Matt and Fritz

By Stuart James

Published on Jan 10, 2014


I wrote '20-20 Vision' as a one off story. But I got quite a few emails asking me to continue the story. I kept saying 'no it was a one-off', but then I had an idea. This is the result. Not sure whether or not I have gone too extreme. But what the hell? I enjoyed writing it.

If you enjoy this story - or any others - remember that you can only read them if Nifty remains online. For that they need our cash. If we all give just a little, the site won't disappear and take our stories with them.

I would welcome any comments.

Enhanced Vision

When the boys had come down from their climax, Fritz turned Matt around and kissed him long and deep. "Boy, that was good. You are one great fuck," he said. At that moment John came into the room.

"Well done boys. The client is very very satisfied. With the additional money for that final coupling, you have both earned over £5500. Without wishing to give our secrets away, I can say that is easily the highest figures ever earned. If you go back to your rooms, you can shower and change and then I will pay you. I am happy to pay you in cash as we agreed at the beginning, although a bank transfer might make sense rather than walking around with so much money."

"I will give you my bank details. Transfer £5000 to my account but I would like the rest in cash. I think I have earned a few treats," Matt said.

"Same for me," Fritz added. "Do you mind if we shower together?"

"Be our guests" John replied. "Take all the time you want."

The two boys left the theatre and went to Matt's room. Once the door closed they removed their rubber gauntlets and started feeling each other's bodies and their piercings while hugging and kissing. They did not stop when John entered and brought Fritz's clothes in. Once he had left, Matt said "What do you think of these boots? I think they are really horny. A pair of these are definitely going to be one of my treats. I am hoping John may let me keep these."

"If they turn you on, then I need a pair too." They both looked down at the long tubes of rubber and the thick bulb at the toe that were the steel reinforcements. Fritz looked at Matt and then put his hands on Matt's shoulders and pushed him down and Matt fell to his knees and was soon licking the delicious boots of his new lover. Fritz started wanking his cock. Matt looked up at the studded balls of his new friend and the ring bobbing up and down at the end of the 10 or so inches of man meat. He raised his head and took the cock head in his mouth. He licked and sucked it. Both could hear the clatter as the thick gold ring hit Matt's teeth and his tongue piercing. Matt kept touching and feeling the smooth shiny surface of the black rubber waders. Fritz began to tug at his studded balls and soon his body started shaking as he came in Matt's mouth. Matt kept the cock and the spunk in his mouth as he stroked his own cock and shot his load over Fritz's boots. As he released Fritz's cock and swallowed the thick salty fluid , Fritz raised the spunk covered boot and wiped the cream over Matt's face and neck. Matt put his tongue out to catch some of the boot as it passed his mouth.

Fritz helped Matt up. He went to the shower and turned it on and washed his boots clean. They glistened in the water. Matt sat on a chair and held his left leg out. Fritz came over and taking the boot hard in the crotch took hold of the toe and ankle and pulled it off Matt's foot and leg. He then did the right boot. They swapped positions. Matt gyrated his crotch on the thick sole of Fritz's left boot before removing it. He did the same with the right. Then they got into the shower and washed each other. Once clean and dry they pulled on their underwear, both observing the other as they dressed. Matt picked up his jeans and was about to put them on when he said to Fritz "I need to put these boots back on. What about you?"

"Yes, but we can hardly wear them over our jeans in the street. Hang on I have an idea." Fritz got one boot and pulled the shaft through the leg of his jeans. He then did the second one. he then pulled the boots on up his legs. Then he pulled the jeans up, so that he was wearing the huge rubber boots under his jeans. His erection showed Matt how horny he found them. Matt did the same. They pulled on their polo neck sweaters and had one final long deep kiss before going out into the corridor.

John must have heard them open and close the door as he came out of his office to meet them. He had a bit of a frown on his face. "Could you come with me please?" He took them into a room neither had visited before. It was plush - as all the rooms they had visited were. It had a leather sofa and two arm chairs in it. John indicated that they should sit down and both went and sat side by side on the sofa. Matt saw John look at their booted feet.

"I hope you don't mind, we would like to keep these," Matt said pointing to the boots. "You can take some money out of our earnings if you like."

"You are welcome to keep them. It is not that I need to talk to you about. To be brief, client 81 has made us, or rather you through us, a new proposition. As ever you are at liberty to refuse. He wants you to go to the US and stay on his estate in Texas for one year. He has told me he has a suite of rooms for you to live in. There are many cameras in the suite so that he can observe you, very much as he did here. You will have no privacy anywhere, although clearly he will not be watching you 24 hours a day. But you will not know when he is watching. For that he will pay you $500 a day each. If you stay the whole 12 months and he is pleased with your, shall we say, performance, he will arrange for you to get a green card so that you can stay in the US permanently if you want to and eventually become citizens."

"We just have to live there?" Matt asked.

"He will expect you to obey some of his requests, such as being naked if he wants you to. I also understand that you will have the chance to earn other money, although I do not know the details. You would not be forced to do anything, you understand. But, and I was talking to one of the man's aides, you might leave the estate as millionaires."

"Will we be expected to have sex with the man?"

