Matt and Jamie

By abys

Published on Dec 13, 2011


---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matt and Jamie

Chapter 12 by Abys.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

This story is a work of fiction and although may be based on real characters I have no idea whether they are gay or not. This story is meant for adults above the age of consent in your area, so if you are not then please do not read on. This story depicts sex with consenting adults. If you are offended by this then please do not read on.

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A week went by with no major happenings for Matt or Jamie, college was coming to a close, only a few weeks left. Jamie was taking his exams, and Matt taking his ones to qualify for the final year of his studies. They were walking home from college one day, the sun was beating down, Matt was dressed in his normal black attire, and Jamie was wearing board shorts and no t-shirt, getting some sun on his upper body. I didn't mind, I got to look at his sexy body more, people could admire it from a far, but only I got to lick it all over!

"What are you doing after you finish college?" Jamie asked me.

"Well I still have a year to go; I don't really know what I want to do. I obviously can't go to university, because I don't really have the money." I replied. "What are you doing?"

"Sure you can go, you'll just have to work out the finances, I'm sure mum and dad would help you if it was something you really wanted to do. I go to Uni in October." Jamie said.

A great big lurch happened in my stomach, I hadn't realised I was going to loose Jamie to Uni in 4 months. A wave of loneliness swept over me and I think I must have gone pale because Jamie stopped and grabbed my hand.

"Babe are you OK?" He asked.

"I ... um ... yeah ...I forgot that you would be going this year." I stammered back to him.

"Oh, I get it, you think I'm going to leave you? And that you'll have nowhere to live?" He stated. I just nodded my head. "You don't have to worry; I'm not going that far, it's like an hour's drive, that's it. And I'm not leaving you, I love you."

"I know, but where will I stay if you are not there why would your parents want me there?" I asked almost crying. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

"You are so sweet sometimes, but also so stupid." I glared at him. "Of course you'll get to stay."

"But...." he cut me off.

"No buts!"

"BUT," I emphasized the point, "I'll miss you at night."

Jamie smiled and kissed my head again, "I was kind of hoping you would miss me in the day as well."

"Just more at night, on my own, I've got used to you holding me."

He gave me a hug, then from behind Jamie came a voice.

"Awwww, look at the two faggot boys having a hug."

Jamie spun around and I looked too, it was three guys from the other college in town, well I assume that's where they were from, I had never seen them before. They were chav looking, tracksuits, each a different colour they looked like a walking talking version of the French flag. Each were wearing a baseball cap that was turned to one side, I do wonder if they realised how stupid they looked.

"Look at this one, showing off his sexy muscles to attract a man to fuck him. Bet they'd love to suck us off." The lead boy said.

"Come anywhere near us, and you won't be walking away," Jamie threatened holding me behind him.

The guy in the middle just laughed, "I don't think you could take all three of us fag."

"I wouldn't be so sure of yourself. Why don't you just move on?"

"We all know you fags like cock, there are three here that would love a seeing too, don't fight it we all know you want it," to emphasize the point he grabbed his crotch and thrust his hips forward.

"What makes you think I want you anywhere near me?" Jamie said.

"Cos you're a fag."

"Nice reasoning!" Jamie paused. "Look guys, I don't want any trouble, just walk away, I wont hold it against you."

"No, I don't think so." He lunged forward to grab Jamie by the neck; he turned to me and just said "run." But I didn't.

The first guy closed in on Jamie fast and he grabbed him by the throat and dislodged his grip, the second and third guy were then there, one punched towards his ribs the other to his face. Jamie spun the face punched missed but the ribs punch connected. I saw him wince as it connected. All three of them were now on him, flailing punches at him. He blocked some, but some made it through. His reactions were amazingly fast, he got some nice punches in, I just stood there, I didn't know what to do. Jamie got one of them right on the nose, there was blood everywhere, Jamie took the opportunity to hit the guy again and he crumpled to the floor. The "leader" then charged Jamie and rugby tackled him, Jamie was knocked to the floor. The other guy started kicking Jamie. I couldn't stand there any longer; I ran and jumped on the back of the one that was kicking Jamie. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he shrugged me off and I landed on my ass. Jamie had managed to get back to his feet, and so did I, they were both closing on Jamie; I got behind him, and kicked him as hard as I could on the back of his knee. There was a blood curdling scream as he collapsed to floor holding his knee. The leader turned around and punched me in the face; I staggered back a few steps but didn't go down. Jamie grabbed him and hit him a few times. I looked at Jamie, shirtless, sweating, and bloody. Blood was over his face from a cut above his eye, and marks all over his torso. The "leader" and Jamie went at it, Jamie by far the better fighter, he was stronger and technically better, hardly any punches hit him, but the chav was resilient, he never backed off and always came out fighting. He was getting tired though, and Jamie was landing more punches. The guy I had kicked was still howling on the ground, the one with the bloody nose was starting to get up again. He started towards me, and didn't look best pleased! He came at me and started hitting me, I was going to have to fight him, so I just got in as close as I could and started flailing my arms, not the best technique by far but it confused him and he backed off a little but I kept going. About 20 seconds later I heard an audible snap and a scream; we both looked over and saw the leader on the floor clutching his arm. "My god, Jamie broke his arm." I thought. My opponent took the opportunity and shoved me away, he pulled his fist back and swung, I could feel the force behind it before it hit me, "ouch," I thought as it connected with my cheekbone. I stumbled back again but didn't fall. I guess my dads beatings on me made me tough to knock down. He drew his arm back again, but this time Jamie was there, he did some arm twist thing, the guy flew over himself and Jamie pinned him to the floor.

