Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 7, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or circumstances is purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 3 - The Garden Shed

"On time Boy your learning" he commented as he led me into the garden of the house. The garden was huge in size just like the house in the centre of it. We kept walking past the house until we came to a wooden shed. He opened the door and nodded me to go inside. There was no light and it was a fairly dark night, so as I entered I couldn't make anything out he put the things down on the floor and lit a candle then went back outside and closed and locked the door behind him. I noticed a note on the back of the door, but I went over to the two items that he had been carrying and had placed on the floor before locking me in the shed. One was a collar and the other was a blindfold. I guessed the note would tell me what to do with these items so I went over to the door and read the note:-

Boy you will from now on wear the collar which is stamped with my initials on the outside, so other masters will know that you are my property and no others unless I offer you to another master.

You will now kneel on the floor at the opposite end of the shed facing the wall and place the blindfold over your eyes and will remain in the kneeling position with your head bowed down and your arms behind your back. Do not move from this position or you will regret it

As usual I was arguing with my inner self, thinking who the hell is this guy and no one fucking owns me but again as usual I ended up unable to resist following his orders and went to the other end of the shed with the collar and blindfold. I knelt down and placed the collar around my neck. The collar was made of black leather with what looked like gold studs on it and his initials embossed on the front of it and painted with gold. Then I placed a leather blindfold over my eyes and put my arms behind my back like he had ordered. So there I was with just my socks and shoes on my feet and just a long coat covering my otherwise naked body, well naked except for the collar and blindfold. It was quite cold in the shed and I was starting to want the toilet. I decided I had to try and detract my mind from my current situation especially as after what must have been 15 minutes, which seemed more like 15 hours had passed I realised he was in no hurry to come back to the shed.

I started looking back over the last few days and how I had arrived at this point. How the hell did I get myself into all this shit, and what the hell was going to happen to me now. Then I also started to transgress onto the erotic side of all these happenings and how I got so fucking turned on following these fucking orders and being totally under the influence of another man, and out of my own free will. An hour or more must have passed before I heard the door open. "Thank god for that I need to take a leak" I said hurriedly "You need take nothing Boy, and you aren't going anywhere unless I tell you" He snapped. "Your fucking Body mind and soul" belong to me," He snapped. My cock went rock solid when I heard him say those words. It was dam fucking horny, I had never been dominated in my whole life and especially not in a sexual way maybes that is why I was so captivated about all this shit.

He walked right up behind me and I did not dare move an inch, the tension of not knowing what this guy was planning to do to me caused a funny sensation of fear and excitement within my body and adrenalin was running through every vein in my body. Suddenly I felt cold metal around my left wrist and heard a click and the same thing with my right wrist. He had obviously put handcuffs on me. Now I couldn't really get up even if I wanted to. He then helped me onto my feet and undid my coat buttons and pulled both sides open, then pulled my dirty briefs down my legs and helped me step out of them so he had full view of my smooth lily-white chest and my newly shaved cock and balls. Then he startled me when he grabbed hold of my balls tightly with his rough hands, which were fairly warm. It sent a short intense pain into my stomach as he kept hold of them. "Nice Balls Boy, I will have great pleasure with them and a nice loose foreskin just the way I like my boys" he added matter of fact manner. This guy was very sure of himself and of having me as one of his boys.

He then proceeded to take my coat off me by undoing the handcuffs and sliding the coat down one and then the other arm, but he didn't re apply the cuffs which I had expected him to but he attached a leash to my collar and proceeded to lead me out of the shed into the open night air which was fairly cold on my naked body. He then pulled off my blindfold and threw it in the shed and closed the door. He continued to lead me through the garden into a wooded area just outside of the grounds at the back of the house. Suddenly he pushed me against a tree trunk and tied my hands around the tree so I encircled the tree with my arms and my face pushed hard against the tree. Then he pulled me down a bit and kicked my feet out backwards and apart so my arse was easy access for him. So there I was tied to a tree with just a leather collar and my shoes and white socks and nothing else. I knew I was getting in really deep and that there was probably no turning back now. But this guy was like a drug the more contact by whatever means he used the more I wanted him. It was obvious that he knew that and was going to use it to get what ever he desired from me.

