
By Malcolm Cowan

Published on Jan 15, 2003


AFTER THE MATCHMAKER by Magic Malcolm. (

Usual disclaimers apply. Don't read if you find the idea of two men being in love revolting. Don't read if you're under 18 (21 in some places), I don't personally mind if you are under-age, but they get so stuffy about stuff like this...

Now, on with the story. Part Five (egads!) of AFTER THE MATCHMAKER.

Part Five - Matt's Birthday

Saturday 30th November 2002 - My Birthday

Crappy birthday to me, I'm as mean as could be, I'm a total bastard, you see, Lost in my misery...

Well, I'll never be a Poet Laureate, but it's the best I can do.

I woke up to find my pillows covered in tearstains. My tears presumably, since I do recall curling up into a defenseless ball and crying myself to sleep last night, the copy of my journal entry for Stephen's birthday clutched in my right hand. I seem to be a little better this morning, as I sit here typing this load of rubbish just because there's no-one else here to talk to. So I'm sitting here, keeping secrets again. Something I'd hoped I'd gotten over, but without Stephen here...guess I'm just too afraid.

Is that why Stephen always wanted to read my journal? Because I still kept my secrets from him? Those perfectly harmless little secrets that he probably would have laughed at me for keeping from him in the first place.

And now I may never get to tell him them at all.

No. I can't let myself think like that. I know I'll see him again. As a lover, perhaps not, but as a friend, undeniably. I never realized how much I valued his friendship until now.

Lovers come and go, but true friends stick together.

And I lost a lover and a friend in one go thanks to my irrational overreacting.

Urgh, if only he were here for me to tell him that! It's so frustrating having so many words to say, but being unable to say them at all. It hurts.

Maybe he'd come by today. But I doubt it, the way I told him to leave before. So cruel, full of anger and malice. Maybe he'll never come back.

Maybe I won't see him again.

Oh, dammit, someone's knocking at the door.

Saturday 30th November 2002 - An Hour Later

Oh...fabulous. Guess who it was...

"Kara?" I said, quite taken aback, "What in the world are you doing here?"

It's a good question. I wasn't expecting her at all, although it was obvious why she was here from the balloon she was holding, the one that ready "Happy Birthday" and was in the shape of a heart. She must really think I'm a lost cause by now.

"You think I was gonna let you spend your birthday on your own? Nuh-uh. I'm taking you out!" She stopped suddenly, then frowned and shook her head, "Ooh, but not like that, you need a shower and a shave first. Hop to it, don't make me shove you in the shower...and wear something nice! I'll be back later!"

"Okay, okay...fine" I muttered in response.

When Kara sets her mind to something, there's no escape for the rest of us. I'm going out with my sister, oh the joy. She'll be back soon, and I really don't feel like going. But I suppose it is better than being alone, I guess. And she is thinking of my best interest I suppose.

So why do I want to stay here and hope he comes back? Am I really that far gone now? No, I guess I do have to go. If I stay, I'll only worry about it more.

She's here. Impatient sounding knock...guess I'd better go and have some kind of a happy birthday.

Sunday 31st November 2002 - AM

Well...I'll certainly not forget this birthday for a long time. I can't believe what's happened today...Urgh, I just want to shout it all out from the rooftops, but I guess writing it down here will be sufficient.

I opened the door, and Kara was chatting on her cell phone, although she hung up the second I opened the door.

"That's much better." She says, looking much more happier than before.

"So I pass then?" I say, rolling my eyes as I do so.

"Oh yes," She smiles, "Like someone ready to have fun."

"Where are we going anyway?"

I had to ask...

"Well, to the mall. We're going to spend the ENTIRE day shopping." Kara exclaimed, overly cheerful.

"ALL day?" I gulp, "I don't think I, nor my bank balance, could stand it."

"Don't be silly," She giggled as we walked out to her car, since I can't drive yet, hello failed tests, "If you see something, I'll get it for you. It's your birthday, remember."

"As long as I don't have to try on dresses again..."

"That was a kilt, for Uncle David's wedding in Scotland, you insisted on wearing one."

"I also pulled that night."

