Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 10, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 6 - A week without Master.

My master had gone away and I was back to reality of collage, Jake was getting suspicious about my outings and not seeing me shower since I met my master, especially as we use to always take our showers at the same time and often had play fights in the shower, you know the sort of thing students do.

I suppose I had become fairly strange as far as Jake was concerned. He knew I was gay, but probably wouldn't believe me if I told him that I was under another mans control, even I had to pinch myself from time to time to make sure it wasn't all just in my head. I found the first day of not seeing my master hard to cope with, my collage work was going down hill to as I couldn't concentrate on anything other then what I had done over the last week and what might happen when Master gets back from his trip, maybes he would take me with him next time that would be real cool, I thought to myself. I kept checking my email every few hours, a bit obsessive you might think but like I've said before I was hooked on this man. Any communication with him was better then none. Sure enough he emailed me mid afternoon and told me to put a pair of briefs on and keep them on all week, as I would need them when upon his return. Of course he hadn't returned my other cum stained briefs yesterday so I was starting with fresh one. Which saved me from the embarrassment of having to wear briefs with a weeks worth of piss and cum stains and the odd skid mark. He told me that I had to pinch a pair of Jakes briefs and wear them. I was also ordered to shave off my pubes and arse hair on the morning of his return. I was also ordered to give him a full report on my day-to-day activities. He really did want to control and rule every part of my life, which was sort of reassuring in a strange way. Over the next few days we exchanged emails, where I would give my master a full and detailed report and he would give me the odd order or two. By the fifth day I was really pining so much so that I skipped collage and bit Jakes head off. When my master received my report for that day, he let me know that he was very displeased with my behaviour and lack of importance that I showed to my collage course. In the email he went on to say that I had to go into the shopping centre and wearing just my socks and shoes, long coat and of course my collar and dirty briefs, sit on one of the wooden benches and bring myself off under my coat. I pleaded with him saying that id be locked up if I followed his instructions, but he said that I had to follow his orders or he had no use for a piece of shit like me. His comments left me feeling really dejected and small, but all the same I knew that I had to follow his orders, and deep down I can now say even wanted to follow them.

The next day was the one before my master returned and I had my deed to do for misbehaving. So after Jake left for his morning class I got up and dressed in just my socks and shoes, dirty briefs and collar, and my long coat which I was quite clever because I cut out the lining of the pockets so it would be easier for me to wank myself off and might even stop me being noticed. Once I was dressed as my master ordered me to be, I headed off on foot to the shopping centre. Once I had entered I headed straight for the centre of the mall where there was a hexagon of wooden benches around the escalator, of course it was lunch time so I couldn't get a seat for all the teenage school kids, some of which showed potential when they grew up. I roamed aimlessly round the mall until after the school kids were heading back to their classes, then I found a place on one of the benches and sat down at one end with the other end being taken up by a guy in he's early forties. He was reading his newspaper so I didn't get a full view of his face. Anyway I slowly started wanking myself under my coat. It wasn't easy working my hand into my dirty and smelly briefs under my coat, but I managed to get my hand in and started rolling my foreskin back and forth over my knob. Of course being a horny 22 year old I was already hard. As I worked my cock in my hand I had excitement, fear embarrassment and pleasure all running through my mind at once. Suddenly I had to stop moving my hand as a police officer was strolling through the mall. Luckily he just smiled at me as he walked passed. Phew I thought that he must have caught me wanking, but it seems like he didn't. so I proceeded to wank again under my coat and the spunk was building up inside my balls and was getting closer to spurting it into my dirty old briefs. I was sweating with the intense feeling as the spunk spurted into my briefs and all over my right hand, shot after shot I didn't know how I was going to move without the spunk seeping down my legs and soaking the coat. It would take ages for it to dry enough to move without being caught, as there was that much spunk. Suddenly the guy reading his paper said, "You seem to have yourself a small problem boy." Shit he must have seen what I was up to I nearly died there and then with deep embarrassment, then to add to my horrors the police officer passed again but luckily never said anything to me.