"No that will not happen. The man while very rich and powerful is a total recluse. He has not been seen in public for many years. I don't think you will be an exception. Although I suppose I could be wrong. But I have been assured that you will not be forced to do anything. But money will certainly be an enticement for you to do exactly what he wants. Which I suppose could include extreme things."

"Who is this man? What's his name?" Fritz asked.

"That I cannot tell you. If you wish to accept his offer, he will have a private plane at Heathrow for you this evening. We will close your affairs here and we will keep an eye on your progress. After all we are a responsible company and would wish to ensure that you are treated fairly and well as we introduced you. But I can assure you that the gentleman in question is a man of honour. You need to make a decision quickly as the offer will not remain open after you leave here."

The two boys looked at each other and both said "Yes" at the same time.

Over the next few hours they gave John the necessary details to wind up their affairs in the UK, while he arranged for them to accept the offer from client 81.Then John took them into the street and showed them to a black windowed limousine. He shook their hands. "Good luck! I will arrange for your passports to be sent to you, together with any other papers we think you will need. The rest we will put into store." The two boys got into the car and were whisked away.

The interior of the car was very plush. There was an opaque window between them and the driver so they could not see him. But they could see the streets full of people sail past. A voice came from a speaker in the ceiling. "You may help yourself to something to eat and drink." A number of panels opened to reveal bottles of spirits and glasses together with packets of nuts and crisps and chocolate bars. There was a small fridge. Matt opened the door and they each took a can of beer. They pulled the ring tops and drank.

It took a little over an hour to get to Heathrow. They did not go to the terminal. Rather they took a side road and the car went onto the tarmac and stopped beside a small executive jet. The doors on either side were opened by two uniformed men. Fritz and Matt got out. They went up the steps of the plane followed by the two men.

"We have been given certain instructions. You are to remove everything you are wearing and put them in these sacks." The boys looked at each other. The man pointed to the ceiling and they could see a camera. They started to remove their clothes. The two uniformed men seemed a little surprised at the rubber waders both were wearing under their jeans. But they did not say anything. Soon they were standing naked. "You have to remove your watches also. You will be given new ones."

The boys removed their watches and placed them in the bags. The other uniformed man gave them each a box that had the name 'Rolex' on it. They each opened the box and found a gold Rolex watch inside which they put on. One of the men's telephones buzzed. He listened for a moment. "Very good sir." He looked to the boys. "Please put your boots back on." The boys smiled to the camera and soon had their legs luxuriously encased in the big rubber boots. "Please sit over there and strap yourselves in. We will be taking off shortly."

The two men took the sacks of belongings and exited the plane down the steps. The steps then raised to seal the plane. The boys sat opposite each other in plush leather seats. The seats were close enough so that both could put a boot in the crotch of the other. "I guess the guy likes the boots, so we might as well enjoy them too," Matt said.

"Should we actually talk about him? After all he is probably watching," Fritz said.

"Well we can't pretend he is not there for the next year. I think we just need to be ourselves and say whatever we feel like."

They strapped themselves in and the plane soon took off. When the seatbelt sign went out, a young man came through a door at the end of that part of the plane. He acted as if it was the most normal thing in the world to have two guys naked except for rubber waders on the plane. He acted quite naturally and did not particularly look at the two boys raging erections or the various piercings through their genitals. "We will be serving a meal shortly and then we will be leaving you to yourselves until breakfast which will be served just before we land." This man had an American accent.

The meal that was served was quite excellent: smoked salmon stuffed with prawns in Marie rose sauce; braised steak with onions in a rich gravy with vegetables; crème Brule and finally cheese and biscuits. All served with appropriate wines. The waiter brought in coffee and showed the boys where they could summon him if they required anything else. Matt and Fritz sat back in their seats and replaced the boot in the other guys crotch. They were soon both stoking their cocks, pressing their balls against the thick rubber soles, and both shot their loads on the bottom of the other guys boot. They used the napkins from dinner to wipe up the mess. Soon afterwards they reclined their seats and went to sleep.

They were woken a few hours later by the smell of fresh bread and fresh coffee. The waiter pushed in a trolley containing breads, meats, cheese, fruit, juices and coffee. "We will be landing in 45 minutes", he said. Matt went to the bathroom to freshen himself followed by Fritz. Then they ate their breakfasts. The waiter came back in and brought them a white terry towelling robe each, which they put on. Then the seatbelts sign illuminated and they strapped themselves in. After they landed they could hear voices in the forward section of the plane, but no one came to them. They watched from a window as a stretched limo drew up alongside the plane. Then the American from the night before came and opened the plane door and showed them down to the limo. They got in and the man went back up the plane steps. Once again they could not see the driver.

They were soon whisked out of the airport. They drove for nearly two hours - according to their gold Rolex watches. There was less and less traffic about as they got further away from the airport. Eventually they saw a high fence running alongside the road. After about 2 miles there was an automatic gate at which the car stopped. The gate opened and the car drove through. "I think this is our new home" said Fritz. They could see a big white house in the distance but they drove off to the right. After driving through some trees they came to a smaller more modern house with several outbuildings that were constructed mainly in steel and glass. The car stopped by the largest building and the doors came open. The guys got out and the doors shut automatically and the car drove off. No one came out to greet them.

"Do you think we should just go in?" Matt asked Fritz.

"Unless you have a better idea."