"Lucky bastard...all I got was a drunken kiss from Uncle David...and a grope from Aunt Shirley."

"I'd say I got the better deal."

It certainly felt good to joke around with someone again, although we spent the rest of the trip to the mall in silence. I'm not too fond of cars, to be honest, been in a couple of serious crashes that really affected me...and my driving tests. Oops.

I heard Kara turning the radio on, although I failed to really pay attention to it. Perhaps I should have spotted a plot in action though, as the song suddenly became much louder than before. Still, I wasn't really paying attention, but I could certainly hear well enough.

o/~ Anyone can hurt someone they love and hearts will break, because I made a stupid mistake. It can happen to anyone of us, anyone can fail... o/~

"Mmm," Kara turned off the radio, "Perhaps not such a good song for you to be listening to right now..."

Had I been paying attention, I would've noticed that Kara had put on a CD, rather than the radio. But by this point I was too busy mulling over those lyrics. Not exactly Lennon and McCartney, but rang too close to the truth for my liking.

"Chin up," Kara added, "Once this whole situation calms down...things will go back to normal."

I felt like yelling 'HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?' at her, but managed not to. Maybe things could go back to normal, but I never really guessed it would go back to being the same. I could easily forgive Stephen now...

But I don't think I could forgive me if I was him.

And with that wonderfully somber mood in place, we reached the mall. It was nothing extraordinary, it seemed that Kara was just content on pottering around...slowly. Although I guess I couldn't complain, she got me this gorgeous wristwatch even though she really shouldn't have. Although when I told her that, she just laughed, gave me a quick sibling style hug and replied, "I think I'll be the one to judge that, not you."

It was certainly sweet, something Stephen would most definitely have said and done in the same situation. Although the sibling hug would probably have been replaced by uber-smooches.

I miss his smooches...uh, kisses.

"You know," I say as we enter another store, "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were stalling for time."

"Now why would I do that?" She replies, looking at a red miniskirt, which she eventually bought, "You're not having fun, are you?"

It was more of a statement than a question, but an untrue one. I was having a nice time, and was quick to correct her.

"It's not like you'll have anything waiting for you back home anyway," She said afterwards, "So why rush?"

I saw her point, why be home alone and miserable when you can be out enjoying yourself. Admittedly, Kara's attitude to life is unbelievably infectious. And worse luck, she knows it too.

"Ooh," She said, emerging from the store with her new red miniskirt, which I strongly suspect she's going to wear on her date with the cute waiter from yesterday, the tart, "Lunchtime!"

Lunch came and went, and we both ate way too much. But what can you expect from two hungry siblings at a Pizza buffet anyway? I sincerely doubt she's going to even fit into that miniskirt after today. The rest of the day seemed to go by just as quickly, and I doubt there wasn't a shop in that mall that was, patronized by us. Honestly, I never thought it would be possible to see an entire shopping mall until today.

And let me tell you it's bloody well exhausting...

Kara dropped me off at my apartment, and I was kinda sad to be back. Now what was I supposed to do for the rest of the day? I was actually tempted to ask Kara if I could stay at her place tonight, but thought better of it after about two seconds.

"Remember Matt, I'm only a phone call away, it's what big sisters are for," She smiled, "And have a nice time."

She sped off before I could ask her what she meant by 'have a nice time' and it was only then I started to suspect something. Frowning, I walked into the building. My apartment is luckily on the first floor, which is a really good thing considering my problem with heights and all.

The door was unlocked.

That puzzled me, as I distinctly remembered locking it before we left this morning. A million thoughts ran through my head as to what had happened. Of course, of those million thoughts, 999,999 were slightly ridiculous and only happen in movies or stories. I came to the natural conclusion, therefore, that I was being burgled.

So what a surprise I got when I opened the door.

The first thing I noticed was the distinct smell of chocolate, practically my favorite scent ever, wafting around.

The second thing I noticed was a figure sitting at my computer desk, reading something on the monitor.

To say I flipped out at this would be a slight understatement. I marched right over and spun the chair around to see who it was.

And it was Stephen. Of course. Nobody else has a key to this apartment after all. I obviously still looked angry, because Stephen suddenly looked worried.

