Matt and Fritz

By Stuart James

Published on Feb 9, 2013


If you enjoy this story - or any others - remember that you can only read them if Nifty remains online. For that they need our cash. If we all give just a little, the site won't disappear and take our stories with them.

I would welcome any comments. It encourages me to keep writing! (That's if you want me to!) I am also making some good friends that way.

20-20 Vision

Matej and Frederick were on parallel courses and like all parallel lines there was no reason why they should ever cross. Both were 19 and both were on 6 month working holidays in London. Matej - known as Mathew or Matt to his new UK friends - was from Slovenia. He was tall and slim with dark Slavic features. His looks made him very popular with his new gay friends. Frederick - known as Fritz to his new UK friends - was from near the German border in Poland. His ancestry was German and he had Germanic blond good looks. He was rather more muscular than Matt and was equally popular with his new gay friends.

The first time their parallel paths nearly crossed was in a gay bar. But while they both looked at the same small card on the notice board, their actions were separated by an hour. The notice simply said 'free piercings with gold jewellery' and gave an address near Covent Garden. It gave no telephone number. Both noted the address as both their cocks twitched at the word 'piercing' - and the word 'free' helped as they were both permanently short of money.

They both went to the address in Covent Garden the next day. But once again their parallel paths did not cross as Matt went in the morning and Fritz in the afternoon. What happened after they went through the front door was almost the same in both cases. So we can look at just one persons' experiences.

A bell sounded as Matt opened the glass front door to the up market piercing and tattoo studio. Matt guessed that it was 'up market' as the shop he entered did not look like any such place that he had seen before. Matt had noticed the words 'Tattoo' and 'Piercing' engraved in large letters in the front window and glass door. But in the window itself was only a large display of flowers in a silver coloured vase. The room he had entered was small, and consisted of a few chairs with a pile of magazines on the low table and a counter behind which stood a smartly dressed young man in his twenties. There were no bold designs of potential tattoos on the wall or display cases of piercing jewellery.

Matt told the young man that he had seen the notice about free piercings and wondered if it were true. The man did not reply at first but stood looking at Matt. When Matt had walked in the man had pressed a concealed button under the counter. He needed to allow enough time to see if his boss responded to the new visitor. In most cases his boss did not and then he simply told the enquirer that if he had one piercing done for £200, he could have another done for free. Most people told this left without taking up the offer as £200 for two piercings was an outrageous price for anyone who was not 'up market'. If they did take up the offer, then the two piercings would be done in a private room in the back in the same way as they would for any other customer who was not as attractive as Matt. The young man did not have to tell Matt this story as the telephone rang. He picked up the handset and listened for a few moments before putting the 'phone down. Instead he invited Matt to come through the back and have some coffee. Matt followed him through a mirrored door. They went down a long brightly lit and lushly carpeted corridor and Matt was shown into a room half way down on the left. The young man showed him to a leather covered armchair. There was a matching chair the other side of a low coffee table. The young guy left to get Matt's black coffee with one sugar. A couple of minutes later an older man wearing a smart suit came in carrying two white bone china mugs of coffee. He set the mugs down on the low table and sat in the chair opposite Matt.

He held out his hand and said "You may call me John. It might save time if I give you a few words of introduction. Firstly the offer of free piercings is genuine although there are strings attached. What I have to say to you must remain private and confidential. If you wish to leave now that is fine. If you wish to leave after I have explained things more fully to you that is also fine. But you must never tell anyone else about what I am about to tell you. I am not going to ask you to sign a confidentially contract. But please understand that we deal with rich and powerful people who...well let's say that if you make problems for them they will repay you tenfold. Is that clear?"

Matt nodded. He picked up his coffee and drank some as his mouth felt dry. "I will hear what you have to say and then decide. But I will keep silent about what you tell me."

"The offer is for 20 free piercings that will each have solid gold rings or bars inserted."

