Math Teacher

By Mike Loggerman

Published on Feb 28, 2014


Math Teacher By Mike Loggerman

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I worked at a local school as a Math teacher. I became friendly with the shop teacher. He was black and on the chubby side, tall,and average looking. He wasn't reallyfat, but husky. Whenever I saw him, Inoticed he had a nice bulge in his pants. He's a married guy about 35, and we were always pleasant to oneanother. One day in the parking lot, Inoticed that he had some camping decals on his car, so we started chattingabout camping. It was early November, and was getting quitecold. I asked if he was a summer camper,but he said he liked winter camping just as much. I told him I loved winter camping, but hadn'tgone in years. He told me his wife wastaking care of her mother over thanksgiving break, and if I wasn't doinganything, we could go to a campsite upstate. I readily agreed.

I met him at his place and we drove up separately. He had a pop up camper. We drove for a couple of hours, and talkedabout school, camping, and sports. Thecampgrounds were almost empty, with just a few other people quite a distanceaway. We set up our campsite, built afire, and cooked dinner. After it gotdark, we got undressed and got in our sleeping bags. Its standard procedure incold weather to sleep nude so you don't sweat in your sleeping bag and freezein the morning. It was cold, and I wasshivering. He asked if I was comfortableputting our sleeping bags together, so we could generate some extra heat. We got out of our sleeping bags and zippedthem together. I noticed that he wasfairly hairy, and hung, which got me semi hard. It was a good thing that it was kind of dark so he probably couldn'tsee.

We got in the sleeping bag, and after a few moments, it waswarmer. We were quiet. I felt him wrap his arm around me and pull menext to him from behind. His body waswarm, and it felt good. He asked if Iwas comfortable with this. I said that Iwas good with whatever kept me warm. Heheld me closer and rubbed my chest. Ipushed back into him, enjoying the feel of his warm body against my back. Itwasn't long before I felt his large hard cock resting in my ass crack. When I didn't move, I felt him rubbing itagainst my ass. I lay there enjoying ourcloseness. We got very warm andsweaty. I reached behind me and held histhick hard cock, guiding it to my hole. He held me tightly and slowly pushed in and out against my hole. I pushed back and felt his cock slide insideme. He pushed in deeply and I could feelhis pubes against my ass. We both moanedsoftly as he slid in and out of me. Hesoftly stroked my chest and kissed my neck. I turned my head around and we tongue kissed as he continued to thrusthis hard cock in and out of my ass. AllI could think of was how lucky his wife was to be able to enjoy his cockwhenever she wanted it. He picked upmomentum and thrust harder and faster, and soon I felt his warm thick loadshooting deep inside me. He continued to hug me and nuzzle me until his cock slid outof me. I felt him reach around andstroke my hard cock. I lay on my back,and felt him move between my legs. Hiswarm mouth engulfed my cock and I groaned. It didn't take long for me to shoot, and after he swallowed my load hekissed me passionately. He cuddled me aswe fell asleep.

I woke up at sunrise, feeling his hard cock poking me frombehind. I pushed back and impaled myselfon his hard cock. A few moments later, Ifelt him thrusting in and out of me. Wemoaned together as he thrust slowly and deeply inside me. He let out a loud groan and filled me withcum.

It was a cold morning, so we got dressed quickly and peed inthe woods. He started making coffee andbreakfast while I tended the fire. Heasked if I slept okay, and I told him the best in a long time.

After breakfast, we went to the camp showers and took longhot showers to clean off and warm up. Wespent the rest of the day by the campfire. Some other campers came by and we had some beers together. I kept waiting for him to say something aboutwhat we did the night and morning before, but he didn't say a word. It was as if it never happened. I followed his lead and said nothing. All I could think about was him fucking me.