They went to the large glass front door which slid apart automatically as they approached it. They went inside. There was a second glass door at the end of a short passage. They pushed it open and went into a large modern room with plush leather sofas and chairs. The large flat screen TV on the wall showed a man's face. He must have been able to see the boys as he looked directly at them through the screen and said "Come in, come in." He spoke in a very English accent.

"I trust you enjoyed your flight. First things first. Please remove your robes and boots." It took Matt and Fritz a few moments to register the request. But then they stripped and were standing naked except for their new watches.

"Excellent. My name is Charles and I am the personal assistant of Mr Owen Cartwright. I expect you have heard of him."

"The reclusive multi billionaire owner of that computer thing?" Matt asked.

"Yes. It is he that has brought you here and it is he that will be observing you."

"Will we get to meet him? " Fritz asked.

"No. Indeed during your year as his guest you will see no other people in the flesh and me only by means of this screen. There are cameras everywhere both in the house and outside. I am sure you will soon forget that they are there. From time to time I will relay instructions to you. You must obey them."

"What are we to do while we are here?" Fritz asked.

"In the first place you will be expected to perform for the benefit of Mr Cartwright. He is paying you a great deal of money and I am sure you will do all you can to earn it by putting on a good performance. Mr Cartwright's parents left Cardiff in south Wales during the depression and came to the US. As the descendent of immigrants, Mr Cartwright is shall I say, not only a 100% American patriot. He is 200%. He believes passionately in the American ideal and believes that in this country anyone can achieve anything. His plan for you is to turn you into Americans in the next 12 months. More than that as a Texas resident he plans that you will become Texans."

"But you are obviously English."

"Yes. As a good American he admires having an English valet and assistant. But this is not about me. You are currently Slovenian and Polish. But that will change. You will be schooled in American history, geography and current affairs. You will be taught to look and act, and most importantly speak like an American. Such education - which will be delivered remotely by computer - will take up some of your time. You will also be expected to look after and improve your bodies. There is a well equipped gym in one of the out buildings and a swimming pool for you to use. You must tell me by means of the telephone when you propose to go outside. During that time people will come and clean your quarters and bring you supplies of food. You will be expected to cook for yourselves. Before returning you must also check with me so that we can be sure the people have gone. Finally if you look at the door to your left you will see that there are two lights above the door. The blue light is for you Fritz and the red one for Matt. If the light is on then the appropriate person must go in there. The room is soundproofed, so the other will not be able to eavesdrop. You will find out what goes on in there soon enough. You may not talk to the other about anything that happens in that room. Is that quite clear?"

"Yes, I suppose so" Matt said.

"Apart from that, you can say and discuss anything. I imagine that the time difference and the short sleep you had last night will mean that you are tired. I suggest that you get something to eat and relax for the rest of the day before having an early night. I would suggest that you do not engage in any sexual activity today as you will need all your strength for the task that you will be set tomorrow. Please feel free to look around. You can watch TV or some movies or listen to music if you wish. There is an extensive library if you require it. The telephones only come through to me. You cannot make outside telephone calls. I will wish you a good day and a good night."

The screen went blank and then a news channel appeared at low volume. Matt and Fritz went and looked around their new home. There was a single large bedroom containing a huge bed. There was a separate clothes room off the bedroom. It was empty. The bedroom led to a large bathroom with an enormous walk in shower, big Jacuzzi bath and his and his sinks. One wall was all mirrors. They returned to the main room and took another door off that led to a large well stocked kitchen. Fritz found a couple of frozen pizzas in the freezer. He held them up. "Dinner?"

"Guess that will do for today" Matt replied. They put the pizzas in the oven and sat down with a beer from the fridge to drink while it heated. "I wonder what we have to do tomorrow? " Matt asked.

"Well John said that we would have the chance to earn some more money. Maybe that will be our first opportunity." They ate their pizzas, put a movie on which they turned off half way through as neither was really concentrating on it, and went to bed early curled up together. They were both tired.

An alarm woke them up although when they looked around they could see no clock. They looked at their watches - 6.30. The alarm stopped. The television on the wall at the bottom of the bed came to life and the guys could see Charles on screen.

"I hope you slept well. You will find an itinerary for your day on the coffee table in the lounge. In addition, we want to see the limits of your sexual prowess. We want you to ejaculate as often as you can in the next 14 hours starting at 7.00am. If you only manage once - and I am sure you will do much better than that - you will be paid $50. For two, it doubles to $100 and keeps doubling each time. A little maths will soon tell you that if you manage 10 times you will earn over $25000. Fritz, you are clearly the dominant partner so you may, if you wish, either fuck Matt or face fuck him. Matt you must also ejaculate if either of you are to earn the money. You may use your hand or get Fritz to do it. Is that all clear?" The boys indicated that it was and the screen went blank.

The boys got up. They decided not to shower as they thought they would probably soon be messy again. They had some fresh fruit for breakfast. Fritz noticed that it was 7.00am by his watch. "Time for you to bend over that table, lover boy." Matt smiled at Fritz and then did as he was told. He pulled his arse cheeks apart as Fritz came behind him and speared him. Matt played with his nipple piercings as Fritz ploughed his furrow. In little over a minute Fritz shot his load into Matt.