Matt stopped him. "Do you mean up to 20?"

"No. Twenty is the number of piercings you must have if you become part of this program. Not one more or less. If you decide to remove any or all of them after your time with us is, then that is up to you. We select a few - a very few - people who enquire after our advert. We choose only those who we think our clients will especially like. They are all very rich and they require only the very best. Our clients are a group of mainly old rich men who take pleasure in seeing young men, such as yourself, being pierced. They are located all over the world and view the piercings by high definition 3D television. The 3D means that the process is completely real to them. They can, if you like, almost taste the blood. We offer various views to them. They can see it from the piercers perspective. We even have miniature cameras attached to the piercing tools. Or they can see it from your perspective. It is as if they have your body and as if the piercing is done to them. Or they can see it as a voyeur from a distance. Or they can take a number of views on a split screen or switch between views during the procedure. But they are not actually in the room. There will only be you, the staff of 2 that will pierce you, and myself actually present. Do you want me to continue or would you rather leave?"

Matt told him to continue.

"If you decide you want to take part we will photograph you both clothed and naked and advertise you to our clients. If you appeal to enough of them - by which I mean more than 10 - then we can proceed. If not then your time with us is over. We will pay you £100 for the inconvenience you have been put to. But that is all and you must not speak of this to anyone." John waited for Matt to nod to show that he understood what he had just been told before continuing.

"You are allowed to specify if there are any places you would not accept being pierced. Some piercings are automatically excluded. We would not for example allow a piercing to an eyelid. All piercings must be very safe. But if for example you did not want your left ear pierced, say so and we will tell this to our clients. So think carefully about your whole body. But remember you have to have 20 piercings and if you are too restrictive then it is unlikely that our clients will be interested in you."

He looked at Matt for a moment and then continued.

"Within your limits and ours, we then offer your body to our clients. They are able to bid for the piercings. They can bid for one up to the number that you have left to be done. In some choice cases, a client will bid for all 20 piercings at the start, but that is rare. If someone fancied for example having the bridge of your nose pierced, he could make a bid, and if it was the highest bid on a per ring basis, it would be done. There is always great competition for the penis so that usually goes first. We pay you a quarter of any money we earn through bids. We make most of our money through the fees clients pay to join our organisation and watch. The winning bidder decides the size and thickness of the ring or bar implanted and whether or not you have anaesthetic. That last point might seem a little strange but some customers like to see the pain and some prefer not to. That is good as it keeps the bidding fierce as each wants to enjoy the spectacle in their own way. Steel rings are implanted first. You then return two weeks later and the same audience see them replaced with gold ones. They can bid to have the ring size and thickness increased further at this stage. Finally you are put up for one final auction. The winning bidder has you remotely and in 3D to himself to enjoy your body for up to 1 hour. They are not allowed to make you do something dangerous, although some of the requests may seem strange and you will be required to comply with them. But in most cases they usually ask so see close ups of you playing with your piercings and very often ask to see you bring yourself to orgasm. After that we pay you what you have earned in cash and the contract is over. And apart from the rings in your body, you forget that it ever happened. I cannot make it too clear how important privacy is. Now do you think you are interested?"

Matt thought for a while and asked "How much money could I make?"

"That is difficult to say. Firstly very few of the guys who put themselves forward are selected. Then it depends on which clients decide to participate and how much competition there is. I will not say further than that as I would not wish to build your hopes up. And really you should not do this simply for the money. You must enjoy the idea of being heavily pierced and you should enjoy the idea of being on display. We pay participants a proportion of the bids as we think it is fair and because it encourages boys to put on a good show. One boy fainted at the site of the first needle and that was the end of that show. A boy who shows interest and pleasure in what happens to his body is more likely to entice high bids. If at any point you show reluctance to continue, we will not force you. But you will forfeit any money that has been earned from the bids, and any piercings that have been done will be removed after the cameras are switched off."

