
By moc.liamtoh@43rethgiff

Published on Apr 20, 2000



Hot Little Package Part 1 by ffighter34

I previously wrote a story posted on Nifty by the name of Stud Encounter. This story occurred at the same location as did Stud Encounter. But this story actually occurred before Stud Encounter.

As I've previously written, the rec center at the local university is known for both the hot male specimens and as a gay cruising area. One of the more useful features for both interests is a sauna in the main locker room. It's a ready place for checking out hot males and for cruising.

This sauna is useful for relaxing muscles...both the kind worked out in the weight rooms and those that aren't. Of course, the university wouldn't want that to be as well known as it is. Unfortunately, sometimes the "scenery" in the sauna can leave much to be desired (apologies to any of the gray haired set, but I just don't get into the idea of sex with them).

This series of encounters happened over the course of the summer a few years back. I was (again) trying to work out and improve my physical condition...and enjoy the fine scenery as well. I noticed a good-looking young man using the sauna. He wasn't exactly what I would have described as my ideal guy physically, but quite good-looking under any circumstances. His name was Matt and he was about 5'7" and about 150 pounds. He had dark hair, brown eyes, well tanned and was fairly well built and fairly hairy. (I guess I should just say I always thought of my ideal man as being taller, blue eyes, and not quite as hairy.)

He was pretty friendly and started talking to me in the sauna. Now the sauna is generally like an one talks as a general rule. But in just about 20 minutes he had virtually talked my ear off. I knew things about him I didn't even know about some of my friends. Then he began to make comments about how hot it was in there (in fact, it actually was kinda cool compared to how it was sometimes). And he started to wipe his face and body off with his towel - giving me a good chance to check him out. He noticed how closely I watched him and began tugging on his cock casually. Again, I couldn't help but watch what he was doing. And the casual tug became an outright stroke. Needless to say I joined him. His cock wasn't the biggest I'd seen, but it was well proportioned and quite nice.

This went on for about 10 minutes before some prehistoric fossil came in and interrupted the fun. Matt got up and headed for the shower. I followed him and we talked some more in the shower. Again, I was able to take in quite a fine scene - nice butt, nicely muscled arms and torso (not over bulged like some guys seem to like), and a very casual, relaxed atmosphere about him. He also seemed to really enjoy shower time, since he soaped up several times and stayed in the shower quite awhile. When he finally finished, he left and began to dress. I decided to dress as well and work up the courage to invite him over. When we both finished dressing, I caught up with him and walked him out to his motorcycle. I finally got brave and asked if he'd like to come over. He declined, but stayed and chatted for several more minutes.

I was really disappointed and really aroused by him. He provided me several evenings of jack off fantasies.

About a week later, I saw Matt again. He started chatting again just like we were best of friends. The only thing missing was the jacking off in the sauna. After we finished dressing, he asked if he could come over later and visit. So I drew him a map and sent him on his way. He said he'd stop over about 11:00pm. That was the longest evening waiting for him to show up. And at that, he was about 45 minutes late.

He finally did show up and was dressed quite nicely. He came in and I offered him something to drink, which he accepted. We talked for about 45 minutes about everything. In the course of conversation, I found out that he was in a fraternity on campus and had only recently had his first man to man encounter that spring on campus. Seems an older man was admiring his chest while he was sunning himself on campus one day between classes, commenting on how nice he looked, that sort of thing. One thing leads to another, and he had his first male blowjob. He said he thought that he was bi, mostly really enjoying sex. Girls were for relationships and he thought he'd eventually be married, but his girlfriend was somewhere else and guys were handy and were hornier anyhow.

After that, he asked if I wouldn't prefer to come sit next to him. As I got up to move next to him, he took off his shirt. I sat down and he began stroking my arm, commenting on how nice he thought my skin was. I took his hand and began to massage it, commenting on his strength and the calluses he had from working. Then the conversation moved to his abundance of chest hair. He said that sometimes he shaved is back, and sometimes even his chest. He said it really made him look and feel different. He then moved in and kissed me. And then, just like some cheap movie, he announced that he needed to use the restroom. I got up and showed him the way. While he was in the bathroom, I began to pace. God was I horny for this kid!

He came back and began to undress the rest of the way in front of me. When he was naked (and so was I), he kissed me again, and then led me by the hand back to the couch in my living room. I didn't really expect what happened next based on the story he related to me about his male experiences. I expected him to pull me down on the couch with him, but he sat down on the edge of the couch and began to blow me. It wasn't the best I had ever been blown, but I wasn't complaining either! After several minutes, I pushed him away, wanting to get at the fine cock of his.

He held me away for about a minute, stroking himself and talking to me about his cock. He asked if I knew he was uncut. I said no, I couldn't tell. He proceeded to pull the skin over the head of his cock. It was true, but you really couldn't tell it. He said that most people thought he was cut, but he was proud that "Willy" was intact. He was in the 7" range and it was truly a fine member! Then he let me suck on him for a while. I proceeded to try to blow him as well as I could. He seemed quite content.

I then suggested that we 69. He said he hadn't done that with a guy before, but was willing. So I laid down on the floor and then he crawled on top of me. I took his cock in my mouth and played with his balls. I also let my fingers explore his ass and ass cheeks. Soon he stopped sucking me and asked if I was close to cumming since he could taste my pre-cum. I told him no, but I would let him know when I was close. Then we flipped positions, him on the bottom and me on top.

Then the moment came. He began to tense up and I rose up and he jacked his dick for about three strokes and made quite a mess on his chest and stomach. He was obviously spent, but far from done. I suggested we shower together. He said this was something else he had never done before. In the shower, we stroked and caressed and massaged each other, kissing from time to time. When we had used all the hot water up, I climbed out, got a towel and began to dry him off. When I got to his cock, I carefully retracted his skin and dried his cock head off. He began to bulge some again, so I took it in my mouth again. He laughed and pulled away, taking the towel away from me and drying me off. We moved back to the couch and he sat down and began blowing me again. After about 15 minutes, he asked if I was ever going to cum. I told him that I had jacked off too many times dreaming about him. He grinned and started stroking me. I told him I could speed things up by doing that myself. So I knelt down and started sucking his cock again, and jacking off rapidly. I soon shot a load on his leg. Again he started laughing and got up to get some paper towel to clean up.

He laid down on the couch and pulled me down on him. We laid there stroking and caressing each other for nearly an hour. At one point, he was stroking my balls and cock (I wasn't hard) and I told him how good it felt without even being hard. He said that that was because I was so comfortable around him. Soon he bulged up again and laid back so I could stroke him off. He just laid there enjoying my hand job.

Soon the time had come for him to part with another load of man juice. He moaned and tensed up and shot all over his chest and my hand. Content, he curled up on my chest and went to sleep for about a half an hour. The whole time I caressed his back, arms, and butt. Soon he awoke and announced that it was time for him to leave. I tried to talk him into staying the night, but he said he really needed to go. But he did give me his phone number and told me to stay in touch and he'd see me around the rec center.

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