
By Woodrow Harrison

Published on Aug 3, 2001



The following is a work of fiction. It involves sexual activity among males. If you are underage or offended by such materials please exit now. Constructive criticism and comments to

The weather was uncomfortable. Temperatures were over 90 and the humidity close to that mark as well. The slightest exertion produced a profusion of sweat causing one to contemplate spending the afternoon in the comfort of the showers.

Alone in the deserted barracks, I lay on my cot clad only in my boxer shorts, dreamily fondling my cock, wishing I had wherewithall to use it more efficiently. Army schools are quite efficient and businesslike, the classroom hours supplemented with private study and lab work. There was precious little time for socializing, even on weekends. This was the Fourth of July, a Wednesday, so classes were suspended for the holiday.

As a relative newcomer, I had few friends on base and of those, none had cars. Our only option was to walk the mile to the town to grab a beer as the NCO club was off limits to the lowly ranks of us recruits. (Not that I had any great longing to listen to a bunch of old sarges tell war lies.)

Today was not one for walking, so there I lay, bored out of my head, only halfheartedly amusing myself. It was too damned oppressive to even jerk off.

Hearing the screen door at the end of the hall close, I quickly stuffed my half hard cock between my legs under the shorts. The footsteps were coming toward my cubicle. At first I thought I'd feign sleep, but curiosity got the better of me to see who it was.

CPO Tom Bullen, a navy man assigned to this school, and NCOIC of our barracks, did a double take seeing me lying there. Obviously he'd expected the barracks to be empty.

"Hey Harrison," he said, "whatcha doing lying around here?"

"Too damned hot to do anything else," I replied.

"Got a point there," he said, "I'm gonna take a shower and go downtown for a beer. Want to come along?" There was something about the way he extended the invitation that made me think he meant both the shower and the beer. Maybe it's the popular myth about sailors that made me think that, but I figured what the hell.

"Sure," I said, "a cold one would go real well."

I got out of the rack and grabbed a towel from my locker, while Bullen continued to his room at the end of the hall. I went the opposite way and was soon enjoying a cool mist in the shower room.

The showers are open. The army doesn't waste money on modesty panels, and when Bullen appeared, I intinctively turned toward the wall. There were 4 shower heads, but Bullen surprised me by turning on the one directly next to mine. I'd about gotten over the timidity of being in a roomful of naked men bathing, but with just the two of us here, I felt awkward. It didn't seem to faze the sailor though. He lathered up apparently oblivious of my presence. I reached for the bar of soap on the tray, but it was wet and slippery and I dropped it.

Shit! I'd heard all the jokes about what happened to sailors if they dropped the soap onboard ships, and here I was with a bar of it at my feet! I crouched, facing Bullen, and retrieved it. When I stood up, he was smiling at me broadly.

"You want to be more careful," he said with a wink.

"Yeah, I've heard about you guys." I replied, wishing immediately that I'd not. I hoped he wouldn't take it that I was calling him a sissy.

Bullen apparently was not offended and blithely let the water rinse him off still facing me. I couldn't help noticing that he was well built, not real tall, but muscular and covered with coarse balck hair on his chest, belly and legs. He had a thick, luxurious pubic bush from which protruded an average sized, cut penis.

Finished with the shower, we toweled ourselves off and headed back to our respective lockers. I wrapped the towel around my waist but noticed that the sailor just draped his around his neck. He stopped when we got to my cubicle.

"See you in about 5", he said.

I noticed that his cock had enlarged a bit and now hung over his balls a few inches. Not a hardon by any stretch of the imagination, but a hint of excitement. I chalked it off to maybe his being one of those guys who get aroused by having others see them naked. I'm a little guilty of that myself now and then.

I got dressed and waited for Bullen. It turned out to be more like 10 minutes before he appeared. He'd put on a pair of loose shorts and a shirt that appeared to be made from netting; you could see right through it. He'd also put on cologne. A bit strange to go for a brew with another guy, but then I figure to each his own.

"Hey bring a swimsuit and a towel," he said, "might be nice to take a dip in the ocean later."

I rolled my suit in my towel and we walked out of the barracks. We got into his car (air-conditioned thankfully) and headed for town. The bars were overflowing with GI's so Bullen suggested we split a twelve-pack on the beach. I was cool with that, and we headed down the road to Carmel.

The town beach was pretty crowded, so we walked down a ways toward Pebble Beach. Despite all the rocks there, small clearings afford a bit of privacy and clean sand. We found such a spot and sat down, Bullen handing me a beer.