Matt thought for a while as he drank some more of his coffee. Then he told John that he would like to take part. John said "Is there any part of your body you would not like to be pierced?" Matt thought about it and said no.

This was one point where Matt and Fritz's interviews differed. Fritz said that he did not want his penis pierced. John told him that clients would not be interested in him if he excluded his cock. John suggested that he could exclude the shaft of his penis as long as the head and the point where his cock joined his groin could be pierced. Fritz agreed with that as the thought of extra money certainly appealed to him, but he wanted to be able to continue to screw guys arses.

Both were taken across the corridor to a small cubicle about 3 metres square. They stood on what proved to be a turntable and were filmed by cameras fixed to the walls, while slowly revolving. Then they stripped and returned to the turntable and were filmed again. This time John gave them instructions such as to hold their cocks and pull back their arse cheeks to show their hole. Both left and were told to return in one week. Both were reminded not to tell anyone.

Matt returned in the morning one week later. He was taken into the same back room. John said that there had been a great deal of interest and that therefore they would proceed as long as he was still willing. Matt said that he was. John said "Come back on Friday morning at 11.00am. You will be bathed and shaved as necessary and the piercings would begin at noon."

John told Fritz that he was in demand as well. "I thought your restrictions on cock piercing might mean that you would not be selected. But - and I am being frank here - the sheer size of you cock seems to have created great interest. What is it 9 or 10 inches?"

Fritz said "10, sometimes 10 and half." He was told to come back at 1.00pm on Friday for preparation, and that piercing would begin at 2.00pm.

Matt returned as instructed. He was shown into a white tiled room off the same corridor. He noticed that it had a shower at one end. He removed all his clothes when John instructed him to. He found the prospect of what was to happen exciting, so he had a massive erection. John told him that that was good and that he should not be embarrassed. Two guys dressed in white surgical smocks, masks and white rubber gloves entered. He noticed that they also had cameras fixed to their heads. In his mind Matt called them 'the surgeons'. They told Matt to lie down on the bed in the room. They told him they were going to shave his crotch. First with clippers and then with a razor, they removed his pubic hair. They finished with a depilatory cream that stung a little. They did the same with the hair around his arse. They asked John about Matt's chest which was quite hairy. John felt his chest and nipples. He told them to remove some of the hair close to the nipples but otherwise to leave it. Matt was told to shower.

When he had dried himself, Matt was sprayed with a light fake tan. John explained that most clients liked the guys to have an even colour and putting the fake tan on was the best way of disguising white arses and so on. When that was finished John carefully examined Matt. He seemed happy with the result. He took Matt's still erect cock in his hand.

"The more usual problem we have here is that guys get frightened and can't maintain their normal penis size let alone an erection. We give them Viagra to help with that. I don't think that is going to be a problem with you. But I am a little concerned that you may ejaculate while being pierced. That does not help the show. I suggest we put a tight metal cock ring around your cock and balls. One of the 'surgeons' got a metal ring about half an inch wide and an eighth of an inch thick from a cupboard. The circular band, which was about 2 inches in diameter, broke in two at the touch of a concealed button. He put it around Matts cock and balls. It seemed very tight to Matt, but John felt it was a little too loose to be fully effective and made the guy get a slightly smaller one. This was put in place and fastened to Matt. John assured him that the discomfort would quickly subside. Matt's erection seemed even harder with the metal ring around his crotch. He was given a towelling dressing gown to wear.

The surgeons left and John went and got them both a cup of coffee while they waited for noon.

"Isn't this a strange time to do this?" Matt asked.

"Well it is not lunchtime all over the world. For some of our client base we find this to be a good time."

Matt was silent for a while, but talking kept his mind off what was to come. "Do you do similar shows with guys getting tattooed instead of pierced?"

