Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 9, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 5 -Torture on the moors.

After we had both finished breakfast he told me I would have to start doing the housework for him if I was to be fed by him. And immediately ordered me into his kitchen to wash the dishes up, with instruction not to venture further into his house which I thought was a bit strange. After I had finished the dishes I cleaned his cooker and wiped the work surfaces trying my very best to please him enough to be rewarded again. But Master had other plans for me today and pulled out a picnic basket and then told me to fill it with the food on the bottom shelf of the fridge. There were sandwiches, crisps, apples a cake and biscuits and a bottle of cola. Oh we are going for a picnic what could be better then a picnic on a nice summers day. As usual I was thinking only of the pleasant things that might happen during the day and I was surely going to enjoy the day I thought. Master closed the picnic basket and told me to get in the car. "What like this sir" I asked. "yes of course boy, did I say any other then that Boy" he snapped at me. He was taking me out in public with nothing on except my collar and cock ring and my white socks and shoes. I was horrified at the idea but had no other choice than to obey him. As I got in the car I saw him load something wooden and rather large into the boot I couldn't quite make out what it was through the door mirror. He slammed the boot of his Astra Estate closed and jumped into the driver's seat and we drove out of the driveway and down the street. He had both windows fully down and the wind blew in all around me caressing my body, he noticed my cock getting hard again and reminded me that I wasn't to cum unless he told me otherwise.

After about forty minutes we were on the Yorkshire moors in the middle of nowhere and no one around us. He took the picnic basket and blanket out of the boot and handed them to me. "Set up lunch over there he said and pointed to a flat area of dried mud. Most of the ground around us was covered in heather. I found it strange that he managed to stop the car where there was a clearing. It felt so free being high up on moors surrounded by hills and heather. I continued to set up the picnic whilst he took what ever the wooden thing was out of the car and placed it at the other side of the car then joined me on the blanket. We had a really pleasant lunch and I found out that he used to be in the Special Forces SAS until just a year ago. After he left the SAS he had set up a special training camp to train bodyguards and private investigators. He told me that his business was booming. He enquired about my family background and I explained that I was an only child from a middle class family, that my mother was a secretary and my dad was an accountant and he was expecting me to follow his footsteps. Which as far as I was concerned would never happen, as I was pathetic with numbers.

"Right boy that's enough chatter for now, we have some serious work to do if

your going to be worth keeping around" "yes sir" I replied. "That's the attitude Boy. Now I am going to test your limits today to see how much of a weakling you really are Boy" he said "You will be subjected to pain during this afternoon, and I mean real pain. I will not cause you any serious damage or mark your body permanently that's not my style, but I take great pleasure subjecting you sub boys to a long slow journey of pain and pleasure, and after all you're here to please me aren't you Boy" he said in his stern voice that tells you to just agree which of course I did. "Good then let my fun begin" he said grinning. As he took the blindfold out of his pocket and placed it over my eyes. Then he helped me to my feet which was such a relieve as whilst sitting the dildo in my arse was pushing up against my insides. I was finally given a break from the pressure of the dildo, but the break was only short lived as he sat me down again and placed my hands behind my back and laid me on the ground I could feel what must have been heather brushing under my naked body. Then he told me to spread my legs apart but not quite to the point of being spread eagled. It was at this point that he lifted my left foot up and placed my left foot onto something made of wood and then he did the same with my right foot. After that I felt something that came down on both my ankles and I suddenly realised that he must have put my feet in stocks. Panic started to set into my mind, I was in the middle of nowhere and there were no other people around us, he could do absolutely anything he wanted and no matter how loud I could scream I would be wasting my time and energy. I could hear him walk around me and the fear built up inside me as to what was about to happen. Suddenly I felt something touch the soles of my feet, which tickled them. I have very sensitive feet and almost find it impossible to touch my own soles let alone have them tickled by someone else I was rolling from side to side in a a desperate state to try and avoid being tickled but I was in the stocks and going nowhere. Each stroke of what I assume was a feather was measured so as not to cause me serious problems with my breathing. The feather kept coming across one foot then the other and I had tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks and could feel a piss coming on but had no way of telling my master as I couldn't speak for laughing. The intense tickling continued and I continued rolling from side to side which caused the dildo to keep moving inside me. I tried to screw my toes up to get some relieve but he just opened them up and tickled in between my toes which was almost unbearable, then he returned his attention to my soles. It continued and the laughing was causing me to getting ever closer to pissing myself, and it did happen as he increased the speed of each stroke of the feather I couldn't hold of any longer and I shot a torrent of piss up above me and most of it landed back down on me so once more I was covered in piss but this time it was my own. Soon as I stopped pissing the tickling stopped. My master removed the blindfold and I realised that he had been in the line of fire of my piss as his top was wet. He had a angry look that told me that I was in for some punishment. "Boy you have seriously offended me and you must be punished immediately" he growled at me. "sssorry sir I didn't mean to soak you in my piss" I tried to explain but it was no use. How did he expect me not to wet myself which such intense tickling of my feet. "No boy I don't want excuses I want obedience and respect from my Boy, understand" he added in the same tone as before. "Yes sir" I replied half terrified at what my punishment might be "You see young ones of today don't know what obedience and respect means. You have to be taught it by being punished when you are not obedient and respectful, and it is my job as your master to ensure that you are taught properly" he explained to me. I didn't have a clue what he was talking about but I agreed with him, as that is what I knew he wanted to hear. Master then took two house bricks from his car and lifted the left side of the stocks up with my bare feet in them and placed the bricks underneath the stocks and he did the same at the other side of the stocks. This raised my feet further of the ground and made them more accessible to him. I had just settled into the new position when my master told me to roll when he lifted and turned the stocks and replaced them upside down on the bricks. I was now lying on my stomach with the cheek of my face against the roughness of the heather covered ground. This position was quite uncomfortable as there was extra preasure on my stomach and chest due to my secured feet being raised up from the ground. To make matters worse I had no way of knowing what was about to happen to me as my face was at foot level.

