Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jul 21, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Thanks to everyone who has emailed me, it is nice to hear that so many people are enjoying Master's New Boy. I would like to say a special thanks to Drew Hunt, who has pointed me in the right direction on one or two issues. Please keep your comments, and idea's coming in to add to the story, you never know I might use one or two of them!!!

Email your views and comments/ideas to me at

Chapter 28

All three of us were excited about Andy's imminent Bonding ceremony. It kind of made the linking of a master and his boy more meaningful. I started wondering why our Master hadn't given us the privilege of a bonding ceremony. I decided I would ask him the next time he allowed us to be informal with him, which he does every week or two if we had been good, it was sort of a reward for giving him 100% of ourselves.

Brian turned the squeaky old doorknob, the wooden door slowly opened as Master Brian walked through, then he closed the door behind him.

Master Brian laid some items out on a table, then he walked to the foot of the table.

"We are about to do something very special. We are going to perform a bonding ceremony. In doing so Andy will swear to honour my commands and wishes. And I swear to protect, provide for and train Andy" explained Master Brian. "Are you ready Andy?"

"Yes sir"

"Then lets begin." Master Brian continued in a soft low tone. I Master Brian, swear to Train, Protect and provide for You Andy Williams for as long as You allow me to, or to my dying day. Do you Andy Williams, offer control of your mind and body? Do you agree to obey me and give me 100% effort in all tasks that shall be given to you?"

"Yes sir I do agree to give myself to you and offer 100% effort in trying to obey your command sir" Andy stated in a steady voice.

"Then Boy you are as witnessed By Jake and Shaun Bonded to me. Now we have to prepare you to receive your new uniform and finally to place your Collar around your neck for proof of ownership." Master Brian stated as he went over to the table and brought back a razor and a bowl of water, as well as some shaving gel.

"Shaun please smother Andy's cock and balls in Gel." ordered Master Brian.

"Yes sir." I replied as I took the Gel can and sprayed it into my hands, foaming it up a little before spreading the gel all over Andy's cock and balls.

Once I was finished Jake and I were ordered to stand over to one side whilst Master Brian shaved Andy's pubic hair off. Of course once all of Andy's pubic hair had gone, his bald cock and balls looked even bigger and sexier than ever.

"Right boy turn your self over. Jake gel up Andy's crack and cheeks" Master Brian ordered.

Jake looked as though he was enjoying spreading gel over Andy's perfect arse cheeks, but he enjoyed putting gel up Andy's arse crack even more. I guess he had played with Andy's fuck hole as I saw Andy twitch at one point. Of course it wasn't long before his arse was bald too, and his hole was ready to be fucked hard. I had noticed that his hole was fairly large, not surprising after Andy told me that Master Rob had made him suffer a really thick dildo being stuck up his arse. Every two days the dildo would be changed to an even larger one, to keep his arse open. Master Rob had been doing this on and off for over a year.

"Now stand before me boy and we will begin to put your new uniform onto your body. Then we will both sign the contract of bonding." Master Brian said as he helped Andy to his feet.

The first item was a cock ring. Master Brian told Andy to bend over the bench. As soon as Andy had complied, Master Brian placed an average sized butt plug into Andy's arse, making sure that it fitted his hole. Then it was time for Andy's shorts, which would keep the butt plug in place. The shorts also had a similar tube to Jakes and mine. However Andy's shorts were made of leather, rather than rubber. They looked less comfortable than ours.

After the shorts came his leather harness. It was similar to ours but again it was made of leather. Andy's gear must have been brand spanking new, as it still had the strong smell of new leather. Finally came the collar, which was very thick. It greatly reduced Andy's head and neck movements.

"mmm very impressive, your one hot slave boy." Commented Master Brian as he led Andy, Jake and I to the table where the contract form was ready for Andy and Master Brian to sign, which would conclude the bonding ceremony.

"Boy before you hand me control of your life and body, I always insist that my slave's be tattooed on their shoulders and left arse cheek with a little heart with my initials on it, do you agree to have this done in the morning?" Master Brian asked as Andy held the pen just above the signature box.

"Yes sir I would love to be able to wear your mark on my skin"

"Very well then boy you may sign the contract. Then I want you to go up to Jake and Shaun, and ask them to honour you with six lashings of the cat -o nine-tails from each of them.".

