Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 12, 2023


Master's New Boy Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 7 - punishment time

"Strip naked Boy" he snapped in the hallway as he locked the front door. It was the first time that I had been in the house apart from when I had to make the picnic basket up the other week. P started stripping off the little clothing I had on, first the coat that was soaked in a strangers piss, then my well soiled briefs and finally my socks and shoes. Finally I was stood just inside the door naked apart from my cock ring and leather collar oh and the dildo that I had to keep in whilst my master was away.

"Kneel boy" he boomed from the top of his voice, "and face the door, I don't want to have to see your pathetic face. You have really disappointed and angered me today boy. I don't even know if I want to have you round here anymore, maybes I will find myself a new boy that will behave in a better manner then you have boy" he snapped. I was shocked by his remarks, and hurt. He made me feel like an infant at this point and then to threaten to cut me off completely was just too much and I started crying like a baby. I couldn't stop the tears. I needed my master, he made me feel so comfortable with myself and what I was learning about my own personality and I felt as though I finally found my place in life. That was by my master's side, and serving him. It all felt so right, but have I blown things with my behaviour today, I thought to myself with my head bowed down to the floor facing the door. I heard him walk out of the hallway, and I knew I had to stay still until his return.

The old fathers clock in the corner of the room chimed every hour and it chimed twice before Master returned to me in the hallway. Of course by this time my legs and feet were all numb from kneeling on the floor over the last two hours. Finally I thought to myself I am going to be allowed to move, but my master had other ideas and placed a blindfold over my eyes followed by earmuffs on my ears. So now I was deprived of my sight and hearing. Of course I was getting quite used to wearing the blindfold but with the earmuffs I almost freaked out. But I knew if I wanted to be my master's boy I had to control myself and please him by putting all my energies into doing what ever he wanted me to do. Again he must have left the room because I was knelt there for ages. Or was it only minutes I could not tell without hearing the clock, but knew it felt like hours rather then minutes. He was really going to put me through my paces tonight I thought to myself.

Eventually I felt him put his hands under my arms and told me to stand as he lifted me to my feet, then I felt him attach something to my collar and he proceeded to pull me behind him. I had no idea where we were going but he stopped me a moment and told me that we were going down some stairs, then once again I was being slowly pulled down some stairs. And eventually he made me sit in what felt like a wooden armchair. I felt him clip some sort of strap over each arm onto the arms of the chair and similarly with my legs and then nothing. All I could do is sit in deafly silence and wait for my master's return. I must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing I knew was that something was biting into my nipples and I was getting a severe pain from it. Just as I was getting used to the pain on my nipples I felt him tie up my cock tightly in its limp state, which automatically made my cock want to rise but it had no room to grow in. This was going to be one very uncomfortable night I thought half terrified. Just when I thought he was finished I felt him attach some sort of clip to my ball sack, they weren't as painful as the ones on my nipples but they still caused me great discomfort. I was left like this for a short while then my master came back and twisted the clips on my nipples and balls. This caused severe stabbing pains that lingered on long after the initial twist. To make matters worse the dildo up my arse was digging into my insides with the preasure of being sat down, and I was lucky that it was one of those with balls on the end so that it couldn't be fully sucked into my arse.

