Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jul 1, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Readers please note that my email address has changed to

Chapter 20 - A Day of Torture and Love.

It wasn't long before the sun was peeping through the trees and it was on our skins. The heat really made me feel tired and just, as I was about to fall asleep there were footsteps heading towards us this time it sounded like a single pair of footsteps. Of course I was hoping it was our master coming to take us home. My hopes were soon dashed when this guy that was dressed in greasy uniform, I thought that he must work in a garage or something similar. I was hoping that he would go to jakes mouth for a blowjob. But ooh no he wanted me to suck his greasy cock.

I thought that he could have just come homework and maybes he didn't have time to do much in the way of housework or cleaning, I dread to think of what his home must be like. He unbuttoned his jeans and let them drop down his leg but he didn't even bother taking them off. That's when I saw how his cock had probably not been washed in the last week. It had some dried spunk on his uncut knob. He pushed it to my lips and I could smell the dried um and piss mixed together. What a stench it was too. I tried to find something I could think about that would take my mind of the dirty and smelly cock that was knocking at the door of my mouth. But I couldn't and he slowly forced his dirty cock into my mouth and immediately I could taste the cheesy cock as he kept going deeper and deeper into my mouth and down my throat once he was halfway I couldn't take any more and started cockling and a minute later I felt hot and dizzy, at which time I started vomiting. I couldn't take having a dirty cock in my mouth it was Yuck. Not long after that our master returned to us and could see that I had spewed up, master asked why I had vomited. So I told him about the dirty guy and his cheesy cock.

"Sorry boy but, you may have to suck other dirty cock so you better get used to it, or at least find a way of coping with similar situations. Well boys I think we better make tracks and finish our run." Said master sternly. And off we went once more running back onto the road and headed into Catterick Garrison itself. Now this was scary for even me, and master knew it. How could he make us do this, we would be putting ourselves in great danger of being attacked. Surprisingly though we didn't get much hassle but Jake got a couple of wolf whistles, which made me feel jealous again and also a bit insecure.

I wondered if I was losing my looks, as Jake seemed to be the centre of attention all the time, and I was just a bystander or at least that was how I felt at this moment in time.

Once we got to the camp centre at Catterick Master flagged down a taxi and we all got into the taxi, which took us back to the car park where we started our run. Master noticed that Jakes and my state of dress intrigued the taxi driver, as he kept looking in his rear-view mirror. Once the taxi pulled up beside our master's car we all got out and Master asked the driver how he wanted paying.

"Well errrm" said the driver clearly embarrassed.

"It's ok mate don't be shy my boys are used to pleasuring men. They can't get enough sex. Besides this looks like a quiet spot lets all go to the men's room and have a bit of fun shall we, oh but you will only be able to use Jake as the other boy is on no sex punishment for the day" said Master clearly dampening any hope of me getting any relief today. My day started off shitty and it was just getting worse as the day went on.

"Well you know I'm not like you three but since my wife left me I've only had my fist to pleasure me, so I suppose a guys mouth is as good as a woman's" replied the driver as we all made our way into the toilet. Once inside master ordered Jake down onto his knees and the taxi driver pulled out a big fat uncut juicy cock and waved it under Jakes nose. Master ordered me to keep a watch for anybody heading towards the toilets. Luckily the doorway was angled so I could still see Jake give the driver a blowjob. Jake ran his tongue down the shaft of the drivers cock whilst he rolled the drivers balls around in his hand and thumb. I could tell that the driver was telling the truth about not having sex in a while. Jake had him quivering in minutes and that was before he took the drivers knob into his hot mouth and clamped his lips around the shaft and without pausing for air Jake went all the way down the nine inch shaft and back up again. By now there was sweat running down the drivers face. Master of course was watching the action and I could see his cock tenting in his shorts. My cock by this time my cock was almost splitting the rubber tube that encased it, and I was leaking precum. Jake was giving the driver a blowjob that would stick in his mind for a long time. He sucked the drivers cock deep into his mouth and throat and as he pulled his clenched lips back up the drivers shaft he twisted and turned his mouth giving the driver wild sensation and after just another two strokes of the shaft the driver shot his cum deep into Jakes mouth and throat. Jake kept tight hold of the cock in his lips until it went flaccid. When the driver pulled out of Jakes mouth Jake gave his cock a lick clean and winked up at the driver. The driver thanks master for letting Jake give him a blowjob as he pulled up his jeans and boxer shorts.

