Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jul 4, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Readers please note that my email address has changed to

Chapter 23 The Morning after the night before.

My master pulling the duvet off me woke me up. "Go and wake Jake up and then clean each other out and take a shower. Oh and don't forget to clean up your uniforms" master said as he left the bedroom. I was suddenly reminded about the night before and the pounding my arse took by master's cock. I also suddenly remembered that I was going to suffer 15 minutes of cock and ball torture for the three times I shot my load last night. I had to get out of bed slowly because my arse hole was so sore, and my joints were aching and tight from all of the activities. When I got to my feet I went into wake Jake up, and found him wanking away. His cock was oozing with precum as his hand glided up and down his shaft. He had the headphones of his portable stereo on, so he didn't hear me come into the room. And stopped with fright when he opened his eyes and saw me standing beside his bed with my cock in my hand wanking as I was watching him beat his meat. Of course seeing Jake lying there with his cock in his hand was all the encouragement I needed to get my throbbing cock in my fist and join him wanking. We both continued to work our cocks frantically to climax I was the first to cum shooting my spunk all over jakes cock and balls, in turn that was enough to make Jake shoot his load on to his chest. We didn't bother cleaning up the mess on Jake but ran straight into the shower forgetting to have our enemas. Once we had been showered we took our uniforms down stairs and presented ourselves to Master.

Master inspected our young naked bodies more thorough then usual. That's when he asked us to bed over and present our clean arse holes. Both Jake and I looked at each other with faces of shock. Immediately Master noticed that we had not had our morning enemas.

"You fucking dirty pigs, why the hell haven't you cleaned each other out" shouted master at the top of his voice.

"We forgot sir" both Jake and I stammered.

"why did you forget Bitches" master shouted at us

"errrm sir we were covered in spunk sir, we have been very naughty and had a wank sir" Jake replied before I could work out what to say.

"You both will be punished hard for your bad behaviour. Understand Bitches" master continued to shout at us.

"Yes sir" we both replied

"Now get down on all fucking fours, and eat your breakfast like the pigs that you are," snarled master.

"If your going to act like fucking greedy pigs then I will treat you that way," he added, as his temper was getting higher by the minute. He almost threw the bowls with our breakfast serial down on the floor. It was obvious that we were supposed to lap it up with our tongues, as he didn't pass us a spoon. We only managed to eat about half of our breakfast before master had finished his.

"You will have to go hungry, I haven't got the time or patience to wait for two fucking time wasters," he snarled as he took our breakfast bowls away from us.

"Get down to the fucking basement Now" shouted master. We immediately followed his orders and silently went down to the basement followed by master.

We went straight into presentation position, Master walked round us both twice before putting two chairs back to back. Then he ordered Jake to bend over one end of the bench as he picked up a heavy cat o nine tails. Until now master had always used a lighter cat then this one. It was obvious that he was punishing us to teach us not to wank without his authority. Master walked up to Jake and stood to one side of his arse and lashed the whip into his hand a few times, which made both Jake and I cringe with the fierceness of the sound of the whip as it ripped through the air and onto master's hand.

"Right Jake, you know why I am punishing you, don't you Boy" Master asked Jake.

"Yes sir because I have been disobedient towards you sir" replied Jake.

"Yes boy, disobedience is the worst thing a slave can do to a master, as it shows dishonour. So for your bad behaviour this morning you will receive thirty lashes of this cat, and then as I can not trust the pair of you alone you will be tied back to back until I'm ready to see your faces again." Master stated.

"Now count each strike of the whip boy, and if you don't I will start again and again until you count to thirty understand Boy"

"yes sir" replied Jake with a quivery voice. Then master positioned himself and lifted the whip above jakes tight smooth arse.

Whack "one Sir"

Whack "two sir"

Jake counted as his arse started showing red stripes from the cat

Whack "seven sir"

Whack "eight Sir" by now Jakes arse was glowing red and must have been stinging. Of course I was feeling every lash as though it was on my body. I was quivering myself as the lashes kept raining down on jakes arse and tops of his legs making them bright red.

Whack "seventeen sir" it looked like Jake was finding it really painful now and hard not to burst into tears, as master showed no mercy each stroke was evenly measured.

Whack, Whack, Whack " 28,29,30 sir" said Jake as tears ran down his face.

