Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 13, 2023


Master's New Boy Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 9 -

When my master had finished his work in the study he came and sat opposite me and noticed that I had a unhappy look on my face. "What is wrong with you Boy?" he asked in a concern voice. "Well sir I thought I was your boy, but you gave the window cleaner a passionate kiss and I just got a peck on the forehead." I replied in a uneven voice as my emotions got the better of me. "Oh I see you're jealous. Look Boy you are my boy, but I sometimes like to have a change once in a while. You will have to learn to accept this, it doesn't mean I don't want you as my boy any more; it just means I like a bit of variety. Steve was my first Boy and from time to time he visits me and we even sometimes still have sex, but he has his own boy now so that doesn't happen very often." He told me. Of course I knew I had no option but to accept the situation as I thought id rather share my master with other men, then not have him in my life at all. It was the first time that I had been jealous over a man, and then again it was also the first time in my life that I had to share my man with other men. My master then came beside me and gave me a tight hug, which made me feel better. "Look boy you will be in my life as long as you want to be and of course as long as you're happy to serve me under my rules, you will always have the option to call it a day. But the day you do will be the last day that you will see me." He said in a soft comforting voice, as he wasn't trying to threaten me, just stating the facts of our relationship. I had given up control of myself to him but I always had the option to take it back if I changed my mind. So really deep down I still had some control of my destiny. This made me feel a lot better especially as my master had told me that he would always want me around. I knew that my jealousy would be hard to control at first but vowed not to let it become a problem.

After our evening meal Master told me to go down to the basement and to kneel in the centre of the room facing the doorway and to have my head bowed. I was told that this would be how I would greet him in future when ever I was ordered to wait for him or if he entered the room that I was in I would have to kneel with my head bowed in front of him to show my submission to him. This all sounded so formal but it wasn't my place to disagree or object to my master's wishes. So off I went down to the basement and went into what I called my presentation position. I waited at least an hour before my master finally arrived in the basement. "Tonight boy we are going to exercise that fuck hole of yours, and make it more accommodating" he stated. "Yes sir" I replied not sure what I was accepting but that didn't matter anymore as my whole life was now focused on pleasing my master. He ordered me to stand and bend over and touch my toes with my hands, this was quite hard for me to do especially as my arms aren't that long and having the butt plug inside made it even more uncomfortable for me, but of course my cock was still trying to fight its way out of the rubber tube inside the shorts. He then walked round the back of me holding what looked like a table tennis bat, but this was slightly different as it had studs on both sides. At this point I knew my arse was going to be subjected to this menacing weapon and cringed at the thought of it. And sure enough he whacked it down on one cheek then the other and I screamed with the intense pain that the studs caused as the embedded themselves into my arse cheeks., but another two strokes on each cheek slammed their way down onto my arse which was on fire with the pain of the studs. Then I was told to stand up and go over to the bench that I had been on before but this time Master wheeled a contraption that looked like those things they use in maternity wards of hospitals. The things that they use to lift the women's legs up so they can get to the baby. So there I was with my back on the bench and my bottom half supported by this contraption giving my master full access to my cock, balls, and arse. He secured my arms to the bench and my legs to the frame that was holding my legs. "Right Boy I think your ready now" he said and slowly pulled out the butt plug and lubed up my open hole. Then started to finger fuck my hole with two fingers at first sliding them as deep into me as he could and all the way back out repeating the strokes over and over and each time catching my prostrate gland of course my cock went rigid and starting to ooze precum all over my stomach. After my arse was relaxed he inserted another finger and started fucking me harder still catching my prostrate gland, by which time I was in a world of my own with the wild pleasure that he was bringing to my body, I was that far gone that I didn't notice him putting his fourth finger inside me. It was just like being fucked with a big cock I was breathing fast and irregular and turning my head from side to side making sure I didn't cum without his permission. He seemed to know exactly how far to take me and just as I got to the very limits of cumming he stopped and pulled his fingers out of my hole. He placed his hand to my lips and told me to suck them clean, which of course I did just as though they were his precious cock. Once my breathing had settled back down he started his next assault on my arse he put a piece of tubing inside my arse and attached a drip like bag to the other end and placed the bag on one of the poles of the thing that was holding my legs up high. Suddenly I felt warm water entering my arse. "That's it boy let the water full you up and hold it in, don't let a drop out until I tell you to" he ordered, he let the bag empty into my arse then placed a second bag of water onto the tubing and let it drip into me. At first it felt so good but by halfway through the second bag I felt very full and suddenly my stomach hurt and by the end of the second bag I felt as though I was going to burst with the pressure of the water inside me. At the time I didn't understand what he was doing to me but knew I had to allow him to do it. He told me to grip tightly as he pulled out the tube and replaced my butt plug into my hole. " Right boy I want you to suck my cock until I cum and then I will let you get rid of the water" he told me as he walked round to my head and placed his knob over my lips. I could smell his pre cum as I licked it off with my tongue flicking my tongue over his tip and piss hole. Then I took his whole knob in my mouth and started working his manhood taking it deep into my throat sucking on it as it slid in and out of my mouth and it wasn't long before he was really fucking my mouth hard and fast I could feel his pre cum dripping onto my tongue and down my throat. Soon his cock was pulsating inside my mouth and I knew it was only a matter of time before he would be shooting his precious love juices into my mouth and I couldn't wait to taste his creamy spunk and sure enough seconds later he slowed his pace down slightly but hit the back of my throat with menacing strokes and his whole body tensed up as his cock erupted shooting his hot creamy load deep into my throat. After he had shot about 6 loads he stopped fucking my mouth and just left his cock go limp in my mouth and I knew he wanted me to clean it up for him which I was only to willing to oblige. After a few more minutes he pulled his cock out of my mouth and fetched a bowl, which he placed under my arse on a slant towards me. Then he pulled the butt plug gently out of my arse. I managed not to let the water flow out although I'm not sure that I didn't leak a drop whilst he was taking the plug out of my hole. He kept me holding on for another agonising few minutes then he told me to release the water. I relaxed my arse muscles and was suddenly farting and the water shot out of me, it seemed like a never ending flow, but eventually it was all out.