"Only very very occasionally. Finding guys is difficult. We would only do guys that really wanted to be heavily tattooed. And you can only be really sure of that if they already have quite a bit of ink. But clients prefer that we start with, shall we say, a blank canvas. It is sort of a catch 22. It also takes a long time to do a tattoo, which does not make for such a good show. We have to be restrictive as to what can be done. Such guys must wear the ink for the rest of their lives so we cannot permit anything likely to be offensive to them or to others. We do put on some other shows. Guys being whipped for example is quite popular as is S and M in general. But consent is necessary, which means it is all a bit fake. Piercing is our most popular line."

John looked at the clock on the wall. "It is time. Please do exactly what you are instructed to do. And remember you are putting on a show. So don't be afraid to show pain and pleasure. Try and be natural but it is OK to exaggerate how you feel."

Matt removed his dressing gown and followed John into another room at the end of the corridor. The room was quite large with a medical examination table in the middle. Matt could see a number of cameras in the wall and three more on wires hanging from the ceiling, that could clearly be moved around the room. The room was dimly lit, but once Matt had stood on another rotating platform in one corner of the room, the light brightened as spots were turned on. As he went round with the cameras moving closer to examine parts of his body in detail, he imagined what the faceless people watching him all over the world were doing. He put his hands behind his back as a camera came in for a close up on his throbbing penis. He was really getting a buzz from the thought that he was the object of other peoples desires.

John had put on headphones with an attached lip mike. He had been listening as, Matt assumed, bids were relayed to him. "I have a bid for a single piercing from number 81. If there are no more bids? Gone to 81. What do you wish?" Matt could not hear the answer. "Anaesthetic or no anaesthetic? Good."

John turned to one of the 'surgeons'. "A lateral piercing across the cockhead with anaesthetic."

Matt was told to lie of the bed. The surgeon got out a small syringe and took hold or Matts cock and injected a small amount of anaesthetic into his cock head. Matt could see a tiny camera on the syringe, so the clients would get a good close up of his cock as the needle went in. Matt was not sure what sort of piercing he was to have, although he saw the surgeon get a fairly large ring, perhaps an inch in diameter, from a sterile clear plastic envelope. Matt felt apprehensive but decided that he wanted to go through with this and so he might as well put on a good show. He would earn more. The surgeon took hold of his, by now, numb cock head and inserted a needle from left to right through his cock. There was quite a lot of blood which surgeon number two mopped. The camera had moved in close when the needle was pushed through and there was another on his face. When the initial bleeding had diminished, the needle was replaced with the silver coloured ring. Matt looked at the large ring and breathed heavily, not sure if he was pleased or repulsed by what he saw. He knew about PA piercings but had never heard of one right across the cock head. He had not been told whether he could or should speak. But he decided to and said "Thank you number 81. That looks very hot. I shall wear it with pride."

John looked a little surprised that Matt had spoken but whispered 'well done' under his breath.

The bidding soon started again. "I have a bid for 6 piercings again from number 81." Others obviously joined the bidding. But in the end six piercings for number 81 was the winner.

"Six dumbbell bars down the underside of the penis shaft with anaesthetic."

Matt was injected in 3 places down his cock shaft. Six needles, evenly spaced, were pushed through the skin along the underside of his cock shaft from below his cock head to where his cock met his balls. The cameras broadcast each needle piercing his skin and the look on Matt's face and even the sweat that was forming on his brow. The needles were replaced with short bars, each about an inch long with balls at each end. Matt said nothing this time but looked into the camera when it came to his face and nodded with a smile.

The next winning bid was for a single piercing this time without anaesthetic and was won by number 54. It was to be through his septum. Matt sat up when told to. Although he was given no anaesthetic, the piercing was not as painful as he expected. But he decided to overplay the pain, by screwing up his face and clenching his fists (the cameras were all over the place) when the needle went through. When the ring replaced the needle, Matt could feel the weight of the large piece of metal through his nose that went down almost to his top lip. He put out his tongue to touch it and smiled directly into the camera. He hoped he was putting on a good show.

