
By Malcolm Cowan

Published on Nov 13, 2002


THE MATCHMAKER by Magic Malcolm. (

First of all, if you find the very idea of two males having sex disturbing, STOP READING now!

Still here? Good, then you came here to read this Erotic Story featuring gay men. These characters are completely fictional and this never ever happened. Unless there is a wacky coincidence.

If the law where you happen to live doesn't allow you to read this story, you really should stop reading. But I don't actually care. Bleah. No, if you are underage I do ask you to stop reading this now. If you don't, well there isn't nothing I can do about it, but feel a little guilty that you're breaking the law.

This is not my first attempt at writing a Gay Erotic Fiction, but is the first to not contain celebrities. If you like this, be sure to check out my other stories here at Nifty under the WWF section in the Celebrity Category. You can flame me for cheap plugging later...

Vince and Shane

Val Venis and Test

Kevin and Michael

King Goes Hardcore

Jerry's Kid

(And yes, this is just a cut and paste job from Part Two...which was just a cut and paste job from Part One...Sweatdrop)

Now, on with this story. Part Three of THE MATCHMAKER.

Part Three - Solutions

I didn't get much sleep last night, I kept on having fantastic dreams about Stephen. I hated the fact that I woke up before anything really good happened, fate playing a cruel game with me as it's pawn. So I gave up on sleeping altogether and instead fine-tuned my plan to get Stewart and Martin together. My original assumption that the day before was the only day Stewart's parents would be in turned out to be totally wrong, they were going to both be out again today. Good, no sneaking around or keeping voices low when plotting.

I turned up at Stewart's reasonably early at his request. I guessed he wanted to learn of my plan before Stephen got back from work. Which was also good, I didn't think I'd be able to handle seeing Stephen so soon after what happened yesterday. I assume you know what I'm talking about, and if not...well, why are you reading the chapters out of order then?!? Probably thinking that the later chapters are more filled with very cool homo-eroticism. I'm getting to that part, but as well as being Erotic, I am trying to tell a story too y'know...

What was I saying? Oh right, Stewart. Plan. Very important.

Stewart looked pretty grim when he answered the door. Okay, so I'm not the person who shows concern at times like this, but I was kinda worried. I tried to talk to him as we headed towards the living room.

"What's up with you? Yesterday you seemed so excited about everything and...oh."

Sitting on the couch of said living room was, ack, ack, ack, Stephen. I bit my lower lip as Stewart sat down on the opposite side of the couch. I sighed as Stewart explained.

"He knows. I figured you told him when I heard him screaming after you left..."

I emitted a small noise of worry. Stewart missed it, but there was no way Stephen did. I hardly heard Stewart as he continued. Stewart's a much braver kid than I am, and that was a horrible feeling.

" I guessed that I'd better come clean."

I closed my eyes and let out a small chuckle.

"I never told him, you...Dumbass."

God, was Stephen's presence so strong that words failed me? I mean, calling someone a dumbass just seems so...low. For me anyway, guess Stephen just has that effect on me.

And dammit, I couldn't help liking it.

"You didn't?" He said, closing his eyes slowly, "Ah...well, he won't tell anyone, I know some of his darkest secrets too."

Yeah, and I know one hell of a secret he has. I bit my lower lip again, worried as hell. But I regained my composure pretty quickly, making on the spot snap judgments being a must for hospital staff.

"Okay," I said slowly, "Well, since you know Stephen, you can help out too. The plan is pretty simple, actually."

I told them the plan in a dreamlike state, not quite over the looks Stephen was shooting me. Good thing this wasn't a public presentation, nerves shot through my body under his slightest look.

He's the only person who ever did that to me. I think he did it deliberately, intending to annoy me. Oh, if only he knew what a turn on it was for me.

Oh right, the plan. I suppose you wanna know what it is too...

"We have to go back to that restaurant we were at a couple of days ago. We can come up with an excuse later. The reason we're going back there is because that's where I figured out Martin's feelings for Stewart."

Stewart stopped me, "But the only time that could've happened was when you two were in the bathroom."

I don't think I credit Stewart's mental attributes enough. He's very perceptive. Little bastard.

"That's right. Now it's a bit embarrassing how it happened though. Oh, how should I put this...he was, um, pleasuring himself while moaning Stewart's name. He came literally screaming your name."

I stopped to see Stewart's reaction. He blushed at first, but then that idiotic grin of his returned. Stephen whapped him with one of the pillows, allowing me to continue on.

"I didn't intend to take it any further, but as I got up to leave I tripped. He heard me. As you can imagine, I didn't want him knowing it was me, so I disguised my voice and had a little conversation..."

I hated lying like that in front of Stephen, but I wasn't quite ready to out myself to anybody yet. They had no idea how much I rehearsed this part, making sure it sounded at least partially believable.