"Right Boy your nice and clean inside now, lets put your hole to work" he commented as he rolled up his sleeve and covered my hole and his fist in lube. "Oh my god sir you can't be serious, your fist is too fucking big for my hole, you'll rip me apart" I said in panicking voice. "You know I don't kid on Boy he said as he prepared his arm" he was right of course I already knew that my hole was going to be assaulted by his fist. I had never been fisted before and my hole hadn't even been subjected to a really big cock before so taking my masters cock was one thing but now I was well and truly going to be stretched to my limits with his big fist. I closed my eyes and braced myself for his fist and the pain that would come with it. And sure enough as he started pushing my hole I was screaming with pain but he just kept pushing his fist at my hole and suddenly it started to enter my hole. It felt so fucking tight around his fist as he kept pushing more and more into my hole. Stretching my hole wider and wider open. Every inch of my body was covered in sweat once more my breathing was irregular and I felt as though I would pass out at any moment. But there was no let up from my master as more and more of his fist went inside me. The intense pain eased as the whole of his fist was now inside me and my arse caved in tight around his arm. He kept it there inside me still for a good five minutes letting me adjust to having his fist inside me. He used his other hand to caress my balls and then he grabbed them tightly causing a stabbing pain in my stomach and at this point he started pulling his fist out of me, which caused nearly as much pain as when he was entering me. Then he pushed it back inside me a little faster then the last time. He kept pushing his fist in and out of me and each time he would push it a little deeper as he kept my balls in his other hand and every now and again he would squeeze my balls hard. At this point the pain had faded and been replaced by pure pleasure and I didn't think that I would be able to hold on from cumming much longer. So when my master ploughed his fist deep inside me so deep that I felt like I was being punched really hard, and he squeezed my balls harder then ever as he shouted

"cum now boy". I immediately shot the biggest load of cum everywhere, my body was virtually swimming in my hot creamy cum. He kept his fist deep inside me until I stopped my violent climax and my body went limp. It was then that he finally let me balls go free and started to gently ease his fist out of me. I felt so empty after having his fist and arm in me almost to his elbow. I was amazed when he showed me just how much I had taken inside me. He let me recover a little before he told me it was his turn to cum and I knew he meant he was going to fuck my sore arse. And he did place his cock at my hole rubbing it all around the entrance before ploughing it deep inside me with one hard thrust. He was obviously so turned on about fisting me that he could not control his rage of passion and just kept ploughing my arse deep and each time his balls banged against my arse cheeks causing a loud slapping noise. Eventually I felt his hot spunk erupt deep inside my guts and he collapsed on my stomach out of breath. And we just stayed there for a good ten minutes both completely exhausted from the action that had just happened. Then he untied me and helped me to stand. We had a nice hot bath together soaping each other up and splashing each other with water. It was at this point that I realised that he wasn't just my master but also my lover and best friend all in one. After we had finished our bath he asked me to share his bed. So we fell asleep cuddled up in bed, all warm and cosy.

To be continued.

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Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 10

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