
By Malcolm Cowan

Published on Nov 11, 2002


THE MATCHMAKER by Magic Malcolm. (

First of all, if you find the very idea of two males having sex disturbing, STOP READING now!

Still here? Good then you came here to read this Erotic Story featuring gay men. These characters are completely fictional and this never ever happened. Unless there is a wacky coincidence.

If the law where you happen to live doesn't allow you to read this story, you really should stop reading. But I don't actually care. Bleah. No, if you are underage I do ask you to stop reading this now. If you don't, well there isn't nothing I can do about it, but feel a little guilty that you're breaking the law.

This is not my first attempt at writing a Gay Erotic Fiction, but is the first to not contain celebrities. If you like this, be sure to check out my other stories here at Nifty under the WWF section in the Celebrity Category. You can flame me for cheap plugging later...

Vince and Shane Val Venis and Test Kevin and Michael King Goes Hardcore Jerry's Kid

Now, on with this story. Part One of THE MATCHMAKER.

Part One - Revelation

Why is it so hard for people to realize the truth about each other? I've known I was gay for years now, but nobody else has the slightest idea. I like it that way, I guess. I'm a private person, and keep my secrets to myself. Not even my best friends know everything about me. That may make me a strange person, but it's just my personality.

Then again, the same could be said about myself. I had no idea certain friends of mine were gay either. "Friends" might be too strong a word though. More like a friend of a brother of a friend. Guess we're all blind to things we don't quite understand.

I figured out one of these friends of a friend of a brother...oh skip that, it's too confusing...was gay in the strangest way. Mind you, for some people it is a turn on, but not something I would normally do.

By the way, I'm in my early twenties, big built from weight training, but not superhumanly muscular. I'd consider myself ruggedly handsome, but you can think however you want to concerning my appearance. It's an erotic story after all, you're supposed to enjoy it.

Now, back to the story. It was at a restaurant close to where I live. Me and a group of friends were celebrating my best friend's promotion at work. It's one of those fancy restaurants where the prices are large and the portions are tiny, but hey, I wasn't paying for it. As well as me and my best friend, his name is Stephen; also there was Stephen's family, his mum and dad and little brother Stewart, Stewart's friend Martin, and some other people I wasn't too familiar with. Must've been Stephen's work buddies or something. It was about time for dessert when Martin excused himself to go to the toilet, nothing unusual about that. I snuck a fleeting look at the retreating Martin. He wasn't exactly fit, stockily built, but his ass looked great in those jeans he was wearing.

I thought I had better get to the toilet too, and no, I wasn't thinking about doing that, so I also made my excuses to go. The toilets at this restaurant are very unusual. There are only two stalls there, and if both are full the second person is supposed to lock the entrance behind him. I did that, rules are rules after all. I stopped before I entered the second stall though, as I heard a faint slapping noise from the stall Martin was in. Sure I was curious, but I couldn't exactly look into the stall he was in, so I just ignored it and went into the other stall.

Now this was actually my first time coming to this restaurant, and it seemed so fancy and stuff, but it puzzled me that the stalls seemed so...well, un-fancy. There was even a hole in the wall that separated the two stalls...

I blinked after seeing that. It was a reasonably large hole, why would it be there though? The slapping noises from Martin's stall were quickening up, as was the boner in my pants. I figured Martin must've been jerking off, not many things sound like that. He was moaning softly too, and it was easy to pick up what he said.

"Oh, unnh...Stewart...yeah..."

I blinked again, utterly surprised. Martin was jerking off fantasizing about Stephen's little brother? I knew Martin and Stewart had been friends since High School, but never figured they were lovers or anything. Then another thought struck my mind, maybe they weren't lovers. Maybe Martin loved Stewart, but never told him. Martin probably thought Stewart was straight, which I thought he was too. I had seen Stewart out with a couple of girls before. I felt a little pang in my heart for the guy. Unrequited love's a bitch. I had kinda secretly fancied Stephen...but I could never tell him that. Honestly, I do respect my own privacy too much. Maybe I was just scared. I don't know.

