Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jul 2, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Readers please note that my email address has changed to

Chapter 21 - A Hot Summer's Day

I awoke to the sound of master whistling in the bathroom; Jake was still as sound as a baby sleeping. I got up and headed towards the bathroom for a piss, of course we were used to pissing or having a shit whilst Master or either of us were also in the room. I mean if you can give a guy an enema you can watch him piss or shit without being embarrassed or feeling awkward. Master said morning as I walked into the bathroom and made for the toilet bowl. "Morning sir" I replied aiming my cock at the bowl and was about to piss when master took hold of my cock, "ok boy have a piss." Said master as he held my quickly hardening cock. I had never had anyone hold my cock while I pissed before but it felt nice and once I got over the initial embarrassment I started to piss into the bowl. It felt so erotic having master hold my cock. Once I had stopped pissing he even shook my cock of the last drips of piss hanging from my piss slit.

"Wanna join me in the shower this morning boy" asked master. I immediately accepted the offer and was in the cubicle with him as quick as a dog grabs a bone. I soaped Master from head to toe, he even allowed me to play with his cock and balls a little. Then it was my turn he took the soap and foamed it up all over my body and concentrated on my boy hole which he teased for a good five minutes before slapping my left cheek as he got out of the shower and I followed. Jake entered the room as master was drying me off with a towel. "Morning lazy bones" Master greeted Jake.

"Morning" replied Jake almost still asleep

"Morning What Boy" snapped Master

"Oh Sorry sir Morning Sir" replied Jake as Master wrapped a towel around his waist.

"That's better Boy" answered Master as he left the bathroom.

"What's a matter with him" scoured Jake

"Nothing, I think he just likes reminding us every now and again who he is" I brushed off Jake as he entered the shower.

Once Jake had finished his shower and enema we cleaned our uniforms and took them to the kitchen to present to our master, of course this had become our routine every morning unless master had ordered us not to for some special reason.

"Morning Boys, I thought I would treat you this breakfast" said master. Oh good both Jake and me thought and could taste the bacon and eggs already. But this was short lived when master told us that we could have jam on our toast. As usual master had a full traditional English breakfast. Once we had eaten breakfast and cleaned the kitchen Master dressed us both in our rubber shorts with the rubber tube that held our cocks downwards, our harnesses that were connected to our collar and shorts oh and of course our cock rings too. But today he placed new butt plugs into our arse holes and also connected a piece of hose to the rubber tube that held our cocks. This tube was connected to a bag that he placed under our shorts on our backs.

"After our run you will go straight down to the basement upon our return and go into your presentation position and blindfold yourselves understand" asked master

"Yes sir" we both said in a surprise, we both had almost forgotten about master's playroom downstairs.

"I've got some new gear being installed today while we are away. I think today is as good as any to introduce you both to it, I might even see if Brian wants to come and join us" said master pondering over the idea.

We pulled up in the exact spot that master had taken me to back when I first became his boy. I wondered what was going to happen to the two of us today.

"Right boys lets get running shall we" master said smiling at us. It was more of a mischief smile, really and I really started wondering what he was planning for us today. Anyway I guessed that we would find out when he wanted us to know, and not a second before. The run was quite a pleasant one mostly flat and the scenery on the north Yorkshire moors looked splendid in the summer morning sun. When we were about halfway both Jake and me lacked energy and started to flag a bit behind master. Suddenly we got a jolt in our arses as our butt plugs started to vibrate inside us massaging our prostates. Master looked back at us with an evil grin on his face.

"Thought that might give you a boost" said master and we continued running. It was pain and pleasure in an intense form having our butt plugs vibrating in our boy holes as we continued running, though it did wake us up and somehow gave us more energy. Of course our cocks wanted to break free from the tube inside the shorts but couldn't which sort of made our cocks ache with the strain of being tightly confined in the tube.

After a while both of us managed to settle back down at least until Master turned up the vibrator speed and suddenly shot some sort of liquid into our arses through the butt plugs. This made us so horny and we almost couldn't run with the sensations taking over all of our body senses. I found myself pissing into the hose that master had connected to the bag on my back. As I pissed I noticed that more and more liquid flowed into my arse and suddenly realised that the bag must have been connected to our butt plugs. I was now getting rather full with my own piss going inside my arse hole. I couldn't keep running and suddenly my piss started leaking out of my hole and down my legs as the cramp was too severe I couldn't bear to hold it in any longer. Master stopped and came to me and without a word undid the straps that connected to my shorts which he then pulled down and off me. Then master pushed me forward so I was bent over and he relieved me of my butt plug and I let my piss flood out of my arse. Master also relieved Jake of his butt plug too. After we had both recovered from the intense pressure on our prostates. Master stripped us of our uniform except for our cock rings and collars. So as we started running once more our cock and balls flapped about freely well for the first minute or two anyway as we both sprouted hardons from the feeling of freedom on our cocks.

The rest of our exercise run went smoothly and I really enjoyed running nude. It made me feel so erotic. Once we had ran all the way back to the car master told us to get the picnic blanket and basket out of the car as he was hungry. Once Jake and I got the blanket and basket out of the car and laid it down on the floor we ate our picnic in the glorious summer sun. Master rubbed some sun block into our naked bodies paying particular attention to our cock, balls and arses. "Don't want these to burn, before tonight, now do we boys" he laughed. Something told me we were going to be put through our paces tonight. Especially as it had been a couple of days since we had been down to the basement, or torture chamber as Jake and I called it between ourselves. We lay in the heather for a while soaking up the sun as we felt a gentle breeze blow over our naked bodies. Master had also stripped off after our picnic and all three of us were enjoying the summer sun. It felt like we were just three ordinary men and Jake and I were not our master's boys at this moment in time. Of course that was short lived as the sun disappeared and the breeze turned a little chilly so master ordered us back into the car.

