Matt and Jamie

By abys

Published on Jan 3, 2012


----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt and Jamie Chapter 13 by Abys. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is a work of fiction and although may be based on real characters I have no idea whether they are gay or not. This story is meant for adults above the age of consent in your area, so if you are not then please do not read on. This story depicts sex with consenting adults. If you are offended by this then please do not read on. Please comment on my stories at or mail me at Read my other stories at and submit your own if you choose too. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

I woke up and my face really hurt! I realised i had slept on the cheek that had been punched twice yesterday. Though I was in fine shape compared to my lover next to me, he could barely move, and when he did he just groaned with the pain. He took some pain killers and managed to make it to college. We were bombarded by questions all day from people wondering why I had a massive bruise and Jamie was looking like he'd had an argument with a herd of elephants! But we got though it. Over a couple of weeks our injuries went away, bruises disappeared and we seemed to get back to some normality.

Exams came and went, I was acutely aware that I was going to be looking Jamie in a couple of months which thought really hurt me.

College was over and we had the whole summer together, it was going to be great. I was really looking forward to it. Then Gemma came up to me with a couple of letters.

"Matt, Jamie, you both need to hear this." Gemma said.

We walked into the lounge and she started. "These letters are from the solicitor, the cases are going to court and obviously both of you need to give evidence in them. Matt all three of them, Jamie just the two. Luckily they are all in one week!"

Great I thought!

"Monday is your dads case, Wednesday is your ex-girlfriends and Friday is the fight you had a few weeks ago." All in August.

We looked at each other and shrugged.

Gemma continued, "We have a little surprise for you two as well."

This peaked our interest, "Michael and I are going on holiday for 2 weeks, we didn't think it was fair to leave you behind, but," she paused as Jamie groaned thinking that he was going to get dragged along on holiday with his parents, I realised that I didn't have a passport, so I certainly wasn't going anywhere. "but, we realise that you probably do not want to come with us, we also realise, that Matthew doesn't have a passport, which we are going to resolve this afternoon, but we have to go to London to get it done. So what we have decided is while your father and I go to Egypt, we are sending the two of you away to an activity holiday in Spain, Its all self contained, all food is included, its kind of like a camp, but you can decide to take part in activities or sit by the pool and read a book, or do absolutely nothing."

A huge grin appeared on his face, I was just dumbstruck.

"You're letting me and Matt go on our own holiday?" Jamie asked.

"Yes, I hope this shows how much trust we put in you, you have to be well behaved, and look after each other."

"Oh we will, we will!" Jamie said very excited. He looked at me and just smiled, then whispered in my ear, "We're going to have two full weeks alone together, I can't wait!"

"So," Gemma continued. "The plan is, we go to London tomorrow to get Matthew's passport sorted. The trials are in 2 weeks, and we all go away the week after that, OK?"

"OK, it's brilliant! Thank you so much!" Jamie said.

I stood there, trying to work out what to say but just come up with a big hug that I gave Gemma. I could feel her smiling as I hugged her. I just whispered "thank you" in her ear. I withdrew and looked at Jamie, "we need to go pack!" Jamie said.

"Its three weeks away!" I said

"I know but I need to make a list of things I'll need to buy, I'll need new sunglasses, board shorts, t-shirts, jeans, erm, what else?" Jamie listed off.

"You'll get everything you need, and so will you Matthew, while we are in London we will stay in a hotel for tomorrow night and Friday you both can go shopping with a list and you can get everything in one go."

This was too much! Going to London, buying a new wardrobe, staying in a hotel in London and then flying to Spain! I had to sit down.

"You OK Matthew?" Gemma asked.

"It's all a bit too much for me to cope with! I've never been away before, not even to London," I said. "How can I repay you for all this? I have nothing." A wave of despair swept over me. Jamie knelt down in front of me and put his hands gently either side of my face and put his forehead to mine, he didn't say anything, and he didn't have too. We stayed like that for a while. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, he kissed his mum on the cheek and we went for a walk.

"We need to make a list of everything we'll need," he said as we walked through the woods holding hands. "We'll do that when we get back. I'm so excited! I get to be alone with you for two whole weeks in the sun! It's going to be so much fun!"

"I feel a little guilty leeching off your parents like I am, they have been so kind to me so far, it seems like I am just taking their money and not returning anything." I said.

"Its ok babe, I know it must be strange to you, to have people that love you and want you to enjoy life." Jamie reasoned.

"I guess, I'm just not used to it. I've only just got used to us!"

"It'll be fine babe, just try to forget about it, I know its hard, but just try."

"I will."

The next day we got up early and walked to the train station to go to London. I have to say I was extremely excited; we packed a bag last night for tonight. I did wonder what we were going to do all day! An hour later we arrived at Waterloo Station, and wow, I've never seen so many people and such a big place before! Michael knew his way around and started walking to the hotel, we were going there to check in before we went to the passport office at 2pm, which we had booked in advance. We walked out of Waterloo and I was amazed at what I saw, The Imax straight in front, then we walked past the London Eye, over the bridge I saw all the building that you see on the TV, on the left was the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, then you could see down the river to the right the Gherkin building, St Paul's, and loads of other places. I was amazed. Well and truly amazed as we walked around, we walked through Leicester Square, up to Oxford Street, my earlier worries about what we would do during the evening vanished as I saw everything that was going on around us! We reached the Hotel that was in an area called Bloomsbury, near to the British Museum. It was a very posh hotel, Gemma and Michael had a room and so did me and Jamie. Our bags were carried up to the room for us and we were shown around and how to use the room, there were buttons everywhere! This room, with a huge double bed, and a bathroom the size of, well I'm not sure I have anything to compare it too, there was a massive shower that could get 4 people in, a corner bath that had lots of dials around it for heating and bubbles. Jamie pointed out that we could have lots of fun in there this evening! I picked up my bag and emptied it to the drawers and bathroom, though there were so many toiletries that I needn't have brought anything! We had bath robes, big fluffy towels; I've never seen such expense in a hotel room or anywhere to be honest!