We grilled some steaks for dinner and had a couple ofbeers. The temperature started todrop. We built up a big fire. Several neighbors joined us. As it got late, they left, and we turned infor the evening. I went in the camper and got undressed, quickly slippinginto the sleeping bag. About fiveminutes later, he came in and got undressed, and joined me. We held each other tightly for warmth. I was lying on my back and he got between my legs and startedsucking my cock. He pulled my legs upand licked my balls and ass. He got onhis knees between my legs and slid his cock inside me as he played with mytits. It excited me that he was nowfucking me for the third time, and it felt so good, and we never even discussedit. I wrapped my legs around him and hetongue kissed me. I groaned loudly andsaid it feels so good. He thrust slowand hard into me. He stopped severaltimes so he wouldn't cum to make it last longer. Finally, I told him to give it to me. He thrust hard and fast, and shot his loadinside me. I felt him shootingpowerfully inside me. Again he kept hiscock inside me until he popped out. Hetongue kissed me and snuggled up to me. We fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

I woke up about 5am. I was horny. He was sleeping, soI went under the covers and started sucking his cock. It was a lot bigger than mine, and I enjoyedthe scent. He woke up and had me lay onmy stomach while he lay on top of me and slid his cock inside me frombehind. We got very sweaty as he poundedme. I groaned softly as he thrust hiscock inside me as far as it would go. Hethrust hard and slow until he emptied his balls inside me. He lay beside me as I sucked him clean andthen licked his hairy pits. I felt hiscum oozing out of me.

He asked if I wanted to get up so we could have breakfast,but I said I'd rather stay in the camper with him for a while. We lay side by side, enjoying the feel ofeach other. He got up and said he neededto pee, so we got dressed quickly and peed against a tree. He asked if I was enjoying our camping trip,and I said it was the best I ever had. He said he liked it a lot too.

We spent the day gathering wood and chatting with othercampers. A few people made a roastturkey, so we joined them. While we wereeating, our hosts asked if we wanted to swap partners. I was surprised, not realizing we were at agay campground. He said maybe next time,but this was our first time together, and he wasn't sure he wanted to share hisgirlfriend. They laughed but understood,and we continued eating. I wasembarrassed, but also a bit excited. Embarrassed that everyone knew he was fucking me, but excited.

When we went back to our camper, he apologized for embarrassingme. He started kissing me as he slid offmy clothes. As he undressed, I felt andsucked his big, thick cock. I got on topof him and lowered myself on his hard cock. As I rode him, he said that no one ever wanted his cock in them as muchas I did. I asked if he was seriousabout me being his girlfriend. He smiledand said I was more like his mistress. Isaid I'd love being his mistress. He flipped me over and continued fucking memissionary style. I wrapped my legsaround him and groaned deeply as he continued fucking me. I was covered in his sweat as he poundedme. He whispered that he was going tocum and shot his load deep inside me. Hecollapsed on top of me. As his cock slidout of me he got between my legs and sucked me until I shot in his mouth. He asked how often I wanted his cock inme. I said as much as he wanted. I licked his sweaty pits and then rimmed hishairy ass.

He said if I was his mistress, that meant my ass was hisalone. I said that was not cool becausehe still fucked his wife. He said he wasokay with me having sex with other guys as long as I made myself available tohim when he wanted me. I was cool withthat. I asked him how he knew I'd lethim fuck me since we never talked about it. He said he saw how I looked at his crotch whenever we talked.

The next morning, he said he had to get back and had toleave, so I helped him pack up, and said I was going to take a shower and visitan aunt who lived nearby. He kissed meand left.

I went to the shower room, hoping I might get lucky. I walked in got undressed. As I was about to go into the shower room, I heardsomeone say Holy Crap! I looked over andsaw Jay, one of my students. He was talland thin, not muscular, but not flabby. He wasn't that good looking, but he had a huge cock. I had often admired the bulge in his tightjeans. He took the locker next to mineand started getting undressed. I askedhim what he was doing here. He said heheard about the place and wanted to check it out. I started to get hard at the thought ofseeing him naked. He said he wassurprised to see me here, but was glad. He held my hard cock and said that he'd ask if I was happy to see him,but sees that I am. He had a smoothbody, with bushy pits and a very hairy very big uncut cock. I stroked his cock which had to be nineinches, and said I never imagined his cock was so big. I asked if he was there with anyone, and hesaid he was just there by himself. Itold him I came with a friend, but he left and I was just taking a shower andhad to leave because my friend had the camper. Jay said he only had a tent, but if I wanted, he'd love me to stay withhim. I told him that I'd love to, but nomatter what we did, no one could know about it, and he still had to do hisschool work. He said he'd do his work,but he might need some afterschool help. Pre cum was dripping from his cock, so I wiped it with my finger andtasted it. It was really sweet. I got on my knees and pulling back hisforeskin, took his thick cockhead in my mouth. He moaned as I moved up and down his long thick shaft. He said if I didn't stop, he was going tocum. I played with his balls and pubesas I kept sucking him. He groaned loudlyas his cock exploded in my mouth. Hewatched as I swallowed his load. He saidthat was the best blow job he ever had.