"...He literally raved about how much he fancied you Stewart. And since I knew he would never act on it, I decided to do it for him."

"That's all well and good," Stewart interrupted, "But what is the plan?"

He asked, so I told him...but not you, that'll come out in due time. Needless to say, Stewart loved the plan, and Stephen seemed willing to go along with it. Good, the plan was to implement it.

Oh joy.

"You go call Martin now, Stewart, operation Matchmaker starts now."

Stewart nodded, trying to keep calm as he walked over to the phone. I turned slowly back to face Stephen, who seemed to have something to say.

"I...that is, we...really have to talk about yesterday."

Arrgh...not now...that's why he was here. Of course, it was so obvious...

"Look, we don't have time right now. Let's sort them out first, then we can talk about it."

I felt so stupid and scared and foolish and stupid again as I left their house. I heard Stephen sigh, and I felt so guilty. It was the worst thing I had ever done...and for what? To keep my stupid, seemingly unimportant at this stage, secrets. Was it really worth it to hurt others, to hurt the person I cared so much for, was it worth it to hurt him so much?


It really wasn't. I think that's when something inside me finally clicked. I sure was going to talk about this. But not now. Tonight. First things first, getting Stewart and Martin together. My own feelings could wait that long.

I just hoped Stephen's would...

Martin, unsurprisingly, was more than eager to go back to the restaurant. Although I could not imagine why...

The thing was, even though we got him there, there was still no reason WHY. But he was going to be there, probably just for Stewart. Which is, of course, the main reason for going back. Since it was my plan, I got roped into being the sap that had to pay for everything. Needless to say I only ordered a salad...Stephen spitefully ordered the most expensive thing on the menu. Which only made me feel worse for what happened earlier. I deserved it.

There was only one flaw in my plan. If Martin had no reason to go to the toilet, then it was pretty much doomed. But if that happened, I would improvise. I had no idea how I would improvise, so I hoped it wouldn't come to that. Luckily Martin did leave for the toilet, same time as last time...just before dessert. We let him go, waited a minute, and then nodded.

The plan was really simple. Stephen stood watch outside the toilet, telling customers that both stalls were full and that the internal lock was busted. Stewart had little to do, but he was the most nervous I had ever seen a human being be. Yet I had to do everything, it was my plan after all. Silently Stewart and I entered the toilets.

Martin was in the same stall as last time. Stewart took his position as I entered the empty stall. I was surprised that Martin was actually using the toilet in the correct manner, but that would change in exactly...

"Hello again." I said, hoping to recreate the voice I used last time.

Luckily Martin seemed to think so, I heard him gasp in surprise.

"What, are you following me or something?"

Nice thought, but he wasn't wearing those jeans tonight...shame.

"Not at all, I just wanted to talk to you about this Stewart kid. It's been buggin' me for the past couple of days. What is it that you like so much about the guy?"

I could almost imagine Stewart turning beet red as Martin answered.

"Oh...I don't know, he's just so...oh god, I just wanna hold him and smother him with kisses and please him so much. He's...just Stewart. My Stewart. Oh, if only he knew."

Moment of truth time. My act was about to end.

"Well, why haven't you told him yet?"

"Because...I just can't! He wouldn't understand..."

I almost laughed, and I heard a small chuckle from Stewart outside. Luckily, Martin missed it completely.

"I think he might just understand...Open your stall door."

"What? What are you talking about?"


I spooked myself with that, so I could only imagine Martin's face as he quickly unlocked the door and opened it. I smiled as it creaked open. Martin gasped in surprise.


Stewart...come on, don't blow it now kid...

"I think you should know, I, you too. And, well, yeah that's about it really. Is that okay?"

The sigh of relief from Martin was more than enough for me to realize I had done the right thing. I heard the small sound of kissing, then a more urgent dragging, followed by the stall door slamming shut. I rubbed my forehead as Martin's jumper flew over into my stall. I reached into my pocket and produced a condom, which I shoved through that hole.

"You might need that." I said, still in that gruff voice. Martin didn't need to know any of us had planned this out. We agreed to that much.

I made to leave the stall, but I couldn't help taking a peek through that hole. I couldn't believe that it was that less-than-innocent act only three days before that had caused all this to happen.

Martin was sitting on the toilet, his pants down around his ankles, as a completely naked Stewart was riding Martin's condom covered cock, his hands firmly on Stewart's ass. They were face to face, or rather mouth to mouth. I couldn't help being turned on by this little peepshow, but I knew I should get back out...still had Stephen to deal with after all...

But hey, I had caused this, I might as well see it through.