We'd sat awhile enjoying the cold beer and the sound of the pounding surf hitting the rocks. Somehow the effect was cooling. Suddenly I heard voices. Someone was settling down close enough to us to be heard, though neither of us had seen anyone. Well, it's a big beach and everyone is entitled, I thought dismissing them from my mind.

A few minutes later, Bullen put his finger to his lips signalling me to be quiet. We strained our ears and barely made out a slapping sound coming from the direction of the voices. It was as if someone was getting spanked, though there were no howls of pain.

Very quietly, Bullen got to his feet and crept around the rock. He froze in his tracks and gestured for me to come beside him. There were two naked guys. One was kneeling, his back to us, the other was lying on his back with his knees draped over the former's shoulders. The slapping sound we'd heard was thighs slapping against buttocks as the one buggered the other!

We watched, fascinated as the two copulated, bodies drenched in sweat as they struggled in their lust not knowing they had an audience. The top man began to drive with renewed vigor and the slapping noise was matched by grunts as he drove deeper and faster into his man. Surprisingly, my reaction to this was to spring a boner! It was peeking out the leg of my swimsuit! I sure hoped that Bullen wouldn't notice, but there was small chance of that as he stared intently at the two men.

I felt Bullen stir beside me and saw that not only was he in a similar state of erection, but was fondling himself! My hand stole to my crotch and I felt the familiar hardness of my own tool ready for business.

A distinctive moan from the kneeling man signalled that he was flooding his friend's bowels. He stiffened and pressed hard to the man's buttocks, then pulled out of him with a barely audible pop. He rolled over on the blanket beside the man he'd just fucked and they embraced in a kiss that must have lasted over a minute.

Apparently either not caring or forgetting I was there, Bullen slipped his swim trunks to his knees and was now engaged in a full blown wank. I just continued gripping myself and slowly massaged. The two men finally sensed our presence, and not in the slightest abashed, waved an invitation to join them.

Bullen, his suit at half mast, waddled toward them eagerly. I was timid and held back for a moment, but when one of the men reached for Bullen's cock and brought it to his lips, I couldn't help myself. I walked over to the other man, the one who'd just been fucked.

"Be a shame to waste that," he said, tugging at my suit. "Let's see what treats you have for me."

Amazed at myself for letting the man have his way with me, I felt my suit fall to my ankles and my straining cock, released from its confinement, slap against my belly. Smooth hands gently held my member as a pair of warm lips closed over the tip of it. My belly felt tied in knots as the man found every sensitive area on my cock. His fingertips teased my balls as he slurped away on me.

Bullen had taken his man by the ears and was driving himself into the man's throat. He had to have at least 7" of thick cock, but his man was taking all he had to give.

My belly tightened even more. My knees buckled and with a moan I let fly my wad. The feeling was so intense, a thousand times more than any time I'd jacked off, that I had trouble staying on my feet. The guy took every drop, sucking until I had to forcibly push his head away. I was breating so hard and feeling slightly dizzy that I barely heard the grunt from Bullen that told me he was running his load as well.

The four of us lay there on the sand, savoring the afterglow. After a few minutes, our hosts returned to their kissing, so Bullen and I wordlessly slipped on our swimsuits and went back to our beer.

Back at our site, Bullen broke into a fit of giggles.

"Did you ever think.....?" He choked on the end of the sentence.

I figured that for the ultimate rhetorical question so made no attempt to answer. Just the thought of having watched two men fucking and then letting one of them give me a blowjob was mind numbing. The morality of it never entered my mind. I knew the Army would can me immediately were they to find out, but I figured the secret was safe with Bullen as I'd done nothing he hadn't.

"Gee Tom, you know how much trouble we could be in if anyone ever found out about this?"

"Who's going to say anything? I'm sure not. It never happened."

"Yeah," I said dryly, "must have been a hallucination from the heat and the beer."

"Shit, I never felt anything like that before in my life. I've had a few blowjobs from women, but nothing equal to that."

"Same here," I replied lamely, "those guys are good at what they do."

We fell silent and concentrated on our beer. The sun was going down and the temperature began to drop. We were both on our next to last can when the last arc of it disappeared behind the waves.

Our "friends" had long since departed, and we had the beach totally to ourselves now. Bullen took a solemn swig of his brew and lit a smoke. He inhaled and blew the smoke out his nostrils. He regarded me with a strange little smile.