"That's quite all right my friend he is going to give me one now if you want to watch" said master.

"errrm I wouldn't mind actually" smiled the driver as our master walked up to Jake and pulled down his shorts letting his cock pop out. You could see the eagerness on jakes face he was hungry for the privilege of taking master's spunk. He didn't have to wait for long before Master rammed his cock deep into his mouth as hard as he could almost knocking Jake backwards. Then he master slowed into a steady rhythm allowing Jake to work his lips and mouth around his knob and shaft. Master made Jake work really hard for his spunk; Master had a way of holding on to his love juices for lengthy periods and really could make us work hard for his spunk. Jake didn't give up though and eventually got master to the point of no return and the final straw for the master was when Jake flicked his tongue over master's knob and down his shaft to his balls which he sucked each one in turn, before working his way back up to master's knob which he engulfed and that was when master let go of his love juices. Of course I was almost beside myself with jealousy of Jake getting all the fun and attention while I had to keep watch. The taxi driver thanked Master once more and patted Jakes head as he walked out of the men's room. All I got was a wink.

Master and Jake smartened themselves up and we all went to the car and headed back home.

I didn't talk all the way home, even though Jake and master seemed to have a jolly conversation going on. I felt so low almost like I was invisible to either of them. "What's wrong with you" master asked as we walked into the house.

"Sir I know I needed punishing for yesterday, that I was in the wrong and disappointed you. But sir please don't make me leave you." I said almost crying. Me here a grown young man almost crying.

"Boy what do you think I am, didn't I tell you that you would be part of my life as long as you wanted to be." Replied master.

"Yes sir, you mean your not planning to get rid of me" I asked sobbing tears of relief as well as of sadness of the day I had been through.

"ok Boy I think that maybes I have been a bit hard on you today, but I think you know now that I'm the one in charge and you do as I say and that is all. If you want to do something you ask permission" he added as he opened his arms for me.

"Yes sir I will obey every word from you sir promise" I said as I went to his arms and got embraced by them. I was now crying uncontrollably. It had been the worst day of my life so far but also one of the happiest days too. Now that I knew master wasn't planning on dumping me. After about five minutes of being cuddled in my masters strong but gentle arms, he told me and Jake to make the evening meal. So we went off to the kitchen to prepare and cook the meal.

After we had all eaten we retired to the living room and watch one of masters porn films then he took us once more to his bedroom. Once we were in his bed with him between us he turned to me and took hold of my balls and firmly held them as he started to kiss me pushing his tongue into my mouth and playing with my tongue with his. Then he slid his hand from my balls and worked his way upto my shaft and started stroking my cock in his fist. Of course I was rampant and thrusting my cock hard into his warm tight fist. As I started to get close to cumming, he moved over to Jake and did the same routine getting Jake almost on the edge of cumming. Before switching back to me and taking my throbbing cock in his mouth, and flicking my knob with his tongue again almost bringing me to a climax before kissing me and turning back to Jake. As before he did exactly the same to Jake and by now both Jake and I were swimming in sweat and desire for our master to let us cum. Master kept us on edge for the best part of an hour licking the sweat of our chests, sucking our erect nipples, teasing our cocks with his sensuous lips and mouth until we couldn't hold out any longer then he wanked our cocks off in his fist as hard and fast as he could bring us to a volcanic climax shooting our cum at the same time as each other all over our chests and faces. Once our cocks had finished spurting cum everywhere he told us to lick each other clean.

I went first, getting on all fours astride Jake and licking his body up and down sucking every drop of his tasty cum into my greedy mouth. As I did so master teased my boy hole with his finger and tongue until I had finished cleaning up Jakes Spunk. Then I lay myself back down and Jake was on all fours astride me licking my stomach, chest and face cleaning all my spunk up, as master teased his boy hole as he did with me. once Jake had finished Master turned out the light and we all cuddled up together and went to sleep.

What will happen next?????

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Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 21

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