Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jul 7, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 24 - Master's business trip

Eventually we heard two-foot steps walking down the stairs to the basement door, and then there was a few minutes silence before the key turned in the basement door, which swung open. Master walked into the basement followed by Brian.

" I see you have taken care of their punishment then," said Brian

"Oh yes they have been here best part of the day, and I'm sure they have had time to reflect on their behaviour." Replied master.

"Yes I agree with your motto of not putting things off." Said Brian

"Yes you know me, short sharp shock usually puts my boys back on track" added master as he started untying Jake and myself. Once we were untied we were just left there on our chairs, waiting for the order to move, and as far as I was concerned it couldn't come soon enough. My arse was really sore and painful. Especially since I had sat on my sore arse most of the day. But master didn't seem ready to allow us to move from our chairs, he just stood there talking title tattle to Brian, and totally ignoring both Jake and myself.

Eventually Brian asked master if he was going to allow us to join them upstairs.

"Oh I suppose they have suffered enough for their bad behaviour." Commented master to Brian.

"Besides I'm sure you would like them to look after us this evening eh Brian," added master as he winked his eye at Brian.

"Well there is that too" replied Brian in a chuckle.

"Right boys up to the kitchen, you are to serve Brian and I, dinner tonight. And if you don't fuck things up I may let you eat after we have finished" stated Master as both Jake and I stood up gingerly from our chairs. Our legs were weak and joints were stiff from being in the same position for so long. We managed to slowly stagger upstairs behind our Master and Brian.

As we left the basement and walked up the stairs to the hallway, my joints loosened a little, and my legs started to feel a little stronger too.

"Right boys jump to it get to the kitchen and serve dinner in ten minutes" ordered Master. Jake and I immediately went into the kitchens to get the starter dish ready to be served. Master had prepared the courses in the afternoon so all we had to do is plate it up in an appetising manor and then serve it in the dining room. Surely nothing could go wrong, not even for Jake and I. At least that is what I thought.

Ten minutes were up and we took the starters through to Master and Brian who were sitting at the mahogany dining table. We placed a dish before both of them and then retreated to the kitchen to put the finishing touches to the main course. Then once again we took the main dish into Master and Brian, then as before we retreated to the kitchen to get the desert ready to serve. Once master rang the bell under the table we took the desert into the dining room. We placed the deserts before master and Brian, and started retreating back to the kitchen.

"Hay not so quick boys, I have something to tell you," said master in a soft friendly voice. I started dreading what ever he was planning to tell us. It must have something to do with us misbehaving, I believe that Jake had similar thoughts because he begged master not throw us out of his house.

"Calm down boys, I aren't wanting to get rid of you, after all no one is perfect. We all make the odd mistake, and break the odd rule from time to time. That's ok so long as we learn from our mistakes, and I made sure today that you both will learn from your mistakes" stated master, and of course he was right, we wouldn't forget the punishment that we had endured today in a hurry.

"Well boys, it is like this, I have to go on a business trip for three days, and I leave in the morning. Now I didn't want you to be left alone, so Brian has offered to look after the both of you until my return." Stated master as he looked at Brian, both Jake and I followed our master's eyes over to where Brian was.

"Now boys I want you to thank Brian for being so kind and thoughtful, in making himself available to look after you. In return for Brian's generosity, you will treat him with the same respect and obedience as you would me. He has got free reign over the two of you, and that includes sex and punishments etc" explained master

"Yes sir" we both replied still stunned from what we were being told. It took us a couple of minutes for the words to register and sink into our brains. How could master just dump us onto another person like that, I felt hurt and rejected by our master, nothing against Brian but he just wasn't our master

"Oh don't look so gloomy, I will be back before you know it" master told us as he noticed our long sad face.

"I am sure I will keep them busy, and on their toes" Brian said to our master. I was sure he would too, especially as he had a free reign over the both of us.

After his announcement master sent us to eat our dinner in the kitchen, and ordered us to bed once we had finished our meal and cleaned up afterwards. So once we had finished we went straight to bed, and it was only minutes before Jake was sound asleep and I must have followed him seconds later.

