Mastering Situations

Published on Sep 18, 2011


Mastering Situations" Part 04

If you are offended by, man-to-man sexual contact or you are under legal age in your country or state, then read no further. and if you are looking for role models or standards of acceptable or safe behavior, you shouldn't be reading Erotic stories. All of the characters in my story are over 18.

Story by Richard Barber

04 Mat's Invitation

Mat told me he would take me home from the party at Dave and Jack's basement apartment and Rocky was going to stay over. He seemed a bit quiet as we drove down the street.

"I have seen you with Jason several times in the past few months. I take it you two are good friends. I hope this little episode tonight won't cause any friction between you if anyone would say anything. I have no intentions of telling anyone about tonight. Even though I truly enjoyed your company. I guess you know we shouldn't have done this without your permission. I should say I am sorry but I am glad it happened because I got to meet you for the first time. In addition, I like you. You were a good sport about all that happened tonight. I hope we didn't hurt you in any way." Mat continued. Then he was quiet. I guess he was waiting for a response from me.

"Mat, I don't know what to tell you except you guys scared the shit out of me. I guess things got out of hand and I have never had this happen to me before. Mat broke in.

Oh, my God. We could have really injured you. Are you sure you are all right?"

"I think I am alright but I will probably be a bit sore for a few days. I just hope.." then I stopped because I didn't want him to know about Jason's personal relationship and mine.

It was our private thing and I never want to hurt or cause any friction between Jason and me. I love that man too much.

Mat drove on thinking what he should say next. He did like this dude Ron very much.

"I was wondering if you have to be home tonight? I would like your company at my place. I promise I will not attack you again." Mat said.

I looked straight ahead down the road.

" If you don't attack me again tonight. I might NOT stay." I said then looked at Mat for his response.

He laughed and increased the speed of his car.

We arrived at Mat's home about five miles down the road on the oceanfront. He had a small cottage overlooking the ocean. It was still dark so I could only see the moonlight reflecting from the water and hear the ocean in the distance. We pulled in the driveway as a dog came up to meet the car.

"Don't mind my dog. He loves everyone. Get down now Charcoal. Good boy." Mat talked to his dog as we got out and went up a few steps to the porch and into the cottage.

" I live here by myself except for a few nights that Lucy stays over. She has taken a liking to another dude in the next town and we don't fuck around as much as before. She did nothing but complain about my cock anyway. Said it hurt her too much."

"I can understand why." I said. "How I remember." Then I rubbed my ass. Mat laughed and hit me on the butt.

"Would you like anything to drink or perhaps another smoke?" Mat pulled out a small box with a dozen or so joints all rolled in neat little papers.

He lit up another joint, took a puff, and handed it to me. I inhaled it and coughed. It seemed stronger than the stuff we had earlier.

"This is better stuff than Dave had tonight. I only try to buy the good weed."

I had a chance to look Mat over as we sat together. He asked if I would like a fire in the fireplace then proceeded to turn on the gas logs. Mat seemed like a very gentle person in spite of his huge wicked cock. He was about 25. Very nice tan complexion and the most beautiful turquoise eyes I had ever seen. His hair was probably light brown but the sun and salt water had bleached it out to a nice shade of blond. He had a nice body but looked more like a swimmer or surfer than he did a football player. I was looking at the photos around the room and began to see he liked the ocean. I asked Mat what he did for a living.

"I don't really work at the present time. I made some real good investments in the markets and they keep bread on my table. I also have my law degree and do a few legal things just to keep up with the latest events. I have a hobby that makes some money for me occasionally too but usually I put it right back into my hobby. I restore, sell, and buy old cars. I guess I just try to keep busy and enjoy life. I never had a close family except for a brother.

Mat paused and seemed to be in thought about something personal then he said.

"Tell me about your relationship with Jason. He seems like such a ladies man. He seems to be very popular on campus and is very good in sports. So? What gives?"

" I am his roommate and good friend. I just take care of him and he watches out for me. It's that type of thing." I said trying to not give away our personal relationship.