Martin and Stewart were both moaning by this point, I guessed Martin was about to climax, and the way Stewart's cock was rubbing against Martin's stomach, he was about to cum soon too. Stewart came first, sending a wave of sperm flying upwards over Martin's chest and face. Martin reached his climax seconds later, and the moaning was so loud. I took this opportunity to leave, hearing them kissing as I left.

Stephen was looking impatient as I closed the main door behind me. I smiled.

"I think it went well."

Stephen didn't seem too pleased though. He opened his mouth to speak, but I covered his mouth with my hand. There was one more couple that had to come together tonight...

"No, don't speak. I need to do all the talking this time. Outside?"

Stephen was very confused as we walked to the outside of the restaurant. The night was quite chilly, and I was afraid the words would come out totally wrong. But this was possibly the most important thing I would ever say, no chance of me messing this one up.

"Okay, I know you probably thought so miserable after I caught you in that kind of position. Quite frankly it wasn't fear or disgust that made me run. It was utter surprise."

Stephen still looked unhappy.

"Yesterday I felt really bad after I left your house. It was wrong of me to run away in the first place, and even worse to leave you languishing like that. I understand that you probably hate me for it, I wasn't being a good friend."

Thankfully, Stephen managed to say something.

"I could never hate you..."

It was nothing more than a whisper, but I heard it, and my insides started doing back flips. I decided to go for the home run now, with a deep breath I continued on.

"So I thought about it long and hard. And I've decided that I'm not going to run away from my problems anymore. I thought that by staying quiet, I was keeping myself safe. But truthfully, I was harming myself more by not being true to others or myself. I'm not going to run from who I am, or who I choose to fall in love with. I'm not running anymore."

I briefly wondered where all this courage was coming from. I knew that answer; of course, it was better to see Stephen like this, even if it means my worst secrets are spilling out, than to see him hurting to protect myself.

"I don't know if you care, but...Stephen, I always have, and always will love you, even if you don't feel the same. You have the right to know the truth about me, and I'd rather you knew in this way instead of how I found out about you. So, there. I've said it. I love you."

A wave of different emotions seemed to roll over Stephen's face. For an instant I thought he was going to reject me or something worse, so I moved to go back inside the restaurant.

He stopped me. Putting his hand on my shoulder and spinning me back around. Nothing to stop him speaking now.

"You just can't walk away after telling me all that, you said you wouldn't run away from the one you fall in love with."

It was true, actually. By turning my back on him like that I really was running away again. I felt like throwing myself through the restaurant window, luckily Stephen had something else to say.

"I won't let you get away again. You somehow managed to overcome yourself to tell me your feelings, well I have to do the same."

He stopped. Deliberately. Both of those damn brothers know how to push my buttons. And yet I couldn't even hate him for it, it was true. In my eyes, Stephen could do no wrong.

Sorry for the sentimental mush, but it's kinda necessary.

"And the truth is, Matthew, that I love you too. And if you're willing to have me...I'm yours."

It was at this point I realized I hadn't told you my name. It's Matthew by the way.

He took a few steps back and spread his arms out like wings. An invitation, one I was all ready to RSVP to.

Again wondering where all this courage had came from, I walked right over and kissed him. I was worried he might push me away then, but when his tongue invaded my mouth I knew this was for real. All my dreams and fantasies were going to come true. His too by the feel of it...We broke apart and I smiled.

"You had me at 'Matthew' and you're always going to have me."

We kissed again. A longer, more passionate kiss. By this point I didn't care if anybody could see who I really was. My love for Stephen was enough for me to finally overcome my fears.

All through one innocent glance through a hole...

We stood there for what seemed like hours, just kissing and hugging. So this is what being in love really feels like. It's amazing. I didn't want to let him go, even though I saw Martin and Stewart staring out the window at us. Stewart's jaw had dropped, and Martin was actually applauding. Stephen and I looked through the window, and it seemed the whole restaurant were applauding too. I laughed, and so did he.

My mission was complete. I had brought two happy couples together. It was a good feeling. That feeling might have been more to do with Stephen being near me, but whatever. It started in the most unusual way, but it ends with the best feeling a person could ever have.

The feeling that you are loved, and the person in question returns your love.

The main story ends there, but there's still a few things to tie up...

But that's another chapter.

Okay, I gracefully accept your criticisms and whatnot. Did I do something wrong? Tell me! It can only make me a better writer.

That was Part Three of THE MATCHMAKER. Part Four will be the last part through Matthew's point of view, but I had dabbled with the idea of retelling it through the other's point of view too. Should I? Well, the E-Mail address is right there, tell me! Oh, and thanks for reading!

And a special mention to Oliver James, who is quite possibly my biggest fan. Um, as an author that is, whether or not he really IS my, ahem, "biggest" fan is for him to know and for the rest of us to guess about. ^_^

Next: Chapter 4

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