
By Malcolm Cowan

Published on Nov 12, 2002


THE MATCHMAKER by Magic Malcolm. (

First of all, if you find the very idea of two males having sex disturbing, STOP READING now!

Still here? Good, then you came here to read this Erotic Story featuring gay men. These characters are completely fictional and this never ever happened. Unless there is a wacky coincidence.

If the law where you happen to live doesn't allow you to read this story, you really should stop reading. But I don't actually care. Bleah. No, if you are underage I do ask you to stop reading this now. If you don't, well there isn't nothing I can do about it, but feel a little guilty that you're breaking the law.

This is not my first attempt at writing a Gay Erotic Fiction, but is the first to not contain celebrities. If you like this, be sure to check out my other stories here at Nifty under the WWF section in the Celebrity Category. You can flame me for cheap plugging later...

Vince and Shane Val Venis and Test Kevin and Michael King Goes Hardcore Jerry's Kid

(And yes, this is just a cut and paste job from Part One...)

Now, on with this story. Part Two of THE MATCHMAKER.

Part Two - Situations

It was such a simple idea. Bring two people together. Easy.

Hah, you must be joking...

I woke up the next morning, the memory of last night's encounter with Martin still fresh in my mind. Okay, that makes me sound a little dirty, doesn't it? I had a few other thoughts in my mind too. First, Martin's ass in those jeans...what? It's a great ass, honest. Nothing wrong with a little're doing it right now! Why can't I? ^_^

The next thought was of Stewart, and how on earth I could figure out his sexuality. As I saw it, I had three options. Number 1, I could come on to him and see his reaction. I immediately dismissed that idea, after all it was him I was trying to out, not myself. Number 2, ask him straight out if he was gay. I didn't like that idea much either, I had no reason to ask the question after all. I guess I could've made up an excuse or something, but it was early in the morning and my imagination hadn't quite woken up yet.

So that brought me to option Number 3. Tell Stewart that Martin fancied him. Risky, but it was the best plan I had. And when something like that is your best plan, you really should give up before you begin. Of course, I didn't do that. I still felt a little guilty about that encounter with Martin, but not guilty enough to stop myself getting a boner at the thought of it. I don't know what's being put into my food, but I've just not been myself lately. I don't go into toilets and suck off my best friend's brother's best friend...maybe this was a sign of something. Maybe I had finally gotten comfortable enough with myself to become a little more open...


Time for a little information on Stephen and Stewart. Stewart and Stephen still live with their parents, despite Stephen's apparently high paid job. Cheapskate probably just wants to avoid paying high rent. Mind you, I couldn't say much, I just moved out into my own flat around two weeks ago. Stewart is unemployed, mooching of the government and spending every last penny he gets on videos. That guy has the largest collection of action movies I have ever seen. I had it all planned out, amazingly. Now after a little scheming, I figured out today was the only day that both of their parents wouldn't be in. I called Stewart up, claiming I was coming around to bring back one of his videos (which was actually true, I forgot all about it until I started planning...). Stewart told me to come on around. I assumed Stephen must've been out, working I assume, as Stewart never mentioned him.

Well, that was an unexpected bonus. Stewart, all witnesses when he strangles me for outing his friend like this. I did start to have second thoughts as I walked to the front door, but since he was expecting me I had no choice. No turning back now.

Muttering curses as I went and silently screaming, and thinking about Martin's ass again...involuntary, I assure you, but not necessarily unwanted either, I went in.

I figured Stewart would be slacking off, watching a video and basically doing nothing. I doubt I could ever be more wrong. He was actually, and this would shock you if you knew him, EXCERCISING.

And I thought things were getting weird before now. Wondering if the world had just inverted, I threw the video at him. He caught it, he wouldn't let any harm come to his precious videos (sadly, that IS true...). Stewart is built a bit like Martin, only slightly smaller. His usually unkempt hair looked, well, normal for once.

"Thanks. I oughta charge you late fees."

I kinda missed that remark, wondering how best to word the question. I think the sight of him exercising threw me off completely though. So, instead of telling him about Martin...

"What's with you and the exercising, do opposites REALLY attract?"

"I'm just trying to improve my look for, none of your business!"

I hate being puzzled. It's just not me. And he knew that would bug me, little bastard. If I wasn't trying to help him, I'd have hit him. Okay, maybe I wasn't helping him yet, but I might be...soon find out though. I had to work this JUST right...

"Really? Well, I happen to know somebody who is REALLY interested in you."

He stopped. And I caught the curious look in his eyes, he HAD to know. So I let him suffer for a while. Yes, I can be cruel sometimes.

Eventually Stewart couldn't take it any longer. By that time I had made a cup of coffee, ate a sandwich and generally abused Stewart's hospitality.

"If you're not going to tell me who it is, you can get out already!"

Okay, moment of truth time. "It's...mmmfgle."


"What? Are you just messing around with me?"

If people could do those cute anime style sweatdrops, one would be above my head right now. I took a deep breath.