Matt was given very little time to recover from one piercing to the next. John soon reported that the next winning bid was for two piercings. These were to be two large open rings with balls at the end through both nipples. No anaesthetic again. Matt lay back and gripped the side of the bed tightly. One surgeon stood each side of him. It seemed clear that they proposed to do both nipples at the same time. He was sure this would hurt. And it did. His arse reared up from the bed when the needles simultaneously went through his delicate skin. A camera from the ceiling came down close to look at his face and the sweat pouring off it. The rings were soon through his very tender nipples. A tube was placed in Matt's mouth through which he could suck some cold water. One of the surgeons mopped the sweat off his brow. Without thinking he felt the two delicate nipples and this caused his equally delicate cock to come back to full erection. His cock looked deep red due to the constriction of the thick cock ring. The camera came in for a close up of the pre-cum oozing from the tip of his pierced cock head.

"That is half way. This young man has ten new rings through his beautiful body as you have required. What is the next bid?" John asked. "All 10 remaining rings again to number 81." There was a pause. A higher pro-rata bid for a single ring from number 102." This went on for some time until the single ring bidder came out on top. Matt hoped that meant a good cash bonus for him. "A tongue piercing, a bar, with no anaesthetic."

When asked about restricting what he would have pierced, he had thought of excluding his tongue. But in all that happened he forgot. And now the piercing he feared the most was to be done. But he knew he could not afford to back out now. He had endured so much pain and discomfort and the bidding seemed to go well. He did not want to lose all the money he had so far earned. He put out his tongue which was seized by a surgeon with a pair of pliers. He held it firm while yet another piercing needle went through his tongue. It felt like his mouth was on fire and he was not acting as he screwed his eyes shut. But soon a bar with a ball each end was secured in his mouth. As his tongue was released, he could feel his tongue had swollen. Yet the foreign intruder through his tongue still felt enormous. He lay back and sipped a little water through the tube, although that was painful. The cameras moved in and out recording everything that occurred.

The bidding started again. John said "Could you repeat the amount you just bid number 81?" After a moment he said "I see. Any other bids?" John listened to his headset again. "The remaining nine piercings are to be rings from the base of his cock and all around the central divider of his balls. No anaesthetic". Matt lay back. The surgeons got some leather straps and secured each leg to the edge of the table. A camera came in for a close up of Matt's crotch. The process was the same for each ring. After the area was swabbed with alcohol, the piercing needle went through his ball sac. When the bleeding subsided, the ring was inserted. Nine times this happened as his ball sac was evenly pierced around its circumference. And the whole time Matt's cock remained standing to attention, oozing clear liquid.

The surgeons moved away from the table and the various cameras broadcast their close up, medium and long shots to the people viewing the other end. Then the leg restraints were removed and Matt was helped up - he was by now a little shaky - and he stood again on the rotating platform. The cameras moved around him again. Then John said "Please return at the same time in two weeks when the rings and bars will be replaced with gold, and you will be able to bid to view him alone." The lights dimmed and John removed the headset.

"You did very well, Matt. Just the right amount of pain and pleasure. The bids were impressive. You will be pleased with how much you have earned today."

Matt wanted to ask how much he had earned. But he could not speak properly.

"Don't talk now. The swelling will go down quite soon. Go with my assistants who will clean you up, and then we can talk again."

Matt went back to the previous tiled room and the surgeons carefully showered him to remove the dried blood. Then they gave him his underwear, jeans and boots which he put on. They guided him, carrying his tee shirt and jacket, to a small office where John was sitting behind a desk. He told Matt to come in and sit down. Matt could see in his a hand a flat metal ring about 2 inches wide and maybe 9 inches in diameter.

"You know you have to return in two week's time. One guy decided not to come back and we had to refund our patrons a large proportion of their money. So to ensure you will return, we will attach this steel collar around your neck. It contains a radio transmitter so that we can always find you." John handed the collar to one of the surgeons who put it around Matt's neck and joined the two halves together. Matt held his neck up straight to assist the surgeon, and liked the sensation when they locked it in place.

