Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 29, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Readers please note that my email address has changed to

Chapter 19 - Cross-country fun

Movements in the matrass woke me and when my eyes eventually opened, I saw Jake with Master's cock in his mouth giving Master a good blowjob. I immediately started to feel jealous of Jake; I wanted to wake my master up with his cock in my mouth. What made it worse master was really enjoying the sensation of having his cock in Jakes warm and welcoming mouth. They didn't even pause when I made it obvious that I was now awake by coughing loudly but to no avail. By this time Master was holding Jakes head as he thrust his cock into Jakes mouth as hard as he could. Masters breathing was getting shallow with the build up as he was about to let his cum loose into Jakes mouth. It only took two more hard thrusts before Master shot his cum into Jakes mouth. Jake didn't let a single drop leak out.

"Oh morning Boy" Master said as he turned towards me. "Morning Sir" I replied gloomily "Oh is that a spot of jealousy I can hear in your voice" master Quipped "No sir of course not" I tried to be sincere but I knew master knew that I was jealous. "Too bad boy because today I'm off limits to you. That is your punishment for fooling around in the shower last night, oh and if I fancy a bit of fun with Jake, you will be bound to a chair in front of us and will watch every second of the action." Master said. How could he do this to me, this was going to hurt more then any whipping or other torture he could possibly inflict on me. But of course there was nothing I could do, and it would sure teach me a hard and painful lesson that I would never forget.

"Right you two go and clean yourselves up inside and out, oh and I think you both could do with a shave down there" Master said as he pointed to my cock and balls, which were still almost bald, just starting to sprout hair again. "And Boy no taking your jealousy out on Jake. It is your own doing" Master added as he left the room. Jake and I made our way to the bathroom and shaved each other's arses, cock and balls. It took me a while to shave Jakes pubic hair as he was feeling very ticklish and laughed that much that he urinated all over my chest and onto the floor. We quickly wiped up his piss. Then we gave each other an enema before taking our shower together. I was careful not to get over excited like I had the night before. Once we were dried we polished our collars and harnesses, then made sure that the rest of our uniforms were clean ready for master to dress us.

Master had our breakfast on the table ready for us when we presented ourselves in the kitchen. "About time, I was just going to come up and see what the delay was. Right boys put your gear over there on the worktop and have your breakfast. Then I will dress you both" explained master "Yes sir" we both replied and sat down at the table and started eating our healthy breakfast while as usual master tucked into a good old British breakfast. Once breakfast was over Master proceeded to dress us. First he dressed me then he dressed Jake, and I noticed that he fondled Jakes balls and rubbed his arse hole before inserting Jakes Butt plug. Of course I was Raging with jealous hatred inside my body, but I knew I had to hide it the best I could otherwise Master would be encouraged to play on my jealousy.

"Right boy into the car ready for our cross country run" ordered Master. We both immediately obeyed and got into the back of Masters car and waited for him to drive us to wherever we were going to. The drive took us approximately 10 minutes from Master's house in a village called Gilling west, to the nearby town of Richmond. The town was busy with tourists who flock there for the historic architecture and Castle ruins. We drove through the town and parked in a car park near to the river. Once we were there Master ordered us to get out of the car. I immediately obeyed but Jake hesitated clearly embarrassed at our state of dress and what people would think or say about it. "Come on boy I haven't got all day we have a five mile run to do, I want you boys fit by the end of summer" he stated, and Jake got out of the car.

Once we were all out of the car and Master had locked the car up, we started the run led by our master. The run started hard as we ran across a bridge over the river swale and were immediately faced with a hill to run up. It was quite a steep hill to climb, but my training must have been starting to pay off, because I made my way up the hill with out exhausting myself. Unfortunately Jake found it much harder to keep up and we had to wait for him at the top of the hill. It was a great view over looking the valley that led to the river, and the rear of the castle clearly in the horizon. It was still fairly early so although the sun was shining, it wasn't over powering.

Once Jake had caught up with us and managed to catch his breath, we continued the run, which was a mix of inclines and declines, and we ran on a narrow road that cut through a wooded area. About halfway through the wooded area Master stopped us and ordered us onto a dirt track that led straight into on side of the wood. "This will do boys," said master as he stopped. "Right boys I want you both to sit on that stump of a tree trunk, back to back" ordered Master. We both walked to the stump and sat down back to back, and master took some rope out of his rucksack and proceeded to tie us up round our wrists, which he put behind our backs then our stomachs and legs which he pulled backwards slightly so he could tie our legs to each other. Now we were totally bound together and because of the way Master had tied us up we couldn't even stand.

"This place brings back memories of when I was at collage and Mark the gym fanatic pissed me off so much that I tied him to a tree and left him there for 6 hours. Of course I knew that this area was rife with men on the prowl for students to fill their mouths and arses with cum. Mmmmm I think I should leave you two here" laughed master then wrote "fill my mouth with your cum" on both of our foreheads and left us there tied and no way to escape what ever came our way.

