Matt and Jamie

By abys

Published on Nov 14, 2011


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt and Jamie Chapter 4 By Abys.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This story is a work of fiction and although may be based on real characters I have no idea whether they are gay or not. This story is meant for adults above the age of consent in your area, so if you are not then please do not read on. This story depicts sex with consenting adults. If you are offended by this then please do not read on.

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I was running from her place. I couldn't believe I had hit her, I couldn't believe more what had happened to me in the last 2 hours! As I ran I cud feel my hole leaking his cum. I felt it on my boxers. I was still crying, my god what must I look like!

I sprinted around a corner an whack, I hit something or soneone! I was on the ground, I landed on my arm, which hurt!

I just laid there, on the floor, eyes closed while the pain in my arm went.

"shit dude, I'm sorry are you ok?" a male voice said.

I just lay there my eyes closed and said, "yeah I'm ok."

"you don't look it dude, are you crying? Your eyeliner is all smudged." he said.

"no I'm good," I said and opened my eyes. Shit, I thought, it was the guy from college earlier, the hot one.

"dude, you look terrible," he held out his hand to help me up, "I'm Jamie by the way."

I was helped up, dusted myself off. "Matt, and thanks, sorry about running into you there."

"yeah, you pack quite a punch for a little guy!" he joked, "look, I can see sonethings wrong, your t-shirt is inside out as well, and you've been crying. I live just around that corner, why don't you come clear up a bit, sure my mum won't mind you borrowing some eyeliner." he grinned showing his beautiful smile.

Thinking about it I must have looked bad, but considering what I went through!

"you sure? You don't even know me." I said.

"yeah, I saw you at college, plus you obviously need some sort of help, and I can't let you go now without at least offering to help." jamie said.

I grinned, god he was sweet as well as cute!

"sure, thanks, I cud do with a little time, to be honest."

"sure dude, no probs, this way." jamie said and pointed the way.

I took a step forward and my left leg kinda gave way a little and I fell forward. 2 arms gripped around my waist and caught me.

"whoa," he said. "you ok?"

"I guess not!" I replied.

"here let me help." jamie offered.

He helped me up and I limped around the corner and about 100m down the road, I limped and leaned onto his body, he was strong and I was very light for him to move and help me. We got to his house. He opened the door and we made it in.

"hey, your lucky! My room is on. The ground floor. And I have my own bathroom." he said.

We hobbled through and he sat me down on his bed.

"there, all done."

"thanks" I said.

"look, bathroom is thru there," he pointed to a door in the corner. "you thirsty, hungry? I need to fix myself a sandwich and juice. Want the same?"

"I don't want to be a bother," I replied.

"I'll take that as a yes, you have a shower and stuff, help yourself to anything in there, and I'll sort out food and drink." jamie went off.

I looked around his room, was quite a big room, im guessing they converted the garage for him. I was sat on the double bed, which was all messed up. There was a desk with a computer on it, a new one by the looks of things. There was a 32" flat screen tv on the wall, with a PS3 attached to it, the walls were blank, just painted, no posters or anything on them bar a swirly painting and a mirror on the far side.

I got up and made my way to the bathroom, god knows what I had done to by ankle, it was sore so I limped across to the bathroom, I closed the door and stripped off, I lookked in the mirror, god I did look a state. I finally worked out his shower and got in a just enjoyed the spray on my body, I cleaned my self all over, got rid of my eyeliner, and cleaned out my ass as much as possible.

I got out the shower, water running down my body, my hair matted to my head. I looked around and couldn't see a towel. Dammit I thought, should have thought of that before. I opened the door slightly and poked my head out. Jamie was stood there holding a towel for me, he held it out and said, "thought you might need this! Sorry I forgot I got rid of mine this morning."

"thanks, be right there." I went back in and dried off, I looked at my boxers and decided not to put them back on. I hung up the towel, put my jeans on commando, grabbed my tshirt and walked out. He was there with his back to me looking out his window, drinking his orange juice. He turned around and looked at me and smiled.

"that's better," he said. "you look much better now, and smell better."

