Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 5, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or circumstances is purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 2 -

Eventually the next few hours passed slowly until the end of my lectures for another day. I rushed back to my room to find my roommate Jake was laying on his bed reading his dirty girlie magazine. I often wondered what he would say if I lay on my bed reading gay times or the other gay magazines. Anyway I tried to be cool and hide my frustration of not being able to be alone and left the parcel in the bottom of my bag. I lay on my bed and tried to have a little sleep. But my mind wouldn't switch off and all different questions entered my mind. Things like why do I do as the stranger tells me to. I also suddenly realised that I didn't know his name and address. Yet strangely I was obeying him to the last letter, it felt to me a little like the stories you read in the trashy tabloid newspapers. Eventually I was all alone as Jake went to meet up with a girl he met yesterday. I took a deep breath then slowly opened the box and inside it was a note and a digital camera, a water resistant marker pen and a wet shave razor. The note read as follows :

This is from your mystery master.

If you want to see me again, you will have to learn to follow my instructions to the very last letter.

  1. shave your body from the neck downwards and keep your body in a smooth hairless state. 2. take a before and after photo of yourself and email them to me 3. write across your pubic bone "I am my Masters sole property" 4. you will not wank yourself 5. you will not change your under wear unless I expressly ordered otherwise by my new master from Master X Sleep well my new boy xxx p.s be on msn messenger at nine pm, set the digital camera up so I can see what you are doing.

My cock was so hard by the time I opened the box and took out the content of the box. Again I realised I was mesmerised by this stranger, I couldn't have imagined at all it was so well planned out.

I followed his orders and shaved my pubic region and my arse then went onto my legs and soon I was completely hairless from my neck down. I felt more naked and venerable then when I had just stripped. It was as though my hairs were an extra pair of briefs. Of course I took the photo of me before I had shaven and proceeded to take the second photo after I had written, "I am my master's sole property" with the water resistant marker pen.

I was continually fighting a battle in my mind, this felt so wrong but at the same time it felt strongly good. I just couldn't figure out why a complete stranger could have such a hold on me and my life, after all I didn't know him at all really. Anyway it was soon nine pm and I logged onto my computer and signed into my messenger account and there it was his name on the screen, I started panicking about what I should do, do I go along with this guy or do I ignore him. No matter how I tried to resist I couldn't and started chatting to him on the net, after a few minutes passed I sent him the two photos' he had ordered me to take of myself before and after I had shaven.

After he received the photos' he praised my obedience and told me to connect the camera up so he could see if I was obeying him tonight. I turned on the camera and put it in its holder. He then told me to point it at my cock and balls and leave it in that position so he could keep an eye on my cock. He could see that I had already starting leaking pre-cum, which was glistening on my knob. "Right Boy, I want you to put on a horny show for me and if you do well enough you might just earn a meet, understand?" he asked me "Yes" I replied "No Boy from now on you call me Master, understands?" He replied "Sorry Master" the words left my mouth and I wondered why I was calling this man a master after all no one would ever be able to take my self control away from me, or would they. I pondered about it for a couple of minutes. "Right Boy I want you to put on a pair of tight hugging white briefs and they must stay on you unless you need the toilet oh and don't shower either unless I tell you to. Do you understand Boy?" he said. "Yes master " I relied "Good, well I expect that you feel horny do let me see you shoot your horny young spunk in your briefs then let it fry up. Get to it Boy" he replied "Yes master" I replied and started working my already hard cock after all it had it had been rock solid since I left my mates the other night. It wasn't long before I shot a big load into my briefs and it seeped through the material of my briefs I let go of my waistband and felt the wet material cling to my now hairless cock and balls. My cock was clearly visible through the white material of my briefs. "Not bad Boy, but you need to learn to control yourself a bit more, after all your no good to me if you cum that quick" he said "bbbut sir" I tried to tell him that it was the excitement and fear of what he was doing to me. After all I was a trembling nervous wreck and totally unable to take control of my life. "Good night boy, and remember to leave your briefs on and no wanking understand boy?"he said abruptly ending the conversation "yes master" I replied with a sense of disappointment, how could he leave me in this state and not allow me to cum again after all I have been known on the odd occasion of cuming three times in one session and five times in one day, but I knew I couldn't cheat him and besides he told me to leave the camera running so he could check up on me and see if I had been obedient to him.

When I awoke the next day my briefs were stiff and attached to my cock and balls and also clinging to my stomach. I managed to peel them off myself enough to take a leak. I remembered to not to take a shower, Jake gave me a shocked look when I didn't go with him to the shower room after all we went together usually. I tried to cover up by saying I had an ear infection and didn't want to aggravate it by getting water into my ears. Jake bought my story or at least it stopped him asking any more questions for now anyway. I had a bigger problem to deal with, how was I gonna pass of the dirty briefs. I managed to hide them up to now, as Jake had come in after I had gotten into bed, and I was still lying in my bed when Jake had gone to the showers. This gave me enough time to get dressed without letting him see my spunk stained briefs. I was sure concealing what I was doing would get a lot harder if this so called master kept playing games with me. But what could I do I was trapped in this situation and I was sort of getting excited about it. It felt like coming home after a long holiday. I just felt so complete.