I said we could shower later, and we should go to histent. We got dressed and I got my stuffand went to his tent. It was small, butbig enough for the two of us. As I putmy stuff away and laid out my sleeping bag, Jay couldn't stop talking about howI sucked his cock and swallowed his load. I told him I'd make myself available for his use as much as he'd likewith two conditions: The first, is thatin school he treats me with respect, not like someone who sucks his cock, andthe second, that no one in school ever finds out about this. He said no one in school knows he's into guysand didn't want anyone finding out, so there were no worries there. I lay back on my sleeping bag and he gotbetween my legs and sucked my cock. Istopped him and we lay side by side tongue kissing. I asked him to fuck me. He said he never fucked anyone before. He was oozing plenty of precum so I got on myback and had him position his cock against my hole. He slowly pushed it inside me. My ass closed tightly around his thick longcock. He pushed in and out until hisbush was resting against me. We bothmoaned as he started sliding his thick meat in and out of me. He tongue kissed me and said there's nothinghotter than fucking your teacher. I saidit was pretty hot being fucked by my student. We both groaned loudly, and felt him cumming hard inside me. I wrapped my legs around him and he stayedinside me until he got soft. When hepulled out of me, he sucked my cock until I shot in his mouth and he swallowedit.

The inside of the tent was warm from our workout, but we gotin the sleeping bags, zipped together, and cuddled. Jay said he couldn't believe I let him fuckme. I told him he can fuck me anytime hewants. For the rest of the afternoon, he fucked me in different positions, andtook special delight in filling me with his cum. He said he hoped I'd still let him fuck meafter this weekend. I told him, he coulddo it every day if he wanted. He beamedas I said it, and asked why he didn't do it with any of his friends. He said he didn't have a lot of friends, andno one at school knew he liked guys. Hesaid even if they were into it, he was more attracted to me anyway. He said he had been imagining me naked sincethe beginning of the school year. Ilaughed and told him I had been admiring his package all year too. He asked if it was what I expected, and Isaid it was even better. As we laythere, I licked his pits and sucked his nipples. As I did, I slid a finger up his hairy assand finger fucked it. Without saying aword, I slid my cock in his ass and slowly pounded him. He moaned and purred as I took his cherry forthe second time that day. He kept sayinghow good it felt, and I unloaded inside him.

We lay there covered in sweat, enjoying each other. I suggested we shower, so we got dressed andtook hot showers. When we were done, Ibuilt a fire and we had dinner. Jay waslike a kid in a man's body. We enjoyedeach other, but I didn't want to take advantage of him.

As we sat by the fire, he asked how this was going towork. I asked what he meant, and he said"hows it going to work with me fucking you?" As I looked at him by the light ofthe fire, I realized that he's notreally good looking at all. His onlyredeeming qualities are his gentle personality, and his big thick cock, whichwould be too big for a lot of guys to handle. The idea that I could have him all to myself appealed to me. The idea of getting fucked by one of mystudents excited me beyond words. Ilooked at him and told him we could fuck as much as he wanted, but no one inschool or from the school could find out. Since I lived by myself, he could come over my place and we could fuckthere. I asked if his parents would getsuspicious of him spending time at my place. He said it was just him and his mom, and she wasn't around much betweenwork and her social life. He said he'dstayed out for a couple of nights with friends and no one asked questions. He said he really likes fucking me and wantsto do it as much as we can. I asked whathe likes most about fucking me. He saidits pretty hot to have his cock deep inside his teacher, and he's attracted tome, and he likes the feeling of closeness he feels to me when he's insideme. I told him I really liked it too,and want him in me as often as possible. I kissed him passionately on the lips. He slid his hand up my shirt and felt my hairy chest and whispered thathe wanted to fuck.