"What naked" asked Jake.

"Yes Boy did I tell you to put anything on?" Asked Master.

"errm Sorry sir, but what will people think when we pull up in the drive." Asked Jake.

"They wont because we will drive straight into the garage which connects internally to the basement." Said Master.

Jake was about to ask more questions but I frowned and shook my head at him, luckily Jake got the message and shut up and he joined me in the back of the car. Once master had put his clothes back on, he joined us in the car and started to drive off heading for home.

Once we were back safely in the garage and the automatic door closed behind us master reminded us to go down to the basement and be ready and waiting for him to join us. We both made our way down to the basement still naked apart from the collar and cock ring. Once we were in the basement we both noticed some new things covered by a black sheet. Neither of us dared even think about peeping. Especially not me, after the torture I was put through being ignored for the best part of the day. So we went into our presentation position and tied our blindfolds around our eyes and waited in total silence. We were wondering what master had in store for us tonight.

We waited and waited; all the time our imaginations were running riot trying to guess what Master was going to do to us. But I knew most of my thoughts were making me hornier by the minute. Eventually master did enter the basement and he walked around the two of us, two or three times in total silence.

"Right you two, you're on a no cumming and no talking ban until your told otherwise. Understand." Asked master. Neither of us answered verbally but just gave a nod of our heads, just in case master was trying to catch us out. I heard master do something to Jake, but I didn't have any idea what he had done, and Jake wasn't making any noise. This felt strange, in fact very strange, the next thing I know is that something the shape of an arse was right in front of me and Master ordered me to lick it clean. Was it master's arse or even Jakes I wondered to myself as I started licking the arse before me? I found it hard to lick the arse in front of me being especially wearing the blindfold. I eventually managed to find the crack and then the hole and started licking and probing the crack and hole with my tongue. The arse was mostly clean but I could taste something when I dug my tongue right up the hole. I didn't know what I could taste but it tasted good. Then the person before me turned round and thrust his cock deep inside my hole. It was then that I realised I had been licking Jakes arse clean. It was the lack of pubes around his cock and balls. The arse being shaved as well didn't ring any bells, as I knew quite a few guys at collage that had a smooth butt.

I worked Jakes cock sending him in to erotic spasms as I slid my tight mouth up and down his shaft. Stopping now and again to lick or suck his balls, which made his cock even harder, and I'm sure it also made his cock longer too. I could feel Jakes heavy breathing, as I didn't let up on his cock until he eventually went rigid and then I got a mouthful of Jakes spunk, which a little leaked, out of my mouth and dripped down my chin. I knew it must have been Jakes spunk as I was now quite familiar with the taste of Master's spunk. No sooner had Jake pulled out of my mouth, Master pushed his cock deep inside my mouth, which was still full of Jakes cum. Master must have been playing with his cock while I was sucking Jake of because it only took him three hard strokes and he was shooting spurts of cum deep inside me, now I was drinking two men's cum at once which got me really horny. After master pulled his cock out of me I savoured Master's and Jakes spunk by rolling it around my mouth with my tongue.

Suddenly, Master pulled me up by my arm to standing position. Then master took my blindfold off, and I could see Jake laying on the bench fastened down by the straps that had been round my wrists several times before. Jake was blindfolded and also had a gag in his mouth. Master told me to light a candle, which of course I did then went to pass it over to him.

"No boy I want you to hold it above Jakes chest and tilt it slightly so that the melting wax will drip onto his chest. Just make sure you don't hold it too close to him otherwise you will burn him." said Master.

"bbbut sir, I don't like causing pain, I much rather receive pain" I tried honestly to explain to my master. He was having none of it though and warned me about not doing as I was told. So with no option I took the lit candle and stood at one side of Jake and held the candle above Jakes smooth young chest.

"Tilt it boy, and then slowly work your way down to his naval, make sure you leave a trail of wax boy" ordered Master.

"Yes sir" I said as I tilted the candle and watch as the first drop of was dripped from the candle and in like a slow motion I followed the wax until it landed on Jakes chest between his two erect nipples. As it landed I wiggled with the initial reaction to the heat, he also tried to scream, but the gag muffled it. I slowly moved down Jakes chest as the drops hit his soft tender skin, his reactions lessened as he got use to the drops of hot wax onto his chest and stomach. Once I reached his naval master ordered me to hold my position until Jakes naval was full of wax. As I watch the wax fill Jakes naval master came over and applied two clamps to Jakes nipples and twisted them causing Jake to try and struggle out of the straps, obviously with no luck.

"Right boy cover his cock and balls" master demanded.

"Yes sir" I said with a tone of reluctance in my voice and after hesitating I started the trail of hot melting wax on jakes skin heading towards his pubic region. I knew I was finding life hard having to share master with Jake, but I didn't want to be the cause of pain to him. I had a feeling that Jake wasn't really that submissive, and even thought he was more of a top then bottom. When I reached just above his cock I whispered, "sorry Jake, I don't want to do this you know that don't you."

"What the fuck are you whispering boy" Master demanded to know

"errm nothing sir" I stammered knowing full well master wouldn't settle for that answer.

"I'll fucking, nothing you boy. Untie Jake and take his place on the bench, I am sure that Jake wont think twice about letting the wax drop on your cock and balls. Will you Jake" Master said as I took the gag out of jakes mouth.

"No sir" replied Jake to my horror. How could Jake say that without any remorse for what pain it would cause me?

"See Jake is turning into a perfect boy, I think you need to pull your socks up boy," boomed master as he started fastening me down on the bench

What will happen next?????

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Benme_over 2003 (copyright)

Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 22

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