Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 9, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 4 -

Master left me attached to the wall for about ten minutes with just my collar, cock ring and a butt plug up my arse. The only pieces of clothing I had on my body were my white sports socks and shoes. He actually left me there for quite a while with nothing to do but wonder what he might do next and where my life was going. One thing for sure if I keep missing my classes I would surely be asked to leave the collage at the end of my first year. But I didn't dare say no when Master demanded me to see him, besides I don't think I could resist the temptation. About 20 minutes later Master opened the shed door and walked upto me. The wind was blowing in where he hadn't closed the door properly and I started shivering as the cold air blew around my body. The shivering caused me to jerk about a bit, which in turn cause me to wriggle about in my restraints. The involuntary movements caused my wrists and ankles to get chaffed so much so that when Master walked up to me and helped me out of the restraints. Then he cleaned my damaged skin with some antiseptic lotion.

I thought that he might even take it easy on me through the night, I was seeing a side of him that I hadn't really seen before. This just increased my addiction of him. But the thoughts of a easy ride tonight were soon shattered when he pointed at the floor and said "Boy kneel before me and take my cock in your mouth"

Immediately did what he asked of my slowly kneeling down and took his knob in my mouth and it wasn't long before he started to fuck my mouth really hard and deep. I could feel the hardness of his shaft along with the heat of his cock. He pre cum was dripping onto my tongue. I savoured his love juice in my mouth before I let it slide down my throat. Just the sight of his cock made my life worth living. I sucked him deep in my mouth caressing his knob with my tongue, as I played with his balls, which always seemed to supply him with enough of his hot thick creamy spunk. As with the previous meetings I tried my best to swallow every last drop, but it was a loss course, as he came really hard, and it was just too much for me to take it all. His spunk was dribbling out of my mouth and running down my chin and onto my chest.

"That was good boy!" Wow I was being complemented for something I wanted so much, and of course that was his hard throbbing cock, which then minutes after I had sucked him off he was still semi hard. Of course my cock was rock solid too and leaking enough to form a puddle on the shed floor which had been covered by some sort of water resistant flooring.

"Right boy clean up my cock with your mouth then clean your mess up with your tongue" he ordered as he pointed to the pool of my pre cum directly in front of me.

"When are your next holidays at collage?" he asked me as he stood watching me lick his knob and shaft clean of any spunk that may still be on his cock.

"In about a weeks time sir" I replied as I got onto all fours and started licking my own pre cum off the floor.

"Good that is perfect, as I will be away for a week after tomorrow. So when I get back I want you to come and serve me for a whole week boy"

"bbbut sir I cant, I go and see my folks every holiday" I tried to explain to him.

"Boy you will make your excuses, and you will be here a week tomorrow, or else you walk away tomorrow and we never see each other again" H demanded as I returned to kneeling before him after cleaning my pre cum up from the floor.

"Yes sir I will do my best" I replied, as I knew I would walk round the world if I were ordered to.

"Good I will have a surprise for you upon my return" He added

"Any way lets not waste any more time, I think you need a reward for your cleaning skills" he commented, where was this guy coming from, what cleaning skills any man could clean a floor or another mans cock with their tongue. Deep down I knew that he was pleased that I didn't disobey his orders.

He then told me to lie down on a bench to the left of the shed. The bench was old and wooden; it felt quite rough on my naked skin as I lay down on it. Master then proceeded to stretch my arms and legs out to the four corners of the bench and attached the straps that were connected to each bench leg around my ankles and wrists. Once more I was immobile, unable to move more then an inch or two in any direction. So you could say I was pretty helpless and at my masters mercy. He could do what ever he wished to me and I wouldn't be able to stop him. Even this turned me on so much that I think my cock grew an inch longer. He brought a bottle of oil over to my side and poured a liberal amount of oil over my cock and balls. The oil was quite cold as though he had just taken it out of a fridge. The coldness sort of felt rather nice as it dripped over my cock and balls.

" Don't you shoot your load Boy" he said to me as he started to massage the oil into my balls, the feeling was wonderful but how the hell was I suppose to keep control of my cock if he was teasing it. Then he grabbed my shaft quite tightly in his left hand and kept my balls in his right hand. I could feel my cock pulsate in his grip as he started sliding his fist up and down my shaft slowly as he kept a loose grip of my balls. The feeling was getting to boiling point I could feel my spunk rising and shouted, "I think I'm going to come sir"

"You better not boy" he replied in a threatening voice as he stopped playing with my cock and held my knob tight up against my stomach. This seemed to take my need to cum away or at least eased the urge. He kept it there for about a minute before starting to work my cock again but this time he had a tighter grip of my balls, just enough to make them feel uncomfortable which at first helped me focus on something different from the urge to cum that was starting to build up again inside my cock and balls. He must have felt my cock boiling again as he stopped and held my cock tight against my stomach once more, by this time I was sweating profusely with the intensity of the pleasure my master was giving me. Once a few minutes had passed he took hold my shaft again but a little tighter then the previous times and started sliding up and down whilst holding my balls even tighter then before. I was now feeling some pain from my balls and cock being held so tightly, but the sensation of pleasure helped me cope with the pain that I was feeling. Once again he stopped just as I was about to go over the edge. He kept repeating the exercise for over an hour and each time held my cock and balls a little tighter in his rough hands. I must have been taken to the very edge of cumming over twelve times and the tension had mounted on my body until I could hold out no longer and my cum came from my pained balls up my piss pipe and out of my knob which was quite sore with all the attention it had endured. I must have shot seven or eight massive loads out over my chest face and into the wall a few feet behind my head. I now went into almost a trance state, every part of my body ached from the tension it had been under but I also felt like I was floating it was defiantly the best climax I had ever had in my life. It was the most wonderful state to be in, and looking at my master's face I think he was well pleased with the amount of cum that I had produced. My chest was literally covered in my hot creamy spunk, which soon started to go cold and dry onto my chest. Master then left the shed once more telling me I should rest until he returns in the morning.

