Masters Cabin

By Bill Fold

Published on Sep 9, 2021


Vacation week. I am standing nude on the back porch looking into the woods. Only your collar adorning me. You are behind me, dressed in khakis and polo, looking amazing. Occasionally rubbing my shoulders are the checks of my ass, almost gently. Letting me know you are my Master but not some evil maniac or control freak. I had fucked up royally yesterday by hesitating in pumping gas in panties only at the small country store we stopped at. You didn't say a word but instead pumped the gas. When we arrived at the cabin I at first thought you had forgotten or chosen not react, how I was wrong. After bringing in our things you told me to step out of the briefs. What followed was the worst beating i have ever received. I expected discipline but if i were allowed to judge i would have thought you crossed the line, then it hit me, only you can set the line. While you had wore my ass out with the belt, your hand or even a paddle, I had never been beaten like this before. My back, stomach, nor cock were spared your belt or the back of your hand, and for the first time ever to my shock, your fists. While i have always wanted to be a slave, i was terrified at this onslaught and merciless beating. Then i realized why this was necessary. Mistakes and screw ups are expected but still disciplined, however, wanton disobedience is the worst transgression, sin, etc.. that a slave can do. And as you fucked my bruised face i realized just how wrong i was and that i was the mean one. You are everything and i am nothing. I am sorry. I love you, you deserve so much more. You turn me around, kiss me more like a lover then gently press my shoulders as i sink to my knees. Now it is your time to look into the woods.

The Walk

After my Master zipped his pants i rose to my feet, hoping to see a smile or something on his face. Just his normal disinterest. He handed me a pair of supershort polyester briefs and a pair of crocs. "Time for my afternoon walk" as we headed into the woods. Once the cabins on the ridge disappeared from site he stated "you are overdressed". I handed him the shorts and we headed deeper into the woods. There was nothing sexual about this walk, only a man and his pet/slave/bitch. He told me the Crocs looked stupid with nothing to match so I was now barefoot. He took the Crocs and the shorts and placed them in his backpack. Then, as an afterthought put the backpack on me. Off we went. Occasionally he would take a bottled water out of the backpack but never offered any to me and I knew better than to ask. After what seemed like an hour he decided to turn back, then it started to drizzle rain. I was a little cold but I didn't dare complain, remembering the beating the day before i trudged on. I saw the outline of our cabin and some fairly close ones on the ridge, however, this time he decided to keep me in my natural state, it was fairly late but still daylight. I saw a family about 300 yards away in their backyard and was terrified and embarrassed, nonetheless i followed my Master into our yard up the back steps onto the porch. I don't know if they saw us but i really don't think he cared. I was bruised, sore, and completely exhausted, however, if my Master was happy that is all that mattered.

Into Town

Alistar is a quaint hamlet in the North Georgia mountains which is not much more than a place for hikers, artists, and other nature lovers to restock their supplies. The Marigold Cafe is more like a house with 1950's wallpaper and neat tables and booths with white table cloths. As my Master and I entered the Marigold it was surprisedly like more of a normal date. I was of course dressed in slacks and a t-shirt (no underwear of course but they are never allowed). He ordered for us both like it was natural and the waitress didn't take notice. He had a hamburger steak, baked potato and side salad. He ordered a side salad for me with no dressing. I have grown accustomed to the fact that i am allowed 1 meal per day and it is usually dinner. I am hoping this is a special allowance and not my 1 meal but I accept it as if it is. I really wanted a conversation of any kind , however, that was not in my Master's plan. If he wants a silent bitch then that is what he gets. He chatted with the couple at the next table, Steven and Andrew for what seemed like forever, we finished our lunch and he invited them to come by the cabin.

We arrived at the cabin and i began cleaning up. About 10 minutes in i was told again that i was overdressed, i stripped and cleaned. My Master ignored me while he watched TV but after about an hour the cabin was spotless. He told me what to wear and i was a little anxious. Black super short jogging shorts, a black tanktop and my collar, which he locked. While I had been in much more revealing attire before in front of strangers, the bruises from my recent beating were clearly visible.