We went in the tent, and got undressed quickly and slid intoour sleeping bags which we joined together. I held him tightly against me and we kissed passionately as I felt hishuge thick cock pressing against me. Iturned my back to him and guided his cock to my hole. He started thrusting his cock deep inside me. I groaned in pleasure as he pumped his cockin me slowly, enjoying being inside me as much as I enjoyed it. As he fucked me, he started kissing me on theneck. I was feeling that this was morethan just a teen getting his nut off. Ithink he had some genuine affection for me. He fucked me for a long while and shot inside me, and we fellasleep.

When I woke up, he was still sleeping. He had morning wood so I got on top of himand rode his cock. As Jay woke up, hestarted thrusting his cock inside me. Hegroaned deeply and shot a huge load up my ass. He scooped up what came out of my ass and fed it to me. I tongue kissed him, sharing his cum withhim, and asked if he wanted to finish the weekend camping, or if he wanted, hecould spend the rest of the weekend at my place. It was cold and uncomfortable, so he smiledand said we should get out of the woods. We packed up and left the campgrounds. He followed me to my apartment. He brought a backpack with him, and when wegot inside my apartment, it was obvious that we both smelled like sweat andcampfire. I suggested we shower.

We undressed and got into the shower together. We soaped each other all over, enjoying eachother's touch. When we got out, we driedeach other off and went to the bedroom. He lay on top of me between my spread legs. He kissed me hard and said how lucky he feltto be having sex with me. I told him Icouldn't imagine anyone I'd rather have sex with. He started sucking my nipples as he slid hismassive cock inside my ass. He kissed metenderly as he slowly moved in and out of me. I intertwined my legs around hisand kissed him as he unloaded his cum inside my ass. I sucked his cock clean. I asked if he liked having sex in myapartment more than at the campground. He said it was hotter to be fucking me in my bed. I asked him if he only liked fucking mebecause I was his teacher. He said thatit was definitely a turn on, but no girls were interested in him and guys toldhim he was butt ugly. He said he feltunwanted and unattractive. He said I wasthe first person to really want him, and he found me attractive. He said there was no one he'd rather fuck oreven be around. We were good for eachother, and desired one another. I askedJay how long he could stay, and he said his mom was rarely home, and he oftenstayed with friends so he could stay as long as I wanted. He said he planned on going to a local tradeschool in January and could move out when he wanted because he was turning18.

I asked if his father knew what he was doing. He told me he had no idea who his fatherwas. He said his mom got pregnant withhim when she was 15. She was the schoolslut and liked going over guy's houses where she got fucked by several guys in a row. He said growing up there was a steady streamof guys coming to their apartment and he learned about sex by watching men fuckhis mother. Sometimes she'd be gone 3-5days at a time.

While we were talking, Jay slid his middle finger up myass. He had a very strong libido, but sofar, I was able to be fucked as often as he wanted to fuck me. While he fingered my ass, he started suckingmy cock. I led him to the bedroom and lay on thebed. He lay on top of me and slid hiscock inside me as he watched himself fucking me in the mirrored closetdoors. It excited him to watch his cockmoving in and out of me. It didn't takehim long to cum. I hugged him and pulledhim close to me. We tongue kissed. I was probably the only person to ever showhim affection. While we snuggled, hethanked me for letting him fuck me. Itold him I was enjoying it as much as he was. He said he wanted to move out of his mom's place as soon as he got a job. I realized he didn't have much of a homelife, and apart from loving his cock in me, I was starting to have feelings forhim.

Jay stayed with me for two days. He fucked me over and over. Sometimes I shot my load without touchingmyself. Before he went home, I told himwhen he turned 18, he was welcome to move in with me. He asked if I wanted him because I liked hiscock. I told him I knew guys with bigcocks. I was inviting him because Iliked him and cared about him. He saidhe'd think about it and kissed me, and left.

Next: Chapter 2

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