Masters New Boy

By ben me

Published on Jun 4, 2023


Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or circumstances is purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Sorry for the delay of part three, but hope you enjoy it, and please keep your comments and idea's coming in. I aim to post part four over the weekend all being well. Happy Reading

Chapter 1 - My first meeting with my Master

I had been happy in life and at 23, although I still didn't have a man in my life to wake up to on a morning I was content. Well at least I thought I was I mean I wasn't bad looking I was a little shorter then the average man at only 5.6ft tall and rather slim, but I had a nice skin complexion even if I was a little on the whiter side of skin colouring. My hair was brown with a tinge of ginger in it, and unfortunately the other students at collage had really plagued me about my ginger pubic hair. I was the butt off all the usual Ginger jokes, but hay I was getting a lot of attention, which in a strange way I sort of liked.

I had gone to collage a year later then the other kid that were at my school did. Anyway lets get back to the story shall we. it starts two years back when I started my collage course. I went to the students gay group and got to know a few good gay mates. One Friday night we decided to brave it and go to a local gay bar. None of us had been to a gay venue before, I actually think I was the only one in the gay group that was fully out. We were all quite nervous as we walked the short distance from our collage to the gay scene.

We went into the first gay pub that came up on the listings on a website of the gay scene, as soon as we had entered and got our drinks at the bar we all managed to relax. The pub itself was a youngish-crowed puller as it was modelled on those European style coffee bars, which mainly attracts students.

After we had finished our drinks we moved onto another bar, which had a more mixed age group and a very welcoming and friendly atmosphere. After I had been served at the bar I turned around and saw this guy in the corner of the room and looking directly at me, which made me feel uneasy to say the least.

Anyway I got back to the table where the others were sitting. I don't know what it was but the guy in the corner made me feel venerable, I mean why would a stranger stir none stop at me. The others told me I looked flushed and they asked me what was wrong with me. I made up my excuse that the last pint that I had drunk was a bit off and it had unsettled my stomach. They asked me if I wanted to go back to the collage halls of residence. I said no I would go by myself, as I didn't want to spoil their fun. Really I wanted to get away from the guy in the corner as quick as I could. I said my good byes and left the pub.

When I got out the guy in the corner was standing taking a piss against the wall, I went to walk in the opposite way, the guy had his hand on my shoulder and was forcing me to turn round and face him. My first thoughts were he was about to attack me for being gay, after all you do hear of homophobes going to gay venues to find their prey for the night. But I was wrong all this guy did was to force his tongue down my throat and push me against the wall as he felt my cock and balls through my tight Levi's, and then he pushed a slip of paper into my pocket and walked away. I couldn't make sense of the guy's reactions, what did he want from me I thought to myself as I pulled the slip of paper out of my jean pocket.

"Be at the ole ship inn, tomorrow lunch time, and wear the same clothing that you have on tonight" I read it twice and still couldn't make any sense of what was happening, but my curiosity was getting the better of me and I thought what the hell he probably just wants to be friendly, which wouldn't surprise me at all, as we all looked so nervous walking into the pubs.

After I folded the paper up and placed it back in my pocket I decided to find the ole ship inn, which wasn't far from the other two venues. It was a really busy pub, almost body to body. Although some of the men wore leather or rubber clothes and harnesses it was quite a welcoming atmosphere. I couldn't find my mystery man any were in the pub so I finished my drink off and made my way back to the hall of residence trying to figure out what the guy wanted from me and also why I was so intrigued about it all. I lay thinking about the guy for a short while before falling asleep. I didn't even hear my roommate come staggering back in after the club had closed.

I must have fallen into a deep sleep because when Richard my roommate had woken me up it was ten in the morning and I had 30 minutes to get ready and to my first class of the day. I managed to get ready and get to my class in time which was a bit of wasted energy really as I couldn't stop thinking about what this mysterious guy wanted from me. I was tortured all morning and each minute seemed like an hour. The bell eventually rang and I made my excuses to my friends telling them I couldn't have lunch with them because I was meeting someone I had met last night.

Ten minutes later I was standing outside the ole ship inn, it looked so different in daylight and when you're sober. It was a little grubbier then I imagined it last night. I ordered a cola, as I didn't want to get drunk so early in the day. After being served the barman gave me a envelope and said you will know who it is off. I nodded without thinking, how did the bar man know that, then I thought the guy from last night must have told him that I was coming this lunch time. This was all getting more curious by the minute. I thanked the barman and went to the corner of the pub to open my letter. Inside the envelope was a note telling me that he would meet me down by the river, that he would be sitting on a bench in black jeans and a white t shirt with a thick black stripe across the chest.

I don't know why but I was feeling drawn to this guy it felt like he was a magnet pulling me to him. Anyhow I walked to down to the river and after walking half way along the riverbank I found the guy sat on the bench reading a newspaper. He put the newspaper in his brief case as he saw me approaching him. He was defiantly a proper man, with a well-toned body and nice hairy arms. I have always been turned on by hairy arms; don't ask me why I just have.

When I was just a few steps away from him he got up and started walking towards a wooded area, and again I was magnetised towards him and followed even though I have heard of guys being attacked in the woods and even one murder recently. For all I knew this guy could have been the attacker and if he was I was walking willingly into his trap. When we were almost halfway into the forest the guy turned towards me and pinned me against a tree trunk and forced me to kiss him he was almost raping my mouth with his hot tongue. Now I knew I was gay but I didn't go in for outdoor sex let alone not being in control of what happens, but this time I had no choice but to go along with the stranger and hope I came out of my ordeal alive.

Eventually he pulled his tongue out of my mouth and demanded that I strip off totally. " I want to see your pleasure hole and those nicely shaped arse cheeks" he half laughed "bbbut Mr I cant do that here, please let me go" I tried to reason with him but he was having none of it. "Shut up Boy, you collage boys need a bit of discipline and order in your lives, take them off now or I will rip them off Boy" he boomed out of his mouth as I attentively took off my shirt then undid my levis and stepped out of them just leaving my briefs on. I was so embarrassed standing there almost naked, I was also very anxious about what this guy was going to do to me. It was like a nightmare coming to life. How was I going to get out of this one, do I want to escape this man. I kept thinking was I his captive or was I here on my own free will. After all I did make my own way here without any pressure. After giving my mouth such a tonguing he twirled me round and pushed my face to the tree and kicked my legs apart holding my head against the tree.

OH no I thought to myself he is going to rape my arse, I was sweating with panic, but he didn't he just gave it a good slap on each cheek then turned me back and took hold of my cock and starting to wank it hard and fast. I tried to stop him but he was bigger and stronger then me, he told me to shut the fuck up, or he would beat the shit out of me. He suddenly tighten his grip on my now rock hard cock and it was sort of pain and pleasure. When my body started to tence he stopped beating my cock and pushed it up against my stomach waited a few minutes then started again this time I couldn't hold it in and shot my load into his hand and onto the ground. He then pushed me to my knees and took his cock out of his shorts and pushed it up against my lips.

"Take my cock into your mouth Boy" he snapped and I followed what he was asking me to do and started sucking his cock like my life depended on it, as that is how I felt at the time. It wasn't long before he shot his really thick creamy spunk into my mouth. I kept it in my mouth for a couple of seconds to savour the taste of his spunk. Then he pulled out of my mouth and wiped it across my face.

Then he tidied himself up handed a box and told me not to open it until I got back to my room at collage, and to open it when I was alone, for some strange reason I followed his instructions to the letter and put the small parcel into my bag and went back to my next lesson at collage counting the minutes until I could get back to my room and open the parcel.



Other Stories by me are

Street Kid

Next: Chapter 2

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