"Stay in me while I bring myself off," Matt said as he stroked his cock enjoying the sensation of the bars down his shaft. He shot his load on the floor. Matt got up and Fritz pulled out his cock. Matt turned and kissed his boyfriend. "I think I am going to enjoy today," Matt said.

"I will remind you of that later on when we are both sore. I think we need a plan if we are to make the maximum amount of money. I can be ready to go, I think, in about half an hour. It will get more difficult as the day goes on. But I want to do at least 10 times. Twelve would be 100 grand!"

Thirty minutes later Matt was again impaled on Fritz's large cock. It took them both much longer to come, but they both climaxed and had done 2 in the first hour. "Better give it an hour," Fritz said. Exactly one hour later Fritz went to Matt and kissed him. Then he pushed him to his knees. Matt took the cock in his mouth and Fritz took hold of his head and forced it down his throat. Fritz loved the feeling of face fucking a guy and came rather more quickly this time. Matt was having more trouble, but eventually he climaxed, although there was little spunk that dripped from his cock.

The gaps between their climaxes got longer and longer and their enthusiasm waned. But by 1.00pm they had still done a respectable 5. They arranged with Charles to go for a swim. It was hot outside and they enjoyed the water. They sunbathed for 15 minutes and then got back into the pool. Fritz swam up behind Matt who was standing in the shallower end. He positioned his cock at Matt's hole. "I am not sure I can do this," Matt said.

"Yes you can. If you are not enjoying my cock then think of the money." And he entered Matt and began to fuck him with some force. By now his cock, which was getting a bit sore, was also a little less sensitive and he needed the extra force to bring himself off. The force stimulated Matt who came in the water, although once again there was little white fluid to clog up the filters. "Well that's 6," Fritz said.

The boys got out of the pool and used the outside shower. They dried themselves and after checking with Charles that their home was clear, went inside. There were two laptop computers on the sofa. The TV screen brought up Charles's face. "For the next two hours you must do your first lessons. The first hour will be US history and the second, the US constitution. There will be tests throughout the lessons, so please pay attention. If you fail the tests there will be consequences."

"Financial consequences?" Matt asked.

"No. You will find out if you do not pay attention. The tests are not difficult. They are designed to ensure that you have understood what you have been told rather than to entrap you."

They began work. They sat alongside each other on one of the leather sofas. Sometimes they had the laptop on their knees and sometimes on the coffee table in front of them. They both had headphones on to listen to the narrative. The tests, that came every few minutes to check on their understanding and concentration, were not difficult. But at one point Matt noticed that Fritz had fallen asleep. He nudged him. They were allowed a short break after the first hour. They decided not to attempt another ejaculation. But they had a cold drink and then got back to work. At the end of the second hour Charles appeared on the TV again.

"Matt you did very well. Fritz, your attention span was not adequate. You will not be punished this time, but you will be in future. At the end of the lessons and if you deserve punishment, you will be required to attach electrodes to the piercings in your cock and balls and nipples. The device will be provided to you tomorrow. The level of the shock and it's duration will be determined by how poor your performance is. You can opt for either you each getting the shock you have earned. Or you can choose to share the shock equally between you. Which would you prefer?"

The boys looked at each other. "We will share the pain," Matt said. The TV screen went blank.

"You didn't need to do that," Fritz said.

"Who says I won't fuck up next time?"

It was time to try to ejaculate again. They decided just to do their own cocks as their enthusiasm for sex was diminishing. But they thought of the money. They managed to get to 11 times by the cut off hour and then only when Fritz thought of the rubber waders which gave them both a bit more spark. By now they were both firing blanks. They went to bed exhausted.

Neither was interested in sex the next day. But they spent some time in the gym and swimming in the pool and doing their lessons. Neither was anxious for a shock to their balls and they both paid careful attention.

The following day, Fritz noticed that the red light was on over the door. He pointed it out to Matt. Matt shrugged and then opened the door and went in. The room was small inside - more like a cupboard. It was just big enough for the large steel chair with leather padding. Matt closed the door and sat down. Lights came on and a TV screen on the back of the door came to life. It was Charles again. "Put your legs against the legs of the chair and your arms along the arms." Matt did so and metal bands appeared automatically that secured his arms and legs to the chair. Another came around his neck.

"This will not harm you. We need to secure you so that we can accurately judge the truthfulness of your answers. So please tell the absolute truth. Not answering is equally unacceptable. You find Fritz's body very exciting, don't you?"

"I do. Sexually he is a perfect partner for me."

"If you had a free hand how would you like to improve Fritz's body?" Matt did not answer. "You must answer and answer truthfully."

"I think I would like to get him tattooed."


"I know I would. It would look so horny."

"And where would you like him tattooed?"

"All over, I guess".

"But where first if you had the choice?" Matt whispered something. "I am sorry I did not hear that."

"On the neck."

"I see. Please wait there." The screen went blank. Matt sat for what seemed like ages still attached to the chair. Then the screen came back on. "When you leave this room, you will go to the kitchen, where you will pour two glasses of orange juice." At that point a small part of the wall moved back and Matt could see two white pills on a shelf. " You will put one on the pills in each drink and you will both drink the juice. They contain a substance that will render you unconscious."

"But why must I be unconscious as well."