"Now thank me boy for showing you the error of your ways" demanded Master

"Thank you sir for teaching me to obey and honour you" quivered Jake as he sobbed with the pain of the beating of his now very tender and sore arse.

"Go and sit over there until I feel like forgiving you Boy" boomed Master.

Once Jake was sat on one of the two chairs that were back to back, master motioned me over to the bench, "I believe you have unfinished punishment from yesterday as well as today's incident boy" master stated in a sharp cutting voice. It was obvious that he hadn't forgotten about the cock and ball torture that I was due to receive.

"Stand with your back to the bench while I administer your cock and ball torture" Master ordered coldly and went over to a cupboard and picked up some items to use on me.

"Now why am I to administer two lots of punishment on you boy" asked master.

"errm because I shot my spunk three times last night sir, you have to administer 15 minutes of cock and ball torture. And you have to give me 30 lashes of the cat for my disobedience and dishonour sir" I said in a quiet voice.

"Correct Boy" replied master as he tied my cock and balls up with some soft rope and then left a piece of the rope hanging. My cock felt tight inside the rope and it felt even tighter when he added two weights to the length of rope hanging. The weights felt really heavy and pulled quite harshly on my balls, causing a dull ache within my stomach.

"Bend over the bench Boy" ordered Master. I immediately bent over making my arse tight ready for the whip. As I bent the weights pulled as they swung beneath me, causing the pain to increase a little more.

Whack Whack Whack "one, two, three Sir" I said as the lashes started pounding down on my venerable arse, with each last my body moved slightly causing the ball weights to swing and pull more and more on my balls.

Whack Whack Whack Whack "sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen sir" I was bearly able to keep count as master pounded my arse harder and faster then he did on jakes. My arse was on fire by the twentieth and the weight was almost crippling me, as it never stopped swinging between my now weak legs. I was beginning to wonder if I would last out to the thirtieth strike of the whip on my arse.

Whack, Whack Whack "twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty sir" I said after the last strike I was now feeling very weak and the pain in my tender arse cheeks was quite intense but the pain of the weight swinging between my legs was much worse.

"Ok boy stand up" ordered master as I did so very slowly trying not to make the weight swing too much. Once I was standing master untied the weight and then untied my cock and balls before ordering me to sit in the chair behind Jakes.

As I lowered my arse cheeks onto the chair, I jumped back up with the intensity of soreness of my arse. "Get your fucking useless arse down on that chair unless you want another thirty stroked," demanded master. I managed to sit down the second time even though it hurt like hell. He then tied us both securely to the two chairs with our hands behind our backs. He left no slack to move at all.

"There, now while I'm away I want you to think about how you intend to behave in the future, and when I feel ready I will come down and release you" master stated and turned the basement light off as he walked out of the door and closed and locked the door behind him.

We were left there in total darkness sitting on old wooden chairs that offered no comfort to our tender backsides, which had just received a hard thrashing. Our hands tied behind our backs for added discomfort. To make matters worse I started to get the urge for the need to shit, but I was unable to do anything about it. Jake was still whimpering away as we sat there helpless waiting for master to come back down and forgive us for our bad behaviour. As yet though there was no sign of master being anywhere near to forgiving us, I hadn't heard a sound other then Jakes whimpering since master left the basement. Jake eventually stopped whimpering and asked me how long I thought we had been tied up.

"Oh at least four hours" I replied.

"I'm starving, you don't think master is going to leave us down here all day do you" asked Jake

"I don't know, but I hope not I will need to shit soon, and I don't know how long I will be able to hold off before I shit sitting here" I replied

Eventually we heard voices, one was our master's voice and the other voice was fainter but sounded familiar to us. "Sounds like we have company" commented Jake.

"Yes I can hear at least two voices" I replied as we continued to wait starving and stiff from not being able to move and the beating we had been given. To make matters even worse we could smell food cooking. This suggested that it was around seven in the evening as we only had a cooked meal around 7pm every night.

Time continued to pass slowly, though we had no way of knowing how long we had been left tied up in the basement. It seemed like hours and hours, I was getting quite hungry which made me think it was at least lunchtime, as I don't usually get hunger pains unless I miss a meal.

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Thanks for reading!!

Benme_over 2003 (copyright)

Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 24

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