Matt and Jamie

By abys

Published on Jan 6, 2012


----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt and Jamie

Chapter 14 by Abys. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

This story is a work of fiction and although may be based on real characters I have no idea whether they are gay or not. This story is meant for adults above the age of consent in your area, so if you are not then please do not read on. This story depicts sex with consenting adults. If you are offended by this then please do not read on.

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So the next day we got up and started shopping, we got everything we needed and more. Jamie's dad gave us his credit card and let us go wild to get everything. What they went to do I don't know. We went into loads of shops and bought shorts, t shirts, jeans, underwear, dress shirts. We could hardly carry all the bags! We stumbled back to the train station, heavily weighed down! When we got there Jamie's parents just laughed at us as I collapsed on the floor as we reached the meeting point. They helped by carrying some of our bags, we got back home and started packing up out suitcases with the new stuff, we weren't allowed to wear any of our new clothes bar trying them on and checking that they fitted! So we were packed and ready to go to Spain!

But we had one more week to go through! And it was going to be a tough week for me; I had 3 court appearances to make. How the hell do you deal with that? What the hell do I say in each they were all so bad, I had because of how good things in my life at the moment, put them all out of my mind. But now that they were all only a few days away I had to think about the past, about the rape, about the beatings I took from my dad and the little fight we had recently! To be honest I am not sure what was worse, the rape or my dad. Least the rapist wanted me, even if just for my body. Ah my head is so fucked! The counselor at college was concerned about all these memories coming up, he had referred me to a psychiatrist, I hadn't had an appointment yet but it was coming up after the holiday, I was glad of that, least I could get the cases out of the way and then go to Spain and then deal with the rest of the shit! I was so excited about going to a foreign country. But I would be flying there; I had never been in an airplane before! Oh my god, I just thought about it and it scared me!

Monday came around. I was sat in the court room, I had arranged for Jamie to sit next to me - he was holding my hand as my dad gave his version of event. I was really surprised, he spoke about everything he had done to me, his drinking, he admitted everything, I cried, he cried, Jamie held me. I felt so sorry for my father. He explained about my mother, about how she left him and he started drinking after that. I tried to think back to when my mum and dad were together, my memories were sketchy at best, there were not many happy memories, and when my father told of my mothers dying after the car crash I started crying again. Eventually I was called up onto the stand and gave my evidence, again there were tears as I told of my father throwing empty bottles of beer at me, the fact I had to go to the shop and buy all the food, the beating I got when he was drunk, and the one from when Jamie intercepted my dad, when he nearly killed me. Tears flowed from me freely as I told them everything, I looked across to my dad as I explained and he couldn't even look at me. My dad was put into custody until the decision of the court, which would be in a month. I got home that night, so exhausted, I was on the sofa and Jamie just held me, and I slept on the sofa as his parents and Jamie watched a film, I cant remember which one as I fell asleep in the opening credits! Least I had Tuesday to recover! I think I remember waking up about 2pm, but Jamie was there, holding me, watching something on the TV I didn't really care about! I was still groggy.

"Hey baby," he said

"Hey..." I said back.

"You want breakfast or lunch?"

"What time is it?"


"Hmmmmm, it would be lunch, but I'm not hungry, I want you."

"Aren't you tired?"

"Yeah, so you need to do all the work!

"I think I can cope with that...."

Over the next hours I can't describe what Jamie did to me. But he made me feel like I was the only person on the earth. He licked every part of my body, then slid inside me and made me cum just with his cock in me. It was unbelievable, I came three times that night, day, afternoon or evening? I cannot remember I just remember we made love and then I fell asleep again! Was probably a disappointment to Jamie, but he laid next to me all the time, every time I woke up - he was there, either just holding me or in the same room, close. It felt so good that someone loved me that much, that he was there for me even when I slept.

Tuesday disappeared in a haze of just happening. Wednesday came and it was another court appearance. I guess this one was more harrowing, you would have thought being beaten up for most of my life would have been difficult to deal with, but being raped, a singular event was far worse! Especially as it came from someone who had said she had loved me.