"Do not try to remove it. It is capable of delivering a nasty electric shock. In the same way if you do not appear on time, we will send a shock to your neck, and I promise you that you will come in quickly. I will not insult you be demonstrating it." John handed Matt a polo neck sweater that he put on over his tee shirt, which effectively covered his collared neck. "We would rather you did not masturbate until you return. We find it makes the final show so much better. Although we will have no way of knowing if you do. If the urge builds up in you, I suggest you think of the money."

Matt still did not feel as if he could speak. So he just took John's outstretched hand and shook it. He was shown to the door and he went home to his somewhat rundown apartment.

As he travelled home on the underground, Fritz arrived for his turn on camera.

Over the following two weeks, the pain of the piercings went away and he learnt to speak with a bar through his tongue. He played with the piercings and repeatedly looked at them in the mirror. This aroused him sexually although he managed not to wank his cock. He was trying to decide which ones he wanted to keep permanently. But they all made him feel good, and he wondered if therefore he should keep them all.

On the evening of the day before his return visit to the piercing studio, Matt went on his own for a drink to the gay bar where he had first seen the notice. The place was fairly quiet and he sat at the bar and was given the pint of lager that he ordered. He noticed another guy on the other side of the bar who was wearing a polo neck sweater that looked the same as his. The guy saw him looking at him and raised his glass in salute. Matt returned the compliment. The guy got up and came towards Matt and sat down on the stool next to him. "Snap" he said pulling at the neck of his sweater to indicate that he meant the polo neck. As he pulled the material away, Matt noticed the top of the metal collar around his neck.

Even though parallel lines cannot cross, the parallel courses of these two guys had done just that.

"You are collared as well" Matt said revealing the metal circle around his own neck. Matt then noticed the ring through the other guys nose and the big ring through his left ear lobe. "Seems we have been to the same place. My name is Matej although most people here call me Matt." He held out his hand which the other guy shook.

"Freddie or if you prefer Fritz. Where are your 20 piercings?"

Matt fingered his nose ring and stuck out his tongue. Then he said "Both nipples, one sideways through my cock head . Six down my cock shaft and the other 9 around my balls. You?"

"Septum, ear, eyebrow, both nipples, navel,cock head, and rest all over my balls. Looks a bit like a pin cushion. When are you going back for round two and to get paid?"

"Tomorrow at noon" Matt replied.

"I am on at 2. I hope it proves to be worth it."

"The ones I can see on you look pretty hot so they are well worth it to me. Maybe we could get together after tomorrow and compare jewellery. Love the idea of what they have done to your balls."

"I would like that. Your piercings sound pretty hot, and I have never kissed a guy with a bar through his tongue. I can't promise I won't molest you. My cock and balls have been so sore I have not come for two weeks, which is about 14 days longer than I can normally wait."

"I can promise that your arse is safe from me although not the rest of your body. The piercings up my shaft mean I won't be able to fuck anyone unless I remove them. But I prefer having a guy bang me, so it is no real hardship."

"I did not let them do my shaft. I love giving guys a good hard fucking. Hope you are man enough. I have a lot of spunk in me waiting to be released."

Matt smiled at his new friend. "I promise I can take whatever you have to give and more. But if I understood the arrangement right you are likely to have to shoot your load for one of the punters."

"Soon make some more for you."

The two guys chatted and finished their beers. They left the bar together and agreed to meet up at 8.00 the next evening.

Matt made sure he turned up at the studio in plenty of time. He didn't fancy the idea of electric shocks. John greeted him and the collar was removed - much to his relief. Once again, in the tiled room he removed his clothes and the surgeons examined his piercings. They had healed very well. He was shaved again and given a light spray tan. He sat with John drinking a cup of coffee waiting for the time he was due to perform.

