Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jul 15, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Sorry for the delay in posting this chapter but I have had some computer problems. They are sorted now so keep checking for future chapters.

As always thanks for the emails, idea's complements and criticisms. They are all welcome so don't be afraid to email me at

Chapter 27 - A twist in Fate!

Now it was Jake's turn to endure the tortuous pleasure of Andy's sensuous lips and hot wet mouth, whilst trying to eat his dinner. I saw Jakes face and it looked like someone who had just found a loved one lying dead on the floor. Andy moved under the table to where Jake was sitting eating his dinner. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Jake. He was fighting a losing battle. It wasn't long after Andy had taken his knob and shaft all the way in and started working his tongue around and over Jakes cock. Flicking and sucking Jakes knob making it so hard that it looked like a volcano that was about to erupt. Andy was just 7 minutes into his assault of Jakes Cock, when he took a tight grip of Jakes balls as he speeded up this assault on his cock. Jake was by now sweating quite heavily, his body was getting more tense and stiff with each stroke of Andy's lips on his shaft and knob. It was all over after a couple more full-length strokes of Andy's lips and mouth down Jakes Love pole. Jake clenched his fists tight and jerked his body, as the tension was unbearable. Andy just kept ignoring what Jake was doing and kept sliding his lips up and down Jakes cock as he twisted and turned his mouth around his cock. Then all of a sudden Jake shouted "Oh Shit." As his cock spurted his hot creamy cum down Andy's throat after just twelve minutes. Master Rob walked over to Jake as Andy withdrew his mouth from Jakes cock.

"Well, well, well boy what do we have here," quipped Master Rob as he towered above Jake who was still sat down.

"Please sir, please don't cane me," Jake begged.

"But I have to Boy, you let me down, that's it with you young ones, you don't have any stamina or will power. Pathetic really isn't it Boy" snapped Master Rob.

"Eeer Sir I beg you not to cane me" Jake pleaded to Master Rob's better judgement, but he was having none of it and pulled Jake out of his chair and to his feet in front of him.

"Your pathetic Boy, Bend over the table," snapped Master Rob as he went to get his cane from a cupboard. Jakes eyes were filling up with tears. I knew something had to be done, I had been proven right with my thoughts it seemed like Jake was More of a dominant type rather than a submissive person as I was.

"Master Brian please can I say something to you sir" I asked.

"Yes Boy" replied Master Brian.

"Sir with respect I think that Jake has been confused sir," I said half expecting to be told not to be stupid or to shut up and butt out. But instead Master Brian asked me to explain what I was trying to say.

"Sir with respect, I have noticed recently that Jake has found punishments and orders almost unbearable, I believe that Jake is in fact more of a Dominant and future master rather than a sub slave like me sir" I explained.

"Don't be stupid Boy" quipped Master Rob trying to make me sound stupid.

"No, no Master Rob, I think the boy might well have a point" interrupted Master Brian.

"Oh come on Brian they are just trying to pull the wool over our eyes" Master Rob tried to laugh off Brian's concern.

"In fact I think we should punish them both for this little stunt of disobedience, how else will they learn to behave like real slaves" added Master Rob.

By now Jake was in floods of tears, I think he was feeling guilty for getting me involved even though I was my own choice to speak up.

"Master Rob I think we should have a word outside, if you don't mind" asked Master Brian.

"Oh come on Brian, are you getting soft in your old age, you know that these Boys are trying to fool us" said Master Rob

"If you will come outside we will talk about it Master Rob, I must insist" replied Master Brian.

"I don't know what's happening to the master slave scene these days, but if it makes you feel better I'm coming" protested Master Rob as they made their way outside closing the door behind them.

As soon as the two masters left the room I went over to comfort Jake, as did Andy who also seemed rather concerned and shocked even though I had gone against his masters orders. I apologised to Andy who told me not to be silly, and also added that he had been concerned by his master's rash behaviour and excessive drinking recently. It was obvious that Andy wasn't telling us the full story about his master's behaviour, but I let it rest for the moment even though my instincts led me to believe that Andy wasn't exactly having an easy time of it.

After about 30 minutes or so Master Brian returned to the room alone, he looked flustered and a little shaken up.

"Right Boys get tidied up, we are off in a moment. Andy, your master has agreed to seek medical care, and has released you of your bonding to him. I offer you the choice of your freedom or to become bonded to me?" stated Master Brian. We all looked at each other in shock and then at Master Brian.

"Sir is my master ok?" asked Andy with genuine concern for Master Rob.

"No not at the moment boy, he has told me how things have been recently, and has agreed to seek help at a local mental health centre. He should make a good recovery, but it may take a long time. He has told me to tell you that he is sorry for his recent behaviour, and hopes you will one day be able to forgive him" Master Brian.

"But sir of course I will forgive him, can I see him before we leave?" Asked Andy showing great distress at the news.

"Yes boy I'm sure Master Rob would appreciate seeing you, he is in his bedroom resting until the ambulance comes for him," replied Master Brian.

Andy went immediately to find his master.

Andy didn't return until after the ambulance had taken Master Rob to the mental health centre.

"Master Brian, after speaking to Master Rob and thinking about my future, I would be honoured to become bonded to you" said Andy.

"Are you sure you don't want your freedom Andy" asked Master Brian.

"No sir, I am and always will be a Slave, and as I am unable to be Master Robs boy anymore, I would think of it as a great privilege to be bonded to you sir" stated Andy. I couldn't understand why they were talking as though it was so final that master rob wouldn't be able to be Andy's master anymore.

"Master Brian, may I ask you a question" I said

"Yes Boy" Master Brian replied

"Well errm I don't quite understand why Andy is not able to be Master Robs Boy anymore, surely he only needs a temporary master whilst Master Rob is in hospital" I said

"No Boy, you see Your master, myself and a few other master's agreed a set of rules a few years back, because a situation similar to Master Rob's but worse ended in a Boy being seriously hurt. So we drew up a sort of code of conduct, which says that any master that loses control of his mental state must seek medical attention and after a period may become a Junior Master, under one of the other master's in our circle, and if there is no incident of loss of control or abuse of power over a further 5 years, then they can apply to the group of master's to be reinstated as a fully fledge master" explained Master Brian

"Oh I see sir, I didn't know anything about the code of conduct" I replied.

"Right is everyone ready" said Master Brian after we were all dressed in our uniforms.

"Yes sir" we all replied and followed master Brian to his car. The drive home was fairly quiet as we all digested the day's events. It was obvious from Master brains body language that he was as shocked as the rest of us about what had happened. That evening Master Brian had told us to be informal and we all relaxed with him in the lounge watching the latest video and eating order-in pizzas. And we all went to bed around midnight. The next morning Jake and I did our usual routine of enemas and showers, then presenting ourselves to Master in the kitchen with our uniforms put down before us kneeling on the floor.

Andy was already tucking into a full breakfast, but as usual we were given our usual breakfast, and then dressed by Master Brian. Once both Jake and I was in our full uniform Master Brian explained to the three of us that he always performs a simple ceremony to bond a boy to himself, and ordered the three of us to the basement, Andy was to lie on the bench face up, and Jake and I were to stand at either side of Andy at the centre roughly where his hips were. Of course we did as ordered and waited in our given positions for Master Brian to join us in the basement. Jake and I hadn't heard of suck rules and ceremonies as what were and had been happening over the last 24 hours. We were both intrigued by all of what was happening. Master Brian took a good 20 minutes or so before we heard his footsteps getting closer and coming down the wooden staircase to the basement.

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Thanks for reading!!

Benme_over 2003 (copyright)

Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 28

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