"Well, what I can see, I think he has a pretty good friend. I hope he realizes that." Mat assured me.

We sat quietly relaxing in front of the fireplace and smoking his stash. He had opened the doors to the deck and you could hear the ocean splashing against the shore. Mat looked at me then motioned for me to come set closer to him on the couch. I crouched with my legs under me sitting near him as he put his arms around me and pulled me closer to him then kissed me softly on my neck. I curled up in his arms as he laid his head on my lap.

I liked this man. I could not help to still think about Jason and just what he was doing at his father's home. I didn't feel guilty being with Mat. Jason wasn't much to cuddle up with me especially when I first met him but lately he seemed to want to be in my arms when we went to bed. I have to admit it I was missing Jason but knew he would be home soon.

Mat and I fell asleep on the couch that night with the soothing sound of the ocean and the warmth of the fireplace.

I woke the next morning when Mat got up and went to the bathroom. I could smell some fresh coffee that had started on his automatic pot. The phone ran and Mat muttered something to someone and hung up the phone

"That was the 3 mad men we were with last evening. They want to surf this morning because the tide will be good." Mat had stripped down and his cock was flopping in the breeze.

He was searching for a swimsuit, pulled out one for me, and tossed it across the room. He looked at me now stripping my clothes and smiled. He walked towards me like a stalking cat, and then he jumped at me and tackled me just as I had taken off my shorts. We landed on the couch as I fought back but he overpowered me and started kissing me all over. I laughed and tried to get him off me. Then knowing it was useless, I relaxed and responded back. I could feel his cock getting hard on my stomach. I reached down to feel his huge cock as he lifted up so I could place my hand around it. He parted my legs and started to guide his cock between my legs. I was getting excited with his love making and offered my body to him. He wet his cock with his spit to make it easier to make its entry. I didn't know if I could take his member again but he seemed to have a way with me. I lifted my legs over his shoulders as he placed the head of his cock in my hole and then entered with one big move. I gasped and held on to his ass pulling him all the way. Then we both froze and waited until I was ready. He moved slowly at first then started to move with definite rhythm as we both held each other. He increased his movements and suddenly I knew we were both going to cum again together. Then I felt his warm sperm shooting into my ass and as he swelled, he rubbed my prostate and I felt my cock starting to shoot my load between our bodies. We relaxed, kissed and he pulled out slowly as my legs moved back to position. He got up and I turned over on my stomach to rest. I fell asleep lying there naked on my stomach. I felt a hand on my body and was aware that a cock was entering me again. It did not feel like Mat so I looked around and it was Jack. He had arrived while we were fucking and had stood in the doorway watching Mat and me as we fucked. Mat was in the shower as Jack started to fuck my ass like he had the night before. I was powerless to shove him away and besides I was starting to like this fucking. I pushed back into his cock and placed a pillow under my ass so he could shove it all the way to the hilt. He fucked away not saying anything except a sigh or a pleasant moan. We fucked away and then I felt his cock swell and then he shot his load into my ass. He still did not say anything but kissed my head then pulled out and slipped back into his bathing suit and went out on the deck. Meanwhile Mat got out of the shower and saw Jack on the deck.

"Hey, dude. Did you bring your favorite board?" Jack said back "Yeah, I have my favorite board right here" as he grabbed his cock. They both laughed and started to chat with Mat.

I was not sure that Mat even knew that Jack threw a mean fuck into my ass, as I lay there naked on the couch. I was not going to say anything if Jack didn't. Mat and Jack came back into the room and Mat said they were going to head to the beach to see how the tide was today.

"You can take a shower if you like and if you are still tired go to my bedroom and crash out there. I think Rocky and Dave will be here soon. Send them on down if you would." I nodded and headed to the shower as they headed down to the beach.

I cleaned up real good expelling Mat's and Jack's latest cum loads in my ass then I jumped in the shower. I took a nice shower; towel dried myself and decided I would flop on the bed. I was still naked but now feeling good.