I shouldn't have thought what I did, in hindsight, because it only made me angrier.

"You were reading my private files, weren't you?" I said, quite calmly, yet slightly hostile.

"What? Of course I wasn't," Stephen replied, halfway between shocked and amused, "Why ever would you think that?"

I was still angry, and let the first thing that came to my mind out.

"You were looking for more stuff to send to that website!"

Okay, maybe I do overreact more often than I'd care to admit. Because now that I'm typing this with lateral thought in place, I realized what an utter brat I was being.

I didn't even let him reply, as I chose instead to storm out of my own apartment, fishing for my cell phone to call Kara back and yell at her too. So that's what she meant by have a 'nice time'

Her definition of 'nice time' was undeniably terrible.

I didn't even get the chance to dial, as suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, spinning me around. Stephen had followed me.

"Look, I made a mistake before, I'm only human. Do you think I'd risk everything just to make that stupid mistake again?" He's close to tears, I thought then, making me feel worse, and I knew right then he was telling the truth, but being the stubborn brat that I am, I wasn't about to let it go.

"Just drop it, I don't want to talk about it."

I turned away to storm off, not really paying attention to where I was going. Ignoring Stephen's cry of "Matt!" almost turned out to be my last mistake.

It wasn't until I heard the car horn that I realized I had walked out onto the middle of the road in a blind rage. And I just stood there, unable seemingly to move out of the way, as if I'd accepted that the car was going to hit me. I just closed my eyes.

The impact from the car hitting me was...a lot less painful than I'd thought it would be. But as I fell I landed rather awkwardly on my left forearm, and I let out a harsh cry of pain as the momentum carried me all the way to the other side of the road.

My eyes were still closed, but at least I was conscious. I instinctively moved my right hand onto where I had landed on my left arm, and with a gentle squeeze I felt nothing. As if the arm had gone totally numb.

It was only when I opened my eyes that I realized it wasn't my arm I was holding. It was somebody else's, funnily enough. And it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who's it was.

"Christ, are you okay?" Stephen asked, his voice filled with mostly fear and some concern.

I wanted to reply "I'm perfectly all right, thank you" in an 'I'm still mad at you, but thanks for saving my life' kinda way, but the only thing that escaped my lips was a small whimper.

And as he helped me up, it was only then I realized that the impact was he crashing into me instead of the car. He risked his own life just to save me. I started shivering, which Stephen picked up on quickly, wrapping a protective arm across my shoulder. He looked at my left arm, which had been cut open. I shivered again, and possibly (oh, alright, definitely) let out a cry as I saw it.

Stephen remained totally calm though, "We'd better get that sorted."

So the next thing I know Stephen has taken me back inside my apartment, sat me down on the sofa, cleansed the wound (ow, disinfecting a wound is worse than waxing...) and had wrapped a bandage around it and, to my extreme reluctance, put my arm in a sling just in case. I don't think it had totally sunk in yet; I just kinda sat there feeling like I was going to throw up. Somehow I managed to ask for a glass of water, which Stephen got for me, and managed to drink it. I hadn't even noticed how ragged my breathing had gotten before I drank the water, but it started to become much more regular afterwards.

And then I looked up and saw Stephen staring down at me. I suddenly felt like a little kid that was facing his headmaster.

"You scared me half to death with that little stunt, what the hell were you thinking?" I let him yell, he obviously needed to vent a lot of frustration, which I had caused. That didn't help me any, obviously.

His tone saddens quickly though, "Is that how you were trying to get back at me? By making me watch you get killed?"

I was shocked to hear him say that, and knew I had to respond this time. "Oh, Stephen, how could you ever think that?"

Stephen crossed his arms, "Well, how could you ever think I'd dare go through your personal files without you being there?"

Ah. He had me there.

"Then...what were you doing?"

"Checking my e-mails."


If that wasn't enough to make me feel like a total jerk, I suddenly got a very good view of the apartment. It was all done up, clean as a whistle, and it just looked so romantic. There were flower petals scattered delicately around. The lights had been dimmed slightly, although unnecessarily, it was still pretty light outside. I saw a small brown candle burning on the table, which I assumed was where the scent of chocolate was emanating from, Stephen knows how much I adore the smell of chocolate. He'd been here all day fixing this up...