"I thought I had made that clear. Neither of you can see anyone else. You must not say anything about this to Fritz." The screen went blank and the bands retracted. Matt left the room, hiding the pills in his hand. Fritz was standing looking expectantly at Matt.

"You know I cannot tell you anything. I need something to drink. Let's see if there is any orange juice in the fridge. I'll get you one. You stay there." Matt went to the kitchen and got out two glasses that he filled with orange juice and put a pill in each. The pill fizzed slightly and dissolved. He took the drinks back and gave one to Fritz. He watched Fritz start to drink and then he drank his own in one. He wondered what his friends reaction would be when he came round again. They both went into a deep sleep.

They awoke in bed. As Matt opened his eyes, he could see Fritz looking at him. He could also see two large colourful tattoos on either side of his neck. There was a green stem that came from between his nipples with lifelike dark green foliage off the stem, and the plant blossomed into two deep red roses on each side of his neck.

"Look what they have done to us?" Fritz said. As he said that Matt realised that his neck felt strange and he raised his hand to his neck. He quickly realised that both had been inked.

The TV on the wall in the bedroom came on and Charles appeared. "Good morning gentlemen. It is now 9.00am. I hope you are no worse for your .... shall we say....adventure. Matt you will have seen that what you asked to be done to Fritz has been done. But it has also been done to you. You should both think about that." The screen went blank.

"So this is your fault?" Fritz said as he fell back onto the bed .

"Oh shit," Matt said. "I don't care if I do get into trouble. In the cupboard they have a lie detector of some sort and they asked me what I would like to make you even sexier. I told them I would like you tattooed. I could not lie and they told me I had to answer."

"But on the neck?"

"Yes. When we have been in bed together I have wondered what you would look like with an inked neck and it .... well it just does it for me. It looks incredibly sexy. I promise. I did not know they would do me as well. But in a sense I am glad they did. I would have felt even worse if they had only done it to you and you hated it. Please forgive me."

"But that is the problem. I don't hate it. I love it on me and I love it on you. And it looks like quality work. But I am not sure that I can continue with the experiment if I am living in fear of what you may say in that box. And if you have any sense you will feel the same about what I may say. Maybe we should give up on this experiment."

At that point the TV came alive again and Charles was on the screen. Mr Cartwright has been watching your discussion. He would be sad if you decided to end your stay with him. He was particularly pleased when Matt asked for Fritz to be tattooed - and I should say here that Matt asked that Fritz be tattooed all over - as he thinks it is a pinnacle of masculinity."

Fritz looked at Matt. "All over?" Matt nodded his head.

He has one suggestion to make. He will pay you for every square centimetre of your body that is inked. The average human body has about 1.5 square metres of skin. He will pay you $25 for each square centimetre that is covered in ink. If you were tattooed from head to toe you could therefore earn $375,000. Now you will not be tattooed totally, so what you earn will be somewhat less, but you could still earn a considerable sum if you are heavily tattooed. The tattoos will all be decided by the tattoo artist who enjoyed choosing your neck decorations. If at any point you wish to stop being tattooed, you may say so. If one of you says that then it will stop for you both. So it would be better to discuss it before making that decision."

The two boys looked at each other. Fritz said "I know what you want for me. But what about for yourself?".

Matt said "Let's give it a try. We like the first tattoo and either of us can call a halt at any time."

Fritz looked to the TV. "OK we will go ahead. But we don't want any more of that box. I can't live wondering what secret we are going to be made to give up next."

"That would not be fair," said Charles." Matt has had the chance to be tested. You must also go in the box once. Then it can be discontinued."

Fritz was not sure, as if he had to make a similar decision about Matt, he knew what he would have to say to be truthful. Matt looked at him. "Please agree. It would make me feel better if we could even things up. And we really can make some money here."

Fritz agreed and Charles told him to go to the box. He opened the door as Matt had done and sat in the seat and was secured to it by the metal bands. "You know what I am going to ask you. What change or changes would you like to be done to Matt's body? You must leave out of your mind that it will also be done to you. You must give me a truthful answer only about Matt."

"I love Matt's cock and I love the piercings through it. But the ring in the end sometimes disappears into his foreskin. I would like him circumcised. And I guess me."

"Very well," Charles said. "But it will take some time to set up and we don't want to give you the drug to render you unconscious too often. So it will be some days before we do it. You must not tell Matt about this."

The bands were released and Fritz left the cupboard. "Do we have to go and drink some more orange juice?" Matt said. He actually seemed quite excited by the what was happening.

"Not for a couple of days. They don't want to give us the drug too often. I hope you don't hate me when you find out what I have said."

"I won't, I promise. I am glad you now know how difficult it is in there and I am glad it will even things up."

It was three days later that they were instructed to go and take a pill. In that time they kept working on their bodies and at their lessons. They remained naked the whole time, except when they decided to put on their rubber waders, which both boys enjoyed doing. It was no hardship to either of them to put on a good show for their voyeur, booted or not booted.

When Matt woke up from the drug induced sleep, Fritz was looking at him. He could see on Fritz's chest that the floral design from their neck had been taken down onto his chest, and that he was tattooed between his shoulders and his nipples, with swirls going under his nipples. Matt looked at his own chest and saw very similar designs. Fritz could see the look of confusion on Matt's face. "No it's not that." He pulled the bed clothes from over him and Matt could see the bandaging on his penis. "We have been circumcised."