"Matt, are you ok?" Jamie asked.

"Fine, you?"

"Been better if I am honest, call the police."

So I did, they showed up before I hung up the phone, crikey, that was quick I thought. Then I saw about 5 people standing around who were obviously watching the fight. Jamie let go of his pinned opponent and fell on his ass to the floor, gasping for breath.

The policeman come over to us and said we'd have to be taken in, but first we had to go to the hospital with the others. We told them we weren't hurt, but he insisted on us being checked out. An ambulance arrived, the chavs were put in it and we were put in the back of the police car.

As soon as we shut in I turned to Jamie.

"That cut looks nasty," I said. "Let me look." He lent forward and I looked at the cut, it seemed to have stopped bleeding, but he had blood all down his face, I kissed his forehead and he looked up and smiled and kissed me on the lips. I ran my fingers over his chest, he sucked in air and winced when I hit a tender part.

"Looks like I may have to play nurse tonight," I said to him smiling.

He smiled," That would be nice, but you are hurt too."

"I'm OK, I only got hit a couple of times, and in the face, I'm used to a couple of hits here and there," I tried to sound comforting, but the look of hurt in Jamie's eyes just got worse.

"You shouldn't have had to put up with that, I promised I'd protect you remember, I'm sorry you got hurt." He said.

"You're so sweet, I'm OK honest, it's you I'm worried about."

"I'll be fine, though a nice hot bath would be nice."

"I'll sort one out for you when we get home, your parents are going to go scatty if we turn up in a police car again."

Jamie smiled and said, "Least its me damaged this time and not you!"

The police drove us to the hospital where we were checked out, Jamie a bruised ribs, he had to have stitches in his head where the cut was, see I told him it was bad! And he had loads of smaller cuts and bruises. I just had a swollen cheek, where I had been hit, twice, in the same place, so it hurt like hell when they started prodding it!

Luckily, the police didn't have to take us home, unfortunately they had phoned Jamie's parents and they had to come to the police station after the hospital cleared us, so we could give a statement, his dad went with him, and his mum with me. When she saw us sat in the waiting area together her face was a picture! Jamie with stitches and black eyes and bruises, me with just a swollen cheek. She immediately wanted to know what happened, Jamie just asked if they could listen to the statement we give instead, she agreed but immediately started fussing over us, checking our faces, Jamie just going "ow, ow, ow." every time she touched him or moved his face. "And where the hell is your shirt!" she yelled at him.

"oh, yeah oops," he said. I'd forgotten all about it, I was used to seeing him in some stage of undress it had completely slipped past me that he wasn't wearing his t-shirt still. He fished in his backpack and pulled one out and slipped it on, groaning and wincing as it passed over his face and body, you could see his muscles protesting at the movement and the pain it caused him to move about like that.

We went in to separate rooms and gave our statements to the officers. Jamie's mum was livid with what had happened as I told the story of the afternoon.

"Its a hate crime," she kept saying. "They need to be locked up and the key thrown away!" The officer was polite and said that it was my statement - not hers - which shut her up. She held my hand through the whole affair. After an hour or so we were finished and were waiting for Jamie and hid dad to appear. About 20 minutes later they appeared and we all met up again in the waiting room. She gave Jamie a big hug, which made him groan with pain, she apologised and let him go, I walked up to him and held his hand, he just smiled at me. The officer came out and told us what was happening, because the violence they were being held, but two of them had to stay in hospital because of their injuries. The "leader" whose arm was broken, it was a clean break right through both arm bones, and the other guy who's knee and tendons had been damaged was in surgery trying to put the knee back together again. I felt a slight amount of guilt about that, I didn't mean to injure him that much that was soon replaced with pride as Jamie ruffled my hair and smiled at me.

We went home and collapsed on the bed while Jamie's mum went and prepared dinner, something nice she said. I did say that everything she made was nice, she smiled but said again that it would be special! We lay there for several minutes, not saying anything. Jamie then slid up against me and wrapped his arms around me, I moved onto my side and we spooned together. Jamie wriggled for a bit to find a position that didn't hurt him, he eventually stopped and let out a big sigh.

"I couldn't have bared it if they had hurt you," Jamie said.

"It hurts me to think of the pain you are in, it's like I can feel the pain myself, like we are joined." I replied.

"I know how you feel, I love you."

"I love you too."

He squeezed me slightly and then relaxed, his breathing settled and he fell asleep, although it was only 7pm, it had been a hard afternoon! I lay there just liking the feeling of being held and I dropped off too.

Next thing I know is someone softly shaking me.

"Matthew, wake up honey," Jamie's mum says

"hummm? What?" I say still half asleep. "Oh, right."

She shakes Jamie awake as well. He was less willing than I was to wake up! Eventually though we extracted ourselves from each other and the bed, and made our way shakily down to the kitchen. Dinner was served, Gemma had made us pizza, all homemade, it was delicious. Mine was a vegetable pizza, with onion, peppers, mushrooms, just the way I liked it. Jamie's was the same but with chicken and bacon on it too.

We ate up the food and then went and sat in the lounge for a while, watching whatever was on TV, we nearly fell asleep again so we said our good night and went to bed. It was funny back in the bedroom trying to get Jamie's clothes off, every time he moved something hurt, and I couldn't help giggling every time, eventually we were curled up in bed together, he'd taken some painkillers before bed and they seemed to reduce the pain a bit, enough for him to sleep, I drifted off not long after. So that's three things I am now involved in with the police!

Next: Chapter 13

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