We had a few hours before our meeting, so we just lay on the bed together enjoying each others company. The TV was on a music channel and just soothed us as we chatted about things. There was a knock on the door, and Gemma was there. It was time for the passport. We traveled on the underground, if I'm honest it scared me half to death! So noisy and hot and smelly, but we finally got there and made our way to the passport office. We were seen to and my passport was made while we waited, it took about 2 hours but it done, an awful picture of me that Jamie kept looking at and getting the giggles. He had a smart idea then, we both got into the photo booth and it snapped four pictures of us together. He got them cut up, then gave one to each of us, it was a really nice photo of just the two of us, Jamie behind me and we were both smiling, his arms dangled down my chest. It was really sweet and i popped it in my wallet for safe keeping.

"I think we're going to have to get some proper photos of you two done before you go to Uni Jamie," His dad said. It sounded a really good idea.

"OK guys, we're going out for dinner at 8, you can do what you want till then, just make your way back safely and be changed ready for 7.45," his dad said.

So we went off and tried to find our way back to the tube station and back towards the hotel.

"You know, I looked up a couple of things before we went to bed last night," Jamie said.

"Like what?"

"Gay bars."


"Yeah there are a few close to the hotel, shall we go and have a look?"

"Why not."

So we got off the tube at Leicester Square and headed into Soho, Jamie using the map function on his phone to guide where we were going. We finally found Old Compton Street, we knew we wouldn't be allowed into the bars as we were too young, but we saw men holding hands, women too, so we did the same. We got some looks and smiles as we went down the street, it felt nice, and freeing. Once we walked up the street we went back to the hotel, we still had 90 minutes until we had to meet downstairs.

"Wanna give the bath a try?" I ask Jamie, he just smiled and started stripping off.

I never got tired of seeing him naked, his perfect, smooth body. Nice muscles, strong yet soft to the touch, his tapered waist and the v shape abdomen, and his six-pac and then lower, to his nice thick, cock.

"Stop drooling!" He said to me as he walked past me, so I slapped his ass, he turned around in fake shock, smiled and then went and turned on the taps to the bath. I undressed and when the tub was full we got in the steaming hot bath. Jamie leaned over and turned on the bubbles. What a strange feeling that was to have these jets of water pushing against my skin! Jamie sat on the fist step of the bath and I sat on the floor, he had his arms draped around me, his chin resting on my shoulder as we talked about today and what we were going to buy tomorrow.

Jamie soon started kissing my shoulder and neck, I could feel him hardening up as it grew against my back. I just purred with satisfaction. We stayed like that for a while as he just nibbled on my sensitive skin, as it went on we both got harder and harder. I moved into the centre of the bath, Jamie moved down as well, I raised myself up a little and sat on his lap facing him. We kissed and hugged and kissed and touched. It was all getting rather steamy in the steam of the bath. I was starting to feel a throbbing inside me, I needed to feel him inside me.

"J," I whimpered. "I need you inside of me."

He pushed me around so I was leaning over the edge of the bath, and squirted some shampoo over his cock, lined it up and pushed in.

"Oh, god," I moaned in satisfaction. The fullness and pressure caused by him were so intense, although we have had sex in the shower many times, in the bath, with all this space around us it felt much better being out in the open. Our sex was so good, and always getting better, he seemed to know exactly what I needed and wanted, I only hope I did the same to him.

We slowly made love for about 15 minutes and I was now sat on his lap facing him, kissing each other passionately, I was grinding my body into his. We were groaning and moaning into each other. My cock was trapped between his soft, smooth muscles of his stomach and my flat stomach giving my cock loads of nice sensations, it wasn't quite enough to tip me over the edge, but it frustratingly held me right on the edge. As is slipped up and down on my lovers cock he was whispering sweet nothings in my ear, well they were actually quite dirty, it was almost what i needed to push me over the edge. He was saying how hot my ass and body were, how he was going to fill my ass with his spunk and then love the knowledge that I would be going out with his parents tonight and his spunk would be lining my ass, I groaned at that one!

"Come on baby, I want you to cum hard for me," Jamie whispered to me.

"I need more," I replied.

"What do you need?"

"I don't know, something to tip me over the edge."

"Like what?"

"I don't know just a little more pleasure!"

Jamie kept moving for a bit longer, he was very close to coming, I was still right on the edge. He grabbed my hair at the back and pulled it back, slightly painfully, and then bit my neck, not like vampire rip my jugular out bite, but enough to hurt a little and to leave a mark! That was all I needed and I spunked all over our stomachs, and he followed that up with a load in my ass. I leaned into him and we cuddled - not moving for a few minutes, he was still hard, and still inside of me.

"Mmmm." I said please with myself. "That was good."

"It was good. It is always good!" He said.

"How did you know that's what I needed?"

"I didn't, but it seemed you liked it," he poked his tongue out at me.

"Seems I like it rough!" I said half-joking. He licked my nose and I scrunched up my face, he just giggled at me.

"Let's clean up and get dressed and go out on the town."

So that's what we did, we ate at a nice restaurant in Soho, and had a nice bottle of wine. We got back to the hotel about midnight and said our good nights before flopping down on our very soft bed which seemed to swallow us both up in the duvet and mattress. We had a quick snog and feel, then pulled the duvet over us and cuddled up for the night. Tomorrow we were going shopping all day and I knew I would need all my energy!

Next: Chapter 14

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