"Follow me boy to the men's room walk close behind me no one will be able to see much" I did as the stranger suggested, I thought that he might be able to help me get cleaned up. Luckily the toilets were not too far away so in no time at all we entered the toilets. Once we were in there the stranger pushed me into a cubical and followed me in then locked the door. "Hay Mr I think I can manage to clean myself up now, thanks" I said. "No Boy, we aren't here to clean anything up, well not yet anyway, I want a piece of that cute arse of yours" He said in a slippery sort of voice. "No Mr you can't my arse belongs tooo" I said stopping myself from admitting I was gay and had a master. "Well boy as I see it you have no choice but to please me, or I will call that nice police officer in to arrest you, and the whole town will get to see your face in the papers" he laughed. Shit how was I going to get out of this one I thought to myself. Then I thought what the hell, he aren't going to get my arse that's for my master only, and told him to piss off out of the toilets or I would scream until the police officer came into see what was going on and I would cry rape. "Fuck you kid, I wouldn't touch your dirty queer boy arse if you paid me" he said in a angry voice and pushed my back onto the toilet seat and pulled his cock out and pissed all over the chest of my coat. "Now how you going to get out of here unnoticed" He said sarcastically as he unlocked the cubical door and made his way out of the toilet room. He is all yours the stranger said to someone who must have been standing at the urinals. I couldn't make out whom the other person was but was pretty sure I would find out soon enough. And sure as hell I heard footsteps heading towards the cubical that I was in. I held my breath expecting to have to fight off another stranger.

Much to my surprise I was shocked when the other person walked in, as it was my master. "What the hell sir are you doing here," I asked in disbelief, I couldn't believe the man standing in front of me was my master. "Well boy this week I haven't really been that far, I just wanted to test your loyalty to me, and you have done yourself proud Boy" he said in a soft glowing voice. I was ecstatic to see my master whom I had missed so much that I had a pain in my stomach yearning for his return, my good feelings soon got put back in their place as my master said that I had to do one more task. "What is that sir?" I asked him. "I want you to walk out as you are, don't worry about the police office he is a friend of mine as was the guy reading the paper. So I've been sent up, and fell for it hook line and sinker. How stupid did I feel now? "Well boy what are you waiting for, my car is waiting in the car park for us on the second floor. How could he make me walk soaked in piss and cum dripping out of my briefs? It took me a while to register he really meant what he was ordering me to do. So I thought don't put it of and I opened the cubical door and took a deep breath then opened the door to the men's room and walked as fast as I could through the crowd of shoppers, not daring to look up at anyone. Master kept a short distance from me. I managed to get through the crowds in a record time and got into the lift followed by my master. Then just as the doors were about to shut a third person walked into the lift. I didn't see who it was and didn't dare look up I was so embarrassed being seen in this state. Then I liked at the guys trainers and thought Jake has a pair just like them. At this point I was in a frozen trance. It can't be Jake, oh god please don't let him be Jake. But sure enough it was Jake. "Hay Shaun, where have you been all day, oh and you look soaking what have u been doing. How on earth did you get so wet? Hay what's that funny smell" he rambled out all the questions at once. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you Jake" I said full of embarrassment. Just at that point the lift doors opened "Right boy say goodbye to your friend" My master said as I almost had a heart attack. He couldn't do this too me I thought, but he had of course.

"Look Jake I cant explain now but when I get back after our break I will fill you in. "can't wait" Jake said as we left him in the lift.

"What the fuck did you do that for" Shouted at my master. "Because I wanted to, and because I can being your master and all" He said in a most displeased manor which told me I was in for some severe punishment later that day. For my back chatting, and shaming my master in public. The drive back to my master's house was silent; he made it clear that he didn't want to speak to me at this point. I felt so guilty and ashamed of myself for shaming my master. Its sort of funny really that I felt worse for shaming my master then the extreme embarrassment that he had put me through that day. I would take any punishment he dealt out to me, I vowed to myself as we pulled into his driveway between the shed and house.

To be continued.

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Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 7

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