Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 28, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Readers please note that my email address has changed to

Chapter 18 -

After about ten minutes of waiting we heard the footsteps of our master and Brian as they walked down the stairs and into the Basement. We knew we were going to be punished and in front of Brian. They walked around us, "Well Brian they are yours to do what ever you want for the night. All I ask is that you don't do anything to damage my boys." Said Master. "Thanks, and don't worry I wont harm your boys, but I will use them good and hard" Brian grinned to our master.

"You heard your master Boys, we are going to have some fun tonight" grinned Brian. Right Jake lie down on the bench and Shaun secure him in the straps" ordered Brian. This all felt unusual master handing control of us to another master, but I knew from Master's earlier comments that Brian was a gentler Master, and of course I trusted my master and his judgements 100%. We followed Master Brian's orders. "Good are we ready, then lets start the games." Added Brian

"Get down on your knees, over there boy." Ordered Brian as he pointed to a corner. I followed his orders and knelt down in the corner, looking at Jake secured on the bench. "What the fuck are you doing, I don't want to look at your face boy, now turn your pretty boy face to the wall" ordered Brian and I complied even though I couldn't understand why I couldn't watch what was happening with brain and Jake But of course it wasn't for me to complain or question orders given to me by a master. Whether he was my master or someone who had borrowed me from my 24/7 masters. Of course now I couldn't see what was going on with Jake and Brian, but by the noise it sounded quite painful as I could hear jake moan and grunt with the pain. At one stage I heard him plea for Brian not to put any more stuff on his knob and balls.

"OK it's your turn boy. Stand with your back against the wall and spread your legs apart and stretch your arms up above your head." Brian demanded me to do. Once I had done what was asked of me Brian came over and put the straps hanging from the wall behind me. Now I was in the same predicament as Jake. Suddenly he grabbed a tube of cream from the table, I managed to get a glimpse of the tube and realised that it was a tube of deep heat cream for aches and pains. Brian squirted a large amount on his gloved hand. Then he started to touch my cock and balls with his hands that were covered in this cream.

It only took about 30 seconds before I started to get a bad burning sensation on my knob and balls. I actually thought it was worse on my balls then it was on my knob. Now I knew why Jake was making such a noise before. Now I was just like him screaming as the heat made my cock and balls feel like balls of fire, and I had no way of trying to stop the burning feeling as Brian made sure that I would have to persevere as I was going nowhere. He then started really rubbing the cream into my knob, which stung like fuck as some got into my piss slit. After he had finished inflicting me with the pain of the cream and a raging hard-on he took hold of my sore and very tender cock. By now the cream was taking its full effect on my cock. This left me with a rock solid hard-on but also a raging fire in my cock and balls, I am just thankful that Master had spared my arse cheeks and hole from the cream. All though I didn't dare tell him this just in case he decided to do it to me.

"Right boy, your friend over there, couldn't last more then 15 minute of having this muscle relieve cream being rubbed into his knob and balls, so you will have to do your 20 minutes plus your friend's ten minutes" said brain with a evil grin on his face. "If you scream for mercy, you both will be given a good arse whipping until your arse is so sore that you can't sit down" Brian added. Of course the longer the cream was on my cock the worse the burning sensation got, by about 20 minutes I couldn't bear it any longer and pleaded to Brian for mercy. "Are you sure you're prepared for the consequences of having your cock and balls soothed Boy?" asked Brian. "Yes sir" I replied tearfully as he came over and soothed my cock by washing it and applying Vaseline to my cock and balls of fire. He released Jake and me and told us to bend over and touch our toes making or arses taunt ready for the whipping that came as the consequence of me bailing out of the deep heat torture. I told Jake that I was sorry I couldn't last out, and Jake told me not to worry.

"Shut the fuck up," said Brian as he whacked the whip down on my taunt arse with all the power of his heavy arm. The strike of the whip sent a stinging pain through my arse. Brian then alternated between jakes and my arse bringing the whip down on our now rosy red buns with the same swift hard strokes. "Now you boys bet you whished that you lasted a little longer with the deep heat" Brian Asked not expecting a reply. By the time he had finished whipping our tender butts, neither of us could stand straight, as our arses were so sore that the skin had tightened around them, and as for sitting on them well we weren't in any hurry to try. And that's when Brian told us to stand up straight or get another six strokes of the whip. Jake and I immediately stood up straight ignoring the pain we were feeling. Brian then inspected our arses and our cock and balls, which were all red from Brian's torture". "Now you fucking wimps, I'm finished with you" Boomed Brian and then our master took over and told us to shower and return to the lounge naked with our polished uniforms. He also told us to give each other an enema. Our Master and Brian left us as they returned to the lounge and we made our way gingerly up to the bathroom, of course we couldn't move without feeling the soreness of the whippings that we had just been given.