I managed to check my emails in the library, and sure enough my master had emailed me, I immediately read it. All it said was "NO Wanking or washing, remember Boy!! And I will be in touch tonight on messenger same time. If you know what's good for you chat with me then." That was all that it said, but it made my cock go rock solid once again white the thought of me being controlled even though this mystery man wasn't anywhere near me.

Sure enough I don't know how but I managed to persuade Jake to go out, which ment that I could chat to my mystery master. Soon as I logged on he messaged me here is the chat in full:- "Boy Strip naked when you speak to your master" "Yes sir I typed and then stripped off my jogging pants and tee shirt and sat back down in front of my computer. "That's better boy, now when ever you chat with me on here you will not wear one stitch of clothing, do you understand boy" "Yes sir" "point your camera at your cock and balls, I want to check your obedience towards me boy, want to make sure you have written "I am my Masters sole property" I immediately showed him via the camera that I had indeed written his message on my pubic bone area. "Good Boy, now let me see your stained briefs" he then added, and again I pointed the camera at my briefs that were starting to look grubby and feel stiff. "Good Boy, you are responding well Boy. I am impressed with your attitude so far" He told me. "Thank You Sir" I typed as I realised I was calling him sir, how observed was that for college kid that was happy in life, well at least I thought I was. "Right Boy I have set up a post box address for you to receive more parcels and instructions, for your training" he said and then signed off. "Instructions? Training?" what does he mean by these two words, I just didn't have any idea, after all I came from a strict family upbringing, and up until this period of my life, I didn't know much about kinky sex as I thought of it at that time. Anyway I didn't care anymore I was enjoying the mystery about this guy.

First thing the next morning I checked my emails and logged on to msn messenger to see if he was online or not, as it happens he wasn't on, but there was a email telling me that there was a second parcel and more instructions. I shot off to the post office and picked up my second parcel.

Of course I couldn't open it there and then in the post office so I drove straight back home and immediately opened the parcel.

There were some funny shaped implements in the box, there were two butt plugs one average size the other was much bigger, and I cringed at the thought of having that up my tight arse. There were also several leather straps and harness and a tube of lube. At the very bottom there was a cane and whip. The note that he had put in the box told me to be online at the same time tonight

The note read

Hi boy' Hope you are still obeying the no cumming and also keeping your dirty briefs on. I nearly froze when I realised I had indeed followed his instructions to the letter.

I want you to wear the smaller of the two butt plugs until I tell you otherwise, and from now on you only get two chances for a shit and that's when you first get up out of bed and late at night just before bed. You will not go to the toilet any other time of day" it read. I couldn't believe that the bastard had the cheek to tell me when I could have a shit. How small I was feeling, almost back at nursery school when the try and teach the kids to go at set times of the day. But it is strange I even followed that order, which left me with bad stomachache. The letter also told me to put the cock strap on my cock and balls, as it was one of those that separated your balls by having a thin strip of leather between each ball. It felt so good having the cock strap on. As for the butt plug I had to really push to get it inside my love hole, but once it was inside me it felt amazing. My strapped cock was so hard I thought about wanking, but decided the risk of upsetting my new master was too great.

I went to collage with both cock strap and butt plug on me. My stiff cock was unfortunately creating a scene to my fellow students, but after re adjusting myself in my briefs it was less visible for others to see.

After collage I went straight to my digs and to my horror my roommate was sat at my computer. I panicked as he may have found something that would let him know that I was fast becoming a slave boy or what ever my master wished or ordered from me. Luckily for me Jake was pretty much useless when it came down to computers or any electrical things, so he didn't get into the history of my web browser so that was a lucky escape.

I couldn't get online because Jake was using the computer to do some important homework and by the time he had finished his paperwork, my master was offline, although he did email me, saying I was untrustworthy, and if he I want to see him I would have to be punished in front of the camera, which I did, then he told me to bend over my chair and take the whip and whip my back and bottom. I hesitated for a couple of seconds, then the leader of the club, I gave in and started half heartily started whipping my back and buttocks. It real thrashed hard causing me some pain, but after a few strokes I settled down and was blind to the pain of the whip. He made me do ten strokes of the cane, and ordered me to tighten the cock ring up a notch, which I also did. The cock strap was causing great discomfort to me. After a while he told me to be outside a house in the expensive area of town and to wear nothing but socks my and a long coat, oh and my dirty briefs which were now smelling quite bad.

Again I found myself doing something that I hadn't had any urge to do before but it was as though I had to do it to please my master. So there I was stood outside this rather nice and well-kept house, with just my coat briefs and my socks and shoes on. There was no sign of him, but just as I was about to give up and go home, he arrived with two things in his hand. From the distance I couldn't really make out what he had in his hands. But I was sure I would find out soon enough. I may have been a new comer to the bdsm scene, but I did know that to question your master was a bad crime.

To be continued

I hope that you like the second chapter of my new story.

Other stories from Benme_over are: Street Kid

Please do not copy this story without my permission first

2003 copyright - Benme_over

Next: Chapter 3

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