I looked at him, smell? God I must have smelled of sex and cum, hopefully he didn't know what it was. So I just grinned and poked out my tongue.

"here's your sandwich, looks like you need filling up! Your skinny dude." he said. "nice 6 pack though." he smiled.

"thanks," I took the plate off him, "I'd love to weigh more, but I can't put weight on, much rather be built like you! I think I'm weedy!"

"well, your bodies hot anyways, plus now I can see your natural face, your pretty good looking too you shouldn't Hide behind your hair! and your lucky then, I have to really watch what I eat."

I blushed at the compliments. Considering he was very hot!

"thanks," I said. " you are pretty buff yourself! Must take a lot if work to stay in shape like that."

"yeah, but I enjoy it, I like getting down and sweaty." having realsied what he said, he blushed and I just smiled, he was cute when he blushed. Cute? Jesus, I must be turning gay!

"what I meant to say was......" he tried to back up.

"don't worry about it man, I know what you were saying, look this is really nice of you." I said.

"meh, you looked in trouble, and I cud help so I did. By the way what happened, if you don't mind my asking." he said.

"you don't wanna know," I said, looking down at my feet. "but ended up with me splitting up with my girlfriend and hitting her in the face."

"jees, what the hell did she do to deserve that! You seem quite a stable guy!" jamie asked.

I explained about 2 nights ago, the fingering and the amazing sex. His reply was just, "dude that's hot." he was adjusting himself as I talked.

I then explained last night, with the dildo. I sat down on his bed and he sat down next to me, I went through last night, about everything.

"well that's just hot as well, I can't believe you did that!" he said, I stole a few glimpses of his crotch, he was definetely liking my story.

"what happened today then?" he asked.

I started expaining the handcuffs, and the butt plug. And then I told him about the rape, he just sat there open mouthed as I explained it to him. I started crying again, then I explained about the money. I could tell he was gobsmacked. He just leaned in and gave me a hug. It felt so good.

"fuck dude, no wonder you hit her! I would have done the same! Are you going to the police?" he said. I layed down on his bed, still shirtless, head on the pillows.

"I don't know. I don't know the guy, or is it her I need to report? And anyways, I kinda liked it in the end." I said.

"dude, it doesn't matter, someone fucked you, that you didn't want to do it!" jamie said. He scooted up next to me, my back to his front. He draped his arm over my side and onto my stomach. His other arm under my neck, and he pulled us close together.

His hand on my stomach was making contact when I breathed, it caused a spasm of my abs, and my breathing increased.

"are you ok?" he asked as he cuddled me.

"better than ok, I feel safe in your arms, I'm sleepy though." I said

"have a nap then, I'll protect you." jamie said. I smiled and drifted off to sleep in this guys arms the last thing I remember feeling was his breath on the back of my neck and his arms holding me tight.

I awoke later on, still half asleep and my eyes closed, I cud feel this soft smooth skin on my hand, and my head was on a shoulder. I felt a light kiss on my forehead, I leaned up and felt lips touching mine gently, they were shaking.

I then was slowly remembered where I was, Shit this was Jamies bedroom, Shit I was kissing someone. Shit! I was kissing jamie!

"shit!" I shouted, maybe a little too loud and I got up on my knees. I looked down and he was there, looking slightly hurt, and he had no shirt on, when did that happen?

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to kiss you!" he said, tears in his eyes.

My head was spinning, fuck he was hot with no shirt on. "it's ok, I just wasn't really prepared for that!" I replied.

"what, why, how long did I sleep for?" I asked.

"couple of hours, you rolled away from me, so I got up for a bit, and it's hot so I took my tshirt off. But I didn't leave you alone." jamie said, "when I got back next to you, you rolled back over, and put your head on my shoulder and cuddled up next to me, you looked so cute and beautiful, I couldn't help kissing your forehead, that's when u woke up. I couldn't help myself, please don't hate me cos I like you, I know you probably don't like guys at the moment considering what happened to you....."

He was babbling, I leaned back in a kissed him on the lips again, his eyes stayed wide open, I opened my mouth slightly, he did the same. Our tongues met and electric sparks went off in my head.