And I thanked him by yelling at him.

Yep, I'm officially an asshole.

Well, that pushed me way over the edge, I just let my head fall into my lap and let the tears gush out. I felt him sit down beside me, and put his arm around me again, I heard him trying to calm me down, but it didn't really register. He decided just to let me let it all out, and he never left my side until I did.

And so with tear-stained eyes, and blotchy cheeks, I sat back up, and just let my head fall down and rest against his shoulder. He put his hand on my head in a very moving and comforting gesture, and I wrapped my free arm around his waist. No words needed to be said then, I just rested there on his shoulder, and he let me. I felt my eyelids falling, and before I knew it I had fallen asleep right there.

And when I woke up, he was still there. He hadn't moved at all. I stirred a little, just to let him know I was awake.

"Feeling better?" He asked.

"Much better." I replied, still not moving.

"And the arm?"

"Numb, but I think it's okay."

"That's a relief," Stephen sighed happily, hugging me closer to him. I suddenly had a feeling of total security, and was very reluctant to let him go then. Luckily, he seemed to sense this, and held me as long as I needed to be held.

"You went to so much trouble for me," I said, "And I just don't know why you put up with what I did. Why would you do this for someone who treated you so...wrongly."

"We both made horrible mistakes Matthew," He replies, "And nothing can change that. I felt really hurt when you asked me to leave, but I knew you probably felt worse than I I tried to make it up to you, and instead you almost get killed."

"Yes, do bring that up as often as possible..."

"I can forgive you, no questions asked, but I don't see how you could forgive me."

Ironically I had thought the same thing, only vice-versa obviously.

"I know I can forgive you, seems like you almost did me a favor in a strange way. Discovered a hidden talent, so to speak. But, honestly I don't see why I deserve your forgiveness at all."

"Because it's you. It's you Matt that makes it worth forgiving. I don't want to be apart from you, it hurts too much. And I know you've been hurting too, you can't deny that."

I want to respond, but Stephen continued before I could.

"I'd do anything for you. You know that."

It's only then I realize we're having this argument while still hugging. It makes it seem so silly.

"Stephen..." I can't seem to say anything else. Mentally I'm kicking myself, trying to say something meaningful in reply. "I think you proved that earlier, the whole saving my life thing. I think I was resigned to letting that car hit me, because it would have been better than a life without you. I don't know how I can ever make everything up to you, but at least I know you're going to let me try."

If anything, that little speech made Stephen hug me a little tighter. It was no longer a comforting hug, but a hug shared between lovers.

And then I found myself stroking his cheek with my hand, before saying "You have no idea how much I love you."

Then I kissed him. Before he could reply or even gasp in surprise, I just kissed him. And you know what? It felt amazing. Even more so as he started kissing me back.

"So," I say eventually, "What exactly did you have planned for us before the whole almost getting myself killed thing."

It's only then he looks shocked, as he rushes through to the small kitchen. I follow, only to find a pot of cooking spaghetti overflowing everywhere. I couldn't contain myself, I burst out laughing. Stephen looked back at me, he looked slightly hurt.

"Oh damn, it's ruined now. Oh's nice to hear you laughing again anyway..."

I somehow managed to stop laughing somehow, "See, this is why I usually cook," I said as I helped Stephen clean up the spilled water, which is really hard when you only have one working arm. A thought suddenly sprung to mind.

"Spaghetti? What, were you hoping for a Lady and the Tramp moment?"

Not that I'd totally mind that now, but before I might've been a tad skeptical.

"You know, the thought never crossed my mind until you said that," He sighs, but suddenly has a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, "Guess we'll just have to skip to dessert then."

I looked slightly confused until he took something out of the fridge. And I gasped in shock, wondering how the hell he knew. I mean, not even Kara knows about it.

It was a Pineapple cake.

"How did you know?" I'm all confused. Pineapples happen to be one of my weaknesses. I just can't resist them.