Jake was getting quite freaky about our current situation. At least the trees would give us some protection against the now strong sunrays that were making the day really hot. Of course we were really sweating badly in our rubber shorts and even our collars were quite uncomfortable around our necks. But we couldn't take them even if we wanted two not only were they locked on but we were well and truly bound together. We could feel the heat of each other's backs. Our backs soaked in beads of sweat and kept sticking together.

Well it wasn't long before we heard footsteps, two pair of footsteps. It is amazing how when you have the need, how your senses can be fine-tuned. I couldn't believe my eyes when two young new recruits from Catterick Garrison army base walked directly up to me.

"Well well what do we have here Jase" asked one of them "Looks like we got ourselves a couple of cute queer boys to take care of our needs" answered the other one "It sure does Pete," said Jase. "Well what do you say mate, which Queer Bitch do you want first" asked pate. "I'll take this pussy lips," said Jase looking and pointing at me. "Cool what do you say we swap over once we have both made these pieces of shit swallow or cum" replied Pete "Sure mate, I've not been with anyone for a good while and really need to cum lots, so why not" answered Jase as he walked right up to me.

Jase that was the one standing in front of me was about 6" 1' in height, nice brown eyes and a well-defined chest, at least it looked that way through his camouflage uniform. Of course being in the army he had boots on his feet. The boots were so shiny that they showed my reflection. "Ok mate lets not waist anytime who ever left these two sluts here may come back soon and I want to feed them my seed first" said Jase as he undid his fly in his camouflage trousers which reviled his large package through his briefs. It looked like it could have been the biggest package that I had ever seen in my entire life. It had to be really long and it also looked like it could be really thick too. We were lucky that our cocks were entrapped in the tube inside our rubber shorts.

Without any embarrassment the new recruits offloaded their uniforms and that is when we got to see their military cocks for the first time. I was amazed at the size of Jase's cock. It must have been 10 or 11 inches long and about 3-4 inches wide. I wasn't looking forward to the next bit, of having to suck that monster of a cock, I mean I've heard of soldiers and their deadly weapons but this one was lethal. I was almost dreading it expecting a bit of rough treatment from Jase. But instead he politely told me to open my mouth, which I did without even thinking about it. It didn't take long before Jase had his cock under my nose and knocking on my lips ready for me to suck him Suddenly without any warning he started to piss into my mouth. I found it to be disgusting and quite humiliating but both Jase and Pete were very amused by me getting a mouth full of piss. I just felt so dirty, I've been pissed on now and again but I've never had to swallow anyone's piss.

Once Jase had finished pissing into my mouth and onto my chest he rammed his cock into my mouth and down the back of my throat. He was so forceful that my head hit jakes. I was being fucked in my mouth without mercy, and going by what I could hear and feel behind me so was Jake. These two soldiers were probably horny after all they probably didn't get to see their girlfriends that often. Just as I thought Jase had reached the point of being unable to stop his climax, he proved me wrong. He stopped fucking my mouth and took some nipple clamps out of his pocket and placed them onto my nipples and then attached the two clamps to through a chain then he started fucking me harder then ever before, and he pulled on the chain as his cock popped out of my tender hello, then he ploughed his rock hard cock back into my arse. He only had to do two more thrusts before he shot his load into my mouth. His cum was much thicker then our master's or Jakes, but it tasted so good. Of course me and jake both had trouble coping with having our cocks restrained especially as we were almost getting raped.

Once they both had got their breaths back the tow soldiers swapped positions. Now I was facing a naked Pete. Pete's cock was more average in both length of 6 inches and about 1 1/2 inches in thickness, which was a relieve as my jaw felt as though I might have had my jaw broken if I went into hospital. Now you would have thought that Pete being smaller where it counts wouldn't be as forceful or as hard to accommodate his cock in my arse hole. Pete used my mouth a lot more forceful then Jase had. He pulled me onto his raging hard cock that had just shot his load into Jake. I could still taste Pete's cum and Jakes slaver. Pete was really using my mouth, and getting as much out of it as he could. My jaw was now really starting to hurt. But there was no way of stopping the two soldiers from raping us. Pete was in a world of his own and fucking me quite aggressively. Pete pulled his cock out of my mouth as he was reaching his climax. He shot stream after stream onto my face and chest. It was hot as the cum hit my face but soon dried in the heat of the day.

Jase was really fucking Jakes mouth, and I could tell that Jake was happy because he never tried to talk to him. I wish I could have watched Jake and Jase. It was hard being back to back and not knowing what is happening to the guy behind your self. The two soldiers cleaned themselves up and put their uniforms back on and then left us.

It wasn't long before this big butch guy came along the windy path to walk upto Jake and looked him over.

What will happen next?????

Thanks for all your nice comments and ideas. They are really appreciated greatly.

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Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 20

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