Matt pulled the bed clothes off himself and saw his own bandaging. "Oh shit," he said, staring at his cock wide eyed.

"I am sorry, but I think it will look so horny when the ring through our cocks is visible all the time. You know I had to tell the truth."

"No," Matt said "It is not that. It's just that you are not going to be able to fuck me for some time, and I have kind of got used to having you in me hard and often. Fritz put his mouth to Matt's and they kissed.

When they broke the kiss Fritz asked "What do you think of the new ink?"

"More, more," Matt replied and they kissed again. They removed the bandaging in the shower. They had been cut high and tight and the helmet of their cocks , pierced by a gold ring, looked back at them. "God, that looks so sexy. Thanks for doing this to us, Fritz." They kissed deeply. "Guess we are going to have to be careful as mine is very sore. I wonder if Charles will provide us with a band to go round our cock and balls? It might keep my cock a bit away from my body." Charles was happy to oblige and the thick steel bands were on the coffee table when they returned from the pool. They both fitted tightly once they had put them on and they had the desired effect.

Over the next couple of weeks they concentrated on their studies, although sexual frustration was getting to both of them. They asked Charles to provide a selection of dildos so that they could milk themselves and each other. Fritz took an instant delight in a steel dildo that was vaguely penis shaped but with ridges along its length. He got Matt to bend over the table again and took his time to milk his friend by pushing and pulling on the solid steel rod. Fritz, who was not into being fucked used a smaller and more flexible rubber dildo on his tight hole. But for Fritz in particular it was nowhere near as satisfying as ramming his cock in his young lover and banging away at his arse as hard as he could. It was perhaps then no surprise that it was Fritz who's concentration on his studies failed sufficiently so as to warrant punishment.

The two boys got the box they had been given out from a drawer and plugged it into the mains electricity. Then as instructed they attached electrodes to their body piercings - two each to their nipples and 8 to their cock and balls. They sat on the sofa holding hands waiting for the invisible person to deliver their punishment. When it came it felt as if their most delicate parts were being gripped in a vice. Their nipples felt as if they were on fire. And their balls as if someone had kicked them hard. The pain seemed to go on for a long time although in reality it was only 6 seconds. When the power was switched off they both had their eyes tightly screwed shut. Slowly they opened them and looked at each other. As they removed the electrodes Fritz said "I am sorry I brought that on you. You must hate me."

"It was thinking that you were doing that to me that made it kind of enjoyable for me. It felt good that you were hurting me. It's like when you fuck me, the harder you do it the better I like it. I know you must think me some sort of weirdo but I wonder if Charles would give you access to the machine so that you could do it to me whenever you wanted?"

"It sounds like you want to be some sort of slave to me."

"Not really a slave. I consider myself your equal and you my friend. But I want you to dominate me totally and I think you might get pleasure from causing me pain."

"You can almost read my mind," Fritz replied. " I do like dominating you and I love the look of satisfaction on you face when I hurt you. Guess we are both a couple of perverts."

"As long as I have you, I don't care."

It was an hour or so later that Charles appeared on the TV screen. "Mr Cartwright has been considering your request to let Fritz have use of the pain machine. That can only be agreed if, Matt, you sign an undertaking that you wish for Fritz to be able to do as he pleases with you. We cannot take responsibility for his actions. In essence you must sign a slave contract."

"I would like to," Matt said without hesitation. They went for a swim and the document was waiting for them when they returned. Matt signed it eagerly.

Ten days later, while they were sitting eating their evening meal, Matt asked Fritz about their increasing tattoos. Their shoulders and arms past their elbows had been inked. While Matt liked what had been done so far, he thought that their next session would involve them having the rest of their arms and their hands tattooed. "I think I shall tell Charles that I don't want to go any further with the tattooing. I am sorry if that does not suit you. But I think I have had enough."

"Unfortunately, you can't do that Matt. The slave contract you signed means that is now my decision alone. And I say we go on."

"Has Charles told you that?" Matt asked.

"No. But I think he will back me up. This is the domination you asked for whether you now like it or not. I like it and if you were serious when you signed that contract, then you will like it. In any event you have no choice."

The next day, when they returned from the gym, Charles appeared on the TV screens. "Please sit down both of you." The boys sat on the sofa side by side. Matt took Fritz's hand as he was afraid of what Charles was about to tell them. "Mr Cartwright is very pleased with you. Your accents are improving. You are doing well at your lessons. You are even learning to eat like Americans - although I cannot say, personally, that I find that attractive. We need to go to the next stage. Mr Cartwright wishes you to dress like Americans, or more specifically, like cowboys. If you look in the clothes room you will find two pairs of crotch high cowboy boots. They have two and a half inch stacked heels and are very pointed toes. You need to get used to wearing them. Initially they will be hard on your legs. But as your muscles get used to them and change, you will find them more comfortable than anything else. You will find that you are most happy in stacked heels. We chose crotch high cowboy boots as you seemed to like the crotch high waders. If that is wrong, other boots can be provided. You are to wear the boots night and day for the next 72 hours. After that you may remove them to shower. But that is all. Do you understand?"

"I guess so," Fritz said, and Matt nodded.