"It's Martin. Yes, Martin, your best friend Martin. I kinda overheard him talking about you in that kind of context. I know you probably aren't gay, but I felt you had a right to really isn't my place to say, but he's never gonna tell you and I think you'd make a cute couple and stuff..."

Paying attention is not on my CV by the way. Because as I was talking Stewart was suddenly sprouting a very large...grin. He might've been sprouting something else too, but honestly I was too busy rattling on to really notice anything.

"Shut up!" Stewart yelled, more than enough to break my reverie. "Please tell me you're not kidding me."

I also blink way too much. Mentally kicking myself for not paying enough attention, all I could say was, "You what?"

Stewart looked positively giddy with excitement, "That's who I'm trying to impress..." He stopped, realizing he had just blown his cover, excitement tends to do that I guess. "Ah,'d better not tell anyone!"

As I said before, I'm good at keeping secrets. Oh, I never told you what I do for a living, I work in a hospital, where secrecy is very important. Too important, perhaps.

"I won't tell anyone, honest. But now I know you like him back, we have to let him know you like him back..."

I stopped, because Stewart was now dancing around the room. He ran right into his bedroom and slammed the door.

"I'll just see myself out then..."

Well, this was good. Martin likes Stewart. Stewart likes Martin. Amazing how this all came about through my usually bad curiosity. Hmm, now I just needed a plan to...


Unnh? I turned to see Stephen's ajar door. Stephen was apparently in after all. And he was watching a video, most unlike him to say the least. The world HAS gone loopy. Well, since I was there I decided I might as well say hello. Although that "unnh" bothered me slightly. What on earth could Stephen be doing to emit that?

Quietly I opened Stephen's door a little wider open.

And my jaw dropped.

Stephen was lying flat out on his bed, which faces away from the door, which was why he didn't see me entering I guess, and he was watching a porno flick. It was no ordinary porno flick though, and I'm sure you can all guess what he was watching. I knew what it was right away, cause I had the same porno on DVD, and actually what was on was my favorite part of the movie. He was, of course, watching a gay porno movie. That wasn't all though, he had his pants and underwear down around his ankles and was masturbating to the movie. Like I said before, I don't really like estimating cock sizes, I prefer the hands (or mouth, or even ass...) on approach, but his cock was easily bigger than Martin's was. It was, dare I say, lush. I don't usually notice the balls of a guy either, but I couldn't help noticing Stephen's bounce along as he stroked. I was tempted to take out my own boner by this point and jerk off to the movie too, but one thing bothered me about doing that. Stephen's eyes were closed over, how could he close his eyes? IT'S THE BEST PART! How often do you see three hunky guys doing THAT? But why were his eyes closed anyway? I thought about it, and in my experience, when you close your eyes while jerking off, you're usually about to shoot your load...oh, oh...

I wasn't wrong either, he positively erupted. The sperm shot practically everywhere, and yes, some managed to land on me. My cheek to be more precise. He finally opened his eyes, and I mentally cursed myself. I completely forgot about the mirror that was beside the TV, the very mirror Stephen could see me in. Fuck.

He turned beet red. I probably did too, because catching the guy you secretly fancy jerking off, then coming everywhere, does that to a person. Now if I was smart, I would've walked over to him and done something. Kiss him or something like that.

What I shouldn't have done was close the door, actually it was more of a slammage, and ran out of their house. I didn't stop running until I was about a block away from their house. After catching my breath, there was only one thing that I could say.

"Well done, your great, big, fucking idiot."

I ran my finger across the cheek Stephen's sperm landed on. It was still warm as I wiped it off my cheek, before licking the finger clean.

It was every bit as good as I imagined it would be. And I ran away from him like a loser. I shuddered as I thought what he must've thought of me. But then I stopped for a second.

Stephen was watching a gay porno.

Stephen was jerking off to said gay porno.

Did that mean Stephen was gay too? Geez, what a family. Both brothers were gay. And I'd have never figured it out if it wasn't for what happened with Martin. So the man of my dreams is actually gay. Well, wow.

My smile was almost as wide as Stewart's was before. But remembering Stewart, I still had to come up with a plan to get him and Martin together. But since Stewart now knew about Martin, at least I could collaborate with him. Right now anything to take my mind off of the Stephen incident would be a relief.

And speaking of relief, there was still that boner in my pants to take care of...plans could come later, I had to come as soon as possible. Needless to say I quickly returned home and put on that particular porno and enjoyed myself. I felt SO much better afterwards, although I did make a mess. That porno must have that effect on gays...which is why I like it, I guess.

It was in the blissful moments after I came that the perfect plan popped into my head. Amazing how much clearer you can think after relieving the tension.

I called Stewart back, he seemed delighted that I had a plan and told me to come back over tomorrow.

Coming up with a plan is all well and good. Putting into practice, however...

Well, that's literally another story...chapter...whatever. :)

Okay, I gracefully accept your criticisms and whatnot. Did I do something wrong? Tell me! It can only make me a better writer.

That was Part Two of THE MATCHMAKER. Part Three will be up soon, I hope. I'm not sure how many parts there will be, I'll just let the story run to a natural conclusion. Thanks for reading! ^_^

Next: Chapter 3

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