We broke the kiss eventually, "wow," he said. "what was that for?"

"for protecting me, and not leaving me alone." I replied. He smiled at me, my god he was hot. Now I cud see him with his shirt off, he was built, I think he must have been some what Latin, as he had dark hair, his skin was pale, which made his brown eyes and dark hair stand out. His chest was smooth and defined solid muscle, his biceps were big, his stomach was flat and hairless. There wasn't really a 6 pac, but it was washboard flat. He was hot.

"are you gay?" I asked.

He blushed and nodded. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kiss you, but you are hot, and so good looking, and I thought you were checking me out earlier today." he said.

"I was, I thought I was straight. I'm not so sure now! Today has fucked my head up a little. But I do think you are hot to, but not only that, you are such a nice person." I said.

He blushed again, "I only did what anyone else would have if they had seen you like you were."

"no I don't think so, I was lucky I ran into you. Literally!" I said.

He laughed and got up on his knees, he was so close to me, I could feel the heat coming off of him. He grabbed my hips, and pulled me chest to chest with him. I was getting very turned on by this point. He leaned in and kissed me, I returned the kiss, this time it was more passionate. Our tongues were battling, I moved down onto my back. He was on top of me, his larger, more defined frame laying on top of me. I could feel his hardness poking at me. I started wondering what it looked like.

I wrapped my legs around him his tracksuit bottoms and my jeans grinding together. God I was turned on as he started kissing my neck and down to my nipples, he sucked on them flicking his tongue overthem. I just moaned.

"get me out of my jeans." I said.

"what?" Jamie looked a bit startled.

"I want to be naked with you." I said with a grin.

I could see his eyes glaze over. He reached for my belt and started fumbling at the buckle. His hands were shaking.

"are you ok?" I asked.

"well, yeah, I've, never, erm, been with another guy, you know, naked." he said.

"your a virgin?" I asked. He nodded, "you been with a girl?" he shook his head. I grabbed his head and planted a big kiss on him.

"take a deep breath, and carry on slowly." I said.

He took a deep breath and slowly, but deliberatly undid my jeans. He pulled them off and my cock sprung free and slapped my stomach.

"wow." was all he said.

He took my cock in his hands and stroked it a couple of times. I just purred with the sensations.

He ducked his head down and licked the head of my cock. He licked my acclumated precum off me.

"you taste nice." he said, I just moaned. I wasn't sure I I cud suck a cock, until a few minutes ago I still regarded myself as straight, but right now that doesn't seem true!

Hmm he sucked me good, I was enjoying the feeling of his lips and tongue on my cock.

"mmmm, come back up here." I said, he moved up, his bottoms were tented out. "take them off."

He looked at me, looking nervous.

"it's ok, let's be naked together." I said.

He pulled them down, and then his boxers, out spring his cock. I remember licking my lips when I saw it. I wrapped my hand around it, he moaned as someone else touched his cock. I pushed the skin up and down the length. It was big, well I thought it was big. Bigger than me, he was about 6" long, but the head was thick, I couldn't wrap my whole hand around it, ok, I have smallish hands but still. It was thick, certainly more like last nights toy!

I felt my hole twitch, what was that about?did I want this guy? I laid back down, he laid back on top and I wrapped my legs around his waist, we went back to snogging. Both moaning as we kissed each other, licking and nibbling ears and necks. I raised my legs up further, and his cock grazed over my hole, I moaned loudly.

"are you ok?" jamie asked.

"better than ok, I want you inside me." I said.

Jamie looked a little scared.

"what about what happened to you today," he said.

"look," I said, "my virginity was stolen from me today, now I've found someone I want to give it up to willingly, which one do you think I am going to remember more? All you have to decide is if I am good enough for you to give your virginity too."

He kneeled there, proud cock standing to attention. "you are perfect to loose it to, show me what I have to do." he said.

I smiled and said, "first, pass me my wallet from my jeans."

He did and I took out a condom. Ripped it open and rolled it down his length. He moaned as it slip down.

"now when you push in, go slow with that monster." I said to him.