He doesn't reply, instead picking up a pineapple chunk that went astray and lifting it to my lips. The juice coats my lips slightly as I open my mouth to eat the piece of pineapple. I barely got done swallowing it before Stephen caught me off guard with a kiss. And since Stephen's kisses happen to be another of my weaknesses, the combination made me shudder with delight.

Stephen's smile is infectious, "I didn't think it was possible, but you taste even more sweet than I remember."

"What do you expect? I had pineapple juice on my lips."

"I'd prefer to think it was because I missed you so much."

"That works too."

I smiled, and so did he. Everything just felt so right again.

"Well, let us eat cake then." Stephen said, handing me a fork and a huge slice of the cake. And we did just that, curled up on the sofa, me leaning on him due to my slinged arm and all, eating what must be described as the best pineapple cake ever. But I could be biased considering who got it for me and all. He kept on trying to playfully feed me some of his own cake, which garnered responses along the lines of "I'm one armed, I'm not helpless" and "I think I've got enough cake here to worry about eating yours too." But eventually I just gave in; there wasn't much point to not letting him really. Besides, he seemed happier from it, so all the better.

"So was there anything else planned, because it'll take some effort to top that." I said, after the cake was finished.

He held me a little tighter then, being extra careful of my arm, "Well, I was going to take you out somewhere."

"Ooh, fancy," I replied, "Where?"

When I didn't get an immediate answer, I tilted my head up to look at him. He looked slightly embarrassed. Eventually he said, "...dancing."

I think he was expecting me to laugh at that or something. Um, SO not. A chance to go dancing, SLOW dancing hopefully, with Stephen? Ooh, yes please.

"Shame it's too late now to go," His voice was sad, I think he really wanted to be dancing with me tonight.

Who am I to deny him that much?

"Wait a second." I said, getting up and walking over to my CD collection. I had the perfect song in mind, just had to find it...I did, and quickly put it in the CD player.

"I have no idea how I'm gonna manage a slow dance with only one arm, but I'm gonna try."

I smiled, and extended my working arm in invitation. He was quick to respond, as he wrapped both his arms around my waist and stole a quick kiss before the song started. I wrapped my right arm around his neck gently to balance myself as we danced. With a slight feeling of déjà vu, I noticed Stephen pay attention to the lyrics of the song, proving that when it comes to moments like this, I'm pretty capable of getting it right.

o/~ I pray you are the one I share my life with, I hope I love you all my life...

I don't wanna run away, but I can't take it, I can't understand. If I'm not made for you, then why does my heart tell me that I am? Is there any way that I can stay in your arms...?

You know my heart is by your side... o/~

We kept on dancing, even after the song had finished. He was reluctant to let me go, and I was reluctant to be let go. Perfect moments are not ones easily obtained, but I think I may have experienced a few tonight.

"Thank you," I said, eventually breaking the silence, "For a birthday that I doubt I'll forget. Ever."

"There's one more thing I've still to give you," He replied, admittedly shocking me a little, "Hold on, I'll get it for you."

"There's MORE?" I couldn't believe it at all. Either he was really unsure about how tonight would go, or just really determined that we'd be back together tonight.

I'm leaning towards the latter, personally.

He returned with a small box held closed by a single ribbon. He hands it to me, and I see he's trying to desperately keep a grin off his face. So, putting him totally out of his misery, I opened it.

And I nearly dropped it in surprise, which would've accompanied my gasp pretty well if this was a movie.

"It's not much," He said as I stared into the box, "But it's my symbol of my love for you."

I shake my head wordlessly as I take out his gift, a beautiful solid gold ring. It felt rather heavy, and I knew it must've cost an absolute fortune.

"It's beautiful," I said, "How on earth could you have afforded this?"

"That's not for you to worry about. Try it on."

And try it on I did. And you know what? Perfect fit.

"It suits you, brings out the natural sparkle of your eyes," He said, looking more than relieved that I liked the gift.

Liked? Hell no, I loved it.

"Somehow it reminds me of you," I say, "It's bold, it's beautiful and it fits me so well. Thank you so much." I want to hug him, but with one arm it's rather hard, so I let him hug me instead, before kissing him once again. With that kiss I knew we were truly back together, due to the fact that it became rather French soon after. Stephen and I may have slow danced earlier, but our tongues were tangoing together.