This story was harder on me, I had to watch the video of the guy raping me, and hitting me as he did it. It was disgusting, as I watched I was physically sick in the bin next to the court desk, Jamie just reached from behind the public gallery, he was crying and he just wrapped his arms around me as much as he could. He put his hands over my ears and I closed my eyes as he just rubbed his face against my neck, just to remind me that he was there for me. It sounds weird, well OK it is weird, but it got me through those hellish 15 minutes of the worst part of the video. I opened my eyes again, the faces of the people in the court were horrible, and they looked at Danni like she was a witch about to be burnt at the stake! And they looked at me with sorrow in their eyes. I felt dirty after leaving court that day, I really had been pulled apart by the defense saying that I was gay and liked it. Luckily I didn't have to go back I had given y evidence, there were another couple of days for that case to work though but it was over with now, 2 out of 3 down! Just the last one, and that one wasn't really much, just that gang of boys, to be honest I wasn't sure why we were going to court, we hadn't been arrested with the damage we caused them, I say we, the damage Jamie had caused them! So I knew we were not in any trouble, so it must have been them for their comments and trying to beat us up. Jamie had handled this entire one, mainly because he felt guilty that he had busted so many bones in the fight. In my eyes he had no choice. But that didn't stop him from sorting this one out.

I curled up against Jamie Wednesday evening, he was paying extra attention to me after having given my evidence in the rape trial, it was nice, I was getting extra cuddles and I just hummed at the extra attention! We had a nice meal that his mum cooked up and then we snuggled up in bed quite early for us at 10pm.

On Thursday we decided to do something nice. So we went out for the day.

"What about these?" Jamie shouted at me in the underwear section of a department store. I just glared at his as he wafted the pink silk thong and me with a big smile on his face!

"JAMIE!" I shouted and went bright red, he just laughed and brought them over holding them in front of my crotch.

"I think I can see you in these!" He giggled. We pretty much had the attention of the entire shop by now.

"If you keep this up you'll never get to see what's there ever again!" I threatened.

"Empty threat and you know it," he called my bluff and kissed me on the cheek. OK, I thought, how to get my revenge? What could I do that would embarrass Jamie, problem was that he was pretty unembarrassable!

He walked around the corner, so I did the only thing I could think of. I picked up the pink thong and went to the changing room; I was scared but giggling to myself. I walked out into the store just wearing the thong.

"Jamie!" I called, "Oh lover boy! What do you think?" He looked at me and his jaw dropped as I paraded in the thong for him! This really got the attention of everyone in the shop. I walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek then made my way back into the changing room. My heart was racing at a hundred miles an hour! But I was laughing to myself. I walked out of the changing room dressed again, holding the thong. Everyone was looking at me and Jamie. He grabbed my arm trying to pull me out of the shop.

"Come on Matt," he said.

"No I have to buy the thong you wanted," I said loudly enough for people to hear. He went bright red. What I assume was the manager then came up to us and said, "I think you two should leave the store."

"But I want to buy this for my boyfriend!" I protested, holding the thong in front of Jamie. He went bright red. The manager snatched the underwear out of my hand, I pouted and Jamie started pulling at me again! He finally managed to get me outside!

"Oh my god!" He said glaring at me, "I can't believe you did that." he busted up laughing. I just smiled at him.

"Don't try and embarrass me again then!"

He whispered in my ear, "but you looked damn hot in that thong!"

I just smiled and we went off to another shop. We were sniggering for the rest of the day. When we went and got lunch he told me of the peoples reactions when I went back inside the changing room, the disapproving looks he got from people. We were laughing so hard, I had tears rolling down my cheeks, and for a good reason. We went to the local shop, bought some lunch, simple sandwiches and stuff and decided to lay down in the park for a bit, we positioned ourselves up against a tree and ate our lunch.

After we had stuffed our face, I was feeling sleepy so I got between Jamie's legs, leaned back and closed my eyes. The warm sunshine and the cool breeze that was circling around the park made it an ideal day just to lay down here and do nothing. So that's what we did for the afternoon, we lay in the park and dozed, chatted and scoped out cute boys. Our tastes were fairly different. He went for the skater boys and I kinda liked the more preppy ones. but we both conceded that most were just cute and who cared about what they were wearing the idea was for them not to be wearing clothes! We got some funny looks as I sat between his legs staring at the boys, some were smiles - some were glares! We winked at the smiles and laughed at the glares. We were so going to get beaten up if we carried this on! a couple of hours later we decided to get up and head home. My bum had gone to sleep and I limped for a bit until my circulation returned.

We'd had a fun day, nice to forget about all the shit going on and we were going on holiday in 3 days! I couldn't wait, id never been in a plane, or out the country, especially to somewhere hot like Spain! Plus I was spending the whole two weeks with my boyfriend, alone, in a room, together. There was no way we were going to make it outside the room!

Court day number three! This one was a breeze and only lasted two hours the evidence was quick and easy to give and we were let go fairly swiftly, however the other boys, the ones that could walk didn't get off so lightly! We were out of there as fast as possible, knowing that we were free and now could look forward to our flight out on Sunday! It was going to be amazing!

Next: Chapter 15

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