Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jul 28, 2023


Master's New Boy Authors Notes:

This story contains sex between two or more men, and has Bondage,SM, WS and other scenes that some might call kinky.


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental. Though my story involves unsafe sex,(it is only fiction) I strongly believe in safer sex out of respect for my partner and my self.

FEEDBACK - I greatly accept feedback from readers, good, bad or Indifferent. Please feel free to email me with your praise (plenty lol), Criticisms (be gentle lol) and idea's for this story or future stories that I may write!

Email your views and comments/ideas to me at

COPYRIGHT By Benme_over Edited by Drew Hunt. All rights reserved. This story may not be copied without the permission of the author, other than for personal use.

Master's New Boy Chapter 30

There we all were waiting for the big announcement, time seemed to pass in slow motion. I don't know why but I was expecting something horrible to be announced. My heart was working ten beets to the dozen. I could even feel sweat starting to rise through my pores, as I braced myself for my master's words to leave his mouth and reach my ears.

"Right boys it is like this, My Company is laying many of its workers off. They've offered me a job in London, but I'll have to make frequent visits to Barcelona too.

"So Jake and Shaun you have three choices. You can join me in London, or become free men once more, or the third option is to stay here with Master Brian. Now we want you to think about it over night. Oh and Jake if you decide to stay with either Master Brian or me, we will train you up to be a master. Though things won't seem that different to you at first, as any good master always starts as a slave. You can only take control if you know what the slave is going through, it makes for a better master"

I was dumb founded, how was I supposed to make such a decision overnight. My loyalty lay with our master, but I had grown quite fond of Master Brian, I also enjoyed the company of Jake and Andy.

Once Jake and I were in our beds, we talked about Master's announcement. We asked each other what we were going to say in the morning, but neither of us had a clue. We were both in mental overload. It took me ages before I could close my eyes and fall asleep. It seemed like no sooner had I closed my eyes than it was morning and the sun was shining its rays through the window. Jake and I of course did our usual morning routine of giving each other an enema and soaping each other up, however, this time we hardly spoke a word, as we both tried to work out what our answers would be. I had almost made my mind up. I had agreed to serve my master and therefore I had to follow him where ever he went, so I was ready to pack up my few belongings that master had allowed me to keep, like family photo's etc. It looked like Jake was finding it much harder to come to a decision though. He was clearly preoccupied; he even forgot to take his uniform down to master until I reminded him.

"Have you decided what you are going to do yet Shaun?" Jake asked.

"Yes I think I am going with our master to London." I replied.

"Really! I don't think I can make my mind up." Jake commented as we walked down the staircase and into the kitchen. We immediately dropped into our presentation position.

"No boys, be at ease today please." Master said.

Andy entered the kitchen then. He went over to where Master Brian was sitting and he knelt before him.

"Aaah Andy, decided to join us then~" Master Brian joked as he motioned Jake to get up off his knees.

Both Jake and I pulled our sleepy naked bodies up off the floor and took our place at the breakfast table as master placed our usual healthy breakfast before us.

"Well boys have either of you come to a decision on the future?" Master asked.

"Yes sir I am coming with you sir, as that is where I belong by your side Sir." I respectfully told my Master.

He grinned at me, which obviously meant I had pleased him by being loyal. "And how about you Jake, have you decided which path you want to take?"

"Erm yes sir I think I want to stop here with Master Brian and Andy." Jake said with a look of fear on his face. He obviously expected our Master (or should that be My master now as Jake had opted out of his commitment to him) to be displeased.

"That's quite ok Boy, I expected that it would be hard for both of you to decide in such a short time about something as big as this." Master shook Jakes hand and wished him well in his training to become a master.

After Breakfast my Master and I packed up all of our small items in his car ready for our drive down to London. Master had decided to keep his house in Yorkshire on as a retreat from the hustle and bustle rat race of the big city. Master Brian had agreed to keep an eye on the property. Both master and I rushed round packing the car up as master wanted to leave immediately after lunch.

Once we had finished packing, Master took me into the bathroom and ordered me to bend over the toilet. I obeyed immediately of course. Master took the enema kit out of the cupboard and prepared the equipment including filling the bag with warm water.

Soon the water was making its way down the tube and into my arse. He refilled the bag after it had emptied itself into me.

