Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 16, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 12 - Hot Down There!

After Jake had gone back to collage I realised that from now on I was truly bound to my master and his wishes and desires. I new that there was no turning back now that I skipped collage. And once dad read the letter I ad sent him telling the fairytale of being given a high paid job and in-house training at my masters company. My father would see this as a betrayal of him and the traditional family profession. But I knew I made the right decision for me. Master abruptly interrupted my train of thought when he walked into the living room. I immediately went down on my knees in the presentation position. "At ease boy, I want you to tell me how you felt about having Jake join us yesterday" he said. I got up and sat opposite him. "Well sir I was all mixed up, I felt a little bit jealous at first but I was horny especially when he rimmed me with his hot wet tongue" I replied.

"I see boy thank you for being honest, but we are going to have to sort out your jealous streak Boy" he told me. "Yes sir" I replied. "That's my Boy," he said smiling at me and making me feel all nice inside. "You are going to be used by others from time to time. You will feel strange for the first couple of times, but you will obey my orders and give the other guy 100% just as though it was myself. And you will get used to me sleeping with other Boys. After all you have no choice now that you have left collage and enraged your father. So now all you have is myself, and I always expect 100% from my boy all the time whatever the circumstances are. Do you understand Boy!" he said in a stern voice. "Yes sir" I replied. "Right boy you have 1 hour to phone your family and do your own thing, then I want you to go down to the basement strip off except your collar, butt plug and your cock ring, then lie on your back with your blind fold on. So I went off to the hallway to phone my folks and let them know that I was ok and happy in life. In fact that was an understatement, it has been the happiest time of my life, and I knew I could never walk away from my master, at least not of my choosing. He was giving me what I needed and yearned for since I became sexually aware and active, maybes even before as far as the discipline went.

So once I had phoned my folks and watch a little television I went down to the basement and stripped naked of all but the collar, cock ring and butt plug and then laid on my back on the bench with the blindfold on, ready and waiting for my master to come down to the basement. He made me wait in the basement, which always smelt of damp. After what must have been two to three hours he entered the basement and walked all the way round me, at least it sounded like he did. Then the last step stopped at the centre of the left side of me. "Right boy are you ready to play" he asked. "Yes sir" I replied half anxious of what was to come and half full of excitement of what might happen. Suddenly I felt my master take a firm hold of my cock and pointing it up to my navel. Then he gripped my balls for a minute or two, which after I felt him apply some sort of cream to my ball sac. Nothing happened well not instantly, but after about 30 seconds to a minute I felt a burning sensation on my ball sac, which increased as time ticked past. It felt as though he set them alight. I took of my blindfold and tried to sit up, but my master pushed me firmly down back on the bench, he was stronger and more well built than I was, which meant he could push me about a little. All the time the burning of my balls increased. I was in severe discomfort and found it hard to cope with the burning sensation. My master managed to fasten me into the restraints. "That's fucking better, you bitch, how dare you take your blindfold off with out permission" he said in rage. "Sorry sir but this is fucking too much to bear Sir" I pleaded with him. "Too fucking bad you soft shit, I was going to take it easy, but now I am in two minds whether to cover your knob in this cream too" he said in a slightly calmer voice as he squirted more cream into his hand and rubbed it into my knob and shaft, which took its nasty effect on my poor cock within seconds now I really did feel as though there was a raging fire in my genital area. And I was helpless to do anything about it. Even pleading to my master had no effect; he was so annoyed with me for taking of the blindfold that he was going to make me suffer for it. That was exactly what I was doing too, I have sensitive skin at the best of times and to subject it to what I now know as deep heat cream caused a severe burning sensation. Then he started wanking me with his cream covered hand, which added to the burning feeling. After about five minutes of wanking my cock like this. Then suddenly rubbed some Vaseline into my cock and balls, which took a lot of the heat off. Once the burning feeling had calmed down he untied me and told me to flip onto my stomach ready to receive my punishment for being disobedient and taking off the blindfold. I turned over and he reapplied the restraint straps then left me lying on my stomach for about 20 minutes. Once he returned. He walked straight up and put the blindfold back over my eyes, which meant I didn't know what he was going to do to me for my punishment. "Then before I knew it he was whipping my butt with a really strong whip that was sending cutting pains into my buttocks, the whipping lasted for about ten minutes and by witch time my arse was red raw maybes even bleeding from the whipping that I had just received. Then my master sprinkled some sort of powder onto my two red raw arse cheeks, which really caused my arse to sting. It was obvious salt. But that felt like a minor sensation to what I was going to be suffer a few moments later. As he rubbed what I thought was jelly round my arsehole entrance. It didn't take me long to realise that once again it was deep heat cream. "Yes boy that's your punishment for earlier" laughed as the cream was taking its full effect on my rosebud hole. My arse was really painful and burning with the cream and salt. So you could imagine the torture of having salt rubbed into my very sore and tender butt cheeks and then to have deep heat cream rubbed into your arse hole, I was in agony. The stinging of the salt on my buttocks eased of within about 5 to ten minutes. But master kept the cream burning the entrance to my arse. He kept me there helpless to do anything about the burning in my hole or even to try and stop any more torture. But luckily for me he didn't do any more of the deep heat torture on me that night and eventually but some Vaseline on my hole to cool it down. I think it reacted to my arse entrance, as it felt all puffy and swollen. After he had soothed my arse he ordered me to take a shower and give myself an enema, which I did and noticed that my arse hole was fairly inflamed due to the deep heat treatment it had endured. Once I had finished my cool shower, which washed off the cream, master told me to get into my bed and sleep. I couldn't get to sleep at first, as I knew that Jake had slept in it the night before, which made me feel horny. So I went to my master's room and asked if he would put my uniform on me. "Oh yes of course boy" he said in his normal friendly voice. "I had forgotten about your uniform, being too involved in punishing you that I had lost track a little" he added. Once he had secured me into my uniform I returned to my bed and almost instantly fell asleep.