He blushed, "it's not that big."

"big enough!" I said. "I'm kinda guessing that as this is your first time, you're not gonna last long, but that you can go a couple of rounds, don't worry about cumming, or apologizing if it's quick. I want you to enjoy this."

He nodded, I raised my ass up to allow access for him. He had the head at my entrance.

"ok, push in slowly." I said.

The concentration on his face was strong, I felt the head at my hole, and the pressure as he pushed forward. My hole opened and swallowed his head in.

"oh fuck, that feels like a fucking cricket bat up me!" I said.

"are you ok? I can stop." he said concerned.

"yeah great! Just go slow, ur kinda big remember." I said.

He leaned over and kissed me and said, "and I am taking your virginity."

I moaned as he said virginity he pushed in and about half of him, well felt like half disappeared into me.

My eyes rolled back into my head, my brain was overcome with sensation, my mouth opened but no sound came out. He pushed a bit more and that went in, a minute or so later he was all the way in me.

"my god a real cock feels so much better than a dildo!" I said. I felt so full, I swear I could feel his heart beat pulsing through his cock. Although I was fairly well lubricated from this afternoon, the heat from his entry was immense!

"jees you are so warm and tight around me, feels amazing." Jamie said,

We kissed and he slowly moved his hips out, pulling it out of me, then back in. I was moaning every move he made. The edge of his cock was constantly rubbing against my prostate. His bigger cock pushing it around. He slowly picked up the pace, the friction between us grew. Our bodies slid agaist each other. Sweat making us slippery. I grabbed his gorgeous ass. Pulling him into me harder and harder. I was tingling all over, we were kissing roughly around the panting, I felt him stiffen up and pump onto me all the way hard, he must be about to cum. The grunts from him then confirmed he was spunking into the condom in my ass.

"fuck, fuck, fuck," he panted in my ear. "I wanted that to go on forever."

"so did I, that was amazing. Stay inside me, can you go again?" I asked.

"fucking right I can." he said, "we have a while till my parents come back."

He started moving again. I was hoping he wud last longer this time. Though for a first time, he did well. Sliding in and out of me we started up again.

He wrapped his hand around my cock and started to wank me. The heat rose between us fast, we quickly got into a pace which got us moaning, groaning especially me. I was getting louder and louder as he slowly wanked me off and then quickly fucked me. Feeling every inch of his thick cock do it's work on my insides. I was getting closer and closer to cumming. Our rhytmn was good, he was lasting ages, the sweat was dripping off him and onto me.

He was biting and licking and sucking my neck, sliding his cock in and out of me, along with that was driving me crazy, he picked up the pace again, I was close as well, quicker, harder, our bodies slapping together, he grunted and bit down on my shoulder, as he came he bit harder and harder. It hurt! But it sent me over the edge, the pain catalised my orgasm, I fired 9 jets over us. He fired I don't know how many blasts into me. I cud still feel the pain in my shoulder as he continued to bite me.

I think he then realized what he was doing and stopped biting me. "I'm so sorry," he panted out.

"it's ok, it'll go away." I replied, basking in the glory of my best orgasm ever.

"but, I bit you, you have teeth marks on your shoulder!" he said really worried.

I moved up and kissed him. "and I don't care! That was the most amazing sex ever!" I said.

"really?" he asked.

"really." I said.

He leaned back over and we snogged for ages. His cock still inside me was slowly going soft and sliding out of me. Eventually it slipped out all together. But the cum filled end of the condom was still inside me! He gripped it and pulled it out and brought it up to look at. My god there was a lot of cum in there! He put it on the side and snuggled up next to me.

There was then a bang as I guessed the front door closed. Must have been his parents, good job they weren't 5mins earlier!!

I sat up startled by the noise.

"it's ok," he said. "they won't come in here."

I laid back down and we cuddled, having lost our virginity together in such fantastic style!

Although technically not my virginity, I did feel very different!

"can I have another shower?" I asked.

"yeah, I need one too." Jamie said.

"together?" I asked.

He flashed that grin at me and nodded.

Next: Chapter 5

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