"I met one of your other performers last night - Fritz. I believe he is on after me."

"I am sorry but I cannot discuss other people. You would not wish me to discuss your situation with other people. I did tell you that privacy and secrecy are paramount." John seemed a little annoyed, so Matt changed the subject.

As noon approached Matt was taken naked into the other room to begin performing. Once again he stood on the rotating platform and the lights came up and the cameras whirled around him. He felt quite relaxed. His cock was at full mast, even though this time he was not wearing the cock ring. After all he had been told that he would probably be expected to spill his load for the private delectation of one client.

John had his headphones on again. "We will shortly be replacing the steel rings with gold ones. If at any stage you wish a thicker ring to be inserted, please make your bids known. We only permit an increase of 1 or 2 sizes in thickness although the diameter is up to you. There can be no anaesthetics this time"

Matt lay on the bed again. It seemed that the rings were going to be changed downwards starting from his head. The surgeon got out a gold ring of the same thickness and diameter as the steel one through his nose. John indicated that there were no bids and the old ring was removed and the new one inserted. The same was true for the bar through his tongue. Matt was surprised that the gold had a different taste to the steel bar, but assumed he would soon get used to it.

A bid was made to increase the thickness of the nipple rings by a full 2 sizes. Once again the surgeons came either side and worked on one nipple each at the same time. The old rings were removed and a stretching bar pushed though each piercing. The pain was enormous. This showed on Matts face and a camera came in for a close up. He breathed a huge sigh and unscrewed his eyes once the new thicker gold rings were through his delicate nipples.

The lateral ring across his cock head was not increased. John had told the audience that if it were it was unlikely that Matt would be able to perform fully later on. He assumed they all knew what that meant. The cock shaft bars and the ball rings were all increased by one thickness. This was much less painful than the nipples and Matt leaned up on his elbows so he could watch the new insertions. His erect cock twitched at the sight and one of the surgeons had to get hold of it to keep it still.

When all the rings were changed to gold, Matt went back to the rotating platform. For some minutes he stood there as the room went round and the cameras came in for their shots. He decided to play with his nipple piercings and with his balls for what he hoped would be the expensive delight of one of the viewers.

After 5 minutes John asked for bids for the private show. From all Matt could understand the bidding was quite competitive and went on for nearly 4 minutes. Eventually John said that number 81 - who had bid for so many of his rings - had won the auction. John bid farewell to the other clients.

John then listened as the faceless voyeur detailed his wishes. John took off his head set and whispered some instructions to one of the surgeons who left the room. He came over to Matt and whispered in his ear. "You are to wear crotch high black rubber waders, black rubber gauntlets, and a gas mask. Take your time putting them on. That will give the client most pleasure and he has paid a great deal for you. Then finger and play with your new piercings. Play with your cock and ejaculate. Got that?" He looked at Matt who nodded. The surgeon came back and put the rubber equipment on the bed. The 3 guys then left and Matt was on his own.

Matt bowed to one camera to thank the client. He thought that that was polite. Then he picked up one of the long heavy waders and put his foot in the top. He slowly pushed his foot down the long rubber tube. Soon his left leg was encased in the snug fitting boot. The tops of the boots were cut diagonally so that the outside was well up his hip and the inside came right up to his balls. A drop of pre-cum fell from his pierced cock and landed on the metal re-enforced toe of the boot. A camera came in to show the glistening drop which Matt bent down and scooped onto his finger which he put in his mouth and sucked. He pulled on the other boot and then strutted round the room. The thick rubber soles made a slight sucking noise as they landed on the tiled floor.