"But master aren't you forgetting something?" I asked

"What's that boy?" he replied

"I'm still tied up, aren't you going to untie me before you go?" I asked

"No you'd better get used to sleeping in restraints boy and accepting what ever decisions I make" he said sternly and proceeded to leave the shed and lock the door behind me. I must have dozed off straight after my master had left the shed. As the next thing I knew the sun was shining through the shed window onto my naked body. It was a strong sun and I felt the rays burning into my skin. For a moment I forgot what had happened the night before or even that I was restrained to the bench and tried to get up only to be jerked back to the bench by the leather restraints on my wrists and ankles. I also slowly became aware that I was covered in my dried up spunk, which felt very stiff on my chest. It was just after this that I heard a key turn in the lock and the shed door opened letting in a warm summer breeze whizzed around my body brushing over my young smooth skin. "Morning Boy, did you sleep well" My master said as he walked into my view. "Yes sir but I am very stiff and aches this morning sir" I replied

"Oh well a nice cold shower will soon sort you out ready for the day ahead of us" he said in a chirpy voice. Wow a shower just what I needed I thought to myself as he undid the restraints and helped me up of the bench. My muscles ached more then I had first thought. He led me into the garden which was surrounded by high hedges and by a wood at the back so was quite secluded. He told me to stand about halfway between the shed and the house, which I did expecting to be shown into his house. Then suddenly I was hit by a force of freezing cold water right on the centre of my back. He had turned the garden hose on and was showering me with it. The cold water was cutting into my skin and I was so pleased when he turned the hose off. I just stood there shivering from the coldness of the water. "Right boy lay over there and let the sun dry you. I was pleased to do what he ordered as the sun would warm my body through eventually, and the warm breeze brushing over my body was quite erotic, of course being just twenty two my mind soon went into fantasy mode and I sprung a hard on. About half an hour later my master returned and stood above me "You Randy Bugger, well I'm sorry but you had your rations of cumming last night, your back on your no cumming rule boy understand" he said.

"yes sir" I muttered in a disappointed voice, even though it turned me on having no control of my body, and if last night was anything to go by I cant wait until he allows me to cum again. "You see boy you have to work for the right to cum from now on. If you please me I am more likely to allow you to cum once in a while but if you displease me you will only succeed in making the time between your climaxes longer" he stated in a matter of fact manor.

He then ordered me to my feet and told me to bend over and touch my toes, which I did immediately even though it was causing me pain. I then felt his finger rub my hole and slowly entering me, and soon a second finger joined it, forcing my hole open. After a short while of sliding two fingers in and out of my hole teasing my prostrate with each stroke I felt my hole being stretched and realised that he had managed to get a third finger in.

"Ouch sir it hurts sir" I cried as I felt my hole almost splitting.

"Well boy you better get used to it because your hole is going to take much more then my three fingers as time goes by" he pointed out to me. It was at this point I was realising that he intended to keep me as his slave boy a human sex toy to use as and when he pleased. This frightened me as much as it intrigued me. But as you well know I was well and truly hooked on this man, who wouldn't be he was a nice height and strong, a real man so to speak, and his hairy arms melted any opposition to his plans, and besides I was hungry to repeat the night before but knew to do so I would have to really work hard to please my master.

He suddenly pulled out his three fingers quite fast and I felt sore around the entrance of my hole. Almost as soon as he had pulled his fingers out he lubed my hole up and proceeded to put quite a thick dildo in hard and fast causing me almost to loose my balance. I got an intense burning pain all around my hole and felt my insides being punched with the dildo that had intruded my body.

"Stop fucking moaning boy and stand fucking straight boy" he snapped as I regained my balance and stood straight for him almost standing to attention.

"That's better you piece of shit" he added.

"We are going to really have to work on toughening you up if your going to be my full time boy" he stated. What did h mean by that his full time boy? I thought this was going to be a bit of summer time fun and that we would go our separate ways when I finished collage at the end of summer. I didn't dare ask him to explain himself, as he seemed to be in a very aggressive mood this morning so I just agreed with him.

"Right boy go and sit over there and I will bring your breakfast out in a moment then we will start working on toughening you up and make a man out of your sissy collage boy body" he said in a condescending way which made me feel inferior about my body. I had never experienced this before as always felt I looked ok, I was no male pin up but I never had any problems attracting men. he went in the house and brought my breakfast out which consisted of cornflakes and toast, my hopes of a full English breakfast were shattered.

"We need to keep you fit boy so your always ready to serve me when ever I require you to" he said as he placed his full cooked breakfast in front of his chair and my so called healthy breakfast in front of me. I really resented him making me eat the healthy breakfast whilst he was digging unto a full fried English breakfast who the hell did he think he was. Then my mind drifted back to that feeling of ecstasy last night when he eventually allowed me to cum, and admitted that I would do what ever it takes to repeat the experience again.

Next: Chapter 5

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