"Shaun, is it always this heavy" Jake asked me. "No but it is a regular part of serving our master and after you get used to the pain it is even quite enjoyable" I replied honestly. I was becoming addicted to the punishment and torture sessions. "I must admit although it hurts like hell, its fucking horny too" replied Jake. "I had noticed" I said I cupped his erect cock in my hand as he brushed past me to get into the shower cubicle. "Not so fast mate, we've got to clean each other out first" I giggled holding the enema kit in my hand as Jake got back out of the shower cubicle. "Can I do you first Shaun" asked Jake. "Ok" I replied and bent over the toilet as he took the enema kit and set it up. Filling the bag then placing the nozzle in my arsehole. "You ready" he asked "I sure am my friend" I replied as he released the water and I felt my insides filling up with luke warm water until the bag was empty and I was full to bursting point. I held it in for five minutes before squatting down on the toilet and letting the water flow out of my arse. Once all the water had left my body, I prepared the enema and changed the nozzle ready for Jake. Once I had given Jake his enema we cleaned the enema kit and replaced it back in its case ready for our next enema. Then we both jumped into the shower and soaped each other's bodies. Jake dropped the soap and had to bend over to pick it up. I couldn't resist the temptation and brushed my finger over his hole. This must have surprised Jake as he lost his balance and banged his head into the wall. I fell on top of him and we just started laughing until I noticed that the bump on his head had left a graze to the skin. "Shit Jake, your head is marked" I said "Fuck what can we tell our master" asked Jake clearly shuck up by the fact that we had done wrong, even though it was actually me that had done wrong in touching Jakes hole without master's permission. "I will just tell him the truth and will offer to take your punishment too" I told Jake. "You can't do that, it's not fair on you" said Jake. "Don't worry I can handle the punishment, I'm used to it, your still adjusting to your new life" I explained. I sort of had protectiveness for Jake. It was as though he was my little brother in some ways. We immediately got dried and made our way downstairs to meet our master and Brian in the lounge.

Much to our surprise we found Brian and Our Master naked and Master on his knees giving Brian a blowjob. This threw us both, but especially me, and especially when Brian started forcing our Masters head further down on his shaft. I had never even though of Master being passive let alone submissive, and here it was right before my eyes. Then never even paused as we entered the room and went into our presentation position. There we were both knelt down in front of our master and Brian watching them having sex. This I found disturbing, masters are dominant, had he lost the plot. Then I started feeling guilty for even thinking such thoughts. But going by Brian's sudden change in breathing and the tensing of his body as he shot his load into Master's mouth, our master was a real good cocksucker.

"OH you're here all ready," commented master as he got up on his feet wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Yes sir" we both replied. As Brian dressed himself, then made his way out. "Well boys aren't you going to kiss our guest good-bye," asked Master. "Sorry Sir Yes Sir" again we said in unison and made our way over to where Brian was, each kissing him on the lips. "Now you two boys be good for your master," said Brian as he walked out of the doorway to his car.

"Right boys I think we all could do with an early night. You have both been good so I think you can both join me in my bed and cuddle up to me" said Master. "Sorry sir but I think you should know that I have been foolish and disobedient" I stammered out expecting to get a harsh response, but instead I got a calm "what have you done boy" from master. "Well sir Jake dropped the bar of soap and as he bent over to pick it up I couldn't resist the temptation and stroked his hole with my finger. I caught him by surprise and he lost his balance and banged his head" I answered. "Well boy you know you will have to be punished, but I am sure that can wait till tomorrow" he answered. "Yes sir" I said happy that he was going to let me join Jake and himself in his bed. So the three of us went up to his bedroom and both me and Jake laid at either side of Master both cuddling into him. As you can imagine we were all worn out from the day's proceedings and quickly drifted off into a deep sleep? Jake and I were feeling very warm in our hearts not only to be with our master but also to love and be loved by our master.

Thanks for all your nice comments and ideas. They are really appreciated greatly.

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Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 19

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