Strangely enough, the evening was as close to normal as one might imagine. My Master told them how we had been an online couple for over 10 years until my youngest son graduated. At that point he gave me an ultimatum, Divorce or ending it. There was an uncomfortable almost awkward moment before they started laughing a little when he said, "I guess it's clear what he chose". Our guest said they had both been married to women in their twenties before finding each other. While slavery, bdsm, nor bondage were topics discussed, it was obvious that my Master was in charge. Commands like, "get us another beer" or "does he need to get you anything else" set the tone and left no doubt who was top. After a few hours we bid our guests goodnight.

Without any hint of strangeness in his voice Master once again said "overdressed". I stripped and put away all the dishes. After a few minutes he came into the kitchen, rubbed my ass and said "if all goes well this week, this may be our permanent home". I was confused, i had family he still let me visit regularly and Atlanta was not too far from home, however, it wasn't for me to question and he didn't ask my opinion. We went to bed, he fucked me without fanfare and gagged me with his briefs and shower sash. This was not for anything erotic, he wanted to keep me from snoring in spite of the fact that I wouldnt be able to sleep much. He tied my hands behind my back and went to sleep. I slept for what seemed like a couple of hours when the alarm went off. He reached over, took off the gag, untied my wrist and told me he wanted eggs and bacon. To the kitchen my sleepy ass went.

My Master the Homeowner

After breakfast Master told me to sit down at the table. He seemed relaxed and businesslike at the same time as he handed me a folder. "Sign here, here, and here" was all he said. I signed the forms but i also wondered what I was signing. "Your 401K is worth 550K. You just did an early withdrawal with a 10% tax penalty". I was bewildered but didn't dare ask why. "The provision in your divorce gives your wife â..." after taxes so the last document you signed authorized the holder to send her that check, $165K" "The second document you signed deposits the remainder in your account which I have sole access". "The last document you signed was tax related". "We will have a guest around lunch. James Franklin with the Hidden Woods reality agency will bring the documents by which will make me the proud owner of this cabin." I was stunned, I had willingly given my financial control to my Master, however, he had basically wiped me out with 3 signatures. " I know you are concerned about the financial situation, however, it is not yours to worry about" "Besides, the new business should more than pay my bills". It was then my Master explained that he had started a landscaping business. I knew immediately what that meant, I would be landscaping for his profit. Of course he is completely within his rights as my slavery entered into a new phase.

As the day went on i accepted that this was not that bad except for one thing. I would be moved 4 hrs from my family. I was afraid to ask him but i got up the nerve around lunch time. "I wondered when you would get around to that. I have always allowed you to visit, have phone calls, etc..and I will continue that as long as you maintain your role and responsibilities. However, it has become annoying to me that your phone rings three or four times a week. I am limiting your calls to Sundays between 2 and 4 pm. " It is important to insert here that Master keeps my phone and i am not allowed to answer it unless he hands it to me. " Without being disrespectful Master, how am I supposed to let them know this? " i uttered in shock. "Figure it out bitch, but now it's only 1 hr." my Master replied. This statement left me in a strange state, i was depressed and miserable about losing more time with my family but in a strange way moved that my Master was now taking complete control of that part of my life as well.


The next week was extremely hectic as we began moving out of the townhouse 3 hrs. Away to the cabin. My Master took the opportunity to get rid of a lot of stuff he didn't need . I made several trips to Goodwill to donate furniture and clothing. All of my clothes fit into 1 suitcase and the rest of my room was pretty much donated since the cabin had beds, etc.. It took 2 trips in the U Haul to officially move to my Master's new cabin. As we left the townhouse one last time i stood in the empty kitchen and remembered that this was the place where i officially became the property of my Master. He came in and said, "fond memories, lets go" . Then to my surprise he said, "i have been proud of myself for my molding of you into what you are becoming" . This was his way of saying he was proud of me but that would not fit his narrative. Then it hit him, he would never have to face these neighbors again. He told me to strip and he led me buck naked at 2 pm to the truck. People stared and some even said some things but he didn't care, why should he. As for me, i don't have the luxury of an opinion and i am fine with that.


