
By Malcolm Cowan

Published on Nov 14, 2002


THE MATCHMAKER by Magic Malcolm. (

First of all, if you find the very idea of two males having sex disturbing, STOP READING now!

Still here? Good, then you came here to read this Erotic Story featuring gay men. These characters are completely fictional and this never ever happened. Unless there is a wacky coincidence.

If the law where you happen to live doesn't allow you to read this story, you really should stop reading. But I don't actually care. Bleah. No, if you are underage I do ask you to stop reading this now. If you don't, well there isn't nothing I can do about it, but feel a little guilty that you're breaking the law.

This is not my first attempt at writing a Gay Erotic Fiction, but is the first to not contain celebrities. If you like this, be sure to check out my other stories here at Nifty under the WWF section in the Celebrity Category. You can flame me for cheap plugging later...

Vince and Shane

Val Venis and Test

Kevin and Michael

King Goes Hardcore

Jerry's Kid

(And yes, this is just a cut and paste job from Part Three, which was basically a cut and paste job from Part Two...which was just a cut and paste job from Part One...yes, I have taken this too far...)

Now, on with this story. Part Four of THE MATCHMAKER.

Part Four - Conclusions

It never occurred to me to be embarrassed by the attention the restaurant punters were giving us when we eventually went back in to finish our meal. And as it turned out, even though everyone in that restaurant saw Stephen and me together at last, I couldn't have been happier.

Well, I could have been...that came later on.

Martin and Stewart wouldn't, perhaps couldn't, keep their hands off each other. It was kinda cute I suppose, I didn't quite feel that confident to do the same with Stephen. Besides, that would only make me look like a copycat or something equally silly. No, I could wait until later before frisking Stephen. You probably can't, wishing I'd just get to the sex scene. I never guessed it would be so hard to write a serious story...serious, hah...meant to be read by horny men.

"Stephen, I have to ask this..."

"What is it love?"

I smiled and probably blushed uncontrollably. Knowing he loved me was one thing, but hearing him say it...made me feel silly inside.

"Why did you pick this restaurant three days ago?"

That was the one thing that had bugged me a bit, it would be good to have that loose string tied up.

"Look around at everyone."

Strange answer, but I looked anyway. I hadn't noticed it before, but the entire restaurant seemed to be regularized by same-sex couples. How did I miss that one? In short, and Stephen put it best when he said it,

"It's the only place I feel totally comfortable with myself."

I smiled again. "Gee, and I just thought the waiters were over-friendly."

I was at least hoping for a smile, I'm generally not the wittiest person speech wise. But he laughed, and it's about time for a corny expression, it was like music to my ears. I continued on as Stewart and Martin looked at Stephen as if he was a nut. He was, but more importantly, he was my nut.

"As for this being the only place you feel comfortable...we'll need to work on that one."


The bill was rather large, but considering what I had gained tonight it seemed like a paltry sum. Luckily for my bank balance, Stewart, Martin and, despite my protesting, Stephen all chipped in.

Stewart and Martin went off soon after, gee, I wonder what they were up to...probably the same thing Stephen and I had in mind too. We went back to my apartment for two reasons. 1) Stephen's parents would be in, and 2) it was closer. It occurred to me that Stephen hadn't actually been in my new place yet, and I never thought that this would be the reason why.

I quietly closed the door behind me, and locked it. No turning back now, cause if we did you lot would probably lynch me. Stephen seemed to like the place,

"It's just so...'Matthew'"

I laughed at quite possibly the greatest compliment I was gonna get.

"Come here you."

I silently wondered if anything had been slipped into my salad earlier to make me feel so brave. But realistically, Stephen just seemed to bring out the best in me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kissed yet again, and it was just as great as the first, the second...and any we'd have in the future. I'd imagined Stephen to be quite a tender kisser, and well...he was in a way, but I think there was some urgency in those kisses too.

Does nobody appreciate foreplay anymore?