My master pulling my duvet off me and spraying my face with cold water abruptly woke me up. I immediately jumped out of my bed and knelt down at his feet with my hands behind my back and my head bowed waiting for instructions from my master. "At ease Boy, and stand up" he told me and I immediately stood up as ordered. "Are you ready for another run boy after breakfast" he asked in a voice that told me not to say no to him. "Yes sir" I replied. "Good, well you better come here and let me take your uniform off so you can clean both inside your body and out" he said grinning at me. "Yes sir" I said as he unlocked the padlock on my collar and then took my uniform off me. "Right boy jump to it, you have 15 minutes to get showered etc and report to me in the kitchen with your uniform ready for me to dress you in it. Then we will eat breakfast before we head off running," he added. "Yes sir" I replied once more.

As soon as my master left me I took out the enema kit and pushed the nozzle up my arse hole then attached the hosepipe to the bag, which I had filled with warm water. Then I turned the release tap and let the water flow down the pipe into my arse. The bag was about the size of a water bottle, so as you can imagine I was feeling very full by the time the water had stopped flowing into me. I sat on the toilet and held the water in for the next five minutes as my master had previously told me. Then as I let the water flow out of my arse the smell was so strong that it made me feel queasy. Once all the water had emptied out of me I flushed the dirty brown water away and jumped into the shower. I quickly soaped myself up and rinsed off the suds. And after drying myself I took to cleaning my uniform making the leather harness, collar and cock strap shine as new.

Once I had finished cleaning my uniform I immediately headed to my master in the kitchen. I placed my clean uniform on the table and took to my knees and my presentation position. "Stand Boy, with your uniform in your arms" my master ordered. I immediately stood up and took my uniform in my hands and presented uniform and myself to my master. "Boy I hope you have cleaned up properly, I do not like sloppy slaves. They have no use for me." he commented, as he looked at my uniform piece by piece. "You have done well with these Boy" he said and put them down on the table before looking around my body, taking particular attention to my cock and balls. Fine but think they are due a shave boy, if your good on the run I might even shave them for you. Then he went around to my back and pushed me forward causing me to bend and show my arse. Then he pushed my legs apart so he had a good view of my arse hole. "Not bad for your first self enema. "Right stand to attention while I dress you boy" he said as he lifted one foot and then the other into the rubber shorts and slowly slid them up my legs and up over my bottom and put my cock into the extra rubber tube inside the front of the shorts then he placed my harness onto my chest and fastened the straps to my shorts and over my shoulders. Finally he fitted my collar round my neck and locked it on with the small padlock. "There we go all dressed and ready for the day ahead," he said slapping my arse through the skintight rubber shorts.

Once again I was given the healthy breakfast and once we were finished we got into my master's car with the picnic basket, which suggested that we would be out for a good length of time. We arrived roughly at the same spot as the last time we had a run. But to my horror there were two men heading into the woods and two more to one side of us. "Right Boy are you ready for your run" My master asked me. "What sir, I cant run like this with other people about can I?" I asked him. "Well boy you better get out of this car and start running if you know what is good for you" he snapped. "I won't tell you again!" he shouted as I hesitated. I reluctantly opened the car door and started to get out of the car. I couldn't believe he was making me run in just my uniform where there were others about to seem me in this state of dress. The other men stopped and stared at me and I felt so humiliated especially as the shorts clung to my cock and balls and showed every inch of my arse cheeks. My master got out of the car and locked the car and came to my side. "Right boy lets get this show on the road" he said as we started to run round the parameter of the woods. It wasn't long before we were both covered in beads of sweat, and my rubber shorts felt uncomfortable clinging even tighter with the sweat. I could feel the butt plug move round my insides causing my cock to try and break free from the confinements of the specially adapted shorts. At about halfway we stopped and my master lifted the rucksack off my back and took out a bottle of mineral water taking a swig then passing it over to me. As soon as we both had a drink we were back on the move. The run was nearly twice as long as the last one and by the time we had returned to the car I was breathless and soaked in sweat so much that I asked my master if he would take my shorts off as they were making me feel sore between my legs and my arse crack was also sore. There were still a few men around but I didn't care what they saw as long as I could be free from the rubber shorts.

To be continued.

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Thanks for reading!! Benme_over 2003 (copyright) Please do not copy this story other then for personal reading without my prior permission, thank you

Next: Chapter 13

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