Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 12, 2023


Master's New Boy Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 8 - Country Rin.

It took us a good two hours to get to the destination and like my master said it was in the middle of nowhere, and nobody around to see me in my rubber shorts and harness. It was a nice day but the sun wasn't very strong and there was a gentle breeze blowing round my chest and back, which made my nipples, erect. I noticed that it was quite hilly all around us. You would have thought my master might have broken me into this exercise palaver gently but oh no straight in at the deep end. "Right boy you ready for this" he asked knowing perfectly well that I wasn't really. "Yes sir" I lied gritting my teeth as the words came out of my mouth. I was so fearful of being seen with all this gear on, but it was also an added thrill thinking of the possibility of being caught. I noticed that my cock tried go grow but was restrained by the rubber shorts that had firm hold on my cock through the tube inside them. So that was it my master started to run in his tracksuit and I followed behind him, trying my very best to keep up with him. To be honest the first mile I managed fairly well and no one had seen me in this state of dress. I could feel the butt plug moving around inside me with every step I ran. I was so horny that my cock was trying to break free from the shorts, but it couldn't and was making me fee uncomfortable down there. The butt plug kept rubbing my prostrate making me go wild inside but of course my cock and balls had no release from this erotic and tense feeling.

As we entered what must have been about the halfway mark, my master said I could have a fifteen-minute rest before the second half of my exercise run. I was also sweating like someone that was sat in a sauna. Of course having nothing to wipe myself with the sweat was dripping of my forehead into my mouth and tasted very salty. It was a very hot day and my cock and balls were extremely sweating in the rubber shorts. Just before the start of the second half of the run master ordered me to take my cock out of the rubber tube and point it towards the waist band, he told me that he wanted any passers by to see my cock under the rubber shorts. I did as I was told but felt annoyed that he told me there wouldn't be anyone else round here. Now he was contradiction, which I foolishly tried to tell him. Of course Slave Boys don't question their masters and he told me I would receive punishment later that night. The threat alone made my cock grow harder as I repositioned so my cock pointed up towards my navel, as my master had requested me to. "Right boy lets get back to work" he ordered as I finished putting my cock in the right position. I was vary nervous of the chance I might be seen in this embarrassing state, but also extremely horny about the intensity of the situation and for the rest of the run my cock never went down, in fact it started pulsating a little under the rubber shorts. When we got back to the car, my master stripped me naked then demanded me to suck his toes which I was so happy to comply, after all any chance to be intimate with my master was so precious to me. After a while he took off his clothes and told me to lay down on the picnic towel that we had placed on the ground beside the car. He lay down next to me. Pressing his chest to my back and I could feel his hot and hard cock throb against my arse crack, pushing against the butt plug. Then he pulled out the butt plug and rubbed his knob over my hole a few times and started playing with my nipples. He slowly started pushing at my hole without entering me, of course my young cock was throbbing everywhere and leaking precum onto the ground. He brushed his hand over my wet knob and just as he started pushing his hot fat cock into my waiting arse he put his hand to my mouth and I licked my own precum off his hand. I could feel the heat from his body as his cock glided all they way up my arse pushing deep into me. He slowly started fucking my arse with long deep strokes, which was sending me wild with pleasure as he managed to rub his cock against my prostrate gland with ever entry of my arse. It wasn't long before he started to pick up the pace of his strokes and as he did the started pulling my nipples hard and biting the back of my neck. Then he really started to fuck my arse with no mercy, which really turned me on, and I shot my load all over the picnic rug. By now I could feel his cock pulsate inside my arse. Suddenly his whole body tensed up as I clamped my arse musclls round his throbbing cock. It must have sent him up to heaven as he shot his cum deep inside my arse spurt after spurt went deep into me, he came that much that it dripped out. He pulled out and turned me towards him and pulled close to him our chests meeting and my cock pushing between his legs which he clamped close holding my cock tight as he started to kiss me passionately. I couldn't hold back and shot my cum all over his legs. He ignored the fact that I had cum without his permission and just held me even tighter and kissed me with even more intensity. We must have both drifted off to sleep because the next thing I know is that I was woken to rain hitting my naked body as me and my master were still in a tight embrace. We packed our things up and headed off home once more. Once we had unpacked the car he ordered me downstairs which I knew fine well that I was going to be punished for back chatting him earlier and for cumming this afternoon when we made love. It was worth any punishment to be able to feel his body next to mine our skins touching each other's. My cock tried to get hard again in my rubber shorts but as he ordered me to put my cock back in its rubber tube, my cock had no room to grow which made it feel really uncomfortable.