By now curiosity had gotten the better of me, and I just had to look through that hole. So I knelt down and peeked through the hole. Sure enough Martin was jerking off, his cock was pretty impressive. I'm not one for estimating sizes, but it seemed just big enough to have up your ass and just small enough to suck off easily. And it glistened too, but that was probably more the fault of the lighting than anything else. Still, it was the kind of cock you just HAVE to play with. But knowing that was impossible, I moved to get back up...

Shame then that I accidentally kicked the urinal as I tried to stand back up.

"Who's there?" Martin cried, "Hey, are you looking at me through that hole?"

Oh, oh. Rumbled. I just prayed he didn't look through that hole to see me.

"Well, if you're just gonna check me out you can get lost. If you're gonna do something about it, then tell me now."

What the hell was he on about...?


I suddenly figured out what that hole was for...looks like I'd get to test my theory on his size after all. He was 21, so no problems there either. But I couldn't let him know it was me. So I attempted to disguise my voice.

"Sure, put that meat of yours through this damn hole already," I said, hoping to sound gruff and bear like. I would never actually say that in real life, maybe I was hamming it up a wee bit. Either way, I was gonna enjoy this.

Martin complied, a shade too quickly. He was desperate for release, and since he couldn't get it through masturbation this would do just nicely. For him and me.

I licked the cock head, pre-cum already soaking it. Martin moaned urgently, and I realized that I had to end this quickly. Everyone was still waiting outside for us. Martin didn't know I was in here, but they all did. So I reluctantly ended the foreplay and went straight in. I easily enveloped Martin's cock with my mouth, and I was happy to know I was right about my theory. It was just perfect for sucking. I had my own cock out by this time and was stroking it in time to my sucking motions. I don't like to talk about my own manhood, so feel free to use your own imagination as to how big I might be. Martin moaned a lot, good thing I locked that door after all. I just hoped the toilets were soundproofed.

Martin shot his load too quickly for my liking. But then he had been jerking off for about five minutes beforehand, so it was to be expected. Martin's seed tasted salty, just how I like it. I licked up every drop I could, with relish and soon afterwards I came too. I heard Martin whisper Stewart's name again. I was a little offended that he was fantasizing that it was Stewart sucking his cock, but whatever. I heard him sit back on the urinal, and I realized I had better get out first before he recovered. Quickly tucking myself back in, I quietly opened the door, left the stall and unlocked the entrance.

I called out in my own voice, "Watch where you're going!"

I almost laughed as I heard Martin jump up in fright. "Hey, you okay Martin? Everyone was worried."

"Just...just fine." He moaned. If I didn't know what I had just done, I probably would've missed how he said that. He came out of the stall looking flustered. I decided to joke around a little more.

"What were you doing? Jerking off or something?"

His eyes widened and he ran out of the toilets. I did burst out laughing this time, calling out "Hey, you forgot to wash your hands clean!" as he left. He turned back.

"What did that guy who bumped into you look like?" He asked, washing his hands.

"Oh..." I pretended to look thoughtful, "Kinda like Stewart in a way. Bit bigger, more hairy..."

Martin blushed, and again if I didn't know what I did I would have missed it. Martin dried his hands and left, and I noticed the smile on his face as he left.

So I knew Martin liked, no, he LOVED Stewart. Well, I really shouldn't have done what I did, but I decided I had to try and get those two together. I had to be their Cupid, their matchmaker.

Only problem was, I didn't know if Stewart was gay or straight...

I silently wished there was such a thing as gaydar as I left the toilets. I would come up with a plan later, they were already serving dessert. Well, PROPER dessert. I smiled to myself as I ate the tiny, yet very expensive, piece of cake. I saw Martin staring at Stewart, and although it's been said to death, if I didn't know what I did, I would have missed the yearning in his eyes.

I HAD to get them together somehow...

Okay, I gracefully accept your criticisms and whatnot. Did I do something wrong? Tell me! It can only make me a better writer.

I'll get to work on Part Two pretty soon. Thanks for reading the First Part of THE MATCHMAKER, and remember my other stories in the WWF section of the Celebrity category! ^_^

Next: Chapter 2

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