The bright morning sun shining in the window, it glared into the room and onto Jakes body as he lay there in a peaceful sleep. I marvelled the way the sun shone down on Jakes naked body. The beams of sun made his skin look all that much sexier. He looked like an angel out of the sky. How perfect Jakes naked and smooth body looked. I was feeling rather horny and frustrated, as I knew I wasn't allowed to touch Jakes body unless master gave permission. There was only one other exception to the rule, and that was when we were doing our enemas and when we showered together. Though master on both accounts warned us not to do anything sexual otherwise there would be serious consequences if we disobeyed him.

As I was lying marvelling I heard master pottering about the bathroom, so I decided to get up and see master off for his business trip. So I went to the bathroom and presented myself to master.

"OH morning boy I didn't see you there" said master.

"Sorry sir I didn't mean to astonish you like that" I apologised to him.

"Forget it boy, now that you're here you may as well join me in the bath" replied master. Now this request by master shocked me and threw me of balance a little. Of course though I didn't need to be asked twice, I was in there like a shot from a gun. There was just about room for Master and myself to get into the bath. Immediately master told me to soap his body up for him. This was the first time I really had a bath will someone like this. I soaped master's body up and down before washing the soap off him then he knelt in the water and ordered me to clean his cock with my tongue and mouth. I licked his balls first then ran my tongue up and down his shaft before engulfing his cock deep inside my mouth. Master started thrusting deep into my mouth, the thrusts were getting harder and faster by the minute. Suddenly master stopped fucking my mouth hard and fast and shot his spunk into my mouth. Once he had shot his load into my mouth, he cleaned himself up and walked out of the room.

Once master had left I got out of the bath and dried myself off before going to wake Jake. Jake was still sound, I had to shake him to bring him out of his dream. He slowly murmured and sat up in the bed. I reminded him that master was leaving soon. We both headed off to the bathroom and gave each other our usual enemas filling each other with luke warm water until we could take no more, and then holding it inside us for a good five minutes before releasing the now dirty and smelly water into the toilet bowl. Of course we showered together as it had become part of our daily routine before presenting ourselves to master in the kitchen.

We knelt down with our hands clasped behind our backs, and our heads bowed with our uniform of butt plug, steel cock ring, leather collar and harness, and our rubber shorts, laid out on the floor before us. Master and Brian were finishing their cooked breakfast as we waited for our morning inspection.

"Morning Boys" Both Master and Brian said in unison.

"Morning Master, Morning Master Brian" Jake and I replied.

"Well Brian, I have to be off now, so you take over control of my boys for me," said master as though we were not even there in the same room.

"Boys I leave you in my trusted friends hands. You are to obey him fully and respect him as though he is me" commented master and patted us both on our bowed heads as he walked out of the kitchen, and his foot steps fading as he got to the front door of the house. Then the door slammed closed and we were now without our master.

"Right boys, your master has told me that you are used to going for a walk on the moor's in your uniform. Well I have a treat for you today; we are going to go to a gay gym in Leeds. And then to the sauna, so get your breakfast and then we will fit your uniforms and head off to the gym ok" asked Master Brian.

"Yes sir" I replied quickly followed by Jake.

We quickly ate our cereal and then as usual presented ourselves to Master Brian, as we would with our master.

"Stand Shaun" Master Brian ordered, and I immediately stood in front of him.

"Bend forward Boy" added Master Brian. Once I had bent forward and spread my legs apart he placed my butt plug inside my arse hole and proceeded to dress me. Then Master Brian repeated the procedure with Jake. I always found it a turn on watching Jake get his butt plug inserted unto his tight hole and the expression as it plopped in stretching his hole around the plug. Master Brian walked around each of us inspecting the finished product of his dressing us.

"MMM nice, very nice indeed, I'm sure the regulars at the gym and sauna will really appreciate the living artwork of the two of you" commented Master Brian as he came back to stand in front of us.

"Well then Boys lets get the show on the road, I will just get my keys and then we will be off to Leeds," stated master as he went to the living room to pick up his car keys.

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Benme_over 2003 (copyright)

Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 25

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