They went to the clothes room and saw two pairs of chocolate brown cowboy boots standing there although half the tall leather shafts were bent over to the floor. Matt's face lit up and he went and grabbed a pair. Fritz took hold of Matt's solid cock and said "Guess you like these." Their cocks had healed sufficiently to allow them to play with them, although Fritz had yet to fuck his boyfriend.

The boys went and sat on the bed and pulled on the boots. Charles had been right. The high stacked heels did hurt their calves, but they knew they were in them for the next 72 hours. Matt kept looking at his booted feet in the long mirror. The boots came up to his crotch, so that the thick leather touched his ringed balls as he walked. He liked the sensation. Fritz came and stood alongside him. Both had raging erections. They kissed and Fritz rubbed his boot up the shaft of Matt's. Matt broke the kiss. "You know what I need."

Matt went and lay on the bed with his arse sticking over the end. Fritz came and stood at the foot of the bed and moved Matt's booted legs to his shoulder. He usually entered Matt in a single thrust, as it made Matt groan with pleasure. But as this was the first time with his new cock, Fritz was rather more careful. Matt wanked his own cock as Fritz thrust in him. They shot their loads almost simultaneously and Fritz dropped Matt's legs and fell on him. "This just gets better," he said.

Fritz and Matt were scheduled to do 2 hours more lessons. It was Matt's turn to fail to concentrate. His attention kept drifting to his boots that he kept stroking. He loved the feel of the heels and the look of the sharp points and the way the leather encased all his legs. When the lessons were over Charles's face appeared on the screen. Matt spoke first. "I know I loused up. I just can't get my mind off these fabulous boots." Charles's image nodded.

"As Matt has a slave contract with me, I wish him to have the full punishment alone and I wish to administer it," Fritz said.

Charles thought for a moment. "Matt's performance was so poor that the charge is level 8 and the duration is 20 seconds. That would be a lot to share let alone for one to endure. But even so, I am not sure that it would constitute punishment as Matt enjoys the pain you inflict. But I will agree this time."

Fritz told Matt to go and lie on the bed. He got the device out of the drawer and took it into the bedroom. He was also carrying two pairs of handcuffs. He handcuffed both of Matt's wrists to the solid bed head. Then he began attaching the electrodes. He chose to attach 4 to his nipples. Matt's circumcised cock was again at full mast. Fritz attached one electrode to the ring through his cock head. He attached one to each side of the bars that adorned his cock and the rest of the 20 that they normally shared, to the rings through his balls. He took the box and set it to level 8. They had only had level 8 once before and then they shared the pain. This was going to be all Matt's alone. Fritz stood at the foot of the bed . Matt stared into his eyes. Matt was both afraid and excited. Fritz pressed the button and Matt screwed his eyes and arched his back and made a low scream as Fritz counted 20 under his breath. Then he turned off the power. Matt was sweating profusely and it took some time before he opened his eyes. When he did, he found Fritz's face close to his with a look of concern.

"Don't worry," Matt said "as you did it to me, I just looked on it as part of the power you have over me. I am not sure I could have taken it from someone else. Guess that sounds crazy, but that is how I feel about it and about you." Fritz kissed him gently, before removing the electrodes.

Matt was first into bed that night and lay there with no bedclothes showing off his boots. Fritz came and lay on top of him and their mouths, their cocks and their boots played with each other. They went to sleep with their booted legs entwined and with Matt's head on Fritz's chest.

After 3 days they removed the boots that by then they had got used to, in order to have a shower. Both found their claves painful without the stacked heels and both were glad to put them on again. That afternoon Charles told them it was time to take a pill again. They both understood what that meant.

They awoke the next day in bed, still with their boots on. The sleeving on their arms had been completed and both had roses on the backs of their hands to complement the ones on their neck. Each also had both their names tattooed in black italic letters on their crotches above their cocks. Matt looked at Fritz and said "Guess you can't leave me now."

Fritz examined the tattooed body of his friend. He touched his own name on Matt's crotch then looked at Matt. "No I am not ready to stop yet. You said you wanted me inked all over. Well we both are going to be."

The TV at the foot of the bed came on. Fritz rolled back and the huge erections of both boys was clearly visible to Charles. "Do you want me to come back later?" he asked.

"No it's OK," Fritz said while stroking his newly cut cock. You will find new clothes in the clothes room. From now on you will please be dressed during the day unless you are in the gym or pool. In the evening you will just wear your crotch high boots. Lessons start in 2 hours." The TV went blank.

Matt wanted to go and look at their new clothes immediately. Fritz held him back. "I think you are forgetting yourself slave. Service my cock." Matt straddled Fritz so that his arse was pointing at him. This had two advantages for Matt. Firstly Fritz's cock bent slightly upward. Sucking his cock from this angle meant it went down his throat more easily. It also allowed Matt to finger and admire his boots. He knew he had an aching boot fetish now and was pleased and stimulated by the pleasure boots gave him. He deep throated Fritz's cock and luxuriously went up and down the 10 inch pole taking the cut cock head into his throat. He felt Fritz lick his arse. Then realised that he must have got hold of the thick ribbed steel dildo which he proceeded to push in and out of his arse. Matt could feel himself moving to climax and increased the speed on Fritz's cock. He came with a crescendo and went as far down as he could on the thick pole in his mouth and Fritz's spunk flowed into his belly.