Once in the basement he took my rubber shorts and my harness off me. Then he took the butt plug out of my arse, which actually made me feel empty and naked more then ever. I was sort of getting used to having my arse full all the time and now it was empty. He then ordered me to bend over the bench that I had been tied down to the day before. Then he kicked my legs apart so he had a clear view of my arse. "Now boy we have the matter of punishment to deal with don't we," he stated in an even voice. "Yes sir" I replied knowing fine well that there would be no point trying to talk my way out of it as I would only end up with a double helping of punishment if I did. "I think 12 strokes of the whip and 12 strokes of the cane will be justified don't you boy" he asked me. "Yes sir" I replied once more complying with his thoughts.

Almost instantly came the first lash of the whip on my left cheek "Count them boy" he demanded. "One sir" I said, then came the second and third strokes "two sir, three sir" I kept counting the strokes of the whip which felt like it was cutting into my skin and after the seventh stroke my arse was really stinging from the whipping and I was shouting out in pain. But my master ignored me and kept bringing the whip down on my arse cheeks until he dealt the 12th and final stroke of the whip. He allowed me about two minute then told me to lie face down on the bench which I did and he immediately strapped my arms and legs to the bench. Then he picked up the cane, and I was thinking how would I be able to take 12 strokes of the cane after the whip, which my master had used on my very sore and red cheeks. Then suddenly I felt a short but sharp hit of the cane on my soles and panic set in as I realised I was going to get the whole 12 strokes of the cane on the soles of my bare feet. " Five sir, six sir" I kept counting and with each stroke on my feet my voice was quieter and less even until by the eleventh stroke where I couldn't hold back from crying with the pain of my feet. Master showed me no mercy and I didn't want or expect him to, as I embarrassed him and broke the no cumming rule so I deserved to be punished. I don't know how but I managed to survive all 12 strokes of the cane. After the final stroke my master unbound me and sat me up on the bench, and hugged me tightly kissing my forehead. Then he said he was going to get a bowel of water for me to soak my feet in. When he came back I gently put my swollen feet into the water, which at first seemed to aggravate the pain but after a while the pain lessoned a little. Master told me that he would fetch a blanket as it would probably be better for me to just sleep down in the basement rather then trying to walk on my feet. After my master had brought me a blanket down he kissed my forehead and said "Good night my New boy." Just before I drifted off to sleep I felt that warm glowing feeling as I thought about the days events, and realised that my masters cum was still dripping out of my arse hole which made me feel even happier as I lay on the wooden bench with no mattress or pillow, just a blanket to keep me warm. Of course lying on just a wooden bench with no mattress for comfort, which meant I had a very uncomfortable night. Wakening up several times through the night. Around dawn I did manage to drift off into a deep sleep and was sound asleep until my master came down with my health breakfast. Master was in a cheery mood and even looked at my soles, which were almost back to their normal size even if they were discoloured with some bruises. After breakfast my master helped me onto my feet, which was quite painful but not unbearable and I managed to walk attentively up the stairs and into the living room with my master's assistance. "Right boy you can have the day to yourself, as I have to go into the office for a while" he said. "Yes sir" I replied thinking of doing nothing but eat and watching television. But my dream of the day ahead of me was shattered when he reminded me not to cum and also told me that he had prepared my lunch and it was in the fridge, he also told me not to eat anything else. He kissed my forehead and went out of the room and opened the front door and got into his car and left.

I didn't enjoy the free time at all. I felt so alone, empty and yes venerable. Then around two in the afternoon there was a knock on the door. I started panicking as to what I should do, as before my master left he had helped me back into the rubber shorts and harness. When the person knocked another two times I decided I should answer the door and off I went to the front door opening it to find a cute guy around my age with dark brown puppy dog eyes which mesmerised me. He was the local window cleaner and had come to collect the money of my master. "Wow you look hot in your gear" he said stunned, " do I , thanks" I replied equally as stunned and it was at this point I looked down as I was embarrassed by my state of dress or undress as you might say. "What can I do for you" I asked him. "Oh errrm I'm just here to see your master" He replied. I was even more shocked and stunned, at the window cleaner clearly knew that I was slave boy. "How did you know I'm a slave boy" I asked. Oh ive seen a couple of your masters other boys, but you're the cutest of them all" he replied and I must have gone crimson red in the face. It was just at this point that my master pulled up his car in the drive. He got out of the car and said hi to the window cleaner and gave him a deep kiss, which got me so jealous, and at that point I just wanted to kill the window cleaner. To make matters worse my master only gave me a kiss on my forehead. "I see you have been looking after steve" "Yes sir" I replied As Steve made his excuses and left us. We walked back into the house. And I went back to the television and put my feet up on a footstool. Master went into his study and did a bit more work.

To be continued.

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Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 9

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