Aren't alliterations fun? ^_^

I heard him suppress a yawn, which only made me yawn in response. I don't know where the time had gone, but it was nearly midnight.

"I'm gonna have a shower," Stephen said, after one more kiss, "You need some rest now. We'd better get that arm checked out properly tomorrow."

I did as he suggested, and went straight to bed, not even changing out of my clothes. Which would've been nigh on impossible with one arm in a sling. I don't know how long I lay there, but eventually I heard Stephen walking into the room. But he stopped beside the bed, as if he was hesitant to get in. I doubted he was worried about waking me up somehow.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"'re not ready...I can sleep on the sofa if you'd prefer."

How indescribably sweet. Although I wish he'd stop worrying about such things now, he had his tongue down my throat earlier, and now he's worried about sleeping in the same bed?

I rolled over and took his left hand in my right and gently tugged him under the covers with me. I wrapped my arm around his waist as he lay down.

"Welcome home," Was all I said, before he silenced me with another kiss.

I cuddled into his back, feeling the safest and happiest I had done for days, and drifted into sleep.

The best night's sleep I had in ages.

I woke up this morning happily, as Stephen was still beside me, but unfortunately I had developed a rather healthy morning erection...which was poking Stephen's ass in a very...provocative sort of way. I went to move back, but found I couldn't, due to Stephen holding on to me.

"Don't move...please. Let me take care of it for you."

Now I knew I was ready to sleep in the same bed as him, I knew I was willing and able to kiss him. Was I ready to go that far with him again?

Duh, yes.

But it was still morning and all, both of us still tired and not really able to do anything really physical, I decided what could be done. I reached down with my right arm to his crotch, and sure enough he was equally hard as I was. I slipped my hand under his boxers and started to play with his penis. A quick feel of the tip of his penis showed me how horny he must've been, as I could feel the pre-cum already building. I tickled his balls for a while, teasing him a little, not realizing that he was undoing my trousers to get at my own penis, which I had practically forgotten about as I was too busy with Stephen's penis to worry about my own. It wasn't until I felt his hand grasp my own need that I remembered, nice reminder eh? He turned around, and we were both face to face now. I saw the need on his face, and immediately stopped teasing him. We both began to stroke each other simultaneously. It was almost a race to see who could make the other cum first. I had a sneaking suspicion that it might have been me, as it became rather evident we both had some tensions to release. But I was wrong, because after several minutes of mutual masturbation, Stephen let out a large moan as he came, hard and fast as usual. My own penis was covered in his cum, which I think was the catalyst for my own release. I came loud and hard, although the loud part was drowned out as Stephen used his free hand to pull me in for a long, lingering kiss. We kept gently stroking the other's penis as we kissed, not willing to break free from the moment.

"Oh god Matt, that was so..."

"Yeah, I know. Don't speak, you're ruining the moment."

"Can I at least say 'I love you, Matthew?'"

"Only if I can say 'I love you too, Stephen.'"

And with that we both grinned. It was unbearable being apart from him, but I think somehow, we both made up for it yesterday and this morning. I can't wait until my arm (not broken, thankfully, but to be kept in the sling for a while...) heals up, so I can hold him properly. And when I get better...well, then me and Stephen will do a lot more than jerking each other off.

And I doubt either of us can wait!

o/~ Let me be the light inside your heart, I'll be your angel. When you need me, you can call me, I'll be there, I'll be your angel. When you're lonely, you can feel me, I'll be there. I'll be your angel. o/~

Excerpt from "I'll Be Your Angel" by Kira

Okay, I gracefully accept your criticisms and whatnot. Did I do something wrong? Tell me! It can only make me a better writer.

Well, I have one more chapter planned, and that'll be it I think. I don't think I can take this story much further without it becoming stale. So one more chapter, then onto pastures new for this writer.

The lyrics used in the story are from Gareth Gates' "Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake)" and Daniel Bedingfield's "If You're Not The One."

Next: Chapter 10: After the Matchmaker 6

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