asking you that! Your girlfriend...."

I interrupted, "ex-fucking girlfriend, we're well and truly over."

"Yeah dude, she said in this email, that you dumped her cos u were gay." he said.

Jamie had come out of the bathroom, he sat behind me so I was between his legs, and he cuddled up to me.

"Is that what she said?" I asked.

"Well dude, not just that, there was this video, of you and this old geezer. He was fucking you, and you we're begging for more." marc said, "look it doesn't matter to me that ur gay, just thought you wud have told me.

I'd forgotten that she had videoed the whole thing. Fuck. Who had she sent it too? I felt the blood drain from my face, but surpringly enough I hadn't gone into panic mode. I just leaned back into Jamie's body.

"Fuck," I said to marc. "Dude do you trust me?"

"Always," he replied without hesitation.

"How long was the video?" I asked.

"Less than a minute." he replied." She set me up, that guy raped me for a good 30 minutes. She tied me up, which I thought was kinky, then he came in, I couldn't stop it, he hit me and slapped till i begged for it, she videoed the whole thing, she sold my ass to him." I told him.

There was silence on the other end of the phone. "She always was a fucked up bitch." marc finally said. Which made me chuckle. I went on to explain everything to him about what happened.

"Dude, I'm sorry, I'll sort everyone out that she sent it too, where are you? Are you ok?" he said.

"Yeah I am at a friends, I'm good, better than good actually." I replied.

"What friend?" he asked.

"Jamie." I replied.

"Do I know him?" he asked.

"I don't think so, we only met yesterday, I kinda ran into him when I was running from her house, him and his parents have looked after me." I said.

"Ok, good, I'll sort everyone on that list out, are you going to the police?" he asked.

"I don't know, be hard to keep that from my dad." I replied.

"Yeah I guess, you really should get out of there." marc said concern in his voice.

"I will, just hope he doesn't find out about this, that really would be shit." I said.

"Yeah dude, I remember the beating you got when we were 12, and that was for nothing really." he said.

"I know, look dude you should go." I said.

"I know bro, I'll speak to you when I've sorted everything. Peace dude." marc finished.

"Thanks man." I said and hung up.

"He really cares about you." Jamie said as he held me."

"He does, he looks out for me, we've known each other like since we were 5." I said.

"What was that about your dad?" Jamie asked.

"Humpf, nothing really." I said.

"Does he hit you?" he asked again.

I paused and looked into Jamie's eyes, he knew I didn't want to answer, but he also knew why.

"It's ok, don't answer. I think I know." he said. "Shall we get showered?"

"Sounds a great idea." I said jumping up.

We showered and got dressed. Jamie made lunch; we ate, talked a bit. Then it was about 4pm.

"I should go home." I said.

"I'll walk you home," Jamie replied.

"It's like an hours walk!" I said.

"Meh, I'll walk you there and run home, punishment for not going to college today!" he joked. "No arguing, I'm walking with you."

"Ok." I gave in.

We got ready to leave and I was waiting by the front door.

"Do I get to see you again?" he said. "Yes, I want to keep seeing you." I replied and a big grin broke out on his face. We kissed, and kissed, and then we left.

The walk home was not too bad, went quite quickly, we joked about, he was bounding about, having far to much energy. Hiding behind trees and jumping out at me. He was like a kid, but made me smile. I'd almost forgotten about everything!

We reached my house, not as swanky as Jamie's, was run down, the garden was un-kept, paint peeling off the doors.

I said my goodbye and that would speak to him tomorrow. We hugged and I started walking in. Jamie just stood there, almost a tear in his eye. I opened the door, my dad was there, at the end of the hall. He was a big, intimidating guy, overweight, lucky I got my genes from my mum. He was there in his dirty overalls from work.

"So, you've come here then, you fucking, piece of shit gay faggot boy." he shouted at the top of his voice.

I had about enough time to think "shit ...... He knows." before he came towards me, and his fist connected with my face, I fell back, hitting by head on the door frame, I went dizzy, my legs gave way, I was heading towards the ground. Just as I reached it I felt his boot make contact with my chest, hard, the wind knocked out of me, I couldn't breathe. I thought, this is it, this time I won't be getting back up. I waited for the next blow to hit me. All I saw was this blue and White blur fly over me. I hear a loud "oompf" from my dad, crashing, and the sound of fists hitting someone. I hurt, and couldn't think. This blurry face then appeared above me.

"MATT, ARE YOU OK?" someone shouted at me, I recognized the voice, but it wasn't quite registering who it was yet. Then it came. It was Jamie.

Next: Chapter 7

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