And thus, still wrapped together playing tonsil hockey, I led Stephen into my bedroom. Spacious, with one of those big-ass beds that could comfortably sleep an entire family. In short, it was large enough and strong enough to comfortably allow two lovers to make passionate love on it. No, this wouldn't just be sex; we'd really be making love. Sex is animalistic, only for the release. Making love was for pleasure, for both parties. At least that's how I see it.

We literally fell onto the bed; I kinda forgot to stop moving due to all the kissing,

"Bouncy, is it like that for any particular reason?"

"What? I like comfy beds almost as much as a good kisser, and speaking of which, why'd you stop?"

Stephen shook his head as I leaned in for another kiss. Although it ended prematurely as I had to gasp at where his hands were headed.

"Impatient sod, aren't you?"

He didn't reply, instead choosing to sit me up and take off my jumper. I had neglected to wear a vest or t-shirt underneath on purpose. I returned the favor, and let my hands roam his yummy body. He had started kissing my neck, moving lower. It was if he was determined to cover my entire body with kisses. Not complaining though. He spent a little extra time licking my nipples, practically the most sensitive part of the body, and before long I was giggling. I never noticed that Stephen had kicked of his shoes until I heard a faint clunk as they hit the floor. Mine soon followed, and soon our feet were all tangled together too. By this time I was getting a little impatient too, so I slipped my free hand down the back of his pants, smiling at his reaction I roamed deeper. Using my other hand I delicately pulled at the belt of said pants, refusing to remove my other hand from his ass. Soon enough his pants had joined the rest of our clothing on the floor.

I couldn't help laughing at the boxers he was wearing,


"Shut up..."

And he made sure I shut up by kissing me again and again and oh god yes, again. His boxers soon found their way to the floor, meaning that Stephen was completely naked.

Oh, my, god...


Stephen wasn't happy though,

"How come you still got your clothes on?"

"Too busy doing this..."

I was a little nervous, but my hand soon found it's way to Stephen's rock-hard cock. I rubbed it gently with my knuckles, and a sigh of utter satisfaction sprung from Stephen's throat.

"Let me guess, you can't believe how long you wanted this from me?"

Stephen nodded, "How'd you guess?"

"I was thinking the same thing. And now, I'm gonna just forget about thinking with my head, and start playing with yours."

Not giving Stephen a chance to react, I quickly moved my mouth over the tip of his cock, and started licking it all over. Treating it pretty much like an ice cream cone, I started at the bottom, and licked all the way up the shaft to the head, taking some time to swirl my tongue around the piss-slit. I could tell Stephen was getting desperate by now, so I opened my mouth and took as much of the luscious cock as I could get in. I let Stephen guide me with his hand to his favored rhythm, not slow, not fast, but not in the middle either. Actually, it was just how I liked to be sucked off. I quickly picked up the rhythm on my own, but his hand never left it's position in my hair, it made me a lot more comfortable knowing he was so close to me...which was a silly thought considering I was giving him a blowjob and all.

It seemed like I was sucking for quite a while, but in reality it was only five or so minutes when he climaxed. I was determined to catch it all, so I made sure my mouth never went too far up. He came in a blaze of glory, and I figured out that his ejaculation from the porno was not a one shot, or rather a lot of very powerful shots. Wave upon wave upon glorious wave of cum filled my mouth, and I somehow managed to avoid choking on it. An amazing feat really, but it wasn't until I looked up at Stephen that I felt the whole warm glowy feeling that giving so much for your lover can do. He had a blissful look on his face, a faint smile.

"I waited so long for you to do that...Matthew."

I shuddered with love as he said my name, not as it usually is said, but with a purr behind it. I stroked his left cheek...the one on his face this time...tenderly.

"I hope it was worth it then."

"Believe me when I say 'uh-huh'"

"Well, hopefully that's something we can do for ever and ever and ever."

That was a very nice thought, and quite frankly I would have been happy to just leave it at that, but Stephen had managed to tug off my own pants and underwear while I was speaking. He must've loosened the belt while I was sucking him. Crafty bugger...

"And now I get to play with you."

"Stephen...stop stealing my lines already."