"Woody? Why would a man do that? I mean go down on a perfect stranger?"

"I don't know, Tom, maybe he enjoyed it. I know I sure did."

"Well sure! So did I. But what did they get out of it? Surely not the taste. I've tasted my own and it's hardly sweet."

Tipsy as I was, I wasn't shocked at his frank admission. In fact I've tasted my own too, but never suffered anyone to tell them of it. And Tom was right. It's not something you crave like a cold beer.

"Never thought about it before. Only other times it happened to me I've had a face full of pussy. Come to think of it why do we do that to women? To give them pleasure I guess, sort of an exchange?"

"That's it Woody, exchange of pleasure, but we only took with those guys."

"I'm sure they took care of each other."

"Guess you're right. Geez! I'm getting horney all over again just thinking of it."

Sure enough, the pink head of Tom's cock was sticking out the leg of his swimsuit. That sight started to straighten me out and in a trice we were each sporting a boner. Tom began massaging his.

"Feels good," he said, "ever had another guy touch yours?"

"Not before today."

"I had a couple of sessions at boy scout camp. Me and two other guys would circle jerk."

"Couldn't call that self abuse then eh?" I grinned.

"Nope, more like what you said; exchange of pleasure. Listen Woody, we're all by ourselves here and I need to deal with this. Mind if I strip?"

"Go ahead. In fact, I'll join you."

We both stood and slipped our swimsuits off. Standing there in the gloaming, naked as the day we were born, I wondered if Tom wanted to go further. My answer was a firm grip that was followed by an insistent pressing of his cock into my hand. After 5 beers apiece, we were just tipsy enough and low on inhibition to let this thing play out wherever it was going.

We stood there face to face, holding each other's cock, smiling sheepishly. Tom moved slightly and touched the tip of my cock to his. I felt a jolt as if struck by lightning. A bead of precum formed on the tip of his and he rubbed it all over the head of mine. That got me oozing a bit as well.

We rubbed each other, slowly wanking. Tom looked away, dropping eye contact. When he looked back, despite the dim light, I could detect a gleam there. In that instant I knew just how far this was going, and that I was more than ready to play.

As if of one mind, we sank to our knees and lay head to toe on the sand. His fingers roamed over my thighs, his nails teased my balls and combed though my pubic hair and then I felt the warmth of his mouth on my cock. I had followed his every manuever in kind and now, pursing my lips, I guided his engorged cock to them.

What a strange feeling rushed over me! The turgid staff with its bulbous head entered my mouth easily as might have a popsicle. But this was no popsicle. This was a hot poker tasting slightly of sweat and semen. I was sucking another man's cock!

We experimented, took too much and gagged, but resolutely stuck to our guns, determined to prove to each other that this would indeed be an exchange of pleasure. Forgotten was the difference in our rank, the threat of reprisals if discovered or that what we were doing to each other violated the standards under which each of us had been raised. We were two people welling in a whirl of lust on a California beach and giving ourselves completely over to it.

I felt that tightening in my belly that told me I was ready to cum. I redoubled my efforts on Tom and was rewarded by a jerking thrust of his body and a warm jet of chalky tasting fluid spurting into my mouth. It filled my cheeks and dribbled out the corners of my mouth. Some of it went up my nose and dripped out my nostrils. I thought surely I would choke on it. I tried to spit it all out.

Then I felt my own rod pulsing as I ran my load into Tom. For his part, he gamely swallowed and took as much of it as he could. His mouth filled to capacity, he spewed the spunk onto my belly and gasped for air.

We rolled on our backs and gazed in silence at the moon. My mouth was filled with the taste of Tom's issue, and he was surely right. It was in no way sweet, but oddly enough, I savored it and regretted spitting so much of it away. I felt a strange urge to kiss him but felt too shy to suggest it. Tom moved beside me in the darkness and put his arms about me. Our lips met, parted and tongues began a joust that would leave us again breathless.

I felt strange having another man caressing me and kissing me, but somehow the warmth of his body close to mine seemed wonderful. I wished the moment wouldn't end. I wanted to do this again and again.

As all good things must, this came to an end. We put on our clothes and drove back to the base in an awkward silence. Of course there was no goodnight kiss. As soon as we entered the barracks, Tom assumed his leadership persona. No one would have suspected what had gone on with us.

Shortly after that, Tom graduated and left for a new duty station. I doubted our paths would ever cross again and resigned myself to celibacy for the duration of my hitch. We did, however, meet again much later in our lives.

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