"Boy your going to take two full bags today for me." he said as he attached the second bag to the tubing, allowing the water to flow once more into my arse and filling up my guts. Of course I felt like a stuffed chicken waiting to be eaten. "Right boy don't let a single drop leak out of that arse of yours. Otherwise you may find the drive down to London a little uncomfortable if I have to punish those cute cheeks of yours." Master commented smugly. He obviously knew he was asking the near impossible of me. "Don't forget not a single drop until I come back into the room." He left the bathroom then.

I was almost annoyed that he was putting me through this before a long journey. Then suddenly I wondered if he was going to fuck me or get some old friend to fuck me as we drove down to London.

Ten minutes passed before master entered the bathroom once more. He just worked around me as though I wasn't even visible, never mind the fact that I had a stomach that was big and full of water.

By now of course I was having some quite nasty cramps in my stomach. Master still chose to ignore me as I tried frantically to draw his attention to my need of letting the water out of my full arse. He made me wait a good few minutes more, before allowing me to rush over to the toilet to let out all of the water inside me. It seemed like a never-ending stream of water. The feeling of relief after I was empty was like nothing I had experienced before.

We took a nice slow shower together. Then Master put me in my uniform. I knew that I had made the right decision, because the feeling inside of me as Master placed the collar that he had given me around my neck and locked it on, was so special.

My cock was fighting the rubber tube around it but of course it was fighting a losing battle, which made me even hornier. Not being able to get hard is something that makes me so horny almost to the point of being unbearable.

"Take care of these two boys of yours. When we come up for a break maybe we could all get together and have ourselves a good old time?" Master said to Master Brian as they shook hands. Then Master patted both Andy and Jake on their backs, "You are too good men, and Jake if you pass your master training maybe I will let you have Shaun for a couple of days as your temporary slave." Master then walked towards the car.

"Thanks for everything Andy and Jake, Hope we see you all again soon." I said as I shook their hands, then I shook Master Brian's hand too.

"You're a special kind of slave Shaun. Thanks for letting me know about Jake not being a sub." Master Brian said as we walked towards the car.

"Well Boy it's just you and me now." Master said as we drove out of the drive and headed for the A1m.

We drove for a good two hours before we stopped off for petrol and a bite to eat in a greasy Truckers stop. You can imagine the looks and stares I was getting from all of the beefy truckers. They were looking at me like a piece of meat, whispering all sorts of things about me.

"Oh just ignore them Shaun" Master said noticing my unease.

"But I need the toilet."

"Well you better go then." He said. He couldn't seriously mean that, as I would be walking into a bashing if I went to the toilet. "Go on boy, it's the last stop before London"

I reluctantly headed off towards the men's room, not knowing what to expect, but I was sure it wasn't going to be pleasant for me. I opened the door and entered a badly lit room, with three cubicles down one side and a urinal, and washbasins down the other side. There were a couple of really beefy men taking a piss at the urinals, and the only cubicle free was the middle one of the three. I dashed straight into the cubicle hoping to evade the glare of the guys at the urinals.

Once I was in the cubical I realised I needed my master to loosen the straps off my shorts and harness to allow me to get my cock out and piss. 'He must be loving this' I thought as I opened the cubical door to find one of the guys who had been having a piss at the urinals holding the key to my collar and harness locks.

"Your master thought I might be able to help you boy." The beefy guy said as he handed me a note. Then he pushed me inside the cubicle and locked the door behind him. The note was in my master's handwriting, it simply said "Do as Master Tony orders. I have offered you to him for a couple of hours while I take a kip in the car."

No sooner had I put the note down, than I was spun round and Master Tony was undoing the lock to my lower straps, which connected my harness to my shorts. Now lets see what you have to offer boy." He said as he eased my black rubber shorts down my legs and helped me step out of them.

By now any worries of being attacked wearing my uniform had disappeared. I was horny and ready to do exactly as Master Tony ordered me to do.

After I had taken a quick piss in the pan, Master Tony said, "Bend over the toilet boy I want to take this fake cock out of your pussy hole." He sort of forced me to bend over, leaving my arse in full view giving him easy access. He pulled the butt plug out in one hard go, giving me no consideration. This told me I was going to get a good hard fucking before I would be allowed to leave and return to my master. I was then spun round and pushed down on the toilet seat. Master Tony was rubbing his 9-inch rock hard leaking cock into my face wiping his precum all over my cheeks.