I heard a car pull into the driveway and guessed it was Dave and Rocky. They came right into the cottage as I got up to greet them. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist.

"Hey, look who is greeting us all naked and ready to service us." Dave said as they headed towards me.

"Oh, No. I'm not here to entertain you. Mat said he and Jack were down at the beach and you should join them."

"Oh, come on buddy. Give me some of that sweet ass of yours."

I thought they were just teasing me until I saw they were starting to get hard. I headed towards the bedroom as they ran after me. I was going to head for the bathroom and lock myself in but they grabbed me and tossed me on the bed. They both started to take off their suits. Rocky was heading for my mouth with his semi-hard cock and Dave was standing by the bed with his cock in his hand.

"Hey, Rock. Let me fuck him first. I don't want to cum too quickly this time. Come on, give me a chance." Dave begged.

Rocky moved away from my face and the two of them turned me over on my stomach. I figured I had better not fight back so I laid still and parted my ass for Dave's cock. He wet on it and headed his hard cock to my hole. He pushed slowly but had to try 2 times before it went in. I said to him.

"Dave, now lay still for a while then we will fuck. You will cum too quickly if you start now." Dave seemed to listen to my wise suggestion.

I let him lay on my ass for a minute then I started to tighten my asshole and let him enjoy a good fuck this time. I started to move up into his cock and he sighed.

"Oh, yeah. That is good." We fucked slowly as Dave started to get into the new sensation of fucking a willing ass.

He lay on my body and placed his head on mine. Rocky had sat quietly to let Dave enjoy his fuck. He came over to my mouth as I took Rocky's cock and placed it into my mouth. Dave was very interested in my cock sucking as Rocky started pumping it into my mouth. Dave was holding out pretty well until Rocky started to get excited then Dave started to pump away. Suddenly Rock started to moan and groan and was going to cum. Dave was pumping my ass then he started to shoot just as Rocky started cumming on my lips and face. Dave was still on my head so I took Rocky's cock and shared it with Dave. Dave responded and started to suck on the cock as I licked Rocky's balls and lick the extra cum now dripping from Dave's mouth and face. Then Rocky took hold of the back of Dave's head and forced his cock into his mouth. Dave took it almost all the way as he came in my ass.

Rocky took his cock out of Dave's mouth and sat in the chair next to the bed. Dave realized what he had just done and turned his head the other way and pulled his cock out of my ass. He took my towel, wiped his cock, and headed for the bathroom. I looked over at Rocky as he smiled and winked at me. I smiled back knowingly.

"Are you going surfing with us?" Rocky said as he slipped his suit back on.

He took Dave's suit and hid them under the mattress just before Dave came out of the bathroom. Dave started looking for his suit as Rocky said he would meet him on the beach and headed out the door.

"Hey, man. Where the hell is my suit?" He started looking around in panic then headed out the door with his cock flopping in the morning sea air.

His firm white ass was so hot looking as he chased Rocky. He caught Rocky and yanked his suit off causing Rocky to almost fall. Then Dave pulled him down and took off his suit leaving Rocky naked. Dave sat on Rocky's chest, took his cock, and tried to put it into his mouth. Rocky turned his face from one side to another as Dave overpowered him and got him to kiss his cock before letting him up. It was a funny scene to see. Dave ran on down the beach as Rocky came back in and took Dave's suit from under the mattress putting it on and ran out the door to join his buddies at the beach.

I was amused as I watched them enjoying each other's company and not hang-up on the "Macho" body contact.

I thought I would clean up the room a bit then relax and read while the four "boys" were out to play. I found a good a few good books in Mat's library and thought I would go out on the deck and enjoy some sun. I pulled the drapes to the back patio and lo and behold, there was a small pool in back of the cabin. This looked relaxing so I took my book, a cool drink, found a good spot by the pool, and sat ready to enjoy the sun. I was mastering the situation well.

End of Part 4 Word count, 3,871 01/19/2005

Next: Chapter 5

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