After another period of time he finally took the clips off my nipples and ball sack, but instead of relieve it caused more pain as the blood started rushing back into the parts that had been clipped then he took the earmuffs off. Then he pulled off the blindfold and I was subjected to blinding light that was shining straight at me. It was too much for my eyes to adjust to and the just started streaming with tears from the light. My senses were being put to their limits tonight. And if I thought the end of my torment was near I was sadly mistaken. Just as my eyes adjusted to the bright light he threw a bucket of ice-cold water over me. I didn't know if my body could take much more as I sat there shivering with ice-cold water dripping from my body. I was drained of all my energy and was emotionally confused as well as tired. It was at this point he untied me from the chair and demanded me to lie on a old doctors bed which like the chair had straps and fasteners attached to it in several places. Of course I as I stumbled my way over to the bed and laid on it, he placed the straps over my arms and legs and stood at the same end as my head. He rubbed his rock hard fat cock over my lips and under my nose then lent forward and placed his balls over my mouth and told to suck each one. I followed his orders working my tongue round each ball as I sucked on them. He was really enjoying the way I sucked his balls as I could feel his cock pulling on them. I also felt something wet drip on my chest, which must have been his pre-cum. After a few minutes he pushed his big knob into my mouth and started fucking my mouth hard and fast, making me almost choke on his big rock hard cock. I could feel it bouncing about in my mouth and within seconds he was shooting his hot creamy load into my mouth and down my throat. He then allowed me the privilege of licking his cock clean before he untied me and showed me to the guest room in his house. "Don't you wash my cum of boy and put your pants back on" he said in a harsh voice. I had no intention of doing anything but sleep, my body and mind had been through the mill today, but as I was drifting off I felt safe and warm in the thought of pleasing my master.

I slept like a baby, and only woke to the sun shining down on my face and my master bringing me a healthy breakfast which he sat and watch me eat, then told me I was going on a five mile run. Me run five miles, he'd be lucky if I could manage 1 mile. He noticed my expression of utter disbelieve. "I want my boy to be fit, as an unhealthy Boy will be of no use. Lets face it boy you could do with toning your body a bit, you're as skinny as a rake and just as unhealthy. "When you have eaten your breakfast I want you to take a shower and then come back here for me to dress you boy understand" he said. "Yes sir" I replied eating my cornflakes, yoghurt and an apple. Then I jumped out of the bed and just as I was about to go into the shower I thought I'd better ask permission to take the dildo out and ask him to unlock and take my collar off which of course he did. It was so good to be able to take a shower and clean up especially after being pissed on yesterday. The water was hot and refreshing and I caught myself singing tunes at the top of my voice. I thought id better not take too long in the shower as my master might get restless waiting for me to return to my room. So quickly soaped my body and caught myself almost wanking my cock off, but stopped myself just in time. I got out of the shower and dried myself off then went back to my room and master.

"Right boy let me put this butt plug in you and put your collar back on. I was shocked at the size of the butt plug it was much bigger then what he had subjected my arse to, but I obeyed his orders and bent over in front of him as he started gently pushing this monster size plug into my hole it must have been three inches thick and about 8 inches long. He slowly managed to get it in place and I felt so full with it inside me. Then he once again placed the collar around my neck and locked the little padlock so I wouldn't be able to take it off. Then he placed a unusual pair of shorts onto me they were made of rubber so they took some getting on, but they also had like a rubber tube for my cock to fit into. The tube was also made of rubber and was very tight around my cock leaving no room for a hardon to grow. It took about five minutes to get the shorts onto me. They were so tight that you could clearly see my cock through them as well as my arse and crack. I still felt almost naked wearing these shorts. Then he pulled out a leather harness and placed it to my chest putting straps over my shoulders and around my waist; there were also two straps at front and the other two at the back. He fastened the shoulder straps to my waist band at the back of the shorts, then fastened the two at the front to the front of the shorts and finally he fastened the straps at that went round each side of my body at waist level at the back of me. He made sure that the harness was tight and kept my shorts pulled up as far as they could be; I could feel the rubber digging into my crack and pushing the butt plug deep into me. "Right boy we are just about to go for our run in the country" he said cheerily. "What like this sir, you can't be serious," I said knowing fine well that he was deadly serious. How could he make me do this especially as every muscle in my body ached. But I knew better then to argue or resist. "Don't be suck a fucking wimp boy, honestly you fuss over nothing I'm not taking you into the shopping mall, we are going into the countryside" he said as we walked down the stairs to the front hall, where my torture of the night before had started. And then we were outside getting in the car and driving off into the countryside.

To be continued.

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Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 8

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