Suddenly my thinking was quickly disturbed and I was back to the here and now when I felt his clothed body rub against my back and what must have been his cock rub up and down my crack. He then spat on his hand and my crack to moisten me up ready for his hard cock. "You owe me this one boy for not being reliable earlier" he boomed "bbbutt sir it wasn't my fault" I tried to say but he stopped me in my tracks when he rammed his thick hard cock deep in my arse hole, I felt a hot burning sensation around my hole as he forced it in until his balls slapped my smooth arse cheeks. "OH yes boy your arse is mine, you have one fucking hot arse boy" he said as he started pumping my arse ramming his cock in and out hard and fast. I was sweating rivers of sweat as he upped his pace even faster. It was the roughest fuck that I had ever experienced, but it was also the horniest I had ever had as well. It only took a few more minutes before he pulled out completely and shot load after load all over my back and arse. It was at that point that he pulled my dirty briefs out of his pocket and wiped my arse and back up of his spunk and placed them in my mouth. "Suck on them boy, taste them and enjoy them boy" he said and I didn't dare not do as I was told. The taste was a strong and bitter taste and although not that pleasant, it tasted better then they smelt. As the odour of stale piss and spunk made me almost vomit it was so strong. He then untied me and led me back to the shed and took the leash off. "Right boy put your briefs back on and your coat and get the fuck out of here im done with your body for tonight I will let you know when I want your services again boy" he snapped coldly. "And don't forget not to take those briefs off and follow my other instructions other wise you wont hear from me again" he added. And left me to sort myself out. The wet briefs felt really cold on my cock and balls which brought my urgent need to piss back so I hurried to get my coat on and left the shed and garden. I found a shop doorway as I was walking back to my student residence. I could feel the spunk dry and stiff on my back and my briefs drying onto my cock and balls. I was lucky that when I got back to my room, Jake was sound asleep. I took my coat off and got into bed but couldn't sleep for ages as I kept running the nights events through my mind, which made my cock go harder and harder, but I did not dare masturbate with out my masters permission.

Once I managed to drift off into a deep sleep I didn't wake until 2pm when Jake slammed the door as he left for a class. Shit I thought to myself I've slept in and missed my morning class. I jumped out of bed and straight unto my computer to check my email and messenger to see if my master had contacted me, and sure enough there was a email message which read as follows: -

"You did well last night boy, be at the shed again this evening but be prepared to stay the night, as I want to use your body more then once. When you arrive enter the shed and resume the same position as last night and place the blindfold on your face again. Stay in that position until I order you otherwise. Oh and be there by five thirty at the latest boy, if your late don't bother wasting my time."

Man this was just so horny I was going to have a all night session, my mind instantly went into overdrive fantasising about what might happen to me this evening. I got up had something to eat then thought should I take an overnight bag, but decided I probably shouldn't, as my master didn't tell me to. I left a note for Jake saying that I would be staying at a friend tonight. It was soon time for me to walk to the garden shed of the house that I was at last night. So there I was walking towards the house in just a long coat and my shoes and socks oh yes the briefs that I wasn't allowed to take off and my collar round my neck. It was busier then the previous night and I got a few odd stares from passers bye. I was so red faced and humiliated but that was nothing compared to what happened just the street before my destination. I sensed that I was being followed so I quickened my pace but it was too late and I was jumped on from behind and attacked by two fairly well built men, who kicked me a bit then when they realised I only had my briefs on under my coat they stood on my face and jammed it against the pavement and one of their foot. "hey we've got ourselves s queer boy here mate" "yeh I knew it walked like a girl" the other added and then I felt something hot and wet hit my back and arse. It took me a minute before I realised that they were pissing on me. They kicked me a couple of more times before walking off leaving me soaked in piss and lying on the ground. I slowly managed to pick my bruised and wet body up and made my way to the shed and assumed the same position as the night before and placed the blindfold over my eyes. I did not move. I expected my master to come to the shed as quick as the previous night, but he didn't he just kept me kneeling with my head bowed and my hands behind my back waiting. Eventually he arrived and told me to stand, but I had trouble standing after the kicking and my legs were like jelly with kneeling for so long on the floor he told me to turn around and stand with my back against the wall, it was at this point that he noticed I was soaked and bruised. "What the fuck have you been doing Boy?" he demanded to know "I was jumped on by two men Sir! I replied "You fucking heap of shit, you a girl or something letting yourself get caught out like that" he said sternly "No sir but they jumped me from behind sir" "well don't think I will go easy on you just because your too soft to protect yourself, your going to still be working hard tonight at pleasing me if you want to keep coming back boy" he stated sternly "Yes sir" I replied softly and almost in a rejected voice, he seemed to have no compassion at all. I was just a piece of meat to him and worthless, or at least that was how he made me feel. I felt so cheap and dirty at this point, I even thought about telling him I that I had had enough and walking away, but the addiction to this man was ever stronger, it didn't matter how he treated me the feeling of need kept growing inside me. I don't know where this feeling came from but it had taken over my life completely.

After I had stood against the wall he told me to take my coat and briefs and shoes off, but to leave my white sports socks on. He then lifted each arm above my head and clipped them into leather restraints and fastened them to hooks on the wall above my head. He did the same with both ankles, so I was spread eagled against the wall ready for his use........

To be continued

I hope that you like the third chapter of my new story.

Other stories from Benme_over are: Street Kid

Please do not copy this story without my permission first

2003 copyright - Benme_over

Next: Chapter 4

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