Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jul 22, 2023


Authors Notes:

This story contains sex between two or more men, and has Bondage,SM, WS and other scenes that some might call kinky.


This story is fiction. Any resemblance to reality is pure coincidence. Though my story involves unsafe sex,(it is only fiction) I strongly believe in safer sex out of respect for my partner and my self.

FEEDBACK - I greatly accept feedback from readers, good or bad or indifferent. Please feel free to email me with your praise (plenty lol), criticisms (be gentle lol) and idea's for this story or future stories that I may write!

Email your views and comments/ideas to me at

COPYRIGHT By Benme_over Edited by Drew Hunt. All rights reserved. This story may not be copied without the permission of the author, other than for personal use.

Master's New Boy Chapter 29

As Jake stood up, I could see that his cheeks were bloated as he was struggling to keep my big load of cum inside his mouth, not letting a single drop leak from his lips. Then he took hold of me by the waist and put his lips to mine. I instinctively opened my lips, Jake immediately opened his slightly and we started kissing, raping each others mouths with our tongues, swirling my cum around inside our mouths. My cock was rising once more to its full erect size as we continued kissing and swirling my creamy cum around. Until it all eventually disappeared down our throats.

I got down on my knees in front of Jake and undid the harness straps from his rubber shorts. Once I had detached them, I started to roll them down his legs slowly, and then I helped him step out of them. It was obvious from the liquid inside his shorts that Jake had been leaking precum throughout the entire time he had been sucking me off to a climax, and all the time we had been kissing and sharing my love juice too.

Now it was time for me to return the favour to Jake. By now he must have been frustrated to hell. I could smell his precum soaked knob before I even leaned forward to take his throbbing cock into my mouth. As I leant forward, I let my lips run across the tip of his cock without opening my mouth. I could smell the delicious odour of Jakes cock. The smell alone sent me crazy as I opened my lips to allow Jake's manhood to glide into my mouth and down my throat. I was savouring the taste of his wet and sticky cock. Jakes cock felt much bigger than I had remembered. It was even wider than the last time I had the pleasure of his cock in my mouth too. After only a few minutes Jake was moaning and groaning with the intense pleasure he was feeling, as my tongue sucked, swirled and flicked over his cock with a raging hunger.

I had to taste his cum and I wanted it as soon as I could get it. I could feel his cock jolt around hitting the roof of my mouth. At times the jolts of his cock actually caused a minor sore feeling to my mouth, but it was all worth it, as his body suddenly stiffened and out came his spunk. His thick creamy cum coated the lining of my mouth and throat. I couldn't hold all of it in my mouth like Jake had done. There was just too much of it. I had to let some of it trickle down my throat into my stomach. I could feel the warmth of the liquid as it went down.

When both Jake and I had recovered from our passionate session, we returned to the sofa to see both Master Brian's and Andy's cocks at full mast, leaking precum.

"What do you boys think you are doing? You better take care of Andy's and my cocks before we go to bed." Ordered Master Brian.

Jake and I looked at each other almost in disbelief. We were both still exhausted from our climaxes of only moments earlier, and now we had to service Master Brian and Andy. But we knew we had to obey Master Brian's orders, otherwise not only would Master Brian punish us for not obeying his orders, but our Master would punish us too, upon his return once Master Brian had spoken to him about us dishonouring him in his absence.

Jake was first to move, he knelt in front of Andy's thick long juicy cock. I followed his example. I took my place in front of Master Brian's cock, which like Jakes cock earlier seemed to have grown an extra inch and it felt even fatter than before too. I could smell Master Brian's precum soaked cock as I knelt and allowed myself to move right up to his leaking cock. I stuck my tongue out under his knob just as a drop of pre-cum was about to leave the tip. I couldn't let master Brian's pre-cum be wasted on the floor after all. It smelt and tasted extra potent.

"That's it boy, oh yes keep doing that" Master Brian said in a husky voice as I repeatedly licked the tip of his cock and the underside of his shaft, making sure that not one single drop of his precum went to waste.