Immediately after they had both signed, Andy Came up to Jake and I, to ask us to give him 6 lashes of the cat.

"Jake you do your six strokes of the cat on his left cheek, and Shaun do the same on his right cheek" ordered Master Brian.

"Yes sir!" We both said as I returned to the position I was in earlier, to the side of Andy. AS Jake took hold of the cat from Master Brian, he walked up to where Andy was bent over the bench with his legs apart and arms stretched out in front of him. I could see Andy's body tense slightly as he waited for Jake to bring the cat down on his nice firm arse cheeks. He knew he was going to get a thrashing by Jake and I. Jake teased Andy a little before bringing the whip crashing down on Andy's body. I could almost feel the force as the strands of the whip crashed down on Andy's cheek, and again and again the whip came down on Andy cutting into his nerves as Jake brought the forth strike down onto Andy's now glowing red arse cheek.

When Jake brought the final stroke down I could hear Andy almost sighing with relief that the torture was over. But Andy must have had a momentary lapse of memory, as he clearly forgot that was just half of the torture that he had to endure.

As Jake moved away I took up a similar position, but to the right of Andy's arse, readying myself to start my attack on his right cheek. I don't really know why, but I wanted to bring down the cat harder on Andy's arse cheek. I put it down as wanting to prove myself equal to Jake, even though I knew deep down that I was a submissive and he was a dominant. I mean it was me that pointed this fact out.

"Come on Boy what's the hold up?" Boomed Master Brian.

"Sorry sir." I immediately brought the whip crashing down onto Andy's arse, leaving stripes where the strands of the cat had hit. With each strike his arse reddened a little more, and I knew from first hand experience the pain would increase. But Andy wouldn't feel the full effect until after the whipping was over. The feeling that comes as the initial pain and tightness goes away. That warm burning feeling which turns me on so much that I almost forget the pain of the whipping.

"Right boy, thank your two friends for honouring your bonding to me" Master Brian said to Andy.

"Sir I thank you for doing me and my master a great honour." Andy said first to Jake and then to me.

We both thanked him in return.

"Right boys I think it is time that you prepared the evening meal." Master Brian said to both Jake and I. "Boy you will accompany me to my room" Added Master Brian as he turned to Andy.

"Yes Sir" replied Andy.

As Andy followed Master Brian upstairs, Jake and I headed off to the kitchen to prepare the meal.

After one and a half hours or so had passed, Master Brian and Andy came back down to the dining room where Jake and I were ready to serve dinner. Master Brian told us that we could be at ease for the rest of the night. So all in all it was a nice night, though Andy might disagree as Master Brian had put him on a no cumming rule. Of course Master Brian continually played with Andy's cock and balls. Keeping Andy on heat and ready to shag anything that came his way. Master Brian kept up the pressure he was putting Andy under, bringing him to the very edge of a climax and then easing off a little. Andy seemed to cope for about an hour before I saw any real signs of his will power losing out to Master Brian's hand, which was making him feel so good that he was almost semi unconscious and oblivious to what was going on around him. Andy was quivering involuntarily with the pleasurable pain that Brian was causing to his cock and balls, but as soon as Master Brian took Andy's cock in his mouth, Andy erupted shooting his spunk spurt after spurt into Master Brian's soft warm mouth.

Both Jake and I were feeling very horny by now, and our cocks were trying there very best to break free. Of course there was no way that we could relieve the stress of watching a guy like Andy being used and abused by his master to turn on another sub guy like myself. I thought about taking my shorts off and having a good old wank, but then I would lose all credibility. It was no use I had to ask Master Brian for relief.

He replied that Jake and I could give each other a blowjob. We didn't need telling twice. Before I could blink, Jake was down on his knees in front of me, with my knob inside his hot lips. He was massaging my cock by working his lips in a vice like grip, holding on to my cock at the knob. Then with one smooth stroke he went down onto my cock, until he could go no further. I have had some good blowjobs in my time, but this one felt different. It almost felt like we were lover's rather than good friends.

It only took about 20 minutes before I started to burst open the floodgates, before I knew it I was spurting.

Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 29

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