They came down from their highs in each other's arms, kissing each other gently. They went and showered and then Fritz led Matt to the clothes cupboard. There was a row of shirts, some plain and some fancy. A dozen pairs of jeans and cotton trousers. Leather jackets. Underwear and tee shirts. Belts and boots and hats. And hanging on hooks several pairs of spurs on their straps. On another pair of hooks were double holster gun belts and they could see 4 guns on a shelf. Matt kept looking at items not clear what he liked best. He picked up one silver snakeskin boot and just licked the toe.

"I think this is where I take charge," Fritz said. He ordered a reluctant Matt to go back into the bedroom. First he came out with a sheer white cotton jockstrap and a pair of thick knee high white socks. Matt put them on. This was followed with a white tee-shirt over which Matt was to put on a plain denim shirt. Next Fritz brought him a pair of narrow legged blue jeans that were very tight when Matt got them on. Fritz got him to arrange his throbbing cock so that he displayed his package to best advantage. He chose a brown leather belt inlaid with silver snakeskin and a fancy silver buckle. Then he went back for the boots. He came back holding them behind his back.

"Come on Fritz, give them to me," Matt pleaded. With a grin Fritz handed him the silver grey snakeskin boots that he and licked. They of course had the two and a half inch under slung heels. Matt put them on. The jeans only just fitted over the boot shafts which displayed the whole length of the knee high boots when he looked at his legs in the mirror. Fritz brought him a grey cowboy hat and a black suede jacket with fringes down the arm and across the back. While Matt enjoyed preening himself in front of the mirror, Fritz went back into the closet, shut the door and dressed himself. He came out in a embroidered cream shirt with pale brown trousers and brown belt. A dark brown bomber jacket and dark brown boots with fancy embroidering and golden sunbursts at the ankles. His feet were also adorned with a pair of silver spurs. A brown cowboy hat finished his ensemble.

Matt looked at him open mouthed. Now that he was dressed, for the first time since they had arrived at the house, the true beauty of the man adorned with tattooed roses on his neck and hands, took Matt's breath away. He looked at him and said in little more than a whisper "I love you so much."

Fritz came over to him, spurs jingling as he walked. "You love me as much as I love you. But the difference is that you have to obey me slave. Lick my boots." Matt got on all fours and put his tongue to work. "I also found some chaps in the clothes room. I am going to ride you tonight, rodeo fashion, wearing just chaps boots and spurs. So if you buck too much you know where I shall dig my heels."

Matt looked up. "Oh I think I shall buck and need a lot of controlling."

The TV came on. "You look very fetching, if I may say so," Charles said. Please put on the gun belts and go to the barn. You are due some gun practise. Please be very careful with the live ammunition." The boys put on the gun belts low on their hips and tied with a leather thongs around their thighs. They went to the barn where for the next hour, and under computer tutelage, practised drawing and firing their guns. They came back to the house exhilarated.

"I don't want this ever to end," Matt said.

But 5 days later, Charles came on the TV and told them that although they had only been at the house for just under 6 months, Mr Cartwright had decided to end their time as he had new people coming." Both boys showed their disappointment.

"But Mr Cartwright, and indeed I, are very pleased with your progress. You can pass for Americans and your green cards have been approved and citizenship will follow. Mr Cartwright has opened a joint bank account for you two in which he has paid 3 million dollars. You are free to leave with that. But he has bought a property about 20 miles from here. He will put the property in your names and meet all the costs of running the place - you know staff and so on - if you will agree to have cameras in the house. It will be like here except that you will know when you are being watched as the cameras will show a red light."

"Staff?" Fritz asked.

"Yes indeed. You will need staff to look after the property and the horses. You will want to ride, I presume. The staff are somewhat unusual. You know that what has been called the '3 strikes' law means that young men can be incarcerated for the rest of their lives. Mr Cartwright thinks that that is a waste of young manhood and of taxpayers' money. I told you he is powerful. He has arranged with the Governor of Texas to take some of these men to what will be your new home. They are not allowed off the property. Sensors monitor where they are and steel collars, capable of giving shocks that can render them unconscious, are permanently fixed around their necks. If they try to leave the premises they will be automatically activated and an alarm set off. The Governor was insistent on that as this experiment must remain secret. They have been told that if they behave well, they may be released at some point in the future."

"Are they dangerous?" Matt asked.

"Are they gay?" Fritz added.

"No they are not violent criminals. They are not gay. But their only possibility of sex is with men, so they may learn to enjoy man sex, especially as there is an experienced gay manager - also a criminal - in charge. But what happens to them would largely be up to you. Oh, and as you clearly like tattoos and piercings, the tattooist who has decorated your bodies will be available to you to finish your own inking or to tattoo and pierce your staff. Do you want to take up this new challenge?"

The two new cowboys looked at each other. "Am I still under slave contract to Fritz" Matt asked.

"Not if you don't want to be," Charles said. "Although if you do, it will then be for life and Fritz will no doubt wish to brand you with the property's brand. All the staff will be so branded."

Matt looked at Fritz. "Oh fucking hell," Matt said. "Where do I sign.

Is that the end? I am not sure. I guess that depends on whether you, dear reader, like it. In any event I won't be returning to Matt and Fritz until the end of this year or early 2015. Sorry.

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