Of course Master Brian wanted more, I knew he did, but I was savouring the moment, especially as our Master was due back soon, and I might not get another chance to suck Master Brian's cock for a while. I was sending shock waves through his body as I licked every inch of his cock and balls. But soon master Brian started to get rougher. He grabbed my head by the hair. Then before I could blink Master Brian was fucking my mouth hard. He was controlling my head movements by forcing me up and down his shaft. He thrust his dick all the way in, until my nose was sunk deep into his crotch, and his cock was pushing down my throat. My throat muscles tried to gag on his cock, but there wasn't enough room in my throat once his cock was in to the hilt. This caused tears to roll from my eyes, but they weren't tears of pain. No these were tears of pure pleasure of being used hard with no thought for my comfort. Some guys might think that I am kinky, but I disagree. I am just an ordinary guy who likes to be fucked rough and hard, and who enjoys being humiliated, controlled and of course punished. That's what makes me a good slave.

Master Brian's assault on my throat continued. I worked my lips and tongue frantically, until suddenly without warning, my mouth was flooded with Master Brian's cum. His juice felt hot and really thick, the thickest cum I have ever experienced. I could feel the heat of his cum as it slid down my throat leaving a warm cosy feeling inside of me. We both stayed motionless for a good five minutes, I kept Master Brian's cock in my mouth as we both fought to catch our breath.

Jake had Andy on the edge of cumming when I eventually looked over to them. Andy was clenching the sofa as he got closer and closer to shooting his load into Jakes mouth. Jake grabbed Andy's balls at this point. That sent Andy over the edge. He went stiff as a brick wall, he shuddered as he shot load after load into Jakes mouth.

"Wow what a welcome home you guys put on for me." Our Master said as Jake finished sucking up all of Andy's cum. We all looked in the direction of our master's voice.

"I didn't think you were getting back until tomorrow my old friend?" Master Brian said, as both Jake and I walked towards our master, going into our presentation position.

"I wasn't, but there was some urgent business I had to sort out back here." Our Master said as he patted both of us on our heads. "How have my two boys been behaving?"

"They have been a privilege to have around to be honest, especially Shaun who has behaved exemplarily."

"Wow really? do tell Brian." Master asked.

"It's a long story, so lets talk over dinner shall we?" Suggested Brian.

"Sure. What's Andy doing with you?" Master asked as they both made their way into the dining room.

"Again it's a long story. We went to Master Robs gym and..." I couldn't hear the rest of their conversation as all three of us boys went into the kitchen and cooked the meal, and then we served it in the dining room.

"Right boys, you may go and eat in the kitchen, while Master Brian and I catch up." Our master said as we left for the kitchen.

The three of us sat round a small table eating our food. We discussed many of the recent events, which had occurred during our Master's absence. Of course the incident at the gym was our main subject of conversation. We were all wondering how Master Brian would explain the events to our Master, and what our Master's reaction would be.

The two masters left us in the kitchen for a good hour after we had served them dinner. Then they both called us into the lounge saying they wanted to talk to us frankly and openly about recent events. We were allowed to be informal.

The three of us sat on the sofa, the two masters sat in the armchairs at either end of the settee.

"Now boys, Master Brian has given me a full account of what's been happening whilst I have been away. Firstly Shaun I must commend you and say how proud I am of you for pointing out that you believe Jake is in a situation that he is not comfortable in.

"Jake I am sorry for not realising sooner that you were not at ease being under the control of another man. Both Master Brian and I have come up with a solution for that situation, but first I want to say sorry to you Andy. I knew Master rob was hard on you, and I was never quite comfortable with the way he abused his powers as your master. I also want to commend you Andy for agreeing to serve under Master Brian." Our master took a drink of his whisky. "Now boys I am going to explain our plan to the three of you. Then we want you to honestly tell us what you think of it. If any of you are not at ease with the plan, you may leave us honourably."

This sounded ominous, was it a life changing decision? What could it be I wondered? I thought I had made the final life changing decision when I became my master's slave. I didn't know if I was capable of making yet another one. I could see both Jake and Andy's faces looking puzzled, as they must have been pondering what the big announcement could be too.

What is the big Announcement? Will all or some of the boys agree to it?

To Be Continued..........

Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 30

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