"I'm going to fuck your mouth and throat until its red raw then I'll turn you over and fuck that cute arse of yours boy." Master Tony said in a demanding voice.

No sooner had he said the words than he was ramming his cock deep down my throat, his cock tasted of stale cum, probably from him having a wank in his truck. Although his unwashed cock made me gag at first, after a while the thought of being forced to suck a dirty cock sort of made me feel horny. I know it sounds strange doesn't it. But there I was happily sucking his dirty cock.

Master Tony was definitely not the cleanest of guys, his clothes smelt of stale sweat, but I didn't have time to worry about such trivial things. After all, this guy was fucking my mouth with all of the force of his body weight behind his cock. He was right, he was fucking my mouth so hard that the back of my throat was beginning to get sore, but there was no let up in the assault on my throat. He was actually fucking my mouth harder and harder with every thrust.

Eventually I could tell that he was getting close to cumming, I could feel his cock pulsate inside my mouth. He drove a couple more hard steel thrusts into my throat like a battering ram into a wall. Then he roughly pulled me to my feet and turned me round. Then he made me put my arms out to the wall behind the toilet, he pulled me back by the waist. So I was standing with my arse in view and arms pushed forward keeping my balance. No sooner had he put me in place, than his cock was ramming my arse. He was pushing deep inside my guts. This must have been one of the roughest fuck sessions I had ever had. It only took four or five more hard thrusts into my arse before I felt him getting near. I gripped his cock with my arse muscles and pushed myself back onto his cock forcing it that little bit deeper. That was enough, he started shooting deep inside me. After a couple of squirts of his cum inside me, he pulled out, turned me round and pushed me down and shot the remainder of his load onto my face and hair.

He replaced my butt plug back inside my now sore hole, which made it feel very uncomfortable, although it kept his cum inside my arse. Then he locked me back into my harness and shorts. "There you go boy now go straight to your master. Oh and you better take his key back too!" Master Tony smirked.

I naturally made my way towards the washbasins, so I could try and tidy myself up before going through the café and all those beefy truck drivers.

"Hey you little fucker, did I say you could clean up" Boomed Master Tony.

"B-B-But Sir they will eat me alive." I protested.

"Oh don't be such a sissy, all us truckers like a little light relief now and again." he giggled and winked as he opened the door to the main restaurant. "Hay guys this kid here likes it really rough." he shouted into the main room.

I was so humiliated at being made such a showpiece. They all giggled and laughed at me as I walked with my head held low, through the crowded room of hungry truckers. How I made it to my master's car I will never know.

I told my master what had happened. He seemed genuinely upset about the situation, he promised he would not allow things to go that far again, but he owed Master Tony a favour and he was a little short of money, with the costs of setting up our new home down in London. "I didn't realise that he was really as bad as his reputation." Master added.

It only took us another hour and a half before we reached the outskirts of London, and then another 30 minutes and we were at our new home right in the middle of Soho.

"Well Shaun, this is it, it has four bedrooms and a basement which we will turn into our dungeon. I suppose we will have to find another young man to join us, I like to have two boys who are always ready to please me grinned Master as he took me on a tour of the house. It was actually bigger than the one in Yorkshire.

"What's your new job Sir~" I asked.

"I am to become a director of recruitment, which I hope will help us find Jakes replacement." He replied grinning again.

"Do you really have to have two slaves sir?" I asked.

"No Shaun, I was only teasing you." Master said as he pulled me into his strong loving arms. "No Shaun I think this time it will be just you and me, though we might entertain other master's and their slaves from time to time." He said softly before engaging our mouths in a long, loving and passionate kiss.

Something had changed between us, I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was, but I knew that we seemed closer. Although I was still a submissive, and Master was still dominant and in charge of our destiny, there was definitely a loving bond between us.


This is the end of Master's New Boy. I hope you have enjoyed reading Shaun's Journey into becoming a Slave. Please email me any comments good or bad.

There may be a sequel to MMB soon so keep checking back! Take Care and Play Safe Ben x

Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

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