He then pulled on the black gauntlets and held them up to his face to smell them and admire their look. He licked one of the fingers and grinned at the camera. Finally he pulled the gas mask over his head and face. Once again he strutted around the room. He stood at the end of the bed and began to finger and pull at his piercings. The nipples were still very sore but he pulled at them nonetheless. He was determined to ensure that he felt he had earned his money. His cock was throbbing and he took it in his rubber covered right hand and slowly stroked it back and forth. It felt strange to feel the metal bars down the shaft as he held his cock and wanked it. Strange but magnificent. With the other rubber covered hand he pulled at his balls and the rings through them. He kept the pace slow for a couple of minutes, but knew he could not hold off too long. It was over two weeks since he had come. He threw his head back - which seemed to be the signal for 2 cameras to come closer to his cock head. He shot 7 threads of spunk quite a distance. One actually landed on the lens of one of the cameras. When the spurts ended he squeezed the spunk on the end of his cock so that it landed on the toe of his right boot. A camera zoomed in and lapped that up.

A few moments later the lights dimmed and John came in. "That was fantastic. The client is very pleased." Matt removed the gas mask, and John led him still in his boots and gloves back to the other room. "Do you mind staying in those for a bit? We would like to take some publicity shots. I will come back after our next show to arrange it. There are some beers and some cokes in that fridge if you want one."

Matt was left alone for the next hour and a half. He drank a couple of cokes and wondered how much he had earned. He had already decided to keep all his new piercings, for the moment at least, as they excited him so much. He looked at his booted legs and felt the black rubber. He wondered if John might let him keep them as payment for the publicity shots. If not he knew he would have to buy a pair. Wanking while wearing the heavy soled waders had been a new and wonderful experience. He thought about the sex planned with a heavily pierced Fritz that evening, and his cock throbbed.

After 90 minutes John came back. He looked concerned. "We have a slight problem. You have fulfilled our agreement and are at liberty to say no to my proposal. But I hope you won't. The client who bought you has also bought Fritz, the guy you met yesterday. He has asked whether you are still available and that if you are he wants Fritz to fuck you on camera. He will pay 4 times his bid price, which will make a lot of money for you both as we will give you half rather than a quarter of the bid."

Matt had not minded wanking on camera and he had agreed with Fritz that they would fuck that night. But he was not sure about doing that on camera with a comparative stranger. But he thought for a moment about the money and decided to agree. John told him that he did not need the gas mask. He followed John back into the studio. Fritz was standing there in black rubber waders and black rubber gauntlets. On his head was a tight rubber mask that only had small eye and nose holes. John left the room and the lights came up. Matt was not sure what to do. But Fritz took control. He came over and pushed Matt by both shoulders towards the floor. He then pushed his cock at Matts mouth who opened his lips to let the monster enter. He sucked the pierced cock head, teasing the ring with his pierced tongue, and moved his head up and down the shaft. It felt very good and he enjoyed the sticky taste of pre-cum. He rubbed his hands up and down Fritz's boots and played with the piercings in his balls. Fritz writhed in pleasure and deposited more pre-cum in a willing Matt's mouth.

After a couple of minutes, Fritz withdrew his cock. He grabbed Matt by his shoulders and pulled him up. He turned him and pushed his head down so that it was on the bed. Matt had his arse in the air. Fritz took hold of Matt's arse cheeks in his rubber covered hands and pulled them apart. He moved his cock to the dark inviting entrance. He positioned his cock head at the hole and then in one savage thrust entered Matt. The pain and surprise made Matt stand up gasping, but Fritz forced his head back down as he began to thrust inside him. It felt glorious to them both and they built up a rhythm together that maximised the penetration of Fritz's cock in Matt. A couple of times Fritz stopped his movement to delay the point at which his cock would explode. But with so much unused seed in his balls he knew he could not hold off for long. The cameras came in as Fritz raised his rubber covered head and shot a full two weeks load of come into Matt, his body shaking with the force of each spurt. Matt's cock soon spewed out some more spunk for the cameras to catch.

Fritz collapsed onto Matt's back, wrapping his rubber covered hands around his chest. The Lights dimmed.

Next: Chapter 2: Enhanced Vision

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