He laughed, before leaning back down to kiss me again. One hand stroking my cheek, the other fondling my balls. It was then I realized how big a part the balls could play in this, or maybe it was just how he did it,

"I need you inside me."

"Oh..." I blinked in surprise, "Well...I have no qualms about that."

Luckily the condom I supplied Stewart and Martin with wasn't the only one in my supply. Stephen must've spotted it lying on the table as we kissed our way into the room, as he made a beeline for it and soon had it on me. I figured he'd want some lubricant or something, so I sat up to get it, but he shoved me back down and straddled me.

"What, you're just gonna..."

I never finished, mainly because he was kissing me again. Great, he already knows my weaknesses. Damn him. I'd find his out soon, but he was now guiding my own cock into his ass. I shuddered as he sat down on it; he went slowly thankfully, letting it stretch him out a bit first. I didn't want to hurt him. I don't think he would've cared if I had, as long as he brought the same amount of pleasure to me as I had done to him. I guessed he had done it this way so he could see my face when I came. How sweet.

"If it hurts, please stop."

"I'll never stop...never."

He soon felt comfortable enough to start moving again, and he made a few mistakes in his excitement, my cock often popped out of his ass as he rose up too far. It was funny, and so indescribably cute. As sweet as this position was, it wasn't very practical. But he kept at it anyway; soon getting into a rhythm that made me go oooooooh...we went slowly, which was fine by me. I knew that going slower would make the pleasure last much longer, for both of us. He read my face like a book though, and he soon knew that I was about to climax. And at the exact moment I climaxed, he leant down and stole my breath away with a powerful kiss. Doubling my pleasure so easily, what a plan. I have to remember it. He lay on top of me; we were both exhausted, but not exhausted enough to keep kissing. Our first time together...and it was amazing. For both of us. We could hardly stop smiling. He rested his head on my shoulder.

I whispered into his ear. "Love you."

Such simple words, but they always are the hardest to say. But after what just happened, you didn't think I could tell him anything else.

"Love you too," He whispered back.

We fell asleep in each other's arms, and for the first time in my life, I slept with total comfort. All because I was with the one I truly loved. He kissed me one more time, and sleep finally brushed over us.

So what happened next?

Well, Stewart and Martin keep flaunting the fact they are together, I was kinda jealous at the way they were so comfortable like that. They were forever holding hands in public, kissing and hugging in front of crowds and stuff. They both got jobs at that restaurant, and there isn't a person in there who has anything negative to say about their service. They make a great team as workers and as lovers. I've never seen either of them so happy.

And no, I never did do that again with Martin.

Stephen finally moved out of his house into this wonderful apartment, which he shares with the greatest roommate ever.

Yes, he moved in with me. And I couldn't be happier if I tried. Everybody seemed to notice my change of spirits. It was affecting my life in the most positive way. I soon got promoted at work too, which Stephen and I celebrated with dinner...yes, at the very same restaurant it all began in. Amazing how everything seems to flow back into that innocent peek through a hole in the toilets, which he insisted I show him...and put to good use...

He's gazing over my shoulder as I type this now, trying to put me off by kissing my neck.

"I still can't believe you did that with Martin." He says.

"Like you wouldn't have." I reply.

"True, he does have a great ass."


"But then I have you, which is even better."

I smiled. Being in love isn't just for teenagers; no it's for everybody. And it took a small glimpse through a hole to eventually make me realize that. He's kissing me again, and is now tugging on my sleeve, kinda in the direction of our, oh yes, it is ours after all, bedroom. Well, I hate to leave you languishing and all...

But it is for the love of my life. I'm sure you understand...

Gotta go!

Okay, I gracefully accept your criticisms and whatnot. Did I do something wrong? Tell me! It can only make me a better writer.

That was Final Part of THE MATCHMAKER (awwww). But that doesn't mean it's all over yet, oh no. There's still three other points of view to tell, and I'm gonna continue with Martin's next. You're not getting off that easy, well...maybe you already got off reading this story, but that is SO not what I meant...

But it is a nice thought!

Next: Chapter 5: After the Matchmaker 1

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