It took about 2 days to finish setting up the cabin the way my Master wanted it. He helped unload the couch and some furniture but the rest was rightfully the job of his slave. With the stops to fix his meals included in the overall time, i think 2 days was fine, however, i was constantly rushed as my Master rented the truck. When it was complete he allowed me to answer some text from the last four days. As we settled in his new abode, my life would reach a new chapter. Complete slavery, complete obedience, and complete servitude.


My Master and i loaded the lawn equipment on the back of his (formally my) truck and headed down the street to the Andersons, Alice and Ott. We unloaded and he met Ott at the door. "He should have you guys fixed up in about 2 hrs." "I have some errands to run". I set to work on the front yard first with the push mower before heading to the back. I was wearing crocs, shorts, and a t-shirt. After the grass i used the weedeater on the areas around the house and trees. Alice came out and offered me a class of water which I accepted. Soon I was spraying the areas around the fence with weed killer and I finished the job in about 2 hrs and 15 mins. When i walked around the house I knew that I was in trouble. Master was chatting with the Andersons apologizing for how much time it took. They didn't seem to mind but I could tell he was livid. After I got in the truck he berated me about being slow, etc..not because they cared but because he had another lawn waiting.

The second lawn, the Bolings took less than an hour due to it having no weeds, etc.. but nonetheless, by the time i was done i was utterly exhausted. Then in a strange, humiliating manner, my Master walked around and inspected the yard. "Got a lot done today" was all he said as i loaded the equipment. I don't know if he was talking about me, himself or both of us. I guess it doesn't matter.


We made it back to the cabin and of course it was time to eat. Before we went in Master took me to the backyard, had me strip and he hosed me off with the water hose. I dried with the towel he threw me and headed in to prepare our meal. "Don't forget, you ate breakfast, no need to make but one serving. I lovingly prepared his chicken breast, boiled potatoes and chick peas. I stayed in the kitchen keeping his glass full of tea while I drank water. I really appreciated the fact that my water intake was not regulated. He left half the plate untouched after telling me he ate a large meal while I was working. I looked at the plate and he said "Don't think about it". I raked the food out into the garbage can.

Good Night

I washed the dishes and prepared my Master's bath. This one was a short one. He stood up in the tub while I scrubbed every inch of his body then towelled him off. Once the water was out he told me to finish him off as he was ready for bed. I dropped to my knees in the tub and sucked him for about 10 minutes before he blasted into my mouth. As an afterthought he pissed down my throat and all over my body. I was then told to wait 30 minutes while he went to bed before showering off. After i showered i laid down on the pallet at the foot of his bed and drifted off to sleep.

The rest of the week was fairly uneventful, 2 yards plus my Master's, housecleaning, cooking, and servicing my Master.

The Weekend

As we got used to our new house our dynamic slowly began to change. My Master had always felt the need to balance our relationship with an ample amount of vanilla time. However, once me moved into the cabin it became less and less frequent. It was not uncommon for him to go hours without speaking to me. Only issuing commands or criticisms. Then, out of nowhere he asked me how i liked living in the cabin in our new environment. I told him i liked it because he was happy. "That's good to know bitch, but how do you like it?" "Speak freely, I know when you are lying or holding back". I took a deep breath and told him that parts of it I loved, however, I missed regular contact with my family, I was really tired after working the lawns, and i would like to at least have a right to ask how much money i had.

He thought for a minute and said " I appreciate that you are tired and I can tell. If I can afford it I may cut back some of your laws. I understand your feelings about money, etc.. however, please understand you have NO money as you belong to me. I can tell you your retirement check increased last month when it was deposited in my account" He looked away for a few minutes, came over beside me and said "I truly do occasionally feel bad about you missing your family, however, it hurts me that you don't appreciate the occasional call or letter" "When a man buys a dog he doesn't worry about whether or not it misses the litter. Notwithstanding, I asked you your feelings so I will not retaliate. However, if this comes up again, it will be the last contact you have. I hope you understand" I uttered "I do Master".

Next: Chapter 2

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