Then suddenly my master showed me a whip and I braced myself for a good whipping on my bottom and surely enough WHACK the first strike right across the cheeks of my bottom I moaned as the strike cut into me and stung. Whack Whack two more strikes and my bottom felt warm with the pain. Whack Whack another two harder then the first and my arse was burning from the full force of my masters right arm as he brought the whip down on my cute young arse it must be glowing by now. Then he stopped whipping my arse and I was just thinking that my punishment wasn't that bad when I felt a pain like no other as my feet were struck with some sort of thin cane like instrument, I screamed as the severe pain hit my soles and another strike hit down on my soles increasing the pain, then he changed his tactic and picked up the whip and in a much more gentle way started whipping my feet, at first it didn't feel so bad especially after the cane that had hit them first. But he kept hitting my feet with the leather whip and they were feeling rather sore. He would do five strokes on one foot then five on the other and followed with five on both feet by this time I was screaming at him to stop as the soles of my feet were like they had walked on broken glass. The pain increased with each stroke of the whip but there was no end insight. He eventually stopped the whipping. "Now boy you will be obedient and respectful especially to your master but also to your superiors, and that means everyone Boy, as everyone is superior to a Slave Boy" he said "Yes sir" I said in a muffled voice from crying with the pain from my feet. He just left me there until I regained my composure then turned me back over onto my back and helped me sit up. Then he knelt down and gave me a gentle kiss and put his arms around me and held me tight to his chest, well as best he could with me still in the stocks. "Now boy you see good behaviour gets comforts and bad behaviour as you can see gets punishments and pain. That doesn't mean to say you wont receive pain when you have been good, because if I feel like giving you a bit of pain I will do, but if the pain is for your punishment and to teach you a lesson it will be of the same severity as today's understand boy" he asked "Yes sir" I said confused at what he had just told me. "You will learn to enjoy a certain amount of pain Boy, in fact it will become a part of our Daily routine eventually and you will look forward to it" he added. He was right of course as mild discomfort or spankings did turn me on, they always had if I were honest to myself. I've wanked over some of the sm stories in the daily tabloids and it has always been a part of my fantasies. But I had never thought I'd be living out any of them. Maybes he was right about getting used to some pain only time would tell. Master proceeded to free my sore feet from the stocks and sooth them with a special lotion that he told me he had sent over from china. The lotion took some of the soreness out of my soles, and with his help I could just about manage to hobble back to the car. The rest of the day my Master was so gentle with me that by the time it was time for me to leave I almost forgot the ordeal I had endured earlier that day. He even passionately kissed me as we left the house and he drove me back to my collage residents. "I will email you every day whilst I am away and I expect you to be at the airport when I return next week I will give you instruction on how to greet me later Boy" he said as I got out of his car. "I'm going to miss you sir" I heard myself saying to him. "I will miss you to my Boy toy" he said. Suddenly I felt all alone and empty. "Don't forget your all mine next week boy for seven whole days you will be under my command" he said in a cheery tone. "Yes sir, look forward to you coming back sir" I said as I closed the car door and he drove off into the horizon. I was lucky that Jake wasn't in the room when I returned it gave me time to clean up a bit and put some comfortable clothes on and soak my feet. How was I going to cope with